misc/androidstudio: An example setting is wrong in README

REAME shows an example like this:

gobind {
  // Package to bind. Separate multiple packages with spaces.
  pkg "github.com/someone/somepackage"

  GOPATH "/home/gopher"

  // Optional list of architectures. Defaults to all supported architectures.
  GOARCH="arm amd64"

  // Absolute path to the gomobile binary. Optional.
  GOMOBILE "/mypath/bin/gomobile"

  // Absolute path to the gomobile binary. Optional.
  GOBIND "/mypath/bin/gobind"

  // Absolute path to the go binary. Optional.
  GO "/usr/local/go/bin/go"

  // Pass extra parameters to command line. Optional.
  GOMOBILEFLAGS "-javapkg my.java.package"

But this example is wrong because each settings need `=` between a key and value.

Fixes golang/go#17996

Change-Id: I0f7acca78aee1032a67c35308b4ce78f97b1aa43
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/33372
Reviewed-by: David Crawshaw <crawshaw@golang.org>
diff --git a/misc/androidstudio/README.md b/misc/androidstudio/README.md
index cbd187c..a70d42c 100644
--- a/misc/androidstudio/README.md
+++ b/misc/androidstudio/README.md
@@ -10,25 +10,25 @@
 gobind {
   // Package to bind. Separate multiple packages with spaces.
-  pkg "github.com/someone/somepackage"
+  pkg="github.com/someone/somepackage"
   // GOPATH
-  GOPATH "/home/gopher"
+  GOPATH="/home/gopher"
   // Optional list of architectures. Defaults to all supported architectures.
   GOARCH="arm amd64"
   // Absolute path to the gomobile binary. Optional.
-  GOMOBILE "/mypath/bin/gomobile"
+  GOMOBILE="/mypath/bin/gomobile"
   // Absolute path to the gomobile binary. Optional.
-  GOBIND "/mypath/bin/gobind"
+  GOBIND="/mypath/bin/gobind"
   // Absolute path to the go binary. Optional.
-  GO "/usr/local/go/bin/go"
+  GO="/usr/local/go/bin/go"
   // Pass extra parameters to command line. Optional.
-  GOMOBILEFLAGS "-javapkg my.java.package"
+  GOMOBILEFLAGS="-javapkg my.java.package"