blob: 7fad5135c6e05e4ef5983cb47cc2101591b61040 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package module defines the module.Version type
// along with support code.
package module
import (
// A Version is defined by a module path and version pair.
type Version struct {
Path string
// Version is usually a semantic version in canonical form.
// There are two exceptions to this general rule.
// First, the top-level target of a build has no specific version
// and uses Version = "".
// Second, during MVS calculations the version "none" is used
// to represent the decision to take no version of a given module.
Version string
// Check checks that a given module path, version pair is valid.
// In addition to the path being a valid module path
// and the version being a valid semantic version,
// the two must correspond.
// For example, the path "yaml/v2" only corresponds to
// semantic versions beginning with "v2.".
func Check(path, version string) error {
if err := CheckPath(path); err != nil {
return err
if !semver.IsValid(version) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed semantic version %v", version)
vm := semver.Major(version)
_, pathVersion, _ := SplitPathVersion(path)
if strings.HasPrefix(pathVersion, ".") {
// Special-case path requirements.
pathVersion = pathVersion[1:] // cut .
if vm == pathVersion {
return nil
} else {
// Standard path requirements.
if pathVersion != "" {
pathVersion = pathVersion[1:] // cut /
if vm == "v0" || vm == "v1" {
vm = ""
if vm == pathVersion {
return nil
if pathVersion == "" {
pathVersion = "v0 or v1"
return fmt.Errorf("mismatched module path %v and version %v (want %v)", path, version, pathVersion)
// firstPathOK reports whether r can appear in the first element of a module path.
// The first element of the path must be an LDH domain name, at least for now.
func firstPathOK(r rune) bool {
return r == '-' || r == '.' ||
'0' <= r && r <= '9' ||
'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= r && r <= 'z'
// pathOK reports whether r can appear in a module path.
// Paths must avoid potentially problematic ASCII punctuation
// and control characters but otherwise can be any Unicode printable character,
// as defined by Go's IsPrint.
func pathOK(r rune) bool {
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
return r == '+' || r == ',' || r == '-' || r == '.' || r == '/' || r == '_' || r == '~' ||
'0' <= r && r <= '9' ||
'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= r && r <= 'z'
return unicode.IsPrint(r)
// CheckPath checks that a module path is valid.
func CheckPath(path string) error {
if !utf8.ValidString(path) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid UTF-8", path)
if path == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: empty string", path)
i := strings.Index(path, "/")
if i < 0 {
i = len(path)
if i == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: leading slash", path)
if !strings.Contains(path[:i], ".") {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: missing dot in first path element", path)
if path[i-1] == '.' {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: trailing dot in first path element", path)
if path[0] == '.' {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: leading dot in first path element", path)
if path[0] == '-' {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: leading dash in first path element", path)
if strings.Contains(path, "..") {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: double dot", path)
if strings.Contains(path, "//") {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: double slash", path)
for _, r := range path[:i] {
if !firstPathOK(r) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid char %q in first path element", path, r)
if path[len(path)-1] == '/' {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: trailing slash", path)
for _, r := range path {
if !pathOK(r) {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid char %q", path, r)
if _, _, ok := SplitPathVersion(path); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("malformed module path %q: invalid version %s", path, path[strings.LastIndex(path, "/")+1:])
return nil
// SplitPathVersion returns prefix and major version such that prefix+pathMajor == path
// and version is either empty or "/vN" for N >= 2.
// As a special case, paths are recognized directly;
// they require ".vN" instead of "/vN", and for all N, not just N >= 2.
func SplitPathVersion(path string) (prefix, pathMajor string, ok bool) {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, "") {
return splitGopkgIn(path)
i := len(path)
dot := false
for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9' || path[i-1] == '.') {
if path[i-1] == '.' {
dot = true
if i <= 1 || path[i-1] != 'v' || path[i-2] != '/' {
return path, "", true
prefix, pathMajor = path[:i-2], path[i-2:]
if dot || len(pathMajor) <= 2 || pathMajor[2] == '0' || pathMajor == "/v1" {
return path, "", false
return prefix, pathMajor, true
// splitGopkgIn is like SplitPathVersion but only for paths.
func splitGopkgIn(path string) (prefix, pathMajor string, ok bool) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "") {
return path, "", false
i := len(path)
for i > 0 && ('0' <= path[i-1] && path[i-1] <= '9') {
if i <= 1 || path[i-1] != 'v' || path[i-2] != '.' {
// All paths must end in vN for some N.
return path, "", false
prefix, pathMajor = path[:i-2], path[i-2:]
if len(pathMajor) <= 2 || pathMajor[2] == '0' && pathMajor != ".v0" {
return path, "", false
return prefix, pathMajor, true
// MatchPathMajor reports whether the semantic version v
// matches the path major version pathMajor.
func MatchPathMajor(v, pathMajor string) bool {
m := semver.Major(v)
if pathMajor == "" {
return m == "v0" || m == "v1"
return (pathMajor[0] == '/' || pathMajor[0] == '.') && m == pathMajor[1:]
// Sort sorts the list by Path, breaking ties by comparing Versions.
func Sort(list []Version) {
sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
mi := list[i]
mj := list[j]
if mi.Path != mj.Path {
return mi.Path < mj.Path
// To help go.sum formatting, allow version/file.
// Compare semver prefix by semver rules,
// file by string order.
vi := mi.Version
vj := mj.Version
var fi, fj string
if k := strings.Index(vi, "/"); k >= 0 {
vi, fi = vi[:k], vi[k:]
if k := strings.Index(vj, "/"); k >= 0 {
vj, fj = vj[:k], vj[k:]
if vi != vj {
return semver.Compare(vi, vj) < 0
return fi < fj