blob: 8476bc9676178427b8dc9390a0342fd163f001c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package event
import (
// Tag holds a key and value pair.
// It is normally used when passing around lists of tags.
type Tag struct {
key Key
packed uint64
untyped interface{}
// TagMap is the interface to a collection of Tags indexed by key.
type TagMap interface {
// Find returns the tag that matches the supplied key.
Find(key Key) Tag
// TagList is the interface to something that provides an iterable
// list of tags.
// Iteration should start from 0 and continue until Valid returns false.
type TagList interface {
// Valid returns true if the index is within range for the list.
// It does not imply the tag at that index will itself be valid.
Valid(index int) bool
// Tag returns the tag at the given index.
Tag(index int) Tag
// tagList implements TagList for a list of Tags.
type tagList struct {
tags []Tag
// tagFilter wraps a TagList filtering out specific tags.
type tagFilter struct {
keys []Key
underlying TagList
// tagMap implements TagMap for a simple list of tags.
type tagMap struct {
tags []Tag
// tagMapChain implements TagMap for a list of underlying TagMap.
type tagMapChain struct {
maps []TagMap
// TagOfValue creates a new tag from the key and value.
// This method is for implementing new key types, tag creation should
// normally be done with the Of method of the key.
func TagOfValue(k Key, value interface{}) Tag { return Tag{key: k, untyped: value} }
// UnpackValue assumes the tag was built using TagOfValue and returns the value
// that was passed to that constructor.
// This method is for implementing new key types, for type safety normal
// access should be done with the From method of the key.
func (t Tag) UnpackValue() interface{} { return t.untyped }
// TagOf64 creates a new tag from a key and a uint64. This is often
// used for non uint64 values that can be packed into a uint64.
// This method is for implementing new key types, tag creation should
// normally be done with the Of method of the key.
func TagOf64(k Key, v uint64) Tag { return Tag{key: k, packed: v} }
// Unpack64 assumes the tag was built using TagOf64 and returns the value that
// was passed to that constructor.
// This method is for implementing new key types, for type safety normal
// access should be done with the From method of the key.
func (t Tag) Unpack64() uint64 { return t.packed }
// TagOfString creates a new tag from a key and a string.
// This method is for implementing new key types, tag creation should
// normally be done with the Of method of the key.
func TagOfString(k Key, v string) Tag {
hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
return Tag{
key: k,
packed: uint64(hdr.Len),
untyped: unsafe.Pointer(hdr.Data),
// UnpackString assumes the tag was built using TagOfString and returns the
// value that was passed to that constructor.
// This method is for implementing new key types, for type safety normal
// access should be done with the From method of the key.
func (t Tag) UnpackString() string {
var v string
hdr := (*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
hdr.Data = uintptr(t.untyped.(unsafe.Pointer))
hdr.Len = int(t.packed)
return *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(hdr))
// Valid returns true if the Tag is a valid one (it has a key).
func (t Tag) Valid() bool { return t.key != nil }
// Key returns the key of this Tag.
func (t Tag) Key() Key { return t.key }
// Format is used for debug printing of tags.
func (t Tag) Format(f fmt.State, r rune) {
if !t.Valid() {
io.WriteString(f, `nil`)
io.WriteString(f, t.Key().Name())
io.WriteString(f, "=")
var buf [128]byte
t.Key().Format(f, buf[:0], t)
func (l *tagList) Valid(index int) bool {
return index >= 0 && index < len(l.tags)
func (l *tagList) Tag(index int) Tag {
return l.tags[index]
func (f *tagFilter) Valid(index int) bool {
return f.underlying.Valid(index)
func (f *tagFilter) Tag(index int) Tag {
tag := f.underlying.Tag(index)
for _, f := range f.keys {
if tag.Key() == f {
return Tag{}
return tag
func (l tagMap) Find(key Key) Tag {
for _, tag := range l.tags {
if tag.Key() == key {
return tag
return Tag{}
func (c tagMapChain) Find(key Key) Tag {
for _, src := range c.maps {
tag := src.Find(key)
if tag.Valid() {
return tag
return Tag{}
var emptyList = &tagList{}
func NewTagList(tags ...Tag) TagList {
if len(tags) == 0 {
return emptyList
return &tagList{tags: tags}
func Filter(l TagList, keys ...Key) TagList {
if len(keys) == 0 {
return l
return &tagFilter{keys: keys, underlying: l}
func NewTagMap(tags ...Tag) TagMap {
return tagMap{tags: tags}
func MergeTagMaps(srcs ...TagMap) TagMap {
return tagMapChain{maps: srcs}