blob: ac2f7c10a94664b7bd0314fed43d7851aed2cbc0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package test
import (
func sshClient(t *testing.T) string {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skipping test that executes OpenSSH in -short mode")
sshCLI := os.Getenv("SSH_CLI_PATH")
if sshCLI == "" {
sshCLI = "ssh"
var err error
sshCLI, err = exec.LookPath(sshCLI)
if err != nil {
t.Skipf("Can't find an ssh(1) client to test against: %v", err)
return sshCLI
func TestSSHCLIAuth(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skipf("always fails on Windows, see #64403")
sshCLI := sshClient(t)
dir := t.TempDir()
keyPrivPath := filepath.Join(dir, "rsa")
for fn, content := range map[string][]byte{
keyPrivPath: testdata.PEMBytes["rsa"],
keyPrivPath + ".pub": ssh.MarshalAuthorizedKey(testPublicKeys["rsa"]),
filepath.Join(dir, ""): testdata.SSHCertificates["rsa-user-testcertificate"],
} {
if err := os.WriteFile(fn, content, 0600); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("WriteFile(%q): %v", fn, err)
certChecker := ssh.CertChecker{
IsUserAuthority: func(k ssh.PublicKey) bool {
return bytes.Equal(k.Marshal(), testPublicKeys["ca"].Marshal())
UserKeyFallback: func(conn ssh.ConnMetadata, key ssh.PublicKey) (*ssh.Permissions, error) {
if conn.User() == "testpubkey" && bytes.Equal(key.Marshal(), testPublicKeys["rsa"].Marshal()) {
return nil, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubkey for %q not acceptable", conn.User())
config := &ssh.ServerConfig{
PublicKeyCallback: certChecker.Authenticate,
server, err := newTestServer(config)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to start test server: %v", err)
defer server.Close()
port, err := server.port()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("unable to get server port: %v", err)
// test public key authentication.
cmd := testenv.Command(t, sshCLI, "-vvv", "-i", keyPrivPath, "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-p", port, "testpubkey@", "true")
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("public key authentication failed, error: %v, command output %q", err, string(out))
// Test SSH user certificate authentication.
// The username must match one of the principals included in the certificate.
// The certificate "rsa-user-testcertificate" has "testcertificate" as principal.
cmd = testenv.Command(t, sshCLI, "-vvv", "-i", keyPrivPath, "-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
"-p", port, "testcertificate@", "true")
out, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("user certificate authentication failed, error: %v, command output %q", err, string(out))