blob: 8e4a3bb4cd3389b90af5cb70e14e28749cb0e508 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package modfetch
import (
pathpkg "path"
// A Repo represents a repository storing all versions of a single module.
type Repo interface {
// ModulePath returns the module path.
ModulePath() string
// Versions lists all known versions with the given prefix.
// Pseudo-versions are not included.
// Versions should be returned sorted in semver order
// (implementations can use SortVersions).
Versions(prefix string) (tags []string, err error)
// Stat returns information about the revision rev.
// A revision can be any identifier known to the underlying service:
// commit hash, branch, tag, and so on.
Stat(rev string) (*RevInfo, error)
// LatestAt returns the latest revision at the given time.
// If branch is non-empty, it restricts the query to revisions
// on the named branch. The meaning of "branch" depends
// on the underlying implementation.
LatestAt(t time.Time, branch string) (*RevInfo, error)
// GoMod returns the go.mod file for the given version.
GoMod(version string) (data []byte, err error)
// Zip downloads a zip file for the given version
// to a new file in a given temporary directory.
// It returns the name of the new file.
// The caller should remove the file when finished with it.
Zip(version, tmpdir string) (tmpfile string, err error)
// A Rev describes a single revision in a module repository.
type RevInfo struct {
Version string // version string
Name string // complete ID in underlying repository
Short string // shortened ID, for use in pseudo-version
Time time.Time // commit time
// Lookup returns the module with the given module path.
func Lookup(path string) (Repo, error) {
if proxyURL != "" {
return lookupProxy(path)
if code, err := lookupCodeHost(path, false); err != errNotHosted {
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newCodeRepo(code, path)
return lookupCustomDomain(path)
func Import(path string, allowed func(module.Version) bool) (Repo, *RevInfo, error) {
try := func(path string) (Repo, *RevInfo, error) {
r, err := Lookup(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
info, err := Query(path, "latest", allowed)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
_, err = r.GoMod(info.Version)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return r, info, nil
var firstErr error
for {
r, info, err := try(path)
if err == nil {
return r, info, nil
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = err
p := pathpkg.Dir(path)
if p == "." {
path = p
return nil, nil, firstErr
var errNotHosted = errors.New("not hosted")
var isTest bool
func lookupCodeHost(path string, customDomain bool) (codehost.Repo, error) {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(path, ""):
// Special case GitHub paths ending in ".git" for backwards compatibility
// with go get.
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".git")
return github.Lookup(path)
case strings.HasPrefix(path, ""):
// Special case Bitbucket paths ending in ".git" for backwards compatibility
// with go get.
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, ".git")
return bitbucket.Lookup(path)
case customDomain && strings.HasSuffix(path[:strings.Index(path, "/")+1], "") ||
isTest && strings.HasPrefix(path, ""):
return googlesource.Lookup(path)
case strings.HasPrefix(path, ""):
return gopkginLookup(path)
return nil, errNotHosted
func SortVersions(list []string) {
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
cmp := semver.Compare(list[i], list[j])
if cmp != 0 {
return cmp < 0
return list[i] < list[j]