blob: 914e994ebecedca958eb65153718afa0d3bab5b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package event defines user input events.
package event // import ""
The best source on android input events is the NDK: include/android/input.h
iOS event handling guide:
import (
// Touch is a user touch event.
// The same ID is shared by all events in a sequence. A sequence starts with a
// single TouchStart, is followed by zero or more TouchMoves, and ends with a
// single TouchEnd. An ID distinguishes concurrent sequences but is
// subsequently reused.
// On Android, this is an AInputEvent with AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION.
// On iOS, it is the UIEvent delivered to a UIView.
type Touch struct {
ID TouchSequenceID
Type TouchType
Loc geom.Point
func (t Touch) String() string {
var ty string
switch t.Type {
case TouchStart:
ty = "start"
case TouchMove:
ty = "move "
case TouchEnd:
ty = "end "
return fmt.Sprintf("Touch{ %s, %s }", ty, t.Loc)
// TouchSequenceID identifies a sequence of Touch events.
type TouchSequenceID int64
// TouchType describes the type of a touch event.
type TouchType byte
const (
// TouchStart is a user first touching the device.
// On Android, this is a AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN.
// On iOS, this is a call to touchesBegan.
TouchStart TouchType = iota
// TouchMove is a user dragging across the device.
// A TouchMove is delivered between a TouchStart and TouchEnd.
// On Android, this is a AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MOVE.
// On iOS, this is a call to touchesMoved.
// TouchEnd is a user no longer touching the device.
// On Android, this is a AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_UP.
// On iOS, this is a call to touchesEnded.