blob: b781b3e06b45b437f68ddb4fdc0c28428d6ac93d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The view command is a server intended to be run on a user's machine to
// display the local counters and time series charts of counters.
package view
import (
contentfs ""
tcounter ""
type Server struct {
Addr string
Dev bool
FsConfig string
Open bool
// Serve starts the telemetry viewer and runs indefinitely.
func (s *Server) Serve() {
var fsys fs.FS = contentfs.FS
if s.Dev {
fsys = os.DirFS("internal/content")
var err error
fsys, err = unionfs.Sub(fsys, "gotelemetryview", "shared")
if err != nil {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.Handle("/", s.handleIndex(fsys))
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.Addr)
if err != nil {
addr := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", listener.Addr())
fmt.Printf("server listening at %s\n", addr)
if s.Open {
log.Fatal(http.Serve(listener, mux))
type page struct {
// Config is the config used to render the requested page.
Config *config.Config
// PrettyConfig is the Config struct formatted as indented JSON for display on the page.
PrettyConfig string
// ConfigVersion is used to render a dropdown list of config versions for a user to select.
ConfigVersions []string
// RequestedConfig is the URL query param value for config.
RequestedConfig string
// Files are the local counter files for display on the page.
Files []*counterFile
// Reports are the local reports for display on the page.
Reports []*telemetryReport
// Charts is the counter data from files and reports grouped by program and counter name.
Charts *chartdata
// TODO: filtering and pagination for date ranges
func (s *Server) handleIndex(fsys fs.FS) handlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error {
if r.URL.Path != "/" {
http.FileServer(http.FS(fsys)).ServeHTTP(w, r)
return nil
requestedConfig := r.URL.Query().Get("config")
if requestedConfig == "" {
requestedConfig = "latest"
cfg, err := s.configAt(requestedConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Falling back to empty config: %v", err)
cfg, _ = s.configAt("empty")
cfgVersionList, err := configVersions()
if err != nil {
return err
cfgJSON, err := json.MarshalIndent(cfg, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return err
localDir := telemetry.Default.LocalDir()
if _, err := os.Stat(localDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(
`The telemetry dir %s does not exist.
There is nothing to report.`, telemetry.Default.LocalDir())
reports, err := reports(localDir, cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
files, err := files(localDir, cfg)
if err != nil {
return err
charts := charts(append(reports, pending(files, cfg)...), cfg)
data := page{
Config: cfg,
PrettyConfig: string(cfgJSON),
ConfigVersions: cfgVersionList,
Reports: reports,
Files: files,
Charts: charts,
RequestedConfig: requestedConfig,
return renderTemplate(w, fsys, "index.html", data, http.StatusOK)
// configAt gets the config at a given version.
func (s Server) configAt(version string) (ucfg *config.Config, err error) {
if version == "" || version == "empty" {
return config.NewConfig(&telemetry.UploadConfig{}), nil
if s.FsConfig != "" {
ucfg, err = config.ReadConfig(s.FsConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
cfg, _, err := configstore.Download(version, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ucfg = config.NewConfig(&cfg)
return ucfg, nil
// configVersions is the set of config versions the user may select from the UI.
// TODO: get the list of versions available from the proxy.
func configVersions() ([]string, error) {
v := []string{"latest"}
return v, nil
// reports reads the local report files from a directory.
func reports(dir string, cfg *config.Config) ([]*telemetryReport, error) {
fsys := os.DirFS(dir)
entries, err := fs.ReadDir(fsys, ".")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var reports []*telemetryReport
for _, e := range entries {
if path.Ext(e.Name()) != ".json" {
data, err := fs.ReadFile(fsys, e.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("read report file failed: %v", err)
var report *telemetry.Report
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &report); err != nil {
log.Printf("unmarshal report file failed: %v", err)
reports = append(reports, newTelemetryReport(report, cfg))
// sort the reports descending by week.
sort.Slice(reports, func(i, j int) bool {
return reports[j].Week < reports[i].Week
return reports, nil
// telemetryReport wraps telemetry report to add convenience fields for the UI.
type telemetryReport struct {
ID string
Programs []*telemetryProgram
type telemetryProgram struct {
ID string
Summary template.HTML
func newTelemetryReport(t *telemetry.Report, cfg *config.Config) *telemetryReport {
var prgms []*telemetryProgram
for _, p := range t.Programs {
meta := map[string]string{
"Program": p.Program,
"Version": p.Version,
"GoVersion": p.GoVersion,
counters := make(map[string]uint64)
for k, v := range p.Counters {
counters[k] = uint64(v)
prgms = append(prgms, &telemetryProgram{
ProgramReport: p,
ID: strings.Join([]string{"reports", t.Week, p.Program, p.Version, p.GOOS, p.GOARCH, p.GoVersion}, ":"),
Summary: summary(cfg, meta, counters),
return &telemetryReport{
Report: t,
ID: "reports:" + t.Week,
Programs: prgms,
// files reads the local counter files from a directory.
func files(dir string, cfg *config.Config) ([]*counterFile, error) {
fsys := os.DirFS(dir)
entries, err := fs.ReadDir(fsys, ".")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var files []*counterFile
for _, e := range entries {
if e.IsDir() || path.Ext(e.Name()) != ".count" {
data, err := fs.ReadFile(fsys, e.Name())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("read counter file failed: %v", err)
file, err := tcounter.Parse(e.Name(), data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("parse counter file failed: %v", err)
files = append(files, newCounterFile(e.Name(), file, cfg))
return files, nil
// counterFile wraps counter file to add convenience fields for the UI.
type counterFile struct {
ID string
Summary template.HTML
ActiveMeta map[string]bool
Counts []*count
Stacks []*stack
type count struct {
Name string
Value uint64
Active bool
type stack struct {
Name string
Trace string
Value uint64
Active bool
func newCounterFile(name string, c *tcounter.File, cfg *config.Config) *counterFile {
activeMeta := map[string]bool{
"Program": cfg.HasProgram(c.Meta["Program"]),
"Version": cfg.HasVersion(c.Meta["Program"], c.Meta["Version"]),
"GOOS": cfg.HasGOOS(c.Meta["GOOS"]),
"GOARCH": cfg.HasGOARCH(c.Meta["GOARCH"]),
"GoVersion": cfg.HasGoVersion(c.Meta["GoVersion"]),
var counts []*count
var stacks []*stack
for k, v := range c.Count {
if summary, details, ok := strings.Cut(k, "\n"); ok {
active := cfg.HasStack(c.Meta["Program"], k)
stacks = append(stacks, &stack{summary, details, v, active})
} else {
active := cfg.HasCounter(c.Meta["Program"], k)
counts = append(counts, &count{k, v, active})
sort.Slice(counts, func(i, j int) bool {
return counts[i].Name < counts[j].Name
sort.Slice(stacks, func(i, j int) bool {
return stacks[i].Name < stacks[j].Name
return &counterFile{
File: c,
ID: name,
ActiveMeta: activeMeta,
Counts: counts,
Stacks: stacks,
Summary: summary(cfg, c.Meta, c.Count),
// summary generates a summary of a set of telemetry data. It describes what data is
// located in the set is not allowed given a config and how the data would be handled
// in the event of a telemetry upload event.
func summary(cfg *config.Config, meta map[string]string, counts map[string]uint64) template.HTML {
msg := " is unregistered. No data from this set would be uploaded to the Go team."
if prog := meta["Program"]; !(cfg.HasProgram(prog)) {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
"The program <code>%s</code>"+msg,
var result strings.Builder
if !(cfg.HasGOOS(meta["GOOS"])) || !(cfg.HasGOARCH(meta["GOARCH"])) {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
"The GOOS/GOARCH combination <code>%s/%s</code> "+msg,
goVersion := meta["GoVersion"]
if !(cfg.HasGoVersion(goVersion)) {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
"The go version <code>%s</code> "+msg,
version := meta["Version"]
if !(cfg.HasVersion(meta["Program"], version)) {
return template.HTML(fmt.Sprintf(
"The version <code>%s</code> "+msg,
var counters []string
for c := range counts {
summary, _, ok := strings.Cut(c, "\n")
if ok && !cfg.HasStack(meta["Program"], c) {
counters = append(counters, fmt.Sprintf("<code>%s</code>", html.EscapeString(summary)))
if !ok && !(cfg.HasCounter(meta["Program"], c)) {
counters = append(counters, fmt.Sprintf("<code>%s</code>", html.EscapeString(c)))
if len(counters) > 0 {
result.WriteString("Unregistered counter(s) ")
result.WriteString(strings.Join(counters, ", "))
result.WriteString(" would be excluded from a report. ")
return template.HTML(result.String())
type chartdata struct {
Programs []*program
// DateRange is used to align the week intervals for each of the charts.
DateRange [2]string
type program struct {
ID string
Name string
Counters []*counter
Active bool
type counter struct {
ID string
Name string
Data []*datum
Active bool
type datum struct {
Week string
Program string
Version string
GOARCH string
GOOS string
GoVersion string
Key string
Value int64
// charts returns chartdata for a set of telemetry reports. It uses the config
// to determine if the programs and counters are active.
func charts(reports []*telemetryReport, cfg *config.Config) *chartdata {
data := grouped(reports)
result := &chartdata{DateRange: reportsDomain(reports)}
for pg, pgdata := range data {
prog := &program{ID: "charts:" + pg.Name, Name: pg.Name, Active: cfg.HasProgram(pg.Name)}
result.Programs = append(result.Programs, prog)
for c, cdata := range pgdata {
count := &counter{
ID: "charts:" + pg.Name + ":" + c.Name,
Name: c.Name,
Data: cdata,
Active: cfg.HasCounter(pg.Name, c.Name) || cfg.HasCounterPrefix(pg.Name, c.Name),
prog.Counters = append(prog.Counters, count)
sort.Slice(count.Data, func(i, j int) bool {
a, err1 := strconv.ParseFloat(count.Data[i].Key, 32)
b, err2 := strconv.ParseFloat(count.Data[j].Key, 32)
if err1 == nil && err2 == nil {
return a < b
return count.Data[i].Key < count.Data[j].Key
sort.Slice(prog.Counters, func(i, j int) bool {
return prog.Counters[i].Name < prog.Counters[j].Name
sort.Slice(result.Programs, func(i, j int) bool {
return result.Programs[i].Name < result.Programs[j].Name
return result
// reportsDomain computes a common reportsDomain to use for all reports, assuming a week
// centered around sunday (the default bin behavior in the observablehq
// plotting library).
// TODO(rfindley): use the actual weekday file to compute better bins
// right-aligned to the upload date, or figure something else out.
func reportsDomain(reports []*telemetryReport) [2]string {
var weeks []string
for _, r := range reports {
weeks = append(weeks, r.Week)
return domain(weeks)
func domain(weeks []string) [2]string {
start := weeks[0]
const timeFormat = "2006-01-02"
if st, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, start); err == nil {
st = st.AddDate(0, 0, -int(st.Weekday()-time.Sunday)) // adjust to preceding Sunday
start = st.Format(timeFormat)
end := weeks[len(weeks)-1]
if et, err := time.Parse(timeFormat, end); err == nil {
et = et.AddDate(0, 0, int(time.Sunday+7-et.Weekday()))
end = et.Format(timeFormat) // adjust to next Saturday
return [2]string{start, end}
type programKey struct {
Name string
type counterKey struct {
Name string
// grouped returns normalized counter data grouped by program and counter.
func grouped(reports []*telemetryReport) map[programKey]map[counterKey][]*datum {
result := make(map[programKey]map[counterKey][]*datum)
for _, r := range reports {
for _, e := range r.Programs {
pgkey := programKey{e.Program}
if _, ok := result[pgkey]; !ok {
result[pgkey] = make(map[counterKey][]*datum)
for counter, value := range e.Counters {
name, bucket, found := strings.Cut(counter, ":")
key := name
if found {
key = bucket
element := &datum{
Week: r.Week,
Program: e.Program,
Version: e.Version,
GoVersion: e.GoVersion,
Key: key,
Value: value,
ckey := counterKey{name}
result[pgkey][ckey] = append(result[pgkey][ckey], element)
for counter, value := range e.Stacks {
summary, _, _ := strings.Cut(counter, "\n")
element := &datum{
Week: r.Week,
Program: e.Program,
Version: e.Version,
GoVersion: e.GoVersion,
Key: summary,
Value: value,
ckey := counterKey{summary}
result[pgkey][ckey] = append(result[pgkey][ckey], element)
return result
// pending transforms the active counter files into a report. Used to add
// the data they contain to the charts in the UI.
func pending(files []*counterFile, cfg *config.Config) []*telemetryReport {
reports := make(map[string]*telemetry.Report)
for _, f := range files {
tb, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, f.Meta["TimeEnd"])
week := tb.Format("2006-01-02")
if _, ok := reports[week]; !ok {
reports[week] = &telemetry.Report{Week: week}
program := &telemetry.ProgramReport{
Program: f.Meta["Program"],
GOOS: f.Meta["GOOS"],
GoVersion: f.Meta["GoVersion"],
Version: f.Meta["Version"],
program.Counters = make(map[string]int64)
program.Stacks = make(map[string]int64)
for k, v := range f.Count {
if tcounter.IsStackCounter(k) {
program.Stacks[k] = int64(v)
} else {
program.Counters[k] = int64(v)
reports[week].Programs = append(reports[week].Programs, program)
var result []*telemetryReport
for _, r := range reports {
result = append(result, newTelemetryReport(r, cfg))
return result
type handlerFunc func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) error
func (f handlerFunc) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if err := f(w, r); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
// renderTemplate executes a template response.
func renderTemplate(w http.ResponseWriter, fsys fs.FS, tmplPath string, data any, code int) error {
patterns, err := tmplPatterns(fsys, tmplPath)
if err != nil {
return err
patterns = append(patterns, tmplPath)
tmpl, err := template.ParseFS(fsys, patterns...)
if err != nil {
return err
name := path.Base(tmplPath)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if err := tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, name, data); err != nil {
return err
if code != 0 {
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html")
w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(buf.Len()))
if _, err := w.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// tmplPatterns generates a slice of file patterns to use in template.ParseFS.
func tmplPatterns(fsys fs.FS, tmplPath string) ([]string, error) {
var patterns []string
globs := []string{"*.tmpl", path.Join(path.Dir(tmplPath), "*.tmpl")}
for _, g := range globs {
matches, err := fs.Glob(fsys, g)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
patterns = append(patterns, matches...)
return patterns, nil