blob: 63f105a1e3f0258e301aae4e154ee10ed161b512 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package event_test
import (
var (
AKey = event.NewStringKey("A", "")
BKey = event.NewStringKey("B", "")
CKey = event.NewStringKey("C", "")
A = AKey.Of("a")
B = BKey.Of("b")
C = CKey.Of("c")
all = []event.Tag{A, B, C}
func TestTagList(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
tags []event.Tag
expect string
name: "empty",
}, {
name: "single",
tags: []event.Tag{A},
expect: `A="a"`,
}, {
name: "invalid",
tags: []event.Tag{{}},
expect: ``,
}, {
name: "two",
tags: []event.Tag{A, B},
expect: `A="a", B="b"`,
}, {
name: "three",
tags: []event.Tag{A, B, C},
expect: `A="a", B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing A",
tags: []event.Tag{{}, B, C},
expect: `B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing B",
tags: []event.Tag{A, {}, C},
expect: `A="a", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing C",
tags: []event.Tag{A, B, {}},
expect: `A="a", B="b"`,
}, {
name: "missing AB",
tags: []event.Tag{{}, {}, C},
expect: `C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing AC",
tags: []event.Tag{{}, B, {}},
expect: `B="b"`,
}, {
name: "missing BC",
tags: []event.Tag{A, {}, {}},
expect: `A="a"`,
}} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
got := printList(event.NewTagList(test.tags...))
if got != test.expect {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, test.expect)
func TestTagFilter(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
tags []event.Tag
filters []event.Key
expect string
name: "no filters",
tags: all,
expect: `A="a", B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "no tags",
filters: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: ``,
}, {
name: "filter A",
tags: all,
filters: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "filter B",
tags: all,
filters: []event.Key{BKey},
expect: `A="a", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "filter C",
tags: all,
filters: []event.Key{CKey},
expect: `A="a", B="b"`,
}, {
name: "filter AC",
tags: all,
filters: []event.Key{AKey, CKey},
expect: `B="b"`,
}} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tags := event.NewTagList(test.tags...)
got := printList(event.Filter(tags, test.filters...))
if got != test.expect {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, test.expect)
func TestTagMap(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
tags []event.Tag
keys []event.Key
expect string
name: "no tags",
keys: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `nil`,
}, {
name: "match A",
tags: all,
keys: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `A="a"`,
}, {
name: "match B",
tags: all,
keys: []event.Key{BKey},
expect: `B="b"`,
}, {
name: "match C",
tags: all,
keys: []event.Key{CKey},
expect: `C="c"`,
}, {
name: "match ABC",
tags: all,
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing A",
tags: []event.Tag{{}, B, C},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `nil, B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing B",
tags: []event.Tag{A, {}, C},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", nil, C="c"`,
}, {
name: "missing C",
tags: []event.Tag{A, B, {}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", B="b", nil`,
}} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tagMap := event.NewTagMap(test.tags...)
got := printTagMap(tagMap, test.keys)
if got != test.expect {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, test.expect)
func TestTagMapMerge(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
name string
tags [][]event.Tag
keys []event.Key
expect string
name: "no maps",
keys: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `nil`,
}, {
name: "one map",
tags: [][]event.Tag{all},
keys: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `A="a"`,
}, {
name: "invalid map",
tags: [][]event.Tag{{}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey},
expect: `nil`,
}, {
name: "two maps",
tags: [][]event.Tag{{B, C}, {A}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "invalid start map",
tags: [][]event.Tag{{}, {B, C}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `nil, B="b", C="c"`,
}, {
name: "invalid mid map",
tags: [][]event.Tag{{A}, {}, {C}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", nil, C="c"`,
}, {
name: "invalid end map",
tags: [][]event.Tag{{A, B}, {}},
keys: []event.Key{AKey, BKey, CKey},
expect: `A="a", B="b", nil`,
}} {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
maps := make([]event.TagMap, len(test.tags))
for i, v := range test.tags {
maps[i] = event.NewTagMap(v...)
tagMap := event.MergeTagMaps(maps...)
got := printTagMap(tagMap, test.keys)
if got != test.expect {
t.Errorf("got %q want %q", got, test.expect)
func printList(l event.TagList) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for index := 0; l.Valid(index); index++ {
tag := l.Tag(index)
if !tag.Valid() {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, tag)
return buf.String()
func printTagMap(tagMap event.TagMap, keys []event.Key) string {
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
for _, key := range keys {
if buf.Len() > 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
fmt.Fprint(buf, tagMap.Find(key))
return buf.String()