blob: 082d769518c59fdd7986a0254c3a0e3794bf695e [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
// General mobile build environment. Initialized by envInit.
var (
gomobilepath string // $GOPATH/pkg/gomobile
androidEnv map[string][]string // android arch -> []string
appleEnv map[string][]string
appleNM string
func isAndroidPlatform(platform string) bool {
return platform == "android"
func isApplePlatform(platform string) bool {
return contains(applePlatforms, platform)
var applePlatforms = []string{"ios", "iossimulator", "macos", "maccatalyst"}
func platformArchs(platform string) []string {
switch platform {
case "ios":
return []string{"arm64"}
case "iossimulator":
return []string{"arm64", "amd64"}
case "macos", "maccatalyst":
return []string{"arm64", "amd64"}
case "android":
return []string{"arm", "arm64", "386", "amd64"}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected platform: %s", platform))
func isSupportedArch(platform, arch string) bool {
return contains(platformArchs(platform), arch)
// platformOS returns the correct GOOS value for platform.
func platformOS(platform string) string {
switch platform {
case "android":
return "android"
case "ios", "iossimulator":
return "ios"
case "macos", "maccatalyst":
// For "maccatalyst", Go packages should be built with GOOS=darwin,
// not GOOS=ios, since the underlying OS (and kernel, runtime) is macOS.
// We also apply a "macos" or "maccatalyst" build tag, respectively.
// See below for additional context.
return "darwin"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected platform: %s", platform))
func platformTags(platform string) []string {
switch platform {
case "android":
return []string{"android"}
case "ios", "iossimulator":
return []string{"ios"}
case "macos":
return []string{"macos"}
case "maccatalyst":
// Mac Catalyst is a subset of iOS APIs made available on macOS
// designed to ease porting apps developed for iPad to macOS.
// See
// Because of this, when building a Go package targeting maccatalyst,
// GOOS=darwin (not ios). To bridge the gap and enable maccatalyst
// packages to be compiled, we also specify the "ios" build tag.
// To help discriminate between darwin, ios, macos, and maccatalyst
// targets, there is also a "maccatalyst" tag.
// Some additional context on this can be found here:
// TODO(ydnar): remove tag "ios" when cgo supports Catalyst
// See
return []string{"ios", "macos", "maccatalyst"}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected platform: %s", platform))
func contains(haystack []string, needle string) bool {
for _, v := range haystack {
if v == needle {
return true
return false
func buildEnvInit() (cleanup func(), err error) {
// Find gomobilepath.
gopath := goEnv("GOPATH")
for _, p := range filepath.SplitList(gopath) {
gomobilepath = filepath.Join(p, "pkg", "gomobile")
if _, err := os.Stat(gomobilepath); buildN || err == nil {
if buildX {
fmt.Fprintln(xout, "GOMOBILE="+gomobilepath)
// Check the toolchain is in a good state.
// Pick a temporary directory for assembling an apk/app.
if gomobilepath == "" {
return nil, errors.New("toolchain not installed, run `gomobile init`")
cleanupFn := func() {
if buildWork {
fmt.Printf("WORK=%s\n", tmpdir)
if buildN {
tmpdir = "$WORK"
cleanupFn = func() {}
} else {
tmpdir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gomobile-work-")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if buildX {
fmt.Fprintln(xout, "WORK="+tmpdir)
if err := envInit(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cleanupFn, nil
func envInit() (err error) {
// Setup the cross-compiler environments.
if ndkRoot, err := ndkRoot(); err == nil {
androidEnv = make(map[string][]string)
if buildAndroidAPI < minAndroidAPI {
return fmt.Errorf("gomobile requires Android API level >= %d", minAndroidAPI)
for arch, toolchain := range ndk {
clang := toolchain.Path(ndkRoot, "clang")
clangpp := toolchain.Path(ndkRoot, "clang++")
if !buildN {
tools := []string{clang, clangpp}
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// Because of,
// we require r19c, not just r19b. Fortunately, the clang++.cmd
// script only exists in r19c.
tools = append(tools, clangpp+".cmd")
for _, tool := range tools {
_, err = os.Stat(tool)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No compiler for %s was found in the NDK (tried %s). Make sure your NDK version is >= r19c. Use `sdkmanager --update` to update it.", arch, tool)
androidEnv[arch] = []string{
"GOARCH=" + arch,
"CC=" + clang,
"CXX=" + clangpp,
if arch == "arm" {
androidEnv[arch] = append(androidEnv[arch], "GOARM=7")
if !xcodeAvailable() {
return nil
appleNM = "nm"
appleEnv = make(map[string][]string)
for _, platform := range applePlatforms {
for _, arch := range platformArchs(platform) {
var env []string
var goos, sdk, clang, cflags string
var err error
switch platform {
case "ios":
goos = "ios"
sdk = "iphoneos"
clang, cflags, err = envClang(sdk)
cflags += " -miphoneos-version-min=" + buildIOSVersion
cflags += " -fembed-bitcode"
case "iossimulator":
goos = "ios"
sdk = "iphonesimulator"
clang, cflags, err = envClang(sdk)
cflags += " -mios-simulator-version-min=" + buildIOSVersion
cflags += " -fembed-bitcode"
case "maccatalyst":
// Mac Catalyst is a subset of iOS APIs made available on macOS
// designed to ease porting apps developed for iPad to macOS.
// See
// Because of this, when building a Go package targeting maccatalyst,
// GOOS=darwin (not ios). To bridge the gap and enable maccatalyst
// packages to be compiled, we also specify the "ios" build tag.
// To help discriminate between darwin, ios, macos, and maccatalyst
// targets, there is also a "maccatalyst" tag.
// Some additional context on this can be found here:
goos = "darwin"
sdk = "macosx"
clang, cflags, err = envClang(sdk)
// TODO(ydnar): the following 3 lines MAY be needed to compile
// packages or apps for maccatalyst. Commenting them out now in case
// it turns out they are necessary. Currently none of the example
// apps will build for macos or maccatalyst because they have a
// GLKit dependency, which is deprecated on all Apple platforms, and
// broken on maccatalyst (GLKView isn’t available).
// sysroot := strings.SplitN(cflags, " ", 2)[1]
// cflags += " -isystem " + sysroot + "/System/iOSSupport/usr/include"
// cflags += " -iframework " + sysroot + "/System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks"
switch arch {
case "amd64":
cflags += " -target x86_64-apple-ios" + buildIOSVersion + "-macabi"
case "arm64":
cflags += " -target arm64-apple-ios" + buildIOSVersion + "-macabi"
cflags += " -fembed-bitcode"
case "macos":
goos = "darwin"
sdk = "macosx" // Note: the SDK is called "macosx", not "macos"
clang, cflags, err = envClang(sdk)
if arch == "arm64" {
cflags += " -fembed-bitcode"
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown Apple target: %s/%s", platform, arch))
if err != nil {
return err
env = append(env,
"GOFLAGS="+"-tags="+strings.Join(platformTags(platform), ","),
"CGO_CFLAGS="+cflags+" -arch "+archClang(arch),
"CGO_CXXFLAGS="+cflags+" -arch "+archClang(arch),
"CGO_LDFLAGS="+cflags+" -arch "+archClang(arch),
appleEnv[platform+"/"+arch] = env
return nil
// abi maps GOARCH values to Android ABI strings.
// See
func abi(goarch string) string {
switch goarch {
case "arm":
return "armeabi-v7a"
case "arm64":
return "arm64-v8a"
case "386":
return "x86"
case "amd64":
return "x86_64"
return ""
// checkNDKRoot returns nil if the NDK in `ndkRoot` supports the current configured
// API version and all the specified Android targets.
func checkNDKRoot(ndkRoot string, targets []targetInfo) error {
platformsJson, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(ndkRoot, "meta", "platforms.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
defer platformsJson.Close()
decoder := json.NewDecoder(platformsJson)
supportedVersions := struct {
Min int
Max int
if err := decoder.Decode(&supportedVersions); err != nil {
return err
if supportedVersions.Min > buildAndroidAPI ||
supportedVersions.Max < buildAndroidAPI {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported API version %d (not in %d..%d)", buildAndroidAPI, supportedVersions.Min, supportedVersions.Max)
abisJson, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(ndkRoot, "meta", "abis.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
defer abisJson.Close()
decoder = json.NewDecoder(abisJson)
abis := make(map[string]struct{})
if err := decoder.Decode(&abis); err != nil {
return err
for _, target := range targets {
if !isAndroidPlatform(target.platform) {
if _, found := abis[abi(target.arch)]; !found {
return fmt.Errorf("ndk does not support %s", target.platform)
return nil
// compatibleNDKRoots searches the side-by-side NDK dirs for compatible SDKs.
func compatibleNDKRoots(ndkForest string, targets []targetInfo) ([]string, error) {
ndkDirs, err := ioutil.ReadDir(ndkForest)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
compatibleNDKRoots := []string{}
var lastErr error
for _, dirent := range ndkDirs {
ndkRoot := filepath.Join(ndkForest, dirent.Name())
lastErr = checkNDKRoot(ndkRoot, targets)
if lastErr == nil {
compatibleNDKRoots = append(compatibleNDKRoots, ndkRoot)
if len(compatibleNDKRoots) > 0 {
return compatibleNDKRoots, nil
return nil, lastErr
// ndkVersion returns the full version number of an installed copy of the NDK,
// or "" if it cannot be determined.
func ndkVersion(ndkRoot string) string {
properties, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(ndkRoot, ""))
if err != nil {
return ""
defer properties.Close()
// Parse the version number out of the .properties file.
// See
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(properties)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
tokens := strings.SplitN(line, "=", 2)
if len(tokens) != 2 {
if strings.TrimSpace(tokens[0]) == "Pkg.Revision" {
return strings.TrimSpace(tokens[1])
return ""
// ndkRoot returns the root path of an installed NDK that supports all the
// specified Android targets. For details of NDK locations, see
func ndkRoot(targets ...targetInfo) (string, error) {
if buildN {
return "$NDK_PATH", nil
// Try the ANDROID_NDK_HOME variable. This approach is deprecated, but it
// has the highest priority because it represents an explicit user choice.
if ndkRoot := os.Getenv("ANDROID_NDK_HOME"); ndkRoot != "" {
if err := checkNDKRoot(ndkRoot, targets); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("ANDROID_NDK_HOME specifies %s, which is unusable: %w", ndkRoot, err)
return ndkRoot, nil
androidHome, err := sdkpath.AndroidHome()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("could not locate Android SDK: %w", err)
// Use the newest compatible NDK under the side-by-side path arrangement.
ndkForest := filepath.Join(androidHome, "ndk")
ndkRoots, sideBySideErr := compatibleNDKRoots(ndkForest, targets)
if len(ndkRoots) != 0 {
// Choose the latest version that supports the build configuration.
// NDKs whose version cannot be determined will be least preferred.
// In the event of a tie, the later ndkRoot will win.
maxVersion := ""
var selected string
for _, ndkRoot := range ndkRoots {
version := ndkVersion(ndkRoot)
if version >= maxVersion {
maxVersion = version
selected = ndkRoot
return selected, nil
// Try the deprecated NDK location.
ndkRoot := filepath.Join(androidHome, "ndk-bundle")
if legacyErr := checkNDKRoot(ndkRoot, targets); legacyErr != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("no usable NDK in %s: %w, %v", androidHome, sideBySideErr, legacyErr)
return ndkRoot, nil
func envClang(sdkName string) (clang, cflags string, err error) {
if buildN {
return sdkName + "-clang", "-isysroot " + sdkName, nil
cmd := exec.Command("xcrun", "--sdk", sdkName, "--find", "clang")
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
if ee := (*exec.ExitError)(nil); errors.As(err, &ee) {
out = append(out, ee.Stderr...)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("xcrun --find: %v\n%s", err, out)
clang = strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
cmd = exec.Command("xcrun", "--sdk", sdkName, "--show-sdk-path")
out, err = cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
if ee := (*exec.ExitError)(nil); errors.As(err, &ee) {
out = append(out, ee.Stderr...)
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("xcrun --show-sdk-path: %v\n%s", err, out)
sdk := strings.TrimSpace(string(out))
return clang, "-isysroot " + sdk, nil
func archClang(goarch string) string {
switch goarch {
case "arm":
return "armv7"
case "arm64":
return "arm64"
case "386":
return "i386"
case "amd64":
return "x86_64"
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown GOARCH: %q", goarch))
// environ merges os.Environ and the given "key=value" pairs.
// If a key is in both os.Environ and kv, kv takes precedence.
func environ(kv []string) []string {
cur := os.Environ()
new := make([]string, 0, len(cur)+len(kv))
envs := make(map[string]string, len(cur))
for _, ev := range cur {
elem := strings.SplitN(ev, "=", 2)
if len(elem) != 2 || elem[0] == "" {
// pass the env var of unusual form untouched.
// e.g. Windows may have env var names starting with "=".
new = append(new, ev)
if goos == "windows" {
elem[0] = strings.ToUpper(elem[0])
envs[elem[0]] = elem[1]
for _, ev := range kv {
elem := strings.SplitN(ev, "=", 2)
if len(elem) != 2 || elem[0] == "" {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("malformed env var %q from input", ev))
if goos == "windows" {
elem[0] = strings.ToUpper(elem[0])
envs[elem[0]] = elem[1]
for k, v := range envs {
new = append(new, k+"="+v)
return new
func getenv(env []string, key string) string {
prefix := key + "="
for _, kv := range env {
if strings.HasPrefix(kv, prefix) {
return kv[len(prefix):]
return ""
func archNDK() string {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && runtime.GOARCH == "386" {
return "windows"
} else {
var arch string
switch runtime.GOARCH {
case "386":
arch = "x86"
case "amd64":
arch = "x86_64"
case "arm64":
// Android NDK does not contain arm64 toolchains (until and
// including NDK 23), use use x86_64 instead. See:
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
arch = "x86_64"
panic("unsupported GOARCH: " + runtime.GOARCH)
return runtime.GOOS + "-" + arch
type ndkToolchain struct {
arch string
abi string
minAPI int
toolPrefix string
clangPrefix string
func (tc *ndkToolchain) ClangPrefix() string {
if buildAndroidAPI < tc.minAPI {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", tc.clangPrefix, tc.minAPI)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", tc.clangPrefix, buildAndroidAPI)
func (tc *ndkToolchain) Path(ndkRoot, toolName string) string {
cmdFromPref := func(pref string) string {
return filepath.Join(ndkRoot, "toolchains", "llvm", "prebuilt", archNDK(), "bin", pref+"-"+toolName)
var cmd string
switch toolName {
case "clang", "clang++":
cmd = cmdFromPref(tc.ClangPrefix())
cmd = cmdFromPref(tc.toolPrefix)
// Starting from NDK 23, GNU binutils are fully migrated to LLVM binutils.
// See
if _, err := os.Stat(cmd); errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
cmd = cmdFromPref("llvm")
return cmd
type ndkConfig map[string]ndkToolchain // map: GOOS->androidConfig.
func (nc ndkConfig) Toolchain(arch string) ndkToolchain {
tc, ok := nc[arch]
if !ok {
panic(`unsupported architecture: ` + arch)
return tc
var ndk = ndkConfig{
"arm": {
arch: "arm",
abi: "armeabi-v7a",
minAPI: 16,
toolPrefix: "arm-linux-androideabi",
clangPrefix: "armv7a-linux-androideabi",
"arm64": {
arch: "arm64",
abi: "arm64-v8a",
minAPI: 21,
toolPrefix: "aarch64-linux-android",
clangPrefix: "aarch64-linux-android",
"386": {
arch: "x86",
abi: "x86",
minAPI: 16,
toolPrefix: "i686-linux-android",
clangPrefix: "i686-linux-android",
"amd64": {
arch: "x86_64",
abi: "x86_64",
minAPI: 21,
toolPrefix: "x86_64-linux-android",
clangPrefix: "x86_64-linux-android",
func xcodeAvailable() bool {
err := exec.Command("xcrun", "xcodebuild", "-version").Run()
return err == nil