blob: 8ebbcd3d67b1cae3159839e8d465ee338455eef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build darwin linux
// Package testpkg contains bound functions for testing the cgo-JNI interface.
// This is used in tests of
package testpkg
//go:generate gobind -lang=go -outdir=go_testpkg .
//go:generate gobind -lang=java -outdir=. .
import (
const (
AString = "a string"
AnInt = 7
ABool = true
AFloat = 0.12345
MinInt32 int32 = math.MinInt32
MaxInt32 int32 = math.MaxInt32
MinInt64 = math.MinInt64
MaxInt64 = math.MaxInt64
SmallestNonzeroFloat64 = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
MaxFloat64 = math.MaxFloat64
SmallestNonzeroFloat32 float32 = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64
MaxFloat32 float32 = math.MaxFloat32
Log2E = math.Log2E
var (
StringVar = "a string var"
IntVar = 77
StructVar = &S{name: "a struct var"}
InterfaceVar I
InterfaceVar2 I2
NodeVar = &Node{V: "a struct var"}
type Nummer interface {
type I interface {
E() error
V() int
VE() (int, error)
I() I
S() *S
StoString(seq *S) string
String() string
func CallF(i I) {
func CallE(i I) error {
return i.E()
func CallV(i I) int {
return i.V()
func CallVE(i I) (int, error) {
return i.VE()
func CallI(i I) I {
return i
func CallS(i I) *S {
return &S{}
var keep []I
func Keep(i I) {
keep = append(keep, i)
var numSCollected int
type S struct {
// *S already has a finalizer, so we need another object
// to count successful collections.
innerObj *int
name string
func (s *S) F() {
fmt.Printf("called F on *S{%s}\n",
func (s *S) String() string {
func finalizeInner(a *int) {
var seq = 0
func New() *S {
s := &S{innerObj: new(int), name: fmt.Sprintf("new%d", seq)}
runtime.SetFinalizer(s.innerObj, finalizeInner)
return s
func GC() {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func Add(x, y int) int {
return x + y
func NumSCollected() int {
return numSCollected
func I2Dup(i I2) I2 {
return i
func IDup(i I) I {
return i
func StrDup(s string) string {
return s
func Negate(x bool) bool {
return !x
func Err(s string) error {
if s != "" {
return errors.New(s)
return nil
func BytesAppend(a []byte, b []byte) []byte {
return append(a, b...)
func AppendToString(str string, someBytes []byte) []byte {
a := []byte(str)
fmt.Printf("str=%q (len=%d), someBytes=%v (len=%d)\n", str, len(str), someBytes, len(someBytes))
return append(a, someBytes...)
func UnnamedParams(_, _ int, p0 string) int {
return len(p0)
type Node struct {
V string
Next *Node
Err error
func NewNode(name string) *Node {
return &Node{V: name}
func (a *Node) String() string {
if a == nil {
return "<end>"
return a.V + ":" + a.Next.String()
type Receiver interface {
Hello(message string)
func Hello(r Receiver, name string) {
r.Hello(fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!\n", name))
func GarbageCollect() {
type (
Concrete struct{}
Interface interface {
func (_ *Concrete) F() {
func NewConcrete() *Concrete {
return new(Concrete)
func ReadAsset() string {
rc, err := asset.Open("hello.txt")
if err != nil {
defer rc.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {
return string(b)
type GoCallback interface {
func CallWithCallback(gcb GoCallback) {
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
type NullTest interface {
Null() NullTest
func NewNullInterface() I {
return nil
func NewNullStruct() *S {
return nil
func CallWithNull(_null NullTest, nuller NullTest) bool {
return _null == nil && nuller.Null() == nil
type Issue20330 struct{}
func NewIssue20330() *Issue20330 {
return new(Issue20330)
func (i *Issue20330) CallWithNull(_null *Issue20330) bool {
return _null == nil
type Issue14168 interface {
F(seq int32)
func ReadIntoByteArray(s []byte) (int, error) {
if len(s) != cap(s) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cap %d != len %d", cap(s), len(s))
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
s[i] = byte(i)
return len(s), nil
type B interface {
B(b []byte)
func PassByteArray(b B) {
b.B([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
func GoroutineCallback(r Receiver) {
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// Run it multiple times to increase the chance that the goroutine
// will use different threads for the call. Use a long argument string to
// make sure the JNI calls take more time.
for i := 0; i < 100000; i++ {
func Hi() {
func Int(x int32) {
fmt.Println("Received int32", x)
type I2 interface {
Times(v int32) int64
Error(triggerError bool) error
StringError(s string) (string, error)
type myI2 struct{}
func (_ *myI2) Times(v int32) int64 {
return int64(v) * 10
func (_ *myI2) Error(e bool) error {
if e {
return errors.New("some error")
return nil
func (_ *myI2) StringError(s string) (string, error) {
return s, nil
func CallIError(i I2, triggerError bool) error {
return i.Error(triggerError)
func CallIStringError(i I2, s string) (string, error) {
return i.StringError(s)
func NewI() I2 {
return &myI2{}
var pinnedI = make(map[int32]I2)
func RegisterI(idx int32, i I2) {
pinnedI[idx] = i
func UnregisterI(idx int32) {
delete(pinnedI, idx)
func Multiply(idx int32, val int32) int64 {
i, ok := pinnedI[idx]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown I2 with index %d", idx))
return i.Times(val)
func AppendHello(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", s)
func ReturnsError(b bool) (string, error) {
if b {
return "", errors.New("Error")
return "OK", nil
var collectS2 = make(chan struct{}, 100)
func finalizeS(a *S2) {
collectS2 <- struct{}{}
func CollectS2(want, timeoutSec int) int {
tick := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(timeoutSec) * time.Second)
defer tick.Stop()
for i := 0; i < want; i++ {
select {
case <-collectS2:
case <-tick.C:
fmt.Println("CollectS: timed out")
return i
return want
type S2 struct {
X, Y float64
unexported bool
func NewS2(x, y float64) *S2 {
s := &S2{X: x, Y: y}
runtime.SetFinalizer(s, finalizeS)
return s
func (_ *S2) TryTwoStrings(first, second string) string {
return first + second
func (s *S2) Sum() float64 {
return s.X + s.Y
func CallSSum(s *S2) float64 {
return s.Sum()
// Issue #13033
type NullFieldStruct struct {
F *S
func NewNullFieldStruct() *NullFieldStruct {
return &NullFieldStruct{}
var (
ImportedVarI secondpkg.I = NewImportedI()
ImportedVarS *secondpkg.S = NewImportedS()
type (
ImportedFields struct {
I secondpkg.I
S *secondpkg.S
ImportedI interface {
F(_ secondpkg.I)
AnSer struct{}
func (_ *AnSer) S(_ *secondpkg.S) {
func NewImportedFields() *ImportedFields {
return &ImportedFields{
I: NewImportedI(),
S: NewImportedS(),
func NewImportedI() secondpkg.I {
return NewImportedS()
func NewImportedS() *secondpkg.S {
return new(secondpkg.S)
func WithImportedI(i secondpkg.I) secondpkg.I {
return i
func WithImportedS(s *secondpkg.S) *secondpkg.S {
return s
func CallImportedI(i secondpkg.I) {
func NewSer() *AnSer {
return nil
func NewSimpleS() *simplepkg.S {
return nil
func UnboundS(_ *unboundpkg.S) {
func UnboundI(_ unboundpkg.I) {
type (
InterfaceDupper interface {
IDup(i Interface) Interface
ConcreteDupper interface {
CDup(c *Concrete) *Concrete
func CallIDupper(d InterfaceDupper) bool {
var want Interface = new(Concrete)
got := d.IDup(want)
return got == want
func CallCDupper(d ConcreteDupper) bool {
want := new(Concrete)
got := d.CDup(want)
return got == want
type EmptyErrorer interface {
EmptyError() error
func EmptyError() error {
return errors.New("")
func CallEmptyError(c EmptyErrorer) error {
return c.EmptyError()
func Init() {}
type InitCaller struct{}
func NewInitCaller() *InitCaller {
return new(InitCaller)
func (ic *InitCaller) Init() {}
type Issue17073 interface {
OnError(err error)
func ErrorMessage(err error) string {
return err.Error()
var GlobalErr error = errors.New("global err")
func IsGlobalErr(err error) bool {
return GlobalErr == err
type S3 struct {
type S4 struct {
I int
func NewS4WithInt(i int) *S4 {
return &S4{i}
func NewS4WithFloat(f float64) *S4 {
return &S4{int(f)}
func NewS4WithBoolAndError(b bool) (*S4, error) {
if b {
return nil, errors.New("some error")
return new(S4), nil
// Lifted from TestEPIPE in package os.
func TestSIGPIPE() {
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
if err := r.Close(); err != nil {
_, err = w.Write([]byte("hi"))
if err == nil {
panic("unexpected success of Write to broken pipe")
if pe, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok {
err = pe.Err
if se, ok := err.(*os.SyscallError); ok {
err = se.Err
if err != syscall.EPIPE {
panic(fmt.Errorf("got %v, expected EPIPE", err))
// Testpkg is an empty interface with the same name as its package.
type Testpkg interface{}
func ClashingParameterFromOtherPackage(_ *secondpkg.Secondpkg) {}