blob: 6bd559a8412c452a71b7bb9feec1ce2fe5e184e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package upload
import (
// files to handle
type work struct {
// absolute file names
countfiles []string // count files to process
readyfiles []string // old reports to upload
// relative names
uploaded map[string]bool // reports that have been uploaded
// find all the files that look like counter files or reports
// that need to be uploaded. (There may be unexpected leftover files
// and uploading is supposed to be idempotent.)
func (u *Uploader) findWork() work {
localdir, uploaddir := u.dir.LocalDir(), u.dir.UploadDir()
var ans work
fis, err := os.ReadDir(localdir)
if err != nil {
u.logger.Printf("Could not find work: failed to read local dir %s: %v", localdir, err)
return ans
mode, asof := u.dir.Mode()
u.logger.Printf("Finding work: mode %s, asof %s", mode, asof)
// count files end in .v1.count
// reports end in .json. If they are not to be uploaded they
// start with local.
for _, fi := range fis {
if strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".v1.count") {
fname := filepath.Join(localdir, fi.Name())
_, expiry, err := u.counterDateSpan(fname)
switch {
case err != nil:
u.logger.Printf("Error reading expiry for count file %s: %v", fi.Name(), err)
case expiry.After(u.startTime):
u.logger.Printf("Skipping count file %s: still active", fi.Name())
u.logger.Printf("Collecting count file %s", fi.Name())
ans.countfiles = append(ans.countfiles, fname)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(fi.Name(), "local.") {
// skip
} else if strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".json") && mode == "on" {
// Collect reports that are ready for upload.
reportDate := u.uploadReportDate(fi.Name())
if !asof.IsZero() && !reportDate.IsZero() {
// If both the mode asof date and the report date are present, do the
// right thing...
// (see
if asof.Before(reportDate) {
// Note: since this report was created after telemetry was enabled,
// we can only assume that the process that created it checked that
// the counter data contained therein was all from after the asof
// date.
// TODO(rfindley): store the begin date in reports, so that we can
// verify this assumption.
u.logger.Printf("Uploadable: %s", fi.Name())
ans.readyfiles = append(ans.readyfiles, filepath.Join(localdir, fi.Name()))
} else {
// ...otherwise fall back on the old behavior of uploading all
// unuploaded files.
// TODO(rfindley): invert this logic following more testing. We
// should only upload if we know both the asof date and the report
// date, and they are acceptable.
u.logger.Printf("Uploadable (missing date): %s", fi.Name())
ans.readyfiles = append(ans.readyfiles, filepath.Join(localdir, fi.Name()))
fis, err = os.ReadDir(uploaddir)
if err != nil {
os.MkdirAll(uploaddir, 0777)
return ans
// There should be only one of these per day; maybe sometime
// we'll want to clean the directory.
ans.uploaded = make(map[string]bool)
for _, fi := range fis {
if strings.HasSuffix(fi.Name(), ".json") {
u.logger.Printf("Already uploaded: %s", fi.Name())
ans.uploaded[fi.Name()] = true
return ans