blob: 2972e44155a045f915b9f42b9b308cc3c7e92726 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package checker defines the implementation of the checker commands.
// The same code drives the multi-analysis driver, the single-analysis
// driver that is conventionally provided for convenience along with
// each analysis package, and the test driver.
package checker
import (
var (
// Debug is a set of single-letter flags:
// f show [f]acts as they are created
// p disable [p]arallel execution of analyzers
// s do additional [s]anity checks on fact types and serialization
// t show [t]iming info (NB: use 'p' flag to avoid GC/scheduler noise)
// v show [v]erbose logging
Debug = ""
// Log files for optional performance tracing.
CPUProfile, MemProfile, Trace string
// IncludeTests indicates whether test files should be analyzed too.
IncludeTests = true
// Fix determines whether to apply all suggested fixes.
Fix bool
// RegisterFlags registers command-line flags used by the analysis driver.
func RegisterFlags() {
// When adding flags here, remember to update
// the list of suppressed flags in analysisflags.
flag.StringVar(&Debug, "debug", Debug, `debug flags, any subset of "fpstv"`)
flag.StringVar(&CPUProfile, "cpuprofile", "", "write CPU profile to this file")
flag.StringVar(&MemProfile, "memprofile", "", "write memory profile to this file")
flag.StringVar(&Trace, "trace", "", "write trace log to this file")
flag.BoolVar(&IncludeTests, "test", IncludeTests, "indicates whether test files should be analyzed, too")
flag.BoolVar(&Fix, "fix", false, "apply all suggested fixes")
// Run loads the packages specified by args using go/packages,
// then applies the specified analyzers to them.
// Analysis flags must already have been set.
// It provides most of the logic for the main functions of both the
// singlechecker and the multi-analysis commands.
// It returns the appropriate exit code.
func Run(args []string, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) (exitcode int) {
if CPUProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(CPUProfile)
if err != nil {
if err := pprof.StartCPUProfile(f); err != nil {
// NB: profile won't be written in case of error.
defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()
if Trace != "" {
f, err := os.Create(Trace)
if err != nil {
if err := trace.Start(f); err != nil {
// NB: trace log won't be written in case of error.
defer func() {
log.Printf("To view the trace, run:\n$ go tool trace view %s", Trace)
if MemProfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(MemProfile)
if err != nil {
// NB: memprofile won't be written in case of error.
defer func() {
runtime.GC() // get up-to-date statistics
if err := pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Writing memory profile: %v", err)
// Load the packages.
if dbg('v') {
log.SetFlags(log.Lmicroseconds) // display timing
log.Printf("load %s", args)
// Optimization: if the selected analyzers don't produce/consume
// facts, we need source only for the initial packages.
allSyntax := needFacts(analyzers)
initial, err := load(args, allSyntax)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(typeParseError); !ok {
// Fail when some of the errors are not
// related to parsing nor typing.
return 1
// TODO: filter analyzers based on RunDespiteError?
// Print the results.
roots := analyze(initial, analyzers)
if Fix {
if err := applyFixes(roots); err != nil {
// Fail when applying fixes failed.
return 1
return printDiagnostics(roots)
// typeParseError represents a package load error
// that is related to typing and parsing.
type typeParseError struct {
// load loads the initial packages. If all loading issues are related to
// typing and parsing, the returned error is of type typeParseError.
func load(patterns []string, allSyntax bool) ([]*packages.Package, error) {
mode := packages.LoadSyntax
if allSyntax {
mode = packages.LoadAllSyntax
conf := packages.Config{
Mode: mode,
Tests: IncludeTests,
initial, err := packages.Load(&conf, patterns...)
if err == nil {
if len(initial) == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s matched no packages", strings.Join(patterns, " "))
} else {
err = loadingError(initial)
return initial, err
// loadingError checks for issues during the loading of initial
// packages. Returns nil if there are no issues. Returns error
// of type typeParseError if all errors, including those in
// dependencies, are related to typing or parsing. Otherwise,
// a plain error is returned with an appropriate message.
func loadingError(initial []*packages.Package) error {
var err error
if n := packages.PrintErrors(initial); n > 1 {
err = fmt.Errorf("%d errors during loading", n)
} else if n == 1 {
err = errors.New("error during loading")
} else {
// no errors
return nil
all := true
packages.Visit(initial, nil, func(pkg *packages.Package) {
for _, err := range pkg.Errors {
typeOrParse := err.Kind == packages.TypeError || err.Kind == packages.ParseError
all = all && typeOrParse
if all {
return typeParseError{err}
return err
// TestAnalyzer applies an analysis to a set of packages (and their
// dependencies if necessary) and returns the results.
// Facts about pkg are returned in a map keyed by object; package facts
// have a nil key.
// This entry point is used only by analysistest.
func TestAnalyzer(a *analysis.Analyzer, pkgs []*packages.Package) []*TestAnalyzerResult {
var results []*TestAnalyzerResult
for _, act := range analyze(pkgs, []*analysis.Analyzer{a}) {
facts := make(map[types.Object][]analysis.Fact)
for key, fact := range act.objectFacts {
if key.obj.Pkg() == act.pass.Pkg {
facts[key.obj] = append(facts[key.obj], fact)
for key, fact := range act.packageFacts {
if key.pkg == act.pass.Pkg {
facts[nil] = append(facts[nil], fact)
results = append(results, &TestAnalyzerResult{act.pass, act.diagnostics, facts, act.result, act.err})
return results
type TestAnalyzerResult struct {
Pass *analysis.Pass
Diagnostics []analysis.Diagnostic
Facts map[types.Object][]analysis.Fact
Result interface{}
Err error
func analyze(pkgs []*packages.Package, analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) []*action {
// Construct the action graph.
if dbg('v') {
log.Printf("building graph of analysis passes")
// Each graph node (action) is one unit of analysis.
// Edges express package-to-package (vertical) dependencies,
// and analysis-to-analysis (horizontal) dependencies.
type key struct {
actions := make(map[key]*action)
var mkAction func(a *analysis.Analyzer, pkg *packages.Package) *action
mkAction = func(a *analysis.Analyzer, pkg *packages.Package) *action {
k := key{a, pkg}
act, ok := actions[k]
if !ok {
act = &action{a: a, pkg: pkg}
// Add a dependency on each required analyzers.
for _, req := range a.Requires {
act.deps = append(act.deps, mkAction(req, pkg))
// An analysis that consumes/produces facts
// must run on the package's dependencies too.
if len(a.FactTypes) > 0 {
paths := make([]string, 0, len(pkg.Imports))
for path := range pkg.Imports {
paths = append(paths, path)
sort.Strings(paths) // for determinism
for _, path := range paths {
dep := mkAction(a, pkg.Imports[path])
act.deps = append(act.deps, dep)
actions[k] = act
return act
// Build nodes for initial packages.
var roots []*action
for _, a := range analyzers {
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
root := mkAction(a, pkg)
root.isroot = true
roots = append(roots, root)
// Execute the graph in parallel.
return roots
func applyFixes(roots []*action) error {
visited := make(map[*action]bool)
var apply func(*action) error
var visitAll func(actions []*action) error
visitAll = func(actions []*action) error {
for _, act := range actions {
if !visited[act] {
visited[act] = true
if err := visitAll(act.deps); err != nil {
return err
if err := apply(act); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// TODO(matloob): Is this tree business too complicated? (After all this is Go!)
// Just create a set (map) of edits, sort by pos and call it a day?
type offsetedit struct {
start, end int
newText []byte
} // TextEdit using byteOffsets instead of pos
type node struct {
edit offsetedit
left, right *node
// Edits x and y are equivalent.
equiv := func(x, y offsetedit) bool {
return x.start == y.start && x.end == y.end && bytes.Equal(x.newText, y.newText)
var insert func(tree **node, edit offsetedit) error
insert = func(treeptr **node, edit offsetedit) error {
if *treeptr == nil {
*treeptr = &node{edit, nil, nil}
return nil
tree := *treeptr
if edit.end <= tree.edit.start {
return insert(&tree.left, edit)
} else if edit.start >= tree.edit.end {
return insert(&tree.right, edit)
if equiv(edit, tree.edit) { // equivalent edits?
// We skip over equivalent edits without considering them
// an error. This handles identical edits coming from the
// multiple ways of loading a package into a
// *go/packages.Packages for testing, e.g. packages "p" and "p [p.test]".
return nil
// Overlapping text edit.
return fmt.Errorf("analyses applying overlapping text edits affecting pos range (%v, %v) and (%v, %v)",
edit.start, edit.end, tree.edit.start, tree.edit.end)
editsForFile := make(map[*token.File]*node)
apply = func(act *action) error {
for _, diag := range act.diagnostics {
for _, sf := range diag.SuggestedFixes {
for _, edit := range sf.TextEdits {
// Validate the edit.
if edit.Pos > edit.End {
return fmt.Errorf(
"diagnostic for analysis %v contains Suggested Fix with malformed edit: pos (%v) > end (%v)",
act.a.Name, edit.Pos, edit.End)
file, endfile := act.pkg.Fset.File(edit.Pos), act.pkg.Fset.File(edit.End)
if file == nil || endfile == nil || file != endfile {
return (fmt.Errorf(
"diagnostic for analysis %v contains Suggested Fix with malformed spanning files %v and %v",
act.a.Name, file.Name(), endfile.Name()))
start, end := file.Offset(edit.Pos), file.Offset(edit.End)
// TODO(matloob): Validate that edits do not affect other packages.
root := editsForFile[file]
if err := insert(&root, offsetedit{start, end, edit.NewText}); err != nil {
return err
editsForFile[file] = root // In case the root changed
return nil
if err := visitAll(roots); err != nil {
return err
fset := token.NewFileSet() // Shared by parse calls below
// Now we've got a set of valid edits for each file. Get the new file contents.
for f, tree := range editsForFile {
contents, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f.Name())
if err != nil {
return err
cur := 0 // current position in the file
var out bytes.Buffer
var recurse func(*node)
recurse = func(node *node) {
if node.left != nil {
edit := node.edit
if edit.start > cur {
} else if cur == 0 && edit.start == 0 { // edit starts at first character?
cur = edit.end
if node.right != nil {
// Write out the rest of the file.
if cur < len(contents) {
// Try to format the file.
ff, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, f.Name(), out.Bytes(), parser.ParseComments)
if err == nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err = format.Node(&buf, fset, ff); err == nil {
out = buf
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(f.Name(), out.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// printDiagnostics prints the diagnostics for the root packages in either
// plain text or JSON format. JSON format also includes errors for any
// dependencies.
// It returns the exitcode: in plain mode, 0 for success, 1 for analysis
// errors, and 3 for diagnostics. We avoid 2 since the flag package uses
// it. JSON mode always succeeds at printing errors and diagnostics in a
// structured form to stdout.
func printDiagnostics(roots []*action) (exitcode int) {
// Print the output.
// Print diagnostics only for root packages,
// but errors for all packages.
printed := make(map[*action]bool)
var print func(*action)
var visitAll func(actions []*action)
visitAll = func(actions []*action) {
for _, act := range actions {
if !printed[act] {
printed[act] = true
if analysisflags.JSON {
// JSON output
tree := make(analysisflags.JSONTree)
print = func(act *action) {
var diags []analysis.Diagnostic
if act.isroot {
diags = act.diagnostics
tree.Add(act.pkg.Fset, act.pkg.ID, act.a.Name, diags, act.err)
} else {
// plain text output
// De-duplicate diagnostics by position (not token.Pos) to
// avoid double-reporting in source files that belong to
// multiple packages, such as foo and foo.test.
type key struct {
pos token.Position
end token.Position
message string
seen := make(map[key]bool)
print = func(act *action) {
if act.err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %v\n", act.a.Name, act.err)
exitcode = 1 // analysis failed, at least partially
if act.isroot {
for _, diag := range act.diagnostics {
// We don't display a.Name/f.Category
// as most users don't care.
posn := act.pkg.Fset.Position(diag.Pos)
end := act.pkg.Fset.Position(diag.End)
k := key{posn, end, act.a, diag.Message}
if seen[k] {
continue // duplicate
seen[k] = true
analysisflags.PrintPlain(act.pkg.Fset, diag)
if exitcode == 0 && len(seen) > 0 {
exitcode = 3 // successfully produced diagnostics
// Print timing info.
if dbg('t') {
if !dbg('p') {
log.Println("Warning: times are mostly GC/scheduler noise; use -debug=tp to disable parallelism")
var all []*action
var total time.Duration
for act := range printed {
all = append(all, act)
total += act.duration
sort.Slice(all, func(i, j int) bool {
return all[i].duration > all[j].duration
// Print actions accounting for 90% of the total.
var sum time.Duration
for _, act := range all {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\t%s\n", act.duration, act)
sum += act.duration
if sum >= total*9/10 {
return exitcode
// needFacts reports whether any analysis required by the specified set
// needs facts. If so, we must load the entire program from source.
func needFacts(analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) bool {
seen := make(map[*analysis.Analyzer]bool)
var q []*analysis.Analyzer // for BFS
q = append(q, analyzers...)
for len(q) > 0 {
a := q[0]
q = q[1:]
if !seen[a] {
seen[a] = true
if len(a.FactTypes) > 0 {
return true
q = append(q, a.Requires...)
return false
// An action represents one unit of analysis work: the application of
// one analysis to one package. Actions form a DAG, both within a
// package (as different analyzers are applied, either in sequence or
// parallel), and across packages (as dependencies are analyzed).
type action struct {
once sync.Once
a *analysis.Analyzer
pkg *packages.Package
pass *analysis.Pass
isroot bool
deps []*action
objectFacts map[objectFactKey]analysis.Fact
packageFacts map[packageFactKey]analysis.Fact
result interface{}
diagnostics []analysis.Diagnostic
err error
duration time.Duration
type objectFactKey struct {
obj types.Object
typ reflect.Type
type packageFactKey struct {
pkg *types.Package
typ reflect.Type
func (act *action) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", act.a, act.pkg)
func execAll(actions []*action) {
sequential := dbg('p')
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, act := range actions {
work := func(act *action) {
if sequential {
} else {
go work(act)
func (act *action) exec() { act.once.Do(act.execOnce) }
func (act *action) execOnce() {
// Analyze dependencies.
// TODO(adonovan): uncomment this during profiling.
// It won't build pre-go1.11 but conditional compilation
// using build tags isn't warranted.
// ctx, task := trace.NewTask(context.Background(), "exec")
// trace.Log(ctx, "pass", act.String())
// defer task.End()
// Record time spent in this node but not its dependencies.
// In parallel mode, due to GC/scheduler contention, the
// time is 5x higher than in sequential mode, even with a
// semaphore limiting the number of threads here.
// So use -debug=tp.
if dbg('t') {
t0 := time.Now()
defer func() { act.duration = time.Since(t0) }()
// Report an error if any dependency failed.
var failed []string
for _, dep := range act.deps {
if dep.err != nil {
failed = append(failed, dep.String())
if failed != nil {
act.err = fmt.Errorf("failed prerequisites: %s", strings.Join(failed, ", "))
// Plumb the output values of the dependencies
// into the inputs of this action. Also facts.
inputs := make(map[*analysis.Analyzer]interface{})
act.objectFacts = make(map[objectFactKey]analysis.Fact)
act.packageFacts = make(map[packageFactKey]analysis.Fact)
for _, dep := range act.deps {
if dep.pkg == act.pkg {
// Same package, different analysis (horizontal edge):
// in-memory outputs of prerequisite analyzers
// become inputs to this analysis pass.
inputs[dep.a] = dep.result
} else if dep.a == act.a { // (always true)
// Same analysis, different package (vertical edge):
// serialized facts produced by prerequisite analysis
// become available to this analysis pass.
inheritFacts(act, dep)
// Run the analysis.
pass := &analysis.Pass{
Analyzer: act.a,
Fset: act.pkg.Fset,
Files: act.pkg.Syntax,
OtherFiles: act.pkg.OtherFiles,
IgnoredFiles: act.pkg.IgnoredFiles,
Pkg: act.pkg.Types,
TypesInfo: act.pkg.TypesInfo,
TypesSizes: act.pkg.TypesSizes,
ResultOf: inputs,
Report: func(d analysis.Diagnostic) { act.diagnostics = append(act.diagnostics, d) },
ImportObjectFact: act.importObjectFact,
ExportObjectFact: act.exportObjectFact,
ImportPackageFact: act.importPackageFact,
ExportPackageFact: act.exportPackageFact,
AllObjectFacts: act.allObjectFacts,
AllPackageFacts: act.allPackageFacts,
act.pass = pass
var errors []types.Error
// Get any type errors that are attributed to the pkg.
// This is necessary to test analyzers that provide
// suggested fixes for compiler/type errors.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate this hack;
// see
for _, err := range act.pkg.Errors {
if err.Kind != packages.TypeError {
// Parse err.Pos, a string of form: "file:line:col" or "file:line" or "" or "-"
// The filename may have a single ASCII letter Windows drive prefix such as "C:"
var file string
var line, col int
var convErr error
words := strings.Split(err.Pos, ":")
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" &&
len(words) > 2 &&
len(words[0]) == 1 &&
('A' <= words[0][0] && words[0][0] <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= words[0][0] && words[0][0] <= 'z') {
words[1] = words[0] + ":" + words[1]
words = words[1:]
switch len(words) {
case 2:
// file:line
file = words[0]
line, convErr = strconv.Atoi(words[1])
case 3:
// file:line:col
file = words[0]
line, convErr = strconv.Atoi(words[1])
if convErr == nil {
col, convErr = strconv.Atoi(words[2])
if convErr != nil {
// Extract the token positions from the error string.
// (This is guesswork: Fset may contain all manner
// of stale files with the same name.)
offset := -1
act.pkg.Fset.Iterate(func(f *token.File) bool {
if f.Name() != file {
return true
offset = int(f.LineStart(line)) + col - 1
return false
if offset == -1 {
errors = append(errors, types.Error{
Fset: act.pkg.Fset,
Msg: err.Msg,
Pos: token.Pos(offset),
analysisinternal.SetTypeErrors(pass, errors)
var err error
if act.pkg.IllTyped && !pass.Analyzer.RunDespiteErrors {
err = fmt.Errorf("analysis skipped due to errors in package")
} else {
act.result, err = pass.Analyzer.Run(pass)
if err == nil {
if got, want := reflect.TypeOf(act.result), pass.Analyzer.ResultType; got != want {
err = fmt.Errorf(
"internal error: on package %s, analyzer %s returned a result of type %v, but declared ResultType %v",
pass.Pkg.Path(), pass.Analyzer, got, want)
act.err = err
// disallow calls after Run
pass.ExportObjectFact = nil
pass.ExportPackageFact = nil
// inheritFacts populates act.facts with
// those it obtains from its dependency, dep.
func inheritFacts(act, dep *action) {
serialize := dbg('s')
for key, fact := range dep.objectFacts {
// Filter out facts related to objects
// that are irrelevant downstream
// (equivalently: not in the compiler export data).
if !exportedFrom(key.obj, dep.pkg.Types) {
if false {
log.Printf("%v: discarding %T fact from %s for %s: %s", act, fact, dep, key.obj, fact)
// Optionally serialize/deserialize fact
// to verify that it works across address spaces.
if serialize {
encodedFact, err := codeFact(fact)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("internal error: encoding of %T fact failed in %v: %v", fact, act, err)
fact = encodedFact
if false {
log.Printf("%v: inherited %T fact for %s: %s", act, fact, key.obj, fact)
act.objectFacts[key] = fact
for key, fact := range dep.packageFacts {
// TODO: filter out facts that belong to
// packages not mentioned in the export data
// to prevent side channels.
// Optionally serialize/deserialize fact
// to verify that it works across address spaces
// and is deterministic.
if serialize {
encodedFact, err := codeFact(fact)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("internal error: encoding of %T fact failed in %v", fact, act)
fact = encodedFact
if false {
log.Printf("%v: inherited %T fact for %s: %s", act, fact, key.pkg.Path(), fact)
act.packageFacts[key] = fact
// codeFact encodes then decodes a fact,
// just to exercise that logic.
func codeFact(fact analysis.Fact) (analysis.Fact, error) {
// We encode facts one at a time.
// A real modular driver would emit all facts
// into one encoder to improve gob efficiency.
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(fact); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Encode it twice and assert that we get the same bits.
// This helps detect nondeterministic Gob encoding (e.g. of maps).
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
if err := gob.NewEncoder(&buf2).Encode(fact); err != nil {
return nil, err
if !bytes.Equal(buf.Bytes(), buf2.Bytes()) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encoding of %T fact is nondeterministic", fact)
new := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(fact).Elem()).Interface().(analysis.Fact)
if err := gob.NewDecoder(&buf).Decode(new); err != nil {
return nil, err
return new, nil
// exportedFrom reports whether obj may be visible to a package that imports pkg.
// This includes not just the exported members of pkg, but also unexported
// constants, types, fields, and methods, perhaps belonging to other packages,
// that find there way into the API.
// This is an overapproximation of the more accurate approach used by
// gc export data, which walks the type graph, but it's much simpler.
// TODO(adonovan): do more accurate filtering by walking the type graph.
func exportedFrom(obj types.Object, pkg *types.Package) bool {
switch obj := obj.(type) {
case *types.Func:
return obj.Exported() && obj.Pkg() == pkg ||
obj.Type().(*types.Signature).Recv() != nil
case *types.Var:
if obj.IsField() {
return true
// we can't filter more aggressively than this because we need
// to consider function parameters exported, but have no way
// of telling apart function parameters from local variables.
return obj.Pkg() == pkg
case *types.TypeName, *types.Const:
return true
return false // Nil, Builtin, Label, or PkgName
// importObjectFact implements Pass.ImportObjectFact.
// Given a non-nil pointer ptr of type *T, where *T satisfies Fact,
// importObjectFact copies the fact value to *ptr.
func (act *action) importObjectFact(obj types.Object, ptr analysis.Fact) bool {
if obj == nil {
panic("nil object")
key := objectFactKey{obj, factType(ptr)}
if v, ok := act.objectFacts[key]; ok {
return true
return false
// exportObjectFact implements Pass.ExportObjectFact.
func (act *action) exportObjectFact(obj types.Object, fact analysis.Fact) {
if act.pass.ExportObjectFact == nil {
log.Panicf("%s: Pass.ExportObjectFact(%s, %T) called after Run", act, obj, fact)
if obj.Pkg() != act.pkg.Types {
log.Panicf("internal error: in analysis %s of package %s: Fact.Set(%s, %T): can't set facts on objects belonging another package",
act.a, act.pkg, obj, fact)
key := objectFactKey{obj, factType(fact)}
act.objectFacts[key] = fact // clobber any existing entry
if dbg('f') {
objstr := types.ObjectString(obj, (*types.Package).Name)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: object %s has fact %s\n",
act.pkg.Fset.Position(obj.Pos()), objstr, fact)
// allObjectFacts implements Pass.AllObjectFacts.
func (act *action) allObjectFacts() []analysis.ObjectFact {
facts := make([]analysis.ObjectFact, 0, len(act.objectFacts))
for k := range act.objectFacts {
facts = append(facts, analysis.ObjectFact{Object: k.obj, Fact: act.objectFacts[k]})
return facts
// importPackageFact implements Pass.ImportPackageFact.
// Given a non-nil pointer ptr of type *T, where *T satisfies Fact,
// fact copies the fact value to *ptr.
func (act *action) importPackageFact(pkg *types.Package, ptr analysis.Fact) bool {
if pkg == nil {
panic("nil package")
key := packageFactKey{pkg, factType(ptr)}
if v, ok := act.packageFacts[key]; ok {
return true
return false
// exportPackageFact implements Pass.ExportPackageFact.
func (act *action) exportPackageFact(fact analysis.Fact) {
if act.pass.ExportPackageFact == nil {
log.Panicf("%s: Pass.ExportPackageFact(%T) called after Run", act, fact)
key := packageFactKey{act.pass.Pkg, factType(fact)}
act.packageFacts[key] = fact // clobber any existing entry
if dbg('f') {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: package %s has fact %s\n",
act.pkg.Fset.Position(act.pass.Files[0].Pos()), act.pass.Pkg.Path(), fact)
func factType(fact analysis.Fact) reflect.Type {
t := reflect.TypeOf(fact)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
log.Fatalf("invalid Fact type: got %T, want pointer", fact)
return t
// allObjectFacts implements Pass.AllObjectFacts.
func (act *action) allPackageFacts() []analysis.PackageFact {
facts := make([]analysis.PackageFact, 0, len(act.packageFacts))
for k := range act.packageFacts {
facts = append(facts, analysis.PackageFact{Package: k.pkg, Fact: act.packageFacts[k]})
return facts
func dbg(b byte) bool { return strings.IndexByte(Debug, b) >= 0 }