blob: fa2f7eaf08f522e8fdcf12c32bdb404609f97032 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package cache
import (
func (s *snapshot) Analyze(ctx context.Context, id string, analyzers []*source.Analyzer) ([]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
// TODO(adonovan): merge these two loops. There's no need to
// construct all the root action handles before beginning
// analysis. Operations should be concurrent (though that first
// requires buildPackageHandle not to be inefficient when
// called in parallel.)
var roots []*actionHandle
for _, a := range analyzers {
if !a.IsEnabled(s.view) {
ah, err := s.actionHandle(ctx, PackageID(id), a.Analyzer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
roots = append(roots, ah)
// Run and wait for all analyzers, and report diagnostics
// only from those that succeed. Ignore the others.
var results []*source.Diagnostic
for _, ah := range roots {
v, err := s.awaitPromise(ctx, ah.promise)
if err != nil {
return nil, err // wait was cancelled
res := v.(actionResult)
if res.err != nil {
continue // analysis failed; ignore it.
results = append(results,
return results, nil
type actionKey struct {
pkgid PackageID
analyzer *analysis.Analyzer
// An action represents one unit of analysis work: the application of
// one analysis to one package. Actions form a DAG, both within a
// package (as different analyzers are applied, either in sequence or
// parallel), and across packages (as dependencies are analyzed).
type actionHandle struct {
key actionKey // just for String()
promise *memoize.Promise // [actionResult]
// actionData is the successful result of analyzing a package.
type actionData struct {
analyzer *analysis.Analyzer
pkgTypes *types.Package // types only; don't keep syntax live
diagnostics []*source.Diagnostic
result interface{}
objectFacts map[objectFactKey]analysis.Fact
packageFacts map[packageFactKey]analysis.Fact
// actionResult holds the result of a call to actionImpl.
type actionResult struct {
data *actionData
err error
type objectFactKey struct {
obj types.Object
typ reflect.Type
type packageFactKey struct {
pkg *types.Package
typ reflect.Type
func (s *snapshot) actionHandle(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, a *analysis.Analyzer) (*actionHandle, error) {
key := actionKey{id, a}
entry, hit := s.actions.Get(key)
if hit {
return entry.(*actionHandle), nil
// TODO(adonovan): opt: this block of code sequentially loads a package
// (and all its dependencies), then sequentially creates action handles
// for the direct dependencies (whose packages have by then been loaded
// as a consequence of ph.check) which does a sequential recursion
// down the action graph. Only once all that work is complete do we
// put a handle in the cache. As with buildPackageHandle, this does
// not exploit the natural parallelism in the problem, and the naive
// use of concurrency would lead to an exponential amount of duplicated
// work. We should instead use an atomically updated future cache
// and a parallel graph traversal.
ph, err := s.buildPackageHandle(ctx, id, source.ParseFull)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg, err := ph.await(ctx, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add a dependency on each required analyzer.
var deps []*actionHandle // unordered
for _, req := range a.Requires {
// TODO(adonovan): opt: there's no need to repeat the package-handle
// portion of the recursion here, since we have the pkg already.
reqActionHandle, err := s.actionHandle(ctx, id, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deps = append(deps, reqActionHandle)
// TODO(golang/go#35089): Re-enable this when we doesn't use ParseExported
// mode for dependencies. In the meantime, disable analysis for dependencies,
// since we don't get anything useful out of it.
if false {
// An analysis that consumes/produces facts
// must run on the package's dependencies too.
if len(a.FactTypes) > 0 {
for _, importID := range ph.m.Imports {
depActionHandle, err := s.actionHandle(ctx, importID, a)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deps = append(deps, depActionHandle)
// The promises are kept in a store on the package,
// so the key need only include the analyzer name.
// (Since type-checking and analysis depend on the identity
// of packages--distinct packages produced by the same
// recipe are not fungible--we must in effect use the package
// itself as part of the key. Rather than actually use a pointer
// in the key, we get a simpler object graph if we shard the
// store by packages.)
promise, release := pkg.analyses.Promise(a.Name, func(ctx context.Context, arg interface{}) interface{} {
res, err := actionImpl(ctx, arg.(*snapshot), deps, a, pkg)
return actionResult{res, err}
ah := &actionHandle{
key: key,
promise: promise,
// Check cache again in case another thread got there first.
if result, ok := s.actions.Get(key); ok {
return result.(*actionHandle), nil
s.actions.Set(key, ah, func(_, _ interface{}) { release() })
return ah, nil
func (key actionKey) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", key.analyzer, key.pkgid)
func (act *actionHandle) String() string {
return act.key.String()
// actionImpl runs the analysis for action node (analyzer, pkg),
// whose direct dependencies are deps.
func actionImpl(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot, deps []*actionHandle, analyzer *analysis.Analyzer, pkg *pkg) (*actionData, error) {
// Run action dependencies first, and plumb the results and
// facts of each dependency into the inputs of this action.
var (
mu sync.Mutex
inputs = make(map[*analysis.Analyzer]interface{})
objectFacts = make(map[objectFactKey]analysis.Fact)
packageFacts = make(map[packageFactKey]analysis.Fact)
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, dep := range deps {
dep := dep
g.Go(func() error {
v, err := snapshot.awaitPromise(ctx, dep.promise)
if err != nil {
return err // e.g. cancelled
res := v.(actionResult)
if res.err != nil {
return res.err // analysis of dependency failed
data :=
defer mu.Unlock()
if data.pkgTypes == pkg.types {
// Same package, different analysis (horizontal edge):
// in-memory outputs of prerequisite analyzers
// become inputs to this analysis pass.
inputs[data.analyzer] = data.result
} else if data.analyzer == analyzer {
// Same analysis, different package (vertical edge):
// serialized facts produced by prerequisite analysis
// become available to this analysis pass.
for key, fact := range data.objectFacts {
objectFacts[key] = fact
for key, fact := range data.packageFacts {
packageFacts[key] = fact
} else {
// Edge is neither vertical nor horizontal.
// This should never happen, yet an assertion here was
// observed to fail due to an edge (bools, p) -> (inspector, p')
// where p and p' are distinct packages with the
// same ID ("command-line-arguments:file=.../main.go").
// It is not yet clear whether the command-line-arguments
// package is significant, but it is clear that package
// loading (the mapping from ID to *pkg) is inconsistent
// within a single graph.
// Use the bug package so that we detect whether our tests
// discover this problem in regular packages.
// For command-line-arguments we quietly abort the analysis
// for now since we already know there is a bug.
errorf := bug.Errorf // report this discovery
if source.IsCommandLineArguments(pkg.ID()) {
errorf = fmt.Errorf // suppress reporting
err := errorf("internal error: unexpected analysis dependency %s@%s -> %s", analyzer.Name, pkg.ID(), dep)
// Log the event in any case, as the ultimate
// consumer of actionResult ignores errors.
event.Error(ctx, "analysis", err)
return err
return nil
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return nil, err // cancelled, or dependency failed
// Now run the (pkg, analyzer) analysis.
var syntax []*ast.File
for _, cgf := range pkg.compiledGoFiles {
syntax = append(syntax, cgf.File)
var rawDiagnostics []analysis.Diagnostic
pass := &analysis.Pass{
Analyzer: analyzer,
Fset: snapshot.FileSet(),
Files: syntax,
Pkg: pkg.GetTypes(),
TypesInfo: pkg.GetTypesInfo(),
TypesSizes: pkg.GetTypesSizes(),
ResultOf: inputs,
Report: func(d analysis.Diagnostic) {
// Prefix the diagnostic category with the analyzer's name.
if d.Category == "" {
d.Category = analyzer.Name
} else {
d.Category = analyzer.Name + "." + d.Category
rawDiagnostics = append(rawDiagnostics, d)
ImportObjectFact: func(obj types.Object, ptr analysis.Fact) bool {
if obj == nil {
panic("nil object")
key := objectFactKey{obj, factType(ptr)}
if v, ok := objectFacts[key]; ok {
return true
return false
ExportObjectFact: func(obj types.Object, fact analysis.Fact) {
if obj.Pkg() != pkg.types {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("internal error: in analysis %s of package %s: Fact.Set(%s, %T): can't set facts on objects belonging another package",
analyzer, pkg.ID(), obj, fact))
key := objectFactKey{obj, factType(fact)}
objectFacts[key] = fact // clobber any existing entry
ImportPackageFact: func(pkg *types.Package, ptr analysis.Fact) bool {
if pkg == nil {
panic("nil package")
key := packageFactKey{pkg, factType(ptr)}
if v, ok := packageFacts[key]; ok {
return true
return false
ExportPackageFact: func(fact analysis.Fact) {
key := packageFactKey{pkg.types, factType(fact)}
packageFacts[key] = fact // clobber any existing entry
AllObjectFacts: func() []analysis.ObjectFact {
facts := make([]analysis.ObjectFact, 0, len(objectFacts))
for k := range objectFacts {
facts = append(facts, analysis.ObjectFact{Object: k.obj, Fact: objectFacts[k]})
return facts
AllPackageFacts: func() []analysis.PackageFact {
facts := make([]analysis.PackageFact, 0, len(packageFacts))
for k := range packageFacts {
facts = append(facts, analysis.PackageFact{Package: k.pkg, Fact: packageFacts[k]})
return facts
analysisinternal.SetTypeErrors(pass, pkg.typeErrors)
if (pkg.HasListOrParseErrors() || pkg.HasTypeErrors()) && !analyzer.RunDespiteErrors {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("skipping analysis %s because package %s contains errors", analyzer.Name, pkg.ID())
// Recover from panics (only) within the analyzer logic.
// (Use an anonymous function to limit the recover scope.)
var result interface{}
var err error
func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// An Analyzer crashed. This is often merely a symptom
// of a problem in package loading.
// We believe that CL 420538 may have fixed these crashes, so enable
// strict checks in tests.
const strict = true
if strict && bug.PanicOnBugs && analyzer.Name != "fact_purity" {
// During testing, crash. See issues 54762, 56035.
// But ignore analyzers with known crash bugs:
// - fact_purity (dominikh/go-tools#1327)
debug.SetTraceback("all") // show all goroutines
} else {
// In production, suppress the panic and press on.
err = fmt.Errorf("analysis %s for package %s panicked: %v", analyzer.Name, pkg.PkgPath(), r)
result, err = pass.Analyzer.Run(pass)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if got, want := reflect.TypeOf(result), pass.Analyzer.ResultType; got != want {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"internal error: on package %s, analyzer %s returned a result of type %v, but declared ResultType %v",
pass.Pkg.Path(), pass.Analyzer, got, want)
// disallow calls after Run
pass.ExportObjectFact = func(obj types.Object, fact analysis.Fact) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s: Pass.ExportObjectFact(%s, %T) called after Run", analyzer.Name, pkg.PkgPath(), obj, fact))
pass.ExportPackageFact = func(fact analysis.Fact) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s: Pass.ExportPackageFact(%T) called after Run", analyzer.Name, pkg.PkgPath(), fact))
// Filter out facts related to objects that are irrelevant downstream
// (equivalently: not in the compiler export data).
for key := range objectFacts {
if !exportedFrom(key.obj, pkg.types) {
delete(objectFacts, key)
// TODO: filter out facts that belong to packages not
// mentioned in the export data to prevent side channels.
var diagnostics []*source.Diagnostic
for _, diag := range rawDiagnostics {
srcDiags, err := analysisDiagnosticDiagnostics(snapshot, pkg, analyzer, &diag)
if err != nil {
event.Error(ctx, "unable to compute analysis error position", err, tag.Category.Of(diag.Category), tag.Package.Of(pkg.ID()))
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, srcDiags...)
return &actionData{
analyzer: analyzer,
pkgTypes: pkg.types,
diagnostics: diagnostics,
result: result,
objectFacts: objectFacts,
packageFacts: packageFacts,
}, nil
// exportedFrom reports whether obj may be visible to a package that imports pkg.
// This includes not just the exported members of pkg, but also unexported
// constants, types, fields, and methods, perhaps belonging to other packages,
// that find there way into the API.
// This is an overapproximation of the more accurate approach used by
// gc export data, which walks the type graph, but it's much simpler.
// TODO(adonovan): do more accurate filtering by walking the type graph.
func exportedFrom(obj types.Object, pkg *types.Package) bool {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Func:
return obj.Exported() && obj.Pkg() == pkg ||
obj.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv() != nil
case *types.Var:
return obj.Exported() && obj.Pkg() == pkg ||
case *types.TypeName:
return true
case *types.Const:
return obj.Exported() && obj.Pkg() == pkg
return false // Nil, Builtin, Label, or PkgName
func factType(fact analysis.Fact) reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(fact)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid Fact type: got %T, want pointer", fact))
return t
func (s *snapshot) DiagnosePackage(ctx context.Context, spkg source.Package) (map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic, error) {
pkg := spkg.(*pkg)
var errorAnalyzerDiag []*source.Diagnostic
if pkg.HasTypeErrors() {
// Apply type error analyzers.
// They augment type error diagnostics with their own fixes.
var analyzers []*source.Analyzer
for _, a := range s.View().Options().TypeErrorAnalyzers {
analyzers = append(analyzers, a)
var err error
errorAnalyzerDiag, err = s.Analyze(ctx, pkg.ID(), analyzers)
if err != nil {
// Keep going: analysis failures should not block diagnostics.
event.Error(ctx, "type error analysis failed", err, tag.Package.Of(pkg.ID()))
diags := map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic{}
for _, diag := range pkg.diagnostics {
for _, eaDiag := range errorAnalyzerDiag {
if eaDiag.URI == diag.URI && eaDiag.Range == diag.Range && eaDiag.Message == diag.Message {
// Type error analyzers just add fixes and tags. Make a copy,
// since we don't own either, and overwrite.
// The analyzer itself can't do this merge because
// analysis.Diagnostic doesn't have all the fields, and Analyze
// can't because it doesn't have the type error, notably its code.
clone := *diag
clone.SuggestedFixes = eaDiag.SuggestedFixes
clone.Tags = eaDiag.Tags
clone.Analyzer = eaDiag.Analyzer
diag = &clone
diags[diag.URI] = append(diags[diag.URI], diag)
return diags, nil