blob: bf26458b99b896287b8f574b5dafee3d55d865e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package golang
import (
// CodeActions returns all wanted code actions (edits and other
// commands) available for the selected range.
// Depending on how the request was triggered, fewer actions may be
// offered, e.g. to avoid UI distractions after mere cursor motion.
// See ../protocol/codeactionkind.go for some code action theory.
func CodeActions(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, want map[protocol.CodeActionKind]bool, trigger protocol.CodeActionTriggerKind) (actions []protocol.CodeAction, _ error) {
// Only compute quick fixes if there are any diagnostics to fix.
wantQuickFixes := want[protocol.QuickFix] && len(diagnostics) > 0
// Note: don't forget to update the allow-list in Server.CodeAction
// when adding new query operations like GoTest and GoDoc that
// are permitted even in generated source files
// Code actions that can be offered based on syntax information alone.
if wantQuickFixes ||
want[protocol.SourceOrganizeImports] ||
want[protocol.RefactorExtract] ||
want[settings.GoFreeSymbols] {
pgf, err := snapshot.ParseGo(ctx, fh, parsego.Full)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Process any missing imports and pair them with the diagnostics they fix.
if wantQuickFixes || want[protocol.SourceOrganizeImports] {
importEdits, importEditsPerFix, err := allImportsFixes(ctx, snapshot, pgf)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "imports fixes", err, label.File.Of(fh.URI().Path()))
importEdits = nil
importEditsPerFix = nil
// Separate this into a set of codeActions per diagnostic, where
// each action is the addition, removal, or renaming of one import.
if wantQuickFixes {
for _, importFix := range importEditsPerFix {
fixed := fixedByImportFix(importFix.fix, diagnostics)
if len(fixed) == 0 {
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: importFixTitle(importFix.fix),
Kind: protocol.QuickFix,
Edit: protocol.NewWorkspaceEdit(
protocol.DocumentChangeEdit(fh, importFix.edits)),
Diagnostics: fixed,
// Send all of the import edits as one code action if the file is
// being organized.
if want[protocol.SourceOrganizeImports] && len(importEdits) > 0 {
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: "Organize Imports",
Kind: protocol.SourceOrganizeImports,
Edit: protocol.NewWorkspaceEdit(
protocol.DocumentChangeEdit(fh, importEdits)),
if want[protocol.RefactorExtract] {
extractions, err := getExtractCodeActions(pgf, rng, snapshot.Options())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, extractions...)
if want[settings.GoFreeSymbols] && rng.End != rng.Start {
loc := protocol.Location{URI: pgf.URI, Range: rng}
cmd, err := command.NewFreeSymbolsCommand("Browse free symbols", snapshot.View().ID(), loc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For implementation, see commandHandler.FreeSymbols.
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: cmd.Title,
Kind: settings.GoFreeSymbols,
Command: &cmd,
// Code actions requiring type information.
if want[protocol.RefactorRewrite] ||
want[protocol.RefactorInline] ||
want[settings.GoAssembly] ||
want[settings.GoDoc] ||
want[settings.GoTest] {
pkg, pgf, err := NarrowestPackageForFile(ctx, snapshot, fh.URI())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if want[protocol.RefactorRewrite] {
rewrites, err := getRewriteCodeActions(ctx, pkg, snapshot, pgf, fh, rng, snapshot.Options())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, rewrites...)
// To avoid distraction (e.g. VS Code lightbulb), offer "inline"
// only after a selection or explicit menu operation.
if want[protocol.RefactorInline] && (trigger != protocol.CodeActionAutomatic || rng.Start != rng.End) {
rewrites, err := getInlineCodeActions(pkg, pgf, rng, snapshot.Options())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, rewrites...)
if want[settings.GoTest] {
fixes, err := getGoTestCodeActions(pkg, pgf, rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, fixes...)
if want[settings.GoDoc] {
// "Browse documentation for ..."
_, _, title := DocFragment(pkg, pgf, start, end)
loc := protocol.Location{URI: pgf.URI, Range: rng}
cmd, err := command.NewDocCommand(title, loc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: cmd.Title,
Kind: settings.GoDoc,
Command: &cmd,
if want[settings.GoAssembly] {
fixes, err := getGoAssemblyAction(snapshot.View(), pkg, pgf, rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, fixes...)
return actions, nil
func supportsResolveEdits(options *settings.Options) bool {
return options.CodeActionResolveOptions != nil && slices.Contains(options.CodeActionResolveOptions, "edit")
func importFixTitle(fix *imports.ImportFix) string {
var str string
switch fix.FixType {
case imports.AddImport:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Add import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
case imports.DeleteImport:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Delete import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
case imports.SetImportName:
str = fmt.Sprintf("Rename import: %s %q", fix.StmtInfo.Name, fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath)
return str
// fixedByImportFix filters the provided slice of diagnostics to those that
// would be fixed by the provided imports fix.
func fixedByImportFix(fix *imports.ImportFix, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) []protocol.Diagnostic {
var results []protocol.Diagnostic
for _, diagnostic := range diagnostics {
switch {
// "undeclared name: X" may be an unresolved import.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undeclared name: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undeclared name: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "undefined: X" may be an unresolved import at Go 1.20+.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undefined: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "undefined: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "could not import: X" may be an invalid import.
case strings.HasPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "could not import: "):
ident := strings.TrimPrefix(diagnostic.Message, "could not import: ")
if ident == fix.IdentName {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
// "X imported but not used" is an unused import.
// "X imported but not used as Y" is an unused import.
case strings.Contains(diagnostic.Message, " imported but not used"):
idx := strings.Index(diagnostic.Message, " imported but not used")
importPath := diagnostic.Message[:idx]
if importPath == fmt.Sprintf("%q", fix.StmtInfo.ImportPath) {
results = append(results, diagnostic)
return results
// getExtractCodeActions returns any refactor.extract code actions for the selection.
func getExtractCodeActions(pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range, options *settings.Options) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
puri := pgf.URI
var commands []protocol.Command
if _, ok, methodOk, _ := canExtractFunction(pgf.Tok, start, end, pgf.Src, pgf.File); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract function", command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixExtractFunction,
URI: puri,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if methodOk {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract method", command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixExtractMethod,
URI: puri,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if _, _, ok, _ := canExtractVariable(start, end, pgf.File); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Extract variable", command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixExtractVariable,
URI: puri,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if canExtractToNewFile(pgf, start, end) {
cmd, err := command.NewExtractToNewFileCommand(
"Extract declarations to new file",
protocol.Location{URI: pgf.URI, Range: rng},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for i := range commands {
actions = append(actions, newCodeAction(commands[i].Title, protocol.RefactorExtract, &commands[i], nil, options))
return actions, nil
func newCodeAction(title string, kind protocol.CodeActionKind, cmd *protocol.Command, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, options *settings.Options) protocol.CodeAction {
action := protocol.CodeAction{
Title: title,
Kind: kind,
Diagnostics: diagnostics,
if !supportsResolveEdits(options) {
action.Command = cmd
} else {
data, err := json.Marshal(cmd)
if err != nil {
panic("unable to marshal")
msg := json.RawMessage(data)
action.Data = &msg
return action
func getRewriteCodeActions(ctx context.Context, pkg *cache.Package, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pgf *parsego.File, fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range, options *settings.Options) (_ []protocol.CodeAction, rerr error) {
// golang/go#61693: code actions were refactored to run outside of the
// analysis framework, but as a result they lost their panic recovery.
// These code actions should never fail, but put back the panic recovery as a
// defensive measure.
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
rerr = bug.Errorf("refactor.rewrite code actions panicked: %v", r)
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
if canRemoveParameter(pkg, pgf, rng) {
cmd, err := command.NewChangeSignatureCommand("remove unused parameter", command.ChangeSignatureArgs{
RemoveParameter: protocol.Location{
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, newCodeAction("Refactor: remove unused parameter", protocol.RefactorRewrite, &cmd, nil, options))
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if action, ok := convertStringLiteral(pgf, fh, start, end); ok {
actions = append(actions, action)
var commands []protocol.Command
if _, ok, _ := canInvertIfCondition(pgf.File, start, end); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand("Invert 'if' condition", command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixInvertIfCondition,
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if msg, ok, _ := canSplitLines(pgf.File, pkg.FileSet(), start, end); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand(msg, command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixSplitLines,
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
if msg, ok, _ := canJoinLines(pgf.File, pkg.FileSet(), start, end); ok {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand(msg, command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixJoinLines,
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
// fillstruct.Diagnose is a lazy analyzer: all it gives us is
// the (start, end, message) of each SuggestedFix; the actual
// edit is computed only later by ApplyFix, which calls fillstruct.SuggestedFix.
for _, diag := range fillstruct.Diagnose(pgf.File, start, end, pkg.Types(), pkg.TypesInfo()) {
rng, err := pgf.Mapper.PosRange(pgf.Tok, diag.Pos, diag.End)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, fix := range diag.SuggestedFixes {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand(fix.Message, command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: diag.Category,
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
for _, diag := range fillswitch.Diagnose(pgf.File, start, end, pkg.Types(), pkg.TypesInfo()) {
changes, err := suggestedFixToDocumentChange(ctx, snapshot, pkg.FileSet(), &diag.SuggestedFixes[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: diag.Message,
Kind: protocol.RefactorRewrite,
Edit: protocol.NewWorkspaceEdit(changes...),
for i := range commands {
actions = append(actions, newCodeAction(commands[i].Title, protocol.RefactorRewrite, &commands[i], nil, options))
return actions, nil
// canRemoveParameter reports whether we can remove the function parameter
// indicated by the given [start, end) range.
// This is true if:
// - there are no parse or type errors, and
// - [start, end) is contained within an unused field or parameter name
// - ... of a non-method function declaration.
// (Note that the unusedparam analyzer also computes this property, but
// much more precisely, allowing it to report its findings as diagnostics.)
func canRemoveParameter(pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range) bool {
if perrors, terrors := pkg.ParseErrors(), pkg.TypeErrors(); len(perrors) > 0 || len(terrors) > 0 {
return false // can't remove parameters from packages with errors
info, err := findParam(pgf, rng)
if err != nil {
return false // e.g. invalid range
if info.field == nil {
return false // range does not span a parameter
if info.decl.Body == nil {
return false // external function
if len(info.field.Names) == 0 {
return true // no names => field is unused
if == nil {
return false // no name is indicated
if == "_" {
return true // trivially unused
obj := pkg.TypesInfo().Defs[]
if obj == nil {
return false // something went wrong
used := false
ast.Inspect(info.decl.Body, func(node ast.Node) bool {
if n, ok := node.(*ast.Ident); ok && pkg.TypesInfo().Uses[n] == obj {
used = true
return !used // keep going until we find a use
return !used
// getInlineCodeActions returns refactor.inline actions available at the specified range.
func getInlineCodeActions(pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range, options *settings.Options) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If range is within call expression, offer to inline the call.
var commands []protocol.Command
if _, fn, err := enclosingStaticCall(pkg, pgf, start, end); err == nil {
cmd, err := command.NewApplyFixCommand(fmt.Sprintf("Inline call to %s", fn.Name()), command.ApplyFixArgs{
Fix: fixInlineCall,
URI: pgf.URI,
Range: rng,
ResolveEdits: supportsResolveEdits(options),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
commands = append(commands, cmd)
// Convert commands to actions.
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for i := range commands {
actions = append(actions, newCodeAction(commands[i].Title, protocol.RefactorInline, &commands[i], nil, options))
return actions, nil
// getGoTestCodeActions returns any "run this test/benchmark" code actions for the selection.
func getGoTestCodeActions(pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
testFuncs, benchFuncs, err := testsAndBenchmarks(pkg.TypesInfo(), pgf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var tests, benchmarks []string
for _, fn := range testFuncs {
if protocol.Intersect(fn.rng, rng) {
tests = append(tests,
for _, fn := range benchFuncs {
if protocol.Intersect(fn.rng, rng) {
benchmarks = append(benchmarks,
if len(tests) == 0 && len(benchmarks) == 0 {
return nil, nil
cmd, err := command.NewTestCommand("Run tests and benchmarks", pgf.URI, tests, benchmarks)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return []protocol.CodeAction{{
Title: cmd.Title,
Kind: settings.GoTest,
Command: &cmd,
}}, nil
// getGoAssemblyAction returns any "Browse assembly for f" code actions for the selection.
func getGoAssemblyAction(view *cache.View, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {
start, end, err := pgf.RangePos(rng)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Find the enclosing toplevel function or method,
// and compute its symbol name (e.g. "pkgpath.(T).method").
// The report will show this method and all its nested
// functions (FuncLit, defers, etc).
// TODO(adonovan): this is no good for generics, since they
// will always be uninstantiated when they enclose the cursor.
// Instead, we need to query the func symbol under the cursor,
// rather than the enclosing function. It may be an explicitly
// or implicitly instantiated generic, and it may be defined
// in another package, though we would still need to compile
// the current package to see its assembly. The challenge,
// however, is that computing the linker name for a generic
// symbol is quite tricky. Talk with the compiler team for
// ideas.
// TODO(adonovan): think about a smoother UX for jumping
// directly to (say) a lambda of interest.
// Perhaps we could scroll to STEXT for the innermost
// enclosing nested function?
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
path, _ := astutil.PathEnclosingInterval(pgf.File, start, end)
if len(path) >= 2 { // [... FuncDecl File]
if decl, ok := path[len(path)-2].(*ast.FuncDecl); ok {
if fn, ok := pkg.TypesInfo().Defs[decl.Name].(*types.Func); ok {
sig := fn.Type().(*types.Signature)
// Compute the linker symbol of the enclosing function.
var sym strings.Builder
if fn.Pkg().Name() == "main" {
} else {
if sig.Recv() != nil {
if isPtr, named := typesinternal.ReceiverNamed(sig.Recv()); named != nil {
if isPtr {
if fn.Name() != "_" && // blank functions are not compiled
(fn.Name() != "init" || sig.Recv() != nil) && // init functions aren't linker functions
sig.TypeParams() == nil && sig.RecvTypeParams() == nil { // generic => no assembly
cmd, err := command.NewAssemblyCommand(
fmt.Sprintf("Browse %s assembly for %s", view.GOARCH(), decl.Name),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// For handler, see commandHandler.Assembly.
actions = append(actions, protocol.CodeAction{
Title: cmd.Title,
Kind: settings.GoAssembly,
Command: &cmd,
return actions, nil