blob: 50eac425ec3693331e1d93cf933f7448296e7c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package vet
import (
const cmd = "vet"
// vetFlagDefn is the set of flags we process.
var vetFlagDefn = []*cmdflag.Defn{
// Note: Some flags, in particular -tags and -v, are known to
// vet but also defined as build flags. This works fine, so we
// don't define them here but use AddBuildFlags to init them.
// However some, like -x, are known to the build but not
// to vet. We handle them in vetFlags.
// local.
{Name: "all", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "asmdecl", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "assign", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "atomic", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "bool", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "buildtags", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "cgocall", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "composites", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "copylocks", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "httpresponse", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "lostcancel", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "methods", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "nilfunc", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "printf", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "printfuncs", PassToTest: true},
{Name: "rangeloops", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "shadow", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "shadowstrict", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "shift", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "source", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "structtags", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "tests", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "unreachable", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "unsafeptr", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "unusedfuncs", PassToTest: true},
{Name: "unusedresult", BoolVar: new(bool), PassToTest: true},
{Name: "unusedstringmethods", PassToTest: true},
var vetTool string
// add build flags to vetFlagDefn.
func init() {
cmdflag.AddKnownFlags("vet", vetFlagDefn)
var cmd base.Command
cmd.Flag.StringVar(&vetTool, "vettool", "", "path to vet tool binary") // for cmd/vet tests; undocumented for now
cmd.Flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
vetFlagDefn = append(vetFlagDefn, &cmdflag.Defn{
Name: f.Name,
Value: f.Value,
// vetFlags processes the command line, splitting it at the first non-flag
// into the list of flags and list of packages.
func vetFlags(args []string) (passToVet, packageNames []string) {
args = str.StringList(cmdflag.FindGOFLAGS(vetFlagDefn), args)
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
if !strings.HasPrefix(args[i], "-") {
return args[:i], args[i:]
f, value, extraWord := cmdflag.Parse(cmd, vetFlagDefn, args, i)
if f == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "vet: flag %q not defined\n", args[i])
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Run \"go help vet\" for more information\n")
if f.Value != nil {
if err := f.Value.Set(value); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("invalid flag argument for -%s: %v", f.Name, err)
keep := f.PassToTest
if !keep {
// A build flag, probably one we don't want to pass to vet.
// Can whitelist.
switch f.Name {
case "tags", "v":
keep = true
if !keep {
// Flags known to the build but not to vet, so must be dropped.
if extraWord {
args = append(args[:i], args[i+2:]...)
extraWord = false
} else {
args = append(args[:i], args[i+1:]...)
if extraWord {
return args, nil