blob: 2d63c58d716a62acc24d76c7b84f074d463ea18d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin linux
package al
import (
var (
mu sync.Mutex // mu protects Device and context
// device is the currently open audio device or nil.
device unsafe.Pointer
context unsafe.Pointer
// DeviceError returns the last known error from the current device.
func DeviceError() int32 {
return alcGetError(device)
// TODO(jbd): Investigate the cases where multiple audio output
// devices might be needed.
// OpenDevice opens the default audio device.
func OpenDevice() error {
defer mu.Unlock()
// already opened
if device != nil {
return nil
ptr := alcOpenDevice("")
if ptr == nil {
return errors.New("al: cannot open the default audio device")
ctx := alcCreateContext(ptr, nil)
if ctx == nil {
return errors.New("al: cannot create a new context")
device = ptr
context = ctx
return nil
// CloseDevice closes the device and frees related resources.
func CloseDevice() {
defer mu.Unlock()
if context != nil {
context = nil
if device != nil {
device = nil