blob: dac7407ee77188689b17666a77dcbfe081704b5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package lsp
import (
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
bug.PanicOnBugs = true
// Set the global exporter to nil so that we don't log to stderr. This avoids
// a lot of misleading noise in test output.
// TODO(rfindley): investigate whether we can/should capture logs scoped to
// individual tests by passing in a context with a local exporter.
// TestLSP runs the marker tests in files beneath testdata/ using
// implementations of each of the marker operations (e.g. @codelens) that
// make LSP RPCs (e.g. textDocument/codeLens) to a gopls server.
func TestLSP(t *testing.T) {
tests.RunTests(t, "testdata", true, testLSP)
func testLSP(t *testing.T, datum *tests.Data) {
ctx := tests.Context(t)
session := cache.NewSession(ctx, cache.New(nil), nil)
options := source.DefaultOptions().Clone()
view, snapshot, release, err := session.NewView(ctx, datum.Config.Dir, span.URIFromPath(datum.Config.Dir), options)
if err != nil {
defer session.RemoveView(view)
// Enable type error analyses for tests.
// TODO(golang/go#38212): Delete this once they are enabled by default.
session.SetViewOptions(ctx, view, options)
// Enable all inlay hints for tests.
// Only run the -modfile specific tests in module mode with Go 1.14 or above.
datum.ModfileFlagAvailable = len(snapshot.ModFiles()) > 0 && testenv.Go1Point() >= 14
// Open all files for performance reasons. This is done because gopls only
// keeps active packages in memory for open files.
// In practice clients will only send document-oriented requests for open
// files.
var modifications []source.FileModification
for _, module := range datum.Exported.Modules {
for name := range module.Files {
filename := datum.Exported.File(module.Name, name)
if filepath.Ext(filename) != ".go" {
content, err := datum.Exported.FileContents(filename)
if err != nil {
modifications = append(modifications, source.FileModification{
URI: span.URIFromPath(filename),
Action: source.Open,
Version: -1,
Text: content,
LanguageID: "go",
for filename, content := range datum.Config.Overlay {
if filepath.Ext(filename) != ".go" {
modifications = append(modifications, source.FileModification{
URI: span.URIFromPath(filename),
Action: source.Open,
Version: -1,
Text: content,
LanguageID: "go",
if err := session.ModifyFiles(ctx, modifications); err != nil {
r := &runner{
data: datum,
ctx: ctx,
normalizers: tests.CollectNormalizers(datum.Exported),
editRecv: make(chan map[span.URI][]byte, 1),
r.server = NewServer(session, testClient{runner: r})
tests.Run(t, r, datum)
// runner implements tests.Tests by making LSP RPCs to a gopls server.
type runner struct {
server *Server
data *tests.Data
diagnostics map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic
ctx context.Context
normalizers []tests.Normalizer
editRecv chan map[span.URI][]byte
// testClient stubs any client functions that may be called by LSP functions.
type testClient struct {
runner *runner
func (c testClient) Close() error {
return nil
// Trivially implement PublishDiagnostics so that we can call
// server.publishReports below to de-dup sent diagnostics.
func (c testClient) PublishDiagnostics(context.Context, *protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) error {
return nil
func (c testClient) ShowMessage(context.Context, *protocol.ShowMessageParams) error {
return nil
func (c testClient) ApplyEdit(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams) (*protocol.ApplyWorkspaceEditResult, error) {
res, err := applyTextDocumentEdits(c.runner, params.Edit.DocumentChanges)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.runner.editRecv <- res
return &protocol.ApplyWorkspaceEditResult{Applied: true}, nil
func (r *runner) CallHierarchy(t *testing.T, spn span.Span, expectedCalls *tests.CallHierarchyResult) {
mapper, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := mapper.SpanLocation(spn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", spn, err)
params := &protocol.CallHierarchyPrepareParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc),
items, err := r.server.PrepareCallHierarchy(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
if len(items) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("expected call hierarchy item to be returned for identifier at %v\n", loc.Range)
callLocation := protocol.Location{
URI: items[0].URI,
Range: items[0].Range,
if callLocation != loc {
t.Fatalf("expected server.PrepareCallHierarchy to return identifier at %v but got %v\n", loc, callLocation)
incomingCalls, err := r.server.IncomingCalls(r.ctx, &protocol.CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams{Item: items[0]})
if err != nil {
var incomingCallItems []protocol.CallHierarchyItem
for _, item := range incomingCalls {
incomingCallItems = append(incomingCallItems, item.From)
msg := tests.DiffCallHierarchyItems(incomingCallItems, expectedCalls.IncomingCalls)
if msg != "" {
t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("incoming calls: %s", msg))
outgoingCalls, err := r.server.OutgoingCalls(r.ctx, &protocol.CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams{Item: items[0]})
if err != nil {
var outgoingCallItems []protocol.CallHierarchyItem
for _, item := range outgoingCalls {
outgoingCallItems = append(outgoingCallItems, item.To)
msg = tests.DiffCallHierarchyItems(outgoingCallItems, expectedCalls.OutgoingCalls)
if msg != "" {
t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("outgoing calls: %s", msg))
func (r *runner) CodeLens(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, want []protocol.CodeLens) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(uri.Filename(), "go.mod") {
got, err := r.server.codeLens(r.ctx, &protocol.CodeLensParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.DocumentURI(uri),
if err != nil {
if diff := tests.DiffCodeLens(uri, want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: %s", uri, diff)
func (r *runner) Diagnostics(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, want []*source.Diagnostic) {
// Get the diagnostics for this view if we have not done it before.
v := r.server.session.View(
tests.CompareDiagnostics(t, uri, want, r.diagnostics[uri])
func (r *runner) FoldingRanges(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
uri := spn.URI()
view, err := r.server.session.ViewOf(uri)
if err != nil {
original := view.Options()
modified := original
defer r.server.session.SetViewOptions(r.ctx, view, original)
for _, test := range []struct {
lineFoldingOnly bool
prefix string
{false, "foldingRange"},
{true, "foldingRange-lineFolding"},
} {
modified.LineFoldingOnly = test.lineFoldingOnly
view, err = r.server.session.SetViewOptions(r.ctx, view, modified)
if err != nil {
ranges, err := r.server.FoldingRange(r.ctx, &protocol.FoldingRangeParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
r.foldingRanges(t, test.prefix, uri, ranges)
func (r *runner) foldingRanges(t *testing.T, prefix string, uri span.URI, ranges []protocol.FoldingRange) {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
// Fold all ranges.
nonOverlapping := nonOverlappingRanges(ranges)
for i, rngs := range nonOverlapping {
got, err := foldRanges(m, string(m.Content), rngs)
if err != nil {
tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", prefix, i)
want := string(, tag, uri.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(got), nil
if want != got {
t.Errorf("%s: foldingRanges failed for %s, expected:\n%v\ngot:\n%v", tag, uri.Filename(), want, got)
// Filter by kind.
kinds := []protocol.FoldingRangeKind{protocol.Imports, protocol.Comment}
for _, kind := range kinds {
var kindOnly []protocol.FoldingRange
for _, fRng := range ranges {
if fRng.Kind == string(kind) {
kindOnly = append(kindOnly, fRng)
nonOverlapping := nonOverlappingRanges(kindOnly)
for i, rngs := range nonOverlapping {
got, err := foldRanges(m, string(m.Content), rngs)
if err != nil {
tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", prefix, kind, i)
want := string(, tag, uri.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(got), nil
if want != got {
t.Errorf("%s: foldingRanges failed for %s, expected:\n%v\ngot:\n%v", tag, uri.Filename(), want, got)
func nonOverlappingRanges(ranges []protocol.FoldingRange) (res [][]protocol.FoldingRange) {
for _, fRng := range ranges {
setNum := len(res)
for i := 0; i < len(res); i++ {
canInsert := true
for _, rng := range res[i] {
if conflict(rng, fRng) {
canInsert = false
if canInsert {
setNum = i
if setNum == len(res) {
res = append(res, []protocol.FoldingRange{})
res[setNum] = append(res[setNum], fRng)
return res
func conflict(a, b protocol.FoldingRange) bool {
// a start position is <= b start positions
return (a.StartLine < b.StartLine || (a.StartLine == b.StartLine && a.StartCharacter <= b.StartCharacter)) &&
(a.EndLine > b.StartLine || (a.EndLine == b.StartLine && a.EndCharacter > b.StartCharacter))
func foldRanges(m *protocol.Mapper, contents string, ranges []protocol.FoldingRange) (string, error) {
foldedText := "<>"
res := contents
// Apply the edits from the end of the file forward
// to preserve the offsets
// TODO(adonovan): factor to use diff.ApplyEdits, which validates the input.
for i := len(ranges) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
r := ranges[i]
start, err := m.PositionPoint(protocol.Position{Line: r.StartLine, Character: r.StartCharacter})
if err != nil {
return "", err
end, err := m.PositionPoint(protocol.Position{Line: r.EndLine, Character: r.EndCharacter})
if err != nil {
return "", err
res = res[:start.Offset()] + foldedText + res[end.Offset():]
return res, nil
func (r *runner) Format(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
uri := spn.URI()
filename := uri.Filename()
gofmted :=, "gofmt", filename, func() ([]byte, error) {
cmd := exec.Command("gofmt", filename)
out, _ := cmd.Output() // ignore error, sometimes we have intentionally ungofmt-able files
return out, nil
edits, err := r.server.Formatting(r.ctx, &protocol.DocumentFormattingParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
if len(gofmted) > 0 {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
got, _, err := source.ApplyProtocolEdits(m, edits)
if err != nil {
if diff := compare.Bytes(gofmted, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("format failed for %s (-want +got):\n%s", filename, diff)
func (r *runner) SemanticTokens(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
uri := spn.URI()
filename := uri.Filename()
// this is called solely for coverage in semantic.go
_, err := r.server.semanticTokensFull(r.ctx, &protocol.SemanticTokensParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v for %s", err, filename)
_, err = r.server.semanticTokensRange(r.ctx, &protocol.SemanticTokensRangeParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
// any legal range. Just to exercise the call.
Range: protocol.Range{
Start: protocol.Position{
Line: 0,
Character: 0,
End: protocol.Position{
Line: 2,
Character: 0,
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v for Range %s", err, filename)
func (r *runner) Import(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
// Invokes textDocument/codeAction and applies all the "goimports" edits.
uri := spn.URI()
filename := uri.Filename()
actions, err := r.server.CodeAction(r.ctx, &protocol.CodeActionParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
got := m.Content
if len(actions) > 0 {
res, err := applyTextDocumentEdits(r, actions[0].Edit.DocumentChanges)
if err != nil {
got = res[uri]
want :=, "goimports", filename, func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("import failed for %s:\n%s", filename, diff)
func (r *runner) SuggestedFix(t *testing.T, spn span.Span, actionKinds []tests.SuggestedFix, expectedActions int) {
uri := spn.URI()
view, err := r.server.session.ViewOf(uri)
if err != nil {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
rng, err := m.SpanRange(spn)
if err != nil {
// Get the diagnostics for this view if we have not done it before.
var diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic
for _, d := range r.diagnostics[uri] {
// Compare the start positions rather than the entire range because
// some diagnostics have a range with the same start and end position (8:1-8:1).
// The current marker functionality prevents us from having a range of 0 length.
if protocol.ComparePosition(d.Range.Start, rng.Start) == 0 {
diagnostics = append(diagnostics, toProtocolDiagnostics([]*source.Diagnostic{d})...)
var codeActionKinds []protocol.CodeActionKind
for _, k := range actionKinds {
codeActionKinds = append(codeActionKinds, protocol.CodeActionKind(k.ActionKind))
allActions, err := r.server.CodeAction(r.ctx, &protocol.CodeActionParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
Range: rng,
Context: protocol.CodeActionContext{
Only: codeActionKinds,
Diagnostics: diagnostics,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("CodeAction %s failed: %v", spn, err)
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, action := range allActions {
for _, fix := range actionKinds {
if strings.Contains(action.Title, fix.Title) {
actions = append(actions, action)
if len(actions) != expectedActions {
var summaries []string
for _, a := range actions {
summaries = append(summaries, fmt.Sprintf("%q (%s)", a.Title, a.Kind))
t.Fatalf("CodeAction(...): got %d code actions (%v), want %d", len(actions), summaries, expectedActions)
action := actions[0]
var match bool
for _, k := range codeActionKinds {
if action.Kind == k {
match = true
if !match {
t.Fatalf("unexpected kind for code action %s, got %v, want one of %v", action.Title, action.Kind, codeActionKinds)
var res map[span.URI][]byte
if cmd := action.Command; cmd != nil {
_, err := r.server.ExecuteCommand(r.ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: action.Command.Command,
Arguments: action.Command.Arguments,
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error converting command %q to edits: %v", action.Command.Command, err)
res = <-r.editRecv
} else {
res, err = applyTextDocumentEdits(r, action.Edit.DocumentChanges)
if err != nil {
for u, got := range res {
want :=, "suggestedfix_"+tests.SpanName(spn), u.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("suggested fixes failed for %s:\n%s", u.Filename(), diff)
func (r *runner) FunctionExtraction(t *testing.T, start span.Span, end span.Span) {
uri := start.URI()
m, err :=
if err != nil {
spn := span.New(start.URI(), start.Start(), end.End())
rng, err := m.SpanRange(spn)
if err != nil {
actionsRaw, err := r.server.CodeAction(r.ctx, &protocol.CodeActionParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
Range: rng,
Context: protocol.CodeActionContext{
Only: []protocol.CodeActionKind{"refactor.extract"},
if err != nil {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, action := range actionsRaw {
if action.Command.Title == "Extract function" {
actions = append(actions, action)
// Hack: We assume that we only get one code action per range.
// TODO(rstambler): Support multiple code actions per test.
if len(actions) == 0 || len(actions) > 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of code actions, want 1, got %v", len(actions))
_, err = r.server.ExecuteCommand(r.ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: actions[0].Command.Command,
Arguments: actions[0].Command.Arguments,
if err != nil {
res := <-r.editRecv
for u, got := range res {
want :=, "functionextraction_"+tests.SpanName(spn), u.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("function extraction failed for %s:\n%s", u.Filename(), diff)
func (r *runner) MethodExtraction(t *testing.T, start span.Span, end span.Span) {
uri := start.URI()
m, err :=
if err != nil {
spn := span.New(start.URI(), start.Start(), end.End())
rng, err := m.SpanRange(spn)
if err != nil {
actionsRaw, err := r.server.CodeAction(r.ctx, &protocol.CodeActionParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
Range: rng,
Context: protocol.CodeActionContext{
Only: []protocol.CodeActionKind{"refactor.extract"},
if err != nil {
var actions []protocol.CodeAction
for _, action := range actionsRaw {
if action.Command.Title == "Extract method" {
actions = append(actions, action)
// Hack: We assume that we only get one matching code action per range.
// TODO(rstambler): Support multiple code actions per test.
if len(actions) == 0 || len(actions) > 1 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected number of code actions, want 1, got %v", len(actions))
_, err = r.server.ExecuteCommand(r.ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: actions[0].Command.Command,
Arguments: actions[0].Command.Arguments,
if err != nil {
res := <-r.editRecv
for u, got := range res {
want :=, "methodextraction_"+tests.SpanName(spn), u.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("method extraction failed for %s:\n%s", u.Filename(), diff)
// TODO(rfindley): This handler needs more work. The output is still a bit hard
// to read (range diffs do not format nicely), and it is too entangled with hover.
func (r *runner) Definition(t *testing.T, _ span.Span, d tests.Definition) {
sm, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := sm.SpanLocation(d.Src)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", d.Src, err)
tdpp := protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc)
var got []protocol.Location
var hover *protocol.Hover
if d.IsType {
params := &protocol.TypeDefinitionParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: tdpp,
got, err = r.server.TypeDefinition(r.ctx, params)
} else {
params := &protocol.DefinitionParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: tdpp,
got, err = r.server.Definition(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %+v", d.Src, err)
v := &protocol.HoverParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: tdpp,
hover, err = r.server.Hover(r.ctx, v)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", d.Src, err)
dm, err :=
if err != nil {
def, err := dm.SpanLocation(d.Def)
if err != nil {
if !d.OnlyHover {
want := []protocol.Location{def}
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Definition(%s) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", d.Src, diff)
didSomething := false
if hover != nil {
didSomething = true
tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s-hoverdef", d.Name)
want := string(, tag, d.Src.URI().Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(hover.Contents.Value), nil
got := hover.Contents.Value
if diff := tests.DiffMarkdown(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s: markdown mismatch:\n%s", d.Src, diff)
if !d.OnlyHover {
didSomething = true
locURI := got[0].URI.SpanURI()
lm, err :=
if err != nil {
if def, err := lm.LocationSpan(got[0]); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", got[0], err)
} else if def != d.Def {
t.Errorf("for %v got %v want %v", d.Src, def, d.Def)
if !didSomething {
t.Errorf("no tests ran for %s", d.Src.URI())
func (r *runner) Implementation(t *testing.T, spn span.Span, wantSpans []span.Span) {
sm, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := sm.SpanLocation(spn)
if err != nil {
gotImpls, err := r.server.Implementation(r.ctx, &protocol.ImplementationParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc),
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Server.Implementation(%s): %v", spn, err)
gotLocs, err := tests.LocationsToSpans(, gotImpls)
if err != nil {
sanitize := func(s string) string {
return strings.ReplaceAll(s,, "gopls/internal/lsp/testdata")
want := sanitize(tests.SortAndFormatSpans(wantSpans))
got := sanitize(tests.SortAndFormatSpans(gotLocs))
if got != want {
t.Errorf("implementations(%s):\n%s", sanitize(fmt.Sprint(spn)), diff.Unified("want", "got", want, got))
func (r *runner) Highlight(t *testing.T, src span.Span, spans []span.Span) {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := m.SpanLocation(src)
if err != nil {
params := &protocol.DocumentHighlightParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc),
highlights, err := r.server.DocumentHighlight(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("DocumentHighlight(%v) failed: %v", params, err)
var got []protocol.Range
for _, h := range highlights {
got = append(got, h.Range)
var want []protocol.Range
for _, s := range spans {
rng, err := m.SpanRange(s)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Mapper.SpanRange(%v) failed: %v", s, err)
want = append(want, rng)
sortRanges := func(s []protocol.Range) {
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool {
return protocol.CompareRange(s[i], s[j]) < 0
if diff := cmp.Diff(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("DocumentHighlight(%v) mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", src, diff)
func (r *runner) InlayHints(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
uri := spn.URI()
filename := uri.Filename()
hints, err := r.server.InlayHint(r.ctx, &protocol.InlayHintParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
// TODO: add Range
if err != nil {
// Map inlay hints to text edits.
edits := make([]protocol.TextEdit, len(hints))
for i, hint := range hints {
var paddingLeft, paddingRight string
if hint.PaddingLeft {
paddingLeft = " "
if hint.PaddingRight {
paddingRight = " "
edits[i] = protocol.TextEdit{
Range: protocol.Range{Start: hint.Position, End: hint.Position},
NewText: fmt.Sprintf("<%s%s%s>", paddingLeft, hint.Label[0].Value, paddingRight),
m, err :=
if err != nil {
got, _, err := source.ApplyProtocolEdits(m, edits)
if err != nil {
withinlayHints :=, "inlayHint", filename, func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if !bytes.Equal(withinlayHints, got) {
t.Errorf("inlay hints failed for %s, expected:\n%s\ngot:\n%s", filename, withinlayHints, got)
func (r *runner) Rename(t *testing.T, spn span.Span, newText string) {
tag := fmt.Sprintf("%s-rename", newText)
uri := spn.URI()
filename := uri.Filename()
sm, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := sm.SpanLocation(spn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", spn, err)
wedit, err := r.server.Rename(r.ctx, &protocol.RenameParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{URI: loc.URI},
Position: loc.Range.Start,
NewName: newText,
if err != nil {
renamed := string(, tag, filename, func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(err.Error()), nil
if err.Error() != renamed {
t.Errorf("%s: rename failed for %s, expected:\n%v\ngot:\n%v\n", spn, newText, renamed, err)
res, err := applyTextDocumentEdits(r, wedit.DocumentChanges)
if err != nil {
var orderedURIs []string
for uri := range res {
orderedURIs = append(orderedURIs, string(uri))
// Print the name and content of each modified file,
// concatenated, and compare against the golden.
var buf bytes.Buffer
for i := 0; i < len(res); i++ {
if i != 0 {
uri := span.URIFromURI(orderedURIs[i])
if len(res) > 1 {
got := buf.Bytes()
want :=, tag, filename, func() ([]byte, error) {
return got, nil
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("rename failed for %s:\n%s", newText, diff)
func (r *runner) PrepareRename(t *testing.T, src span.Span, want *source.PrepareItem) {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := m.SpanLocation(src)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", src, err)
params := &protocol.PrepareRenameParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc),
got, err := r.server.PrepareRename(context.Background(), params)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("prepare rename failed for %v: got error: %v", src, err)
// TODO(rfindley): can we consolidate on a single representation for
// PrepareRename results, and use cmp.Diff here?
// PrepareRename may fail with no error if there was no object found at the
// position.
if got == nil {
if want.Text != "" { // expected an ident.
t.Errorf("prepare rename failed for %v: got nil", src)
if got.Range.Start == got.Range.End {
// Special case for 0-length ranges. Marks can't specify a 0-length range,
// so just compare the start.
if got.Range.Start != want.Range.Start {
t.Errorf("prepare rename failed: incorrect point, got %v want %v", got.Range.Start, want.Range.Start)
} else {
if got.Range != want.Range {
t.Errorf("prepare rename failed: incorrect range got %v want %v", got.Range, want.Range)
if got.Placeholder != want.Text {
t.Errorf("prepare rename failed: incorrect text got %v want %v", got.Placeholder, want.Text)
func applyTextDocumentEdits(r *runner, edits []protocol.DocumentChanges) (map[span.URI][]byte, error) {
res := make(map[span.URI][]byte)
for _, docEdits := range edits {
if docEdits.TextDocumentEdit != nil {
uri := docEdits.TextDocumentEdit.TextDocument.URI.SpanURI()
var m *protocol.Mapper
// If we have already edited this file, we use the edited version (rather than the
// file in its original state) so that we preserve our initial changes.
if content, ok := res[uri]; ok {
m = protocol.NewMapper(uri, content)
} else {
var err error
if m, err =; err != nil {
return nil, err
patched, _, err := source.ApplyProtocolEdits(m, docEdits.TextDocumentEdit.Edits)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[uri] = patched
return res, nil
func (r *runner) Symbols(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, expectedSymbols []protocol.DocumentSymbol) {
params := &protocol.DocumentSymbolParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
got, err := r.server.DocumentSymbol(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
symbols := make([]protocol.DocumentSymbol, len(got))
for i, s := range got {
s, ok := s.(protocol.DocumentSymbol)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("%v: wanted []DocumentSymbols but got %v", uri, got)
symbols[i] = s
// Sort by position to make it easier to find errors.
sortSymbols := func(s []protocol.DocumentSymbol) {
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool {
return protocol.CompareRange(s[i].SelectionRange, s[j].SelectionRange) < 0
// Ignore 'Range' here as it is difficult (impossible?) to express
// multi-line ranges in the packagestest framework.
ignoreRange := cmpopts.IgnoreFields(protocol.DocumentSymbol{}, "Range")
if diff := cmp.Diff(expectedSymbols, symbols, ignoreRange); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("mismatching symbols (-want +got)\n%s", diff)
func (r *runner) WorkspaceSymbols(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, query string, typ tests.WorkspaceSymbolsTestType) {
matcher := tests.WorkspaceSymbolsTestTypeToMatcher(typ)
original := r.server.session.Options()
modified := original
modified.SymbolMatcher = matcher
defer r.server.session.SetOptions(original)
params := &protocol.WorkspaceSymbolParams{
Query: query,
gotSymbols, err := r.server.Symbol(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
got, err := tests.WorkspaceSymbolsString(r.ctx,, uri, gotSymbols)
if err != nil {
got = filepath.ToSlash(tests.Normalize(got, r.normalizers))
want := string(, fmt.Sprintf("workspace_symbol-%s-%s", strings.ToLower(string(matcher)), query), uri.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(got), nil
if diff := compare.Text(want, got); diff != "" {
func (r *runner) SignatureHelp(t *testing.T, spn span.Span, want *protocol.SignatureHelp) {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := m.SpanLocation(spn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed for %v: %v", loc, err)
params := &protocol.SignatureHelpParams{
TextDocumentPositionParams: protocol.LocationTextDocumentPositionParams(loc),
got, err := r.server.SignatureHelp(r.ctx, params)
if err != nil {
// Only fail if we got an error we did not expect.
if want != nil {
if want == nil {
if got != nil {
t.Errorf("expected no signature, got %v", got)
if got == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected %v, got nil", want)
if diff := tests.DiffSignatures(spn, want, got); diff != "" {
func (r *runner) Link(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, wantLinks []tests.Link) {
m, err :=
if err != nil {
got, err := r.server.DocumentLink(r.ctx, &protocol.DocumentLinkParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
if diff := tests.DiffLinks(m, wantLinks, got); diff != "" {
func (r *runner) AddImport(t *testing.T, uri span.URI, expectedImport string) {
cmd, err := command.NewListKnownPackagesCommand("List Known Packages", command.URIArg{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
if err != nil {
resp, err := r.server.executeCommand(r.ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: cmd.Command,
Arguments: cmd.Arguments,
if err != nil {
res := resp.(command.ListKnownPackagesResult)
var hasPkg bool
for _, p := range res.Packages {
if p == expectedImport {
hasPkg = true
if !hasPkg {
t.Fatalf("%s: got %v packages\nwant contains %q", command.ListKnownPackages, res.Packages, expectedImport)
cmd, err = command.NewAddImportCommand("Add Imports", command.AddImportArgs{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
ImportPath: expectedImport,
if err != nil {
_, err = r.server.executeCommand(r.ctx, &protocol.ExecuteCommandParams{
Command: cmd.Command,
Arguments: cmd.Arguments,
if err != nil {
got := (<-r.editRecv)[uri]
want :=, "addimport", uri.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(got), nil
if want == nil {
t.Fatalf("golden file %q not found", uri.Filename())
if diff := compare.Bytes(want, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s mismatch\n%s", command.AddImport, diff)
func (r *runner) SelectionRanges(t *testing.T, spn span.Span) {
uri := spn.URI()
sm, err :=
if err != nil {
loc, err := sm.SpanLocation(spn)
if err != nil {
ranges, err := r.server.selectionRange(r.ctx, &protocol.SelectionRangeParams{
TextDocument: protocol.TextDocumentIdentifier{
URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri),
Positions: []protocol.Position{loc.Range.Start},
if err != nil {
sb := &strings.Builder{}
for i, path := range ranges {
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "Ranges %d: ", i)
rng := path
for {
s, e, err := sm.RangeOffsets(rng.Range)
if err != nil {
var snippet string
if e-s < 30 {
snippet = string(sm.Content[s:e])
} else {
snippet = string(sm.Content[s:s+15]) + "..." + string(sm.Content[e-15:e])
fmt.Fprintf(sb, "\n\t%v %q", rng.Range, strings.ReplaceAll(snippet, "\n", "\\n"))
if rng.Parent == nil {
rng = *rng.Parent
got := sb.String()
testName := "selectionrange_" + tests.SpanName(spn)
want :=, testName, uri.Filename(), func() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(got), nil
if want == nil {
t.Fatalf("golden file %q not found", uri.Filename())
if diff := compare.Text(got, string(want)); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s mismatch\n%s", testName, diff)
func (r *runner) collectDiagnostics(view *cache.View) {
if r.diagnostics != nil {
r.diagnostics = make(map[span.URI][]*source.Diagnostic)
snapshot, release, err := view.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
defer release()
// Always run diagnostics with analysis.
r.server.diagnose(r.ctx, snapshot, analyzeEverything)
for uri, reports := range r.server.diagnostics {
for _, report := range reports.reports {
for _, d := range report.diags {
r.diagnostics[uri] = append(r.diagnostics[uri], d)