blob: acde7511e39bf3eb4d8bf900e95c38dd60782a2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package event
import (
var (
// Msg is a key used to add message strings to tag lists.
Msg = NewStringKey("message", "a readable message")
// Name is used for things like traces that have a name.
Name = NewStringKey("name", "an entity name")
// Err is a key used to add error values to tag lists.
Err = NewErrorKey("error", "an error that occurred")
// Key is used as the identity of a Tag.
// Keys are intended to be compared by pointer only, the name should be unique
// for communicating with external systems, but it is not required or enforced.
type Key interface {
// Name returns the key name.
Name() string
// Description returns a string that can be used to describe the value.
Description() string
// Format is used in formatting to append the value of the tag to the
// supplied buffer.
// The formatter may use the supplied buf as a scratch area to avoid
// allocations.
Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag)
// ValueKey represents a key for untyped values.
type ValueKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewKey creates a new Key for untyped values.
func NewKey(name, description string) *ValueKey {
return &ValueKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *ValueKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *ValueKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *ValueKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
fmt.Fprint(w, k.From(tag))
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *ValueKey) Get(tags TagMap) interface{} {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return nil
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *ValueKey) From(t Tag) interface{} { return t.UnpackValue() }
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *ValueKey) Of(value interface{}) Tag { return TagOfValue(k, value) }
// IntKey represents a key
type IntKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewIntKey creates a new Key for int values.
func NewIntKey(name, description string) *IntKey {
return &IntKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *IntKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *IntKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *IntKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *IntKey) Of(v int) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *IntKey) Get(tags TagMap) int {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *IntKey) From(t Tag) int { return int(t.Unpack64()) }
// Int8Key represents a key
type Int8Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewInt8Key creates a new Key for int8 values.
func NewInt8Key(name, description string) *Int8Key {
return &Int8Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Int8Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Int8Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Int8Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Int8Key) Of(v int8) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Int8Key) Get(tags TagMap) int8 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Int8Key) From(t Tag) int8 { return int8(t.Unpack64()) }
// Int16Key represents a key
type Int16Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewInt16Key creates a new Key for int16 values.
func NewInt16Key(name, description string) *Int16Key {
return &Int16Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Int16Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Int16Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Int16Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Int16Key) Of(v int16) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Int16Key) Get(tags TagMap) int16 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Int16Key) From(t Tag) int16 { return int16(t.Unpack64()) }
// Int32Key represents a key
type Int32Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewInt32Key creates a new Key for int32 values.
func NewInt32Key(name, description string) *Int32Key {
return &Int32Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Int32Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Int32Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Int32Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendInt(buf, int64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Int32Key) Of(v int32) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Int32Key) Get(tags TagMap) int32 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Int32Key) From(t Tag) int32 { return int32(t.Unpack64()) }
// Int64Key represents a key
type Int64Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewInt64Key creates a new Key for int64 values.
func NewInt64Key(name, description string) *Int64Key {
return &Int64Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Int64Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Int64Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Int64Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendInt(buf, k.From(tag), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Int64Key) Of(v int64) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Int64Key) Get(tags TagMap) int64 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Int64Key) From(t Tag) int64 { return int64(t.Unpack64()) }
// UIntKey represents a key
type UIntKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewUIntKey creates a new Key for uint values.
func NewUIntKey(name, description string) *UIntKey {
return &UIntKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *UIntKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *UIntKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *UIntKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf, uint64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *UIntKey) Of(v uint) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *UIntKey) Get(tags TagMap) uint {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *UIntKey) From(t Tag) uint { return uint(t.Unpack64()) }
// UInt8Key represents a key
type UInt8Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewUInt8Key creates a new Key for uint8 values.
func NewUInt8Key(name, description string) *UInt8Key {
return &UInt8Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *UInt8Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *UInt8Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *UInt8Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf, uint64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *UInt8Key) Of(v uint8) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *UInt8Key) Get(tags TagMap) uint8 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *UInt8Key) From(t Tag) uint8 { return uint8(t.Unpack64()) }
// UInt16Key represents a key
type UInt16Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewUInt16Key creates a new Key for uint16 values.
func NewUInt16Key(name, description string) *UInt16Key {
return &UInt16Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *UInt16Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *UInt16Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *UInt16Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf, uint64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *UInt16Key) Of(v uint16) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *UInt16Key) Get(tags TagMap) uint16 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *UInt16Key) From(t Tag) uint16 { return uint16(t.Unpack64()) }
// UInt32Key represents a key
type UInt32Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewUInt32Key creates a new Key for uint32 values.
func NewUInt32Key(name, description string) *UInt32Key {
return &UInt32Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *UInt32Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *UInt32Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *UInt32Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf, uint64(k.From(tag)), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *UInt32Key) Of(v uint32) Tag { return TagOf64(k, uint64(v)) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *UInt32Key) Get(tags TagMap) uint32 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *UInt32Key) From(t Tag) uint32 { return uint32(t.Unpack64()) }
// UInt64Key represents a key
type UInt64Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewUInt64Key creates a new Key for uint64 values.
func NewUInt64Key(name, description string) *UInt64Key {
return &UInt64Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *UInt64Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *UInt64Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *UInt64Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendUint(buf, k.From(tag), 10))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *UInt64Key) Of(v uint64) Tag { return TagOf64(k, v) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *UInt64Key) Get(tags TagMap) uint64 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *UInt64Key) From(t Tag) uint64 { return t.Unpack64() }
// Float32Key represents a key
type Float32Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewFloat32Key creates a new Key for float32 values.
func NewFloat32Key(name, description string) *Float32Key {
return &Float32Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Float32Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Float32Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Float32Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(buf, float64(k.From(tag)), 'E', -1, 32))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Float32Key) Of(v float32) Tag {
return TagOf64(k, uint64(math.Float32bits(v)))
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Float32Key) Get(tags TagMap) float32 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Float32Key) From(t Tag) float32 {
return math.Float32frombits(uint32(t.Unpack64()))
// Float64Key represents a key
type Float64Key struct {
name string
description string
// NewFloat64Key creates a new Key for int64 values.
func NewFloat64Key(name, description string) *Float64Key {
return &Float64Key{name: name, description: description}
func (k *Float64Key) Name() string { return }
func (k *Float64Key) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *Float64Key) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendFloat(buf, k.From(tag), 'E', -1, 64))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *Float64Key) Of(v float64) Tag {
return TagOf64(k, math.Float64bits(v))
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *Float64Key) Get(tags TagMap) float64 {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return 0
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *Float64Key) From(t Tag) float64 {
return math.Float64frombits(t.Unpack64())
// StringKey represents a key
type StringKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewStringKey creates a new Key for int64 values.
func NewStringKey(name, description string) *StringKey {
return &StringKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *StringKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *StringKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *StringKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendQuote(buf, k.From(tag)))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *StringKey) Of(v string) Tag { return TagOfString(k, v) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *StringKey) Get(tags TagMap) string {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return ""
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *StringKey) From(t Tag) string { return t.UnpackString() }
// BooleanKey represents a key
type BooleanKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewBooleanKey creates a new Key for bool values.
func NewBooleanKey(name, description string) *BooleanKey {
return &BooleanKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *BooleanKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *BooleanKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *BooleanKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
w.Write(strconv.AppendBool(buf, k.From(tag)))
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *BooleanKey) Of(v bool) Tag {
if v {
return TagOf64(k, 1)
return TagOf64(k, 0)
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *BooleanKey) Get(tags TagMap) bool {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return false
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *BooleanKey) From(t Tag) bool { return t.Unpack64() > 0 }
// ErrorKey represents a key
type ErrorKey struct {
name string
description string
// NewErrorKey creates a new Key for int64 values.
func NewErrorKey(name, description string) *ErrorKey {
return &ErrorKey{name: name, description: description}
func (k *ErrorKey) Name() string { return }
func (k *ErrorKey) Description() string { return k.description }
func (k *ErrorKey) Format(w io.Writer, buf []byte, tag Tag) {
io.WriteString(w, k.From(tag).Error())
// Of creates a new Tag with this key and the supplied value.
func (k *ErrorKey) Of(v error) Tag { return TagOfValue(k, v) }
// Get can be used to get a tag for the key from a TagMap.
func (k *ErrorKey) Get(tags TagMap) error {
if t := tags.Find(k); t.Valid() {
return k.From(t)
return nil
// From can be used to get a value from a Tag.
func (k *ErrorKey) From(t Tag) error {
err, _ := t.UnpackValue().(error)
return err