blob: edf6938233109edc393a8bed18e897935bc204f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
// This file implements the "Browse free symbols" code action.
import (
// FreeSymbolsHTML returns an HTML document containing the report of
// free symbols referenced by the selection.
func FreeSymbolsHTML(viewID string, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, start, end token.Pos, web Web) []byte {
// Compute free references.
refs := freeRefs(pkg.Types(), pkg.TypesInfo(), pgf.File, start, end)
// -- model --
type Import struct {
Path metadata.PackagePath
Symbols []string
type Symbol struct {
Kind string
Type string
Refs []types.Object
var model struct {
Imported []Import
PkgLevel []Symbol
Local []Symbol
// TODO(adonovan): factor with RenderPackageDoc.
qualifier := func(other *types.Package) string {
// (like types.RelativeTo but using Package.Name)
if other == pkg.Types() {
return "" // same package; unqualified
return other.Name()
// Populate model.
// List the refs in order of dotted paths.
sort.Slice(refs, func(i, j int) bool {
return refs[i].dotted < refs[j].dotted
// Inspect the references.
imported := make(map[string][]*freeRef) // refs to imported symbols, by package path
seen := make(map[string]bool) // to de-dup dotted paths
for _, ref := range refs {
if seen[ref.dotted] {
continue // de-dup
seen[ref.dotted] = true
var symbols *[]Symbol
switch ref.scope {
case "file":
// imported symbol: group by package
if pkgname, ok := ref.objects[0].(*types.PkgName); ok {
path := pkgname.Imported().Path()
imported[path] = append(imported[path], ref)
case "pkg":
symbols = &model.PkgLevel
case "local":
symbols = &model.Local
// Package and local symbols are presented the same way.
// We treat each dotted path x.y.z as a separate entity.
// Compute kind and type of last object (y in obj.x.y).
typestr := " " + types.TypeString(ref.typ, qualifier)
var kind string
switch obj := ref.objects[len(ref.objects)-1].(type) {
case *types.Var:
kind = "var"
case *types.Func:
kind = "func"
case *types.TypeName:
if is[*types.TypeParam](obj.Type()) {
kind = "type parameter"
} else {
kind = "type"
typestr = "" // avoid "type T T"
case *types.Const:
kind = "const"
case *types.Label:
kind = "label"
typestr = "" // avoid "label L L"
*symbols = append(*symbols, Symbol{
Kind: kind,
Type: typestr,
Refs: ref.objects,
// Imported symbols.
// Produce one record per package, with a list of symbols.
pkgPaths := maps.Keys(imported)
for _, pkgPath := range pkgPaths {
refs := imported[pkgPath]
var syms []string
for _, ref := range refs {
// strip package name (bytes.Buffer.Len -> Buffer.Len)
syms = append(syms, ref.dotted[len(ref.objects[0].Name())+len("."):])
const max = 4
if len(syms) > max {
syms[max-1] = fmt.Sprintf("... (%d)", len(syms))
syms = syms[:max]
model.Imported = append(model.Imported, Import{
Path: PackagePath(pkgPath),
Symbols: syms,
// -- presentation --
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(`<!DOCTYPE html>
.col-pkg { color: #2eb007 }
.col-file { color: #a10b15 }
.col-local { color: #0cb7c9 }
li { font-family: monospace; }
p { max-width: 6in; }
<script src="/assets/common.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/common.css">
<h1>Free symbols</h1>
The selected code contains references to these free* symbols:
// Present the refs in three sections: imported, same package, local.
// -- imported symbols --
// Show one item per package, with a list of symbols.
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<h2><span class='col-file'>⬤</span> Imported symbols</h2>\n")
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<ul>\n")
for _, imp := range model.Imported {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<li>import \"<a href='%s'>%s</a>\" // for %s</li>\n",
web.PkgURL(viewID, imp.Path, ""),
strings.Join(imp.Symbols, ", "))
if len(model.Imported) == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<li>(none)</li>\n")
// -- package and local symbols --
showSymbols := func(scope, title string, symbols []Symbol) {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<h2><span class='col-%s'>⬤</span> %s</h2>\n", scope, title)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<ul>\n")
pre := buf.Len()
for _, sym := range symbols {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<li>%s ", sym.Kind) // of rightmost symbol in dotted path
for i, obj := range sym.Refs {
if i > 0 {
buf.WriteString(objHTML(pkg.FileSet(), web, obj))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %s</li>\n", html.EscapeString(sym.Type))
if buf.Len() == pre {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "<li>(none)</li>\n")
showSymbols("pkg", "Package-level symbols", model.PkgLevel)
showSymbols("local", "Local symbols", model.Local)
// -- code selection --
// Print the selection, highlighting references to free symbols.
sort.Slice(refs, func(i, j int) bool {
return refs[i].expr.Pos() < refs[j].expr.Pos()
pos := start
emitTo := func(end token.Pos) {
if pos < end {
fileStart := pgf.Tok.Pos(0) // TODO(adonovan): use go1.20 pgf.File.FileStart
text := pgf.Mapper.Content[pos-fileStart : end-fileStart]
pos = end
for _, ref := range refs {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, `<b class='col-%s'>`, ref.scope)
*A symbol is "free" if it is referenced within the selection but declared
outside of it.
The free variables are approximately the set of parameters that
would be needed if the block were extracted into its own function in
the same package.
Free identifiers may include local types and control labels as well.
Even when you don't intend to extract a block into a new function,
this information can help you to tell at a glance what names a block
of code depends on.
Each dotted path of identifiers (such as file.Name.Pos) is reported
as a separate item, so that you can see which parts of a complex
type are actually needed.
The free symbols referenced by the body of a function may
reveal that only a small part (a single field of a struct, say) of
one of the function's parameters is used, allowing you to simplify
and generalize the function by choosing a different type for that
return buf.Bytes()
// A freeRef records a reference to a dotted path obj.x.y,
// where obj (=objects[0]) is a free symbol.
type freeRef struct {
objects []types.Object // [obj x y]
dotted string // "obj.x.y" (used as sort key)
scope string // scope of obj: pkg|file|local
expr ast.Expr // =*Ident|*SelectorExpr
typ types.Type // type of obj.x.y
// freeRefs returns the list of references to free symbols (from
// within the selection to a symbol declared outside of it).
// It uses only info.{Scopes,Types,Uses}.
func freeRefs(pkg *types.Package, info *types.Info, file *ast.File, start, end token.Pos) []*freeRef {
// Keep us honest about which fields we access.
info = &types.Info{
Scopes: info.Scopes,
Types: info.Types,
Uses: info.Uses,
fileScope := info.Scopes[file]
pkgScope := fileScope.Parent()
// id is called for the leftmost id x in each dotted chain such as (x.y).z.
// suffix is the reversed suffix of selections (e.g. [z y]).
id := func(n *ast.Ident, suffix []types.Object) *freeRef {
obj := info.Uses[n]
if obj == nil {
return nil // not a reference
if start <= obj.Pos() && obj.Pos() < end {
return nil // defined within selection => not free
parent := obj.Parent()
// Compute dotted path.
objects := append(suffix, obj)
if obj.Pkg() != nil && obj.Pkg() != pkg && isPackageLevel(obj) { // dot import
// Synthesize the implicit PkgName.
pkgName := types.NewPkgName(token.NoPos, pkg, obj.Pkg().Name(), obj.Pkg())
parent = fileScope
objects = append(objects, pkgName)
var dotted strings.Builder
for i, obj := range objects {
if obj == nil {
return nil // type error
if i > 0 {
// Compute scope of base object.
var scope string
switch parent {
case nil:
return nil // interface method or struct field
case types.Universe:
return nil // built-in (not interesting)
case fileScope:
scope = "file" // defined at file scope (imported package)
case pkgScope:
scope = "pkg" // defined at package level
scope = "local" // defined within current function
return &freeRef{
objects: objects,
dotted: dotted.String(),
scope: scope,
// sel(x.y.z, []) calls sel(x.y, [z]) calls id(x, [z, y]).
sel := func(sel *ast.SelectorExpr, suffix []types.Object) *freeRef {
for {
suffix = append(suffix, info.Uses[sel.Sel])
switch x := astutil.Unparen(sel.X).(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
return id(x, suffix)
return nil
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
sel = x
// Visit all the identifiers in the selected ASTs.
var free []*freeRef
path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(file, start, end)
var visit func(n ast.Node) bool
visit = func(n ast.Node) bool {
// Is this node contained within the selection?
// (freesymbols permits inexact selections,
// like two stmts in a block.)
if n != nil && start <= n.Pos() && n.End() <= end {
var ref *freeRef
switch n := n.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
ref = id(n, nil)
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
ref = sel(n, nil)
if ref != nil {
ref.expr = n.(ast.Expr)
ref.typ = info.Types[n.(ast.Expr)].Type
free = append(free, ref)
// After visiting x.sel, don't descend into sel.
// Descend into x only if we didn't get a ref for x.sel.
if sel, ok := n.(*ast.SelectorExpr); ok {
if ref == nil {
ast.Inspect(sel.X, visit)
return false
return true // descend
ast.Inspect(path[0], visit)
return free
// objHTML returns HTML for obj.Name(), possibly marked up as a link
// to the web server that, when visited, opens the declaration in the
// client editor.
func objHTML(fset *token.FileSet, web Web, obj types.Object) string {
text := obj.Name()
if posn := safetoken.StartPosition(fset, obj.Pos()); posn.IsValid() {
url := web.SrcURL(posn.Filename, posn.Line, posn.Column)
return sourceLink(text, url)
return text
// sourceLink returns HTML for a link to open a file in the client editor.
func sourceLink(text, url string) string {
// The /src URL returns nothing but has the side effect
// of causing the LSP client to open the requested file.
// So we use onclick to prevent the browser from navigating.
// We keep the href attribute as it causes the <a> to render
// as a link: blue, underlined, with URL hover information.
return fmt.Sprintf(`<a href="%[1]s" onclick='return httpGET("%[1]s")'>%[2]s</a>`,
html.EscapeString(url), text)