blob: a2f58c06d53afac7b8967140be73af5bfbb0d994 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package gitrepo provides a Git-based implementation of codehost.Repo.
package gitrepo
import (
// Repo returns the code repository at the given Git remote reference.
func Repo(remote string) (codehost.Repo, error) {
return newRepoCached(remote, false)
// LocalRepo is like Repo but accepts both Git remote references
// and paths to repositories on the local file system.
func LocalRepo(remote string) (codehost.Repo, error) {
return newRepoCached(remote, true)
const workDirType = "git2"
var repoCache par.Cache
func newRepoCached(remote string, localOK bool) (codehost.Repo, error) {
type key struct {
remote string
localOK bool
type cached struct {
repo codehost.Repo
err error
c := repoCache.Do(key{remote, localOK}, func() interface{} {
repo, err := newRepo(remote, localOK)
return cached{repo, err}
return c.repo, c.err
func newRepo(remote string, localOK bool) (codehost.Repo, error) {
r := &repo{remote: remote}
if strings.Contains(remote, "://") {
// This is a remote path.
dir, err := codehost.WorkDir(workDirType, r.remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r.dir = dir
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dir, "objects")); err != nil {
if _, err := codehost.Run(dir, "git", "init", "--bare"); err != nil {
return nil, err
// We could just say git fetch https://whatever later,
// but this lets us say git fetch origin instead, which
// is a little nicer. More importantly, using a named remote
// avoids a problem with Git LFS. See
if _, err := codehost.Run(dir, "git", "remote", "add", "origin", r.remote); err != nil {
return nil, err
r.remote = "origin"
} else {
// Local path.
// Disallow colon (not in ://) because sometimes
// that's rcp-style host:path syntax and sometimes it's not (c:\work).
// The go command has always insisted on URL syntax for ssh.
if strings.Contains(remote, ":") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("git remote cannot use host:path syntax")
if !localOK {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("git remote must not be local directory")
r.local = true
info, err := os.Stat(remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !info.IsDir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s exists but is not a directory", remote)
r.dir = remote
return r, nil
type repo struct {
remote string
local bool
dir string
mu sync.Mutex // protects fetchLevel, some git repo state
fetchLevel int
statCache par.Cache
refsOnce sync.Once
refs map[string]string
refsErr error
localTagsOnce sync.Once
localTags map[string]bool
const (
// How much have we fetched into the git repo (in this process)?
fetchNone = iota // nothing yet
fetchSome // shallow fetches of individual hashes
fetchAll // "fetch -t origin": get all remote branches and tags
// loadLocalTags loads tag references from the local git cache
// into the map r.localTags.
// Should only be called as r.localTagsOnce.Do(r.loadLocalTags).
func (r *repo) loadLocalTags() {
// The git protocol sends all known refs and ls-remote filters them on the client side,
// so we might as well record both heads and tags in one shot.
// Most of the time we only care about tags but sometimes we care about heads too.
out, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "tag", "-l")
if err != nil {
r.localTags = make(map[string]bool)
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
if line != "" {
r.localTags[line] = true
// loadRefs loads heads and tags references from the remote into the map r.refs.
// Should only be called as r.refsOnce.Do(r.loadRefs).
func (r *repo) loadRefs() {
// The git protocol sends all known refs and ls-remote filters them on the client side,
// so we might as well record both heads and tags in one shot.
// Most of the time we only care about tags but sometimes we care about heads too.
out, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "ls-remote", "-q", r.remote)
if err != nil {
r.refsErr = err
r.refs = make(map[string]string)
for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
f := strings.Fields(line)
if len(f) != 2 {
if f[1] == "HEAD" || strings.HasPrefix(f[1], "refs/heads/") || strings.HasPrefix(f[1], "refs/tags/") {
r.refs[f[1]] = f[0]
for ref, hash := range r.refs {
if strings.HasSuffix(ref, "^{}") { // record unwrapped annotated tag as value of tag
r.refs[strings.TrimSuffix(ref, "^{}")] = hash
delete(r.refs, ref)
func (r *repo) Tags(prefix string) ([]string, error) {
if r.refsErr != nil {
return nil, r.refsErr
tags := []string{}
for ref := range r.refs {
if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "refs/tags/") {
tag := ref[len("refs/tags/"):]
if !strings.HasPrefix(tag, prefix) {
tags = append(tags, tag)
return tags, nil
func (r *repo) Latest() (*codehost.RevInfo, error) {
if r.refsErr != nil {
return nil, r.refsErr
if r.refs["HEAD"] == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no commits")
return r.Stat(r.refs["HEAD"])
// findRef finds some ref name for the given hash,
// for use when the server requires giving a ref instead of a hash.
// There may be multiple ref names for a given hash,
// in which case this returns some name - it doesn't matter which.
func (r *repo) findRef(hash string) (ref string, ok bool) {
for ref, h := range r.refs {
if h == hash {
return ref, true
return "", false
func unshallow(gitDir string) []string {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(gitDir, "shallow")); err == nil {
return []string{"--unshallow"}
return []string{}
// minHashDigits is the minimum number of digits to require
// before accepting a hex digit sequence as potentially identifying
// a specific commit in a git repo. (Of course, users can always
// specify more digits, and many will paste in all 40 digits,
// but many of git's commands default to printing short hashes
// as 7 digits.)
const minHashDigits = 7
// stat stats the given rev in the local repository,
// or else it fetches more info from the remote repository and tries again.
func (r *repo) stat(rev string) (*codehost.RevInfo, error) {
if r.local {
return r.statLocal(rev, rev)
// Fast path: maybe rev is a hash we already have locally.
if len(rev) >= minHashDigits && len(rev) <= 40 && codehost.AllHex(rev) {
if info, err := r.statLocal(rev, rev); err == nil {
return info, nil
// Maybe rev is a tag we already have locally.
// (Note that we're excluding branches, which can be stale.)
if r.localTags[rev] {
return r.statLocal(rev, "refs/tags/"+rev)
// Maybe rev is the name of a tag or branch on the remote server.
// Or maybe it's the prefix of a hash of a named ref.
// Try to resolve to both a ref (git name) and full (40-hex-digit) commit hash.
var ref, hash string
if r.refs["refs/tags/"+rev] != "" {
ref = "refs/tags/" + rev
hash = r.refs[ref]
// Keep rev as is: tags are assumed not to change meaning.
} else if r.refs["refs/heads/"+rev] != "" {
ref = "refs/heads/" + rev
hash = r.refs[ref]
rev = hash // Replace rev, because meaning of refs/heads/foo can change.
} else if rev == "HEAD" && r.refs["HEAD"] != "" {
ref = "HEAD"
hash = r.refs[ref]
rev = hash // Replace rev, because meaning of HEAD can change.
} else if len(rev) >= minHashDigits && len(rev) <= 40 && codehost.AllHex(rev) {
// At the least, we have a hash prefix we can look up after the fetch below.
// Maybe we can map it to a full hash using the known refs.
prefix := rev
// Check whether rev is prefix of known ref hash.
for k, h := range r.refs {
if strings.HasPrefix(h, prefix) {
if hash != "" && hash != h {
// Hash is an ambiguous hash prefix.
// More information will not change that.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ambiguous revision %s", rev)
if ref == "" || ref > k { // Break ties deterministically when multiple refs point at same hash.
ref = k
rev = h
hash = h
if hash == "" && len(rev) == 40 { // Didn't find a ref, but rev is a full hash.
hash = rev
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown revision %s", rev)
// Protect r.fetchLevel and the "fetch more and more" sequence.
// TODO(rsc): Add codehost.LockDir and use it for protecting that
// sequence, so that multiple processes don't collide in their
// git commands.
// If we know a specific commit we need, fetch it.
if r.fetchLevel <= fetchSome && hash != "" {
r.fetchLevel = fetchSome
var refspec string
if ref != "" {
// If we do know the ref name, save the mapping locally
// so that (if it is a tag) it can show up in localTags
// on a future call. Also, some servers refuse to allow
// full hashes in ref specs, so prefer a ref name if known.
refspec = ref + ":" + ref
} else {
ref = hash
refspec = hash
_, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "fetch", "-f", "--depth=1", r.remote, refspec)
if err == nil {
return r.statLocal(rev, ref)
if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "unadvertised object") && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such remote ref") && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "does not support shallow") {
return nil, err
// Last resort.
// Fetch all heads and tags and hope the hash we want is in the history.
if r.fetchLevel < fetchAll {
r.fetchLevel = fetchAll
// To work around a protocol version 2 bug that breaks --unshallow,
// add -c protocol.version=0.
// TODO(rsc): The bug is believed to be server-side, meaning only
// on Google's Git servers. Once the servers are fixed, drop the
// protocol.version=0. See Google-internal bug b/110495752.
var protoFlag []string
unshallowFlag := unshallow(r.dir)
if len(unshallowFlag) > 0 {
protoFlag = []string{"-c", "protocol.version=0"}
if _, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", protoFlag, "fetch", unshallowFlag, "-f", "-t", r.remote, "refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*"); err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.statLocal(rev, rev)
// statLocal returns a codehost.RevInfo describing rev in the local git repository.
// It uses version as info.Version.
func (r *repo) statLocal(version, rev string) (*codehost.RevInfo, error) {
out, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "log", "-n1", "--format=format:%H %ct", rev)
if err != nil {
if codehost.AllHex(rev) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown hash %s", rev)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown revision %s", rev)
f := strings.Fields(string(out))
if len(f) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response from git log: %q", out)
hash := f[0]
if strings.HasPrefix(hash, version) {
version = hash // extend to full hash
t, err := strconv.ParseInt(f[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid time from git log: %q", out)
info := &codehost.RevInfo{
Name: hash,
Short: codehost.ShortenSHA1(hash),
Time: time.Unix(t, 0).UTC(),
Version: version,
return info, nil
func (r *repo) Stat(rev string) (*codehost.RevInfo, error) {
type cached struct {
info *codehost.RevInfo
err error
c := r.statCache.Do(rev, func() interface{} {
info, err := r.stat(rev)
return cached{info, err}
return, c.err
func (r *repo) ReadFile(rev, file string, maxSize int64) ([]byte, error) {
// TODO: Could use git cat-file --batch.
info, err := r.Stat(rev) // download rev into local git repo
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "cat-file", "blob", info.Name+":"+file)
if err != nil {
return nil, os.ErrNotExist
return out, nil
func (r *repo) ReadZip(rev, subdir string, maxSize int64) (zip io.ReadCloser, actualSubdir string, err error) {
// TODO: Use maxSize or drop it.
args := []string{}
if subdir != "" {
args = append(args, "--", subdir)
info, err := r.Stat(rev) // download rev into local git repo
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
archive, err := codehost.Run(r.dir, "git", "archive", "--format=zip", "--prefix=prefix/", info.Name, args)
if err != nil {
if bytes.Contains(err.(*codehost.RunError).Stderr, []byte("did not match any files")) {
return nil, "", os.ErrNotExist
return nil, "", err
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(archive)), "", nil