blob: 801b54614891ae67d5e7d8e61e39462c0275fcec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package regtest provides helpers for end-to-end testing
// involving counter and upload packages.
package regtest
import (
internalcounter ""
const (
var (
telemetryDirEnvVarValue = os.Getenv(telemetryDirEnvVar)
asofEnvVarValue = os.Getenv(asofEnvVar)
entryPointEnvVarValue = os.Getenv(entryPointEnvVar)
// Program is a value that can be used to identify a program in the test.
type Program string
// NewProgram returns a Program value that can be used to identify a program
// to run by RunProg. The program must be registered with NewProgram before
// the first call to RunProg in the test function.
// RunProg runs this binary in a separate process with special environment
// variables that specify the entry point. When this binary runs with the
// environment variables that match the specified name, NewProgram calls
// the given fn and exits with the return value. Note that all the code
// before NewProgram is executed in both the main process and the subprocess.
func NewProgram(t *testing.T, name string, fn func() int) Program {
if telemetryDirEnvVarValue != "" && entryPointEnvVarValue == name {
// We are running the separate process that was spawned by RunProg.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "running program %q\n", name)
if asofEnvVarValue != "" {
asof, err := time.Parse(telemetry.DateOnly, asofEnvVarValue)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error parsing asof time %q: %v", asof, err)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "setting counter time to %s\n", name)
internalcounter.CounterTime = func() time.Time {
return asof
testName, _, _ := strings.Cut(t.Name(), "/")
registered, ok := registeredPrograms[testName]
if !ok {
registered = make(map[string]bool)
if registered[name] {
t.Fatalf("program %q was already registered", name)
registered[name] = true
return Program(name)
// NewIncProgram returns a basic program that increments the given counters and
// exits with status 0.
func NewIncProgram(t *testing.T, name string, counters ...string) Program {
return NewProgram(t, name, func() int {
for _, c := range counters {
return 0
// registeredPrograms stores all registered program names to detect duplicate registrations.
var registeredPrograms = make(map[string]map[string]bool) // test name -> program name -> exist
// RunProg runs the program prog in a separate process with the specified
// telemetry directory. RunProg can be called multiple times in the same test,
// but all the programs must be registered with NewProgram before the first
// call to RunProg.
func RunProg(t *testing.T, telemetryDir string, prog Program) ([]byte, error) {
return RunProgAsOf(t, telemetryDir, time.Time{}, prog)
// RunProgAsOf is like RunProg, but executes the program as of a specific
// counter time.
func RunProgAsOf(t *testing.T, telemetryDir string, asof time.Time, prog Program) ([]byte, error) {
if telemetryDirEnvVarValue != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "unknown program %q\n %s %s", prog, telemetryDirEnvVarValue, entryPointEnvVarValue)
testName, _, _ := strings.Cut(t.Name(), "/")
testBin, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot determine the current process's executable name: %v", err)
// Spawn a subprocess to run the 'prog' by setting telemetryDirEnvVar.
cmd := exec.Command(testBin, "", fmt.Sprintf("^%s$", testName))
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), telemetryDirEnvVar+"="+telemetryDir, entryPointEnvVar+"="+string(prog))
if !asof.IsZero() {
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, asofEnvVar+"="+asof.Format(telemetry.DateOnly))
return cmd.CombinedOutput()
// ProgramInfo returns the go version, program name and version info the
// process would record in its counter file.
func ProgramInfo(t *testing.T) (goVersion, progPath, progVersion string) {
info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo()
if !ok {
t.Fatal("cannot read build info - it's likely this setup is unsupported by the counter package")
return telemetry.ProgramInfo(info)
// CreateTestUploadConfig creates a new upload config for the current program,
// permitting the given counters.
func CreateTestUploadConfig(t *testing.T, counterNames, stackCounterNames []string) *telemetry.UploadConfig {
goVersion, progPath, progVersion := ProgramInfo(t)
GOOS, GOARCH := runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH
programConfig := &telemetry.ProgramConfig{
Name: progPath,
Versions: []string{progVersion},
for _, c := range counterNames {
programConfig.Counters = append(programConfig.Counters, telemetry.CounterConfig{Name: c, Rate: 1})
for _, c := range stackCounterNames {
programConfig.Stacks = append(programConfig.Stacks, telemetry.CounterConfig{Name: c, Rate: 1, Depth: 16})
return &telemetry.UploadConfig{
GOOS: []string{GOOS},
GOARCH: []string{GOARCH},
SampleRate: 1.0,
GoVersion: []string{goVersion},
Programs: []*telemetry.ProgramConfig{programConfig},