blob: 71f78e108440d68f7e8ff9e3b20283b0afd24ee6 [file] [log] [blame]
-- nestedNumber-hover --
field number int64
nested number
-- nestedString-hover --
field str string
nested string
-- nestedMap-hover --
field m map[string]float64
nested map
-- structA-hover --
field a int
a field
-- structB-hover --
field b struct{c int}
b nested struct
-- structC-hover --
field c int
c field of nested struct
-- arrD-hover --
field d int
d field
-- arrE-hover --
field e struct{f int}
e nested struct
-- arrF-hover --
field f int
f field of nested struct
-- complexH-hover --
field h int
h field
-- complexI-hover --
field i struct{j int}
i nested struct
-- complexJ-hover --
field j int
j field of nested struct
-- mapStructKeyX-hover --
field x []string
X key field
-- mapStructKeyY-hover --
field y string
-- mapStructValueX-hover --
field x string
X value field
-- openMethod-hover --
func (interface).open() error
open method comment
-- testDescription-hover --
field desc string
test description
-- testInput-hover --
field in map[string][]struct{key string; value interface{}}
test input
-- testInputKey-hover --
field key string
test key
-- testInputValue-hover --
field value interface{}
test value
-- testResultValue-hover --
field value int
expected test value
-- returnX-hover --
field x int
X coord
-- returnY-hover --
field y int
Y coord