blob: 513843e57aa44832ab942921297728a8889dcdb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package upload
import (
// CreateTestUploadServer creates a test server that records the uploaded data.
// The server is closed as part of cleaning up t.
func CreateTestUploadServer(t *testing.T) (*httptest.Server, func() [][]byte) {
s := &uploadQueue{}
srv := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
buf, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("invalid request received: %v", err)
http.Error(w, "read failed", http.StatusBadRequest)
return srv, s.Get
type uploadQueue struct {
mu sync.Mutex
data [][]byte
func (s *uploadQueue) Append(data []byte) {
defer = append(, data)
func (s *uploadQueue) Get() [][]byte {
func CreateTestUploadConfig(t *testing.T, counterNames, stackCounterNames []string) *telemetry.UploadConfig {
goVersion, progPath, progVersion := regtest.ProgramInfo(t)
GOOS, GOARCH := runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH
programConfig := &telemetry.ProgramConfig{
Name: progPath,
Versions: []string{progVersion},
for _, c := range counterNames {
programConfig.Counters = append(programConfig.Counters, telemetry.CounterConfig{Name: c, Rate: 1})
for _, c := range stackCounterNames {
programConfig.Stacks = append(programConfig.Stacks, telemetry.CounterConfig{Name: c, Rate: 1, Depth: 16})
return &telemetry.UploadConfig{
GOOS: []string{GOOS},
GOARCH: []string{GOARCH},
SampleRate: 1.0,
GoVersion: []string{goVersion},
Programs: []*telemetry.ProgramConfig{programConfig},
func TestDates(t *testing.T) {
prog := regtest.NewProgram(t, "prog", func() int {
counter.NewStack("aStack", 4).Inc()
return 0
// Run a fake program that produces a counter file in the telemetryDir.
// readCountFileInfo will give us a template counter file content
// based on the counter file.
telemetryDir := t.TempDir()
if out, err := regtest.RunProg(t, telemetryDir, prog); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to run program: %s", out)
cs := readCountFileInfo(t, filepath.Join(telemetryDir, "local"))
uc := CreateTestUploadConfig(t, nil, []string{"aStack"})
env := configtest.LocalProxyEnv(t, uc, "v1.2.3")
const today = "2020-01-24"
const yesterday = "2020-01-23"
telemetryEnableTime, _ := time.Parse(dateFormat, "2019-12-01") // back-date the telemetry acceptance
tests := []Test{ // each date must be different to subvert the parse cache
{ // test that existing counters and ready files are not uploaded if they span data before telemetry was enabled
name: "beforefirstupload",
today: "2019-12-04",
date: "2019-12-03",
begins: "2019-12-01",
ends: "2019-12-03",
readys: []string{"2019-12-01", "2019-12-02"},
// We get one local report: the newly created report.
// It is not ready as it begins on the same day that telemetry was
// enabled, and we err on the side of assuming it holds data from before
// the user turned on uploading.
wantLocal: 1,
// The report for 2019-12-01 is still ready, because it was not uploaded.
// This could happen in practice if the user disabled and then reenabled
// telmetry.
wantReady: 1,
// The report for 2019-12-02 was uploaded.
wantUploadeds: 1,
{ // test that existing counters and ready files are uploaded they only contain data after telemetry was enabled
name: "oktoupload",
today: "2019-12-10",
date: "2019-12-09",
begins: "2019-12-02",
ends: "2019-12-09",
readys: []string{"2019-12-07"},
wantLocal: 1,
wantUploadeds: 2, // Both new report and existing report are uploaded.
{ // test that an old countfile is removed and no reports generated
name: "oldcountfile",
today: today,
date: "2020-01-01",
begins: "2020-01-01",
ends: olderThan(t, today, distantPast, "oldcountfile"),
// one local; readys, uploads are empty, and there should be nothing left
wantLocal: 1,
{ // test that a count file expiring today is left alone
name: "todayscountfile",
today: today,
date: "2020-01-02",
begins: "2020-01-08",
ends: today,
wantCounts: 1,
{ // test that a count file expiring yesterday generates reports
name: "yesterdaycountfile",
today: today,
date: "2020-01-03",
begins: "2020-01-16",
ends: yesterday,
wantLocal: 1,
wantUploadeds: 1,
{ // count file already has local report, remove count file
name: "alreadydonelocal",
today: today,
date: "2020-01-04",
begins: "2020-01-16",
ends: yesterday,
locals: []string{yesterday},
wantCounts: 0,
wantLocal: 1,
{ // count file already has upload report, remove count file
name: "alreadydoneuploaded",
today: today,
date: "2020-01-05",
begins: "2020-01-16",
ends: "2020-01-23",
uploads: []string{"2020-01-23"},
wantCounts: 0, // count file has been used, remove it
wantLocal: 0, // no local report generated
wantUploadeds: 1, // the existing uploaded report
{ // for some reason there's a ready file in the future, don't upload it
name: "futurereadyfile",
today: "2020-01-24",
date: "2020-01-06",
begins: "2020-01-16",
ends: "2020-01-24", // count file not expired
readys: []string{"2020-01-25"},
wantCounts: 1, // active count file
wantReady: 1, // existing premature ready file
for _, tx := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
telemetryDir := t.TempDir()
srv, uploaded := CreateTestUploadServer(t)
dbg := filepath.Join(telemetryDir, "debug")
if err := os.MkdirAll(dbg, 0777); err != nil {
uploader, err := newUploader(RunConfig{
TelemetryDir: telemetryDir,
UploadURL: srv.URL,
Env: env,
if err != nil {
defer uploader.Close()
if err := uploader.dir.SetModeAsOf("on", telemetryEnableTime); err != nil {
uploader.startTime = mustParseDate(
wantUploadCount := doTest(t, uploader, &tx, cs)
if got := len(uploaded()); wantUploadCount != got {
t.Errorf("server got %d upload requests, want %d", got, wantUploadCount)
func mustParseDate(d string) time.Time {
x, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", d)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("couldn't parse time %s", d)
return x
// return a day more than 'old' before 'today'
func olderThan(t *testing.T, today string, old time.Duration, nm string) string {
x, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", today)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%q not a day in test %s (%v)", today, nm, err)
return today // so test should fail
ans := x.Add(-old - 24*time.Hour)
msg := ans.Format("2006-01-02")
return msg
// Test is a single test.
// All dates are in YYYY-MM-DD format.
type Test struct {
name string // the test name; only used for descriptive output
today string // the date of the fake upload
// count file
date string // the date in of the upload file name; must be unique among tests
begins, ends string // the begin and end date stored in the counter metadata
// Dates of load reports in the local dir.
locals []string
// Dates of upload reports in the local dir.
readys []string
// Dates of reports already uploaded.
uploads []string
// number of expected results
wantCounts int
wantReady int
wantLocal int
wantUploadeds int
// Information from the counter file so its contents can be
// modified for tests
type countFileInfo struct {
beginOffset, endOffset int // where the dates are in the file
buf []byte // counter file contents
namePrefix string // the part of its name before the date
originalName string // its original name
// return useful information from the counter file to be used
// in creating tests. also compute and return the UploadConfig
// Note that there must be exactly one counter file in localDir.
func readCountFileInfo(t *testing.T, localDir string) *countFileInfo {
fis, err := os.ReadDir(localDir)
if err != nil {
var countFileName string
var countFileBuf []byte
for _, f := range fis {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".count") {
countFileName = filepath.Join(localDir, f.Name())
buf, err := os.ReadFile(countFileName)
if err != nil {
countFileBuf = buf
if len(countFileBuf) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("no contents read for %s", countFileName)
var cfilename string = countFileName
cfilename = filepath.Base(cfilename)
flds := strings.Split(cfilename, "-")
if len(flds) != 7 {
t.Fatalf("got %d fields, expected 7 (%q)", len(flds), cfilename)
pr := strings.Join(flds[:4], "-") + "-"
ans := countFileInfo{
buf: countFileBuf,
namePrefix: pr,
originalName: countFileName,
idx := bytes.Index(countFileBuf, []byte("TimeEnd: "))
if idx < 0 {
t.Fatalf("couldn't find TimeEnd in count file %q", countFileBuf[:100])
ans.endOffset = idx + len("TimeEnd: ")
idx = bytes.Index(countFileBuf, []byte("TimeBegin: "))
if idx < 0 {
t.Fatalf("couldn't find TimeBegin in countfile %q", countFileBuf[:100])
ans.beginOffset = idx + len("TimeBegin: ")
return &ans
func doTest(t *testing.T, u *uploader, test *Test, known *countFileInfo) int {
// set up directory contents
contents := bytes.Join([][]byte{
known.buf[known.beginOffset+len("YYYY-MM-DD") : known.endOffset],
}, nil)
filename := known.namePrefix + + ".v1.count"
if err := os.MkdirAll(u.dir.LocalDir(), 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(u.dir.LocalDir(), filename), contents, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("writing count file for %s (%s): %v",, filename, err)
for _, x := range test.locals {
nm := fmt.Sprintf("local.%s.json", x)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(u.dir.LocalDir(), nm), []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v writing local file %s", err, nm)
for _, x := range test.readys {
nm := fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", x)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(u.dir.LocalDir(), nm), []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v writing ready file %s", err, nm)
if len(test.uploads) > 0 {
os.MkdirAll(u.dir.UploadDir(), 0777)
for _, x := range test.uploads {
nm := fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", x)
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(u.dir.UploadDir(), nm), []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%v writing upload %s", err, nm)
// run
// check results
var cfiles, rfiles, lfiles, ufiles int
fis, err := os.ReadDir(u.dir.LocalDir())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v reading localdir %s", err, u.dir.LocalDir())
return 0
for _, f := range fis {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".v1.count"):
case f.Name() == "weekends": // ok
case strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(), "local."):
case strings.HasSuffix(f.Name(), ".json"):
t.Errorf("for %s, unexpected local file %s",, f.Name())
var logcnt int
logs, err := os.ReadDir(u.dir.DebugDir())
if err == nil {
logcnt = len(logs)
if logcnt != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected 1 log file, got %d", logcnt)
fis, err = os.ReadDir(u.dir.UploadDir())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%v reading uploaddir %s", err, u.dir.UploadDir())
return 0
ufiles = len(fis) // assume there's nothing but .json reports
if test.wantCounts != cfiles {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d countfiles, wanted %d",, cfiles, test.wantCounts)
if test.wantReady != rfiles {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d ready files, wanted %d",, rfiles, test.wantReady)
if test.wantLocal != lfiles {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d localfiles, wanted %d",, lfiles, test.wantLocal)
if test.wantUploadeds != ufiles {
t.Errorf("%s: got %d uploaded files, wanted %d",, ufiles, test.wantUploadeds)
return ufiles - len(test.uploads)