blob: e79f63a1bfad92aa861ddd2a16c6f6c416e6d047 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:generate stringer -output binres_string.go -type ResType,DataType
// Package binres implements encoding and decoding of android binary resources.
// Binary resource structs support unmarshalling the binary output of aapt.
// Implementations of marshalling for each struct must produce the exact input
// sent to unmarshalling. This allows tests to validate each struct representation
// of the binary format as follows:
// * unmarshal the output of aapt
// * marshal the struct representation
// * perform byte-to-byte comparison with aapt output per chunk header and body
// This process should strive to make structs idiomatic to make parsing xml text
// into structs trivial.
// Once the struct representation is validated, tests for parsing xml text
// into structs can become self-referential as the following holds true:
// * the unmarshalled input of aapt output is the only valid target
// * the unmarshalled input of xml text may be compared to the unmarshalled
// input of aapt output to identify errors, e.g. text-trims, wrong flags, etc
// This provides validation, byte-for-byte, for producing binary xml resources.
// It should be made clear that unmarshalling binary resources is currently only
// in scope for proving that the BinaryMarshaler works correctly. Any other use
// is currently out of scope.
// A simple view of binary xml document structure:
// XML
// Pool
// Map
// Namespace
// [...node]
// Additional resources:
// (a series of articles, increment date)
package binres
import (
func errWrongType(have ResType, want ...ResType) error {
return fmt.Errorf("wrong resource type %s, want one of %v", have, want)
type ResType uint16
func (t ResType) IsSupported() bool {
// explicit for clarity
return t == ResStringPool || t == ResXML ||
t == ResXMLStartNamespace || t == ResXMLEndNamespace ||
t == ResXMLStartElement || t == ResXMLEndElement ||
t == ResXMLCharData ||
t == ResXMLResourceMap ||
t == ResTable || t == ResTablePackage ||
t == ResTableTypeSpec || t == ResTableType
// explicitly defined for clarity and resolvability with apt source
const (
ResNull ResType = 0x0000
ResStringPool ResType = 0x0001
ResTable ResType = 0x0002
ResXML ResType = 0x0003
ResXMLStartNamespace ResType = 0x0100
ResXMLEndNamespace ResType = 0x0101
ResXMLStartElement ResType = 0x0102
ResXMLEndElement ResType = 0x0103
ResXMLCharData ResType = 0x0104
ResXMLResourceMap ResType = 0x0180
ResTablePackage ResType = 0x0200
ResTableType ResType = 0x0201
ResTableTypeSpec ResType = 0x0202
ResTableLibrary ResType = 0x0203
var (
btou16 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint16
btou32 = binary.LittleEndian.Uint32
putu16 = binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16
putu32 = binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32
// unmarshaler wraps BinaryUnmarshaler to provide byte size of decoded chunks.
type unmarshaler interface {
// size returns the byte size unmarshalled after a call to
// UnmarshalBinary, or otherwise zero.
size() int
// chunkHeader appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource.
type chunkHeader struct {
// Type of data that follows this header.
typ ResType
// Advance slice index by this value to find its associated data, if any.
headerByteSize uint16
// This is the header size plus the size of any data associated with the chunk.
// Advance slice index by this value to completely skip its contents, including
// any child chunks. If this value is the same as headerByteSize, there is
// no data associated with the chunk.
byteSize uint32
// size implements unmarshaler.
func (hdr chunkHeader) size() int { return int(hdr.byteSize) }
func (hdr *chunkHeader) UnmarshalBinary(bin []byte) error {
hdr.typ = ResType(btou16(bin))
if !hdr.typ.IsSupported() {
return fmt.Errorf("%s not supported", hdr.typ)
hdr.headerByteSize = btou16(bin[2:])
hdr.byteSize = btou32(bin[4:])
if len(bin) < int(hdr.byteSize) {
return fmt.Errorf("too few bytes to unmarshal chunk body, have %v, need at-least %v", len(bin), hdr.byteSize)
return nil
func (hdr chunkHeader) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
if !hdr.typ.IsSupported() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not supported", hdr.typ)
bin := make([]byte, 8)
putu16(bin, uint16(hdr.typ))
putu16(bin[2:], hdr.headerByteSize)
putu32(bin[4:], hdr.byteSize)
return bin, nil
type XML struct {
Pool *Pool
Map *Map
Namespace *Namespace
Children []*Element
// tmp field used when unmarshalling binary
stack []*Element
// TODO this is used strictly for querying in tests and dependent on
// current XML.UnmarshalBinary implementation. Look into moving directly
// into tests.
var debugIndices = make(map[encoding.BinaryMarshaler]int)
const (
androidSchema = ""
toolsSchema = ""
type xattr struct {
type xnode struct {
name xml.Name
attrs []xattr
cdata []string
func UnmarshalXML(r io.Reader) (*XML, error) {
sdkdir := os.Getenv("ANDROID_HOME")
if sdkdir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ANDROID_HOME env var not set")
tbl, err := OpenTable(path.Join(sdkdir, "platforms/android-15/android.jar"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var nodes []xnode
dec := xml.NewDecoder(r)
bx := new(XML)
for {
tkn, err := dec.Token()
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil, err
tkn = xml.CopyToken(tkn)
switch tkn := tkn.(type) {
case xml.StartElement:
nodes = append(nodes, xnode{name: tkn.Name})
for _, attr := range tkn.Attr {
if attr.Name.Space == toolsSchema || (attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" && attr.Name.Local == "tools") {
continue // TODO can tbl be queried for schemas to determine validity instead?
att := xattr{attr, false}
if attr.Name.Space == "" || attr.Name.Space == "xmlns" {
att.bool = true
} else if attr.Name.Space == androidSchema {
// get type spec and value data type
ref, err := tbl.RefByName("attr/" + attr.Name.Local)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
nt, err := ref.Resolve(tbl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(nt.values) == 0 {
// TODO don't know if this can happen
panic("TODO don't know how to handle empty values slice")
if len(nt.values) == 1 {
val := nt.values[0]
if != DataIntDec {
panic("TODO only know how to handle DataIntDec type here")
t := DataType(
switch t {
case DataString, DataAttribute, DataType(0x3e):
// TODO identify 0x3e, in bootstrap.xml this is the native lib name
// TODO why DataAttribute? confirm details of usage
att.bool = true
// TODO resolve other data types
// fmt.Printf("unhandled data type %0#4x: %s\n", uint32(t), t)
} else { // attribute value must resolve to one of the values here
// TODO resolve reference values and assure they match list of values here
nodes[len(nodes)-1].attrs = append(nodes[len(nodes)-1].attrs, att)
case xml.CharData:
if s := poolTrim(string(tkn)); s != "" {
nodes[len(nodes)-1].cdata = append(nodes[len(nodes)-1].cdata, s)
case xml.EndElement, xml.Comment, xml.ProcInst:
// discard
panic(fmt.Errorf("unhandled token type: %T %+v", tkn, tkn))
bvc := xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{
Space: "",
Local: "platformBuildVersionCode",
Value: "15",
bvn := xml.Attr{
Name: xml.Name{
Space: "",
Local: "platformBuildVersionName",
Value: "4.0.3",
nodes[0].attrs = append(nodes[0].attrs, xattr{bvc, true}, xattr{bvn, true})
// pools appear to be sorted as follows:
// * attribute names prefixed with android:
// * "android", [schema-url], [empty-string]
// * for each node:
// * attribute names with no prefix
// * node name
// * attribute value if data type of name is DataString, DataAttribute, or 0x3e (an unknown)
bx.Pool = new(Pool)
for _, node := range nodes {
for _, attr := range node.attrs {
if attr.Name.Space == androidSchema {
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Local)
// TODO encoding/xml does not enforce namespace prefix and manifest encoding in aapt
// appears to ignore all other prefixes. Inserting this manually is not strictly correct
// for the general case, but the effort to do otherwise currently offers nothing.
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "android", androidSchema)
// there always appears to be an empty string located after schema, even if one is
// not present in manifest.
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, "")
for _, node := range nodes {
for _, attr := range node.attrs {
if attr.Name.Space == "" {
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Name.Local)
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings,
for _, attr := range node.attrs {
if attr.bool {
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, attr.Value)
for _, x := range node.cdata {
bx.Pool.strings = append(bx.Pool.strings, x)
// do not eliminate duplicates until the entire slice has been composed.
// consider <activity android:label="label" .../>
// all attribute names come first followed by values; in such a case, the value "label"
// would be a reference to the same "android:label" in the string pool which will occur
// within the beginning of the pool where other attr names are located.
bx.Pool.strings = asSet(bx.Pool.strings)
return bx, nil
// asSet returns a set from a slice of strings.
func asSet(xs []string) []string {
m := make(map[string]bool)
fo := xs[:0]
for _, x := range xs {
if !m[x] {
m[x] = true
fo = append(fo, x)
return fo
// poolTrim trims all but immediately surrounding space.
// \n\t\tfoobar\n\t\t becomes \tfoobar\n
func poolTrim(s string) string {
var start, end int
for i, r := range s {
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
if i != 0 {
start = i - 1 // preserve preceding space
for i := len(s) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
r := rune(s[i])
if !unicode.IsSpace(r) {
if i != len(s)-1 {
end = i + 2
if start == 0 && end == 0 {
return "" // every char was a space
return s[start:end]
func (bx *XML) UnmarshalBinary(bin []byte) error {
buf := bin
if err := (&bx.chunkHeader).UnmarshalBinary(bin); err != nil {
return err
buf = buf[8:]
// TODO this is tracked strictly for querying in tests; look into moving this
// functionality directly into tests if possible.
debugIndex := 8
for len(buf) > 0 {
t := ResType(btou16(buf))
k, err := bx.kind(t)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := k.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return err
debugIndices[k.(encoding.BinaryMarshaler)] = debugIndex
debugIndex += int(k.size())
buf = buf[k.size():]
return nil
func (bx *XML) kind(t ResType) (unmarshaler, error) {
switch t {
case ResStringPool:
if bx.Pool != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pool already exists")
bx.Pool = new(Pool)
return bx.Pool, nil
case ResXMLResourceMap:
if bx.Map != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource map already exists")
bx.Map = new(Map)
return bx.Map, nil
case ResXMLStartNamespace:
if bx.Namespace != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("namespace start already exists")
bx.Namespace = new(Namespace)
return bx.Namespace, nil
case ResXMLEndNamespace:
if bx.Namespace.end != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("namespace end already exists")
bx.Namespace.end = new(Namespace)
return bx.Namespace.end, nil
case ResXMLStartElement:
el := new(Element)
if len(bx.stack) == 0 {
bx.Children = append(bx.Children, el)
} else {
n := len(bx.stack)
var p *Element
p, bx.stack = bx.stack[n-1], bx.stack[:n-1]
p.Children = append(p.Children, el)
bx.stack = append(bx.stack, p)
bx.stack = append(bx.stack, el)
return el, nil
case ResXMLEndElement:
n := len(bx.stack)
var el *Element
el, bx.stack = bx.stack[n-1], bx.stack[:n-1]
if el.end != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("element end already exists")
el.end = new(ElementEnd)
return el.end, nil
case ResXMLCharData: // TODO assure correctness
cdt := new(CharData)
el := bx.stack[len(bx.stack)-1]
if el.head == nil {
el.head = cdt
} else if el.tail == nil {
el.tail = cdt
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("element head and tail already contain chardata")
return cdt, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected type %s", t)
func (bx *XML) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
var (
bin, b []byte
err error
b, err = bx.chunkHeader.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bin = append(bin, b...)
b, err = bx.Pool.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bin = append(bin, b...)
b, err = bx.Map.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bin = append(bin, b...)
b, err = bx.Namespace.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bin = append(bin, b...)
for _, child := range bx.Children {
if err := marshalRecurse(child, &bin); err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err = bx.Namespace.end.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bin = append(bin, b...)
return bin, nil
func marshalRecurse(el *Element, bin *[]byte) error {
b, err := el.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
*bin = append(*bin, b...)
if el.head != nil {
b, err := el.head.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
*bin = append(*bin, b...)
for _, child := range el.Children {
if err := marshalRecurse(child, bin); err != nil {
return err
b, err = el.end.MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return err
*bin = append(*bin, b...)
return nil
func (bx *XML) iterElements() <-chan *Element {
ch := make(chan *Element, 1)
go func() {
for _, el := range bx.Children {
iterElementsRecurse(el, ch)
return ch
func iterElementsRecurse(el *Element, ch chan *Element) {
ch <- el
for _, e := range el.Children {
iterElementsRecurse(e, ch)