blob: 27cb108922abe55f33dd2edb74cbfaba1b8f57f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonrpc2
import (
// Handler is invoked to handle incoming requests.
// The Replier sends a reply to the request and must be called exactly once.
type Handler func(ctx context.Context, reply Replier, req Request) error
// Replier is passed to handlers to allow them to reply to the request.
// If err is set then result will be ignored.
type Replier func(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, err error) error
// MethodNotFound is a Handler that replies to all call requests with the
// standard method not found response.
// This should normally be the final handler in a chain.
func MethodNotFound(ctx context.Context, reply Replier, req Request) error {
return reply(ctx, nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: %q", ErrMethodNotFound, req.Method()))
// MustReplyHandler is a middleware that creates a Handler that panics if the
// wrapped handler does not call Reply for every request that it is passed.
func MustReplyHandler(handler Handler) Handler {
return func(ctx context.Context, reply Replier, req Request) error {
called := false
err := handler(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, err error) error {
if called {
panic(fmt.Errorf("request %q replied to more than once", req.Method()))
called = true
return reply(ctx, result, err)
}, req)
if !called {
panic(fmt.Errorf("request %q was never replied to", req.Method()))
return err
// CancelHandler returns a handler that supports cancellation, and a function
// that can be used to trigger canceling in progress requests.
func CancelHandler(handler Handler) (Handler, func(id ID)) {
var mu sync.Mutex
handling := make(map[ID]context.CancelFunc)
wrapped := func(ctx context.Context, reply Replier, req Request) error {
if call, ok := req.(*Call); ok {
cancelCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ctx = cancelCtx
handling[call.ID()] = cancel
innerReply := reply
reply = func(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, err error) error {
delete(handling, call.ID())
return innerReply(ctx, result, err)
return handler(ctx, reply, req)
return wrapped, func(id ID) {
cancel, found := handling[id]
if found {
// AsyncHandler is a middleware that returns a handler that processes each
// request goes in its own goroutine.
// The handler returns immediately, without the request being processed.
// Each request then waits for the previous request to finish before it starts.
// This allows the stream to unblock at the cost of unbounded goroutines
// all stalled on the previous one.
func AsyncHandler(handler Handler) Handler {
nextRequest := make(chan struct{})
return func(ctx context.Context, reply Replier, req Request) error {
waitForPrevious := nextRequest
nextRequest = make(chan struct{})
releaser := &releaser{ch: nextRequest}
innerReply := reply
reply = func(ctx context.Context, result interface{}, err error) error {
return innerReply(ctx, result, err)
_, queueDone := event.Start(ctx, "queued")
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, asyncKey, releaser)
go func() {
if err := handler(ctx, reply, req); err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "jsonrpc2 async message delivery failed", err)
return nil
// Async, when used with the [AsyncHandler] middleware, indicates that the
// current jsonrpc2 request may be handled asynchronously to subsequent
// requests.
// When not used with an AsyncHandler, Async is a no-op.
// Async must be called at most once on each request's context (and its
// descendants).
func Async(ctx context.Context) {
if r, ok := ctx.Value(asyncKey).(*releaser); ok {
type asyncKeyType struct{}
var asyncKey = asyncKeyType{}
// A releaser implements concurrency safe 'releasing' of async requests. (A
// request is released when it is allowed to run concurrent with other
// requests, via a call to [Async].)
type releaser struct {
mu sync.Mutex
ch chan struct{}
released bool
// release closes the associated channel. If soft is set, multiple calls to
// release are allowed.
func (r *releaser) release(soft bool) {
if r.released {
if !soft {
panic("jsonrpc2.Async called multiple times")
} else {
r.released = true