blob: 30763f7da673b119282211fa2fb4f6a42cd1d064 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package go;
import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase;
import android.test.MoreAsserts;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import go.testpkg.Testpkg;
import go.secondpkg.Secondpkg;
public class SeqTest extends InstrumentationTestCase {
public SeqTest() {
public void testConst() {
assertEquals("const String", "a string", Testpkg.AString);
assertEquals("const Int", 7, Testpkg.AnInt);
assertEquals("const Bool", true, Testpkg.ABool);
assertEquals("const Float", 0.12345, Testpkg.AFloat, 0.0001);
assertEquals("const MinInt32", -1<<31, Testpkg.MinInt32);
assertEquals("const MaxInt32", (1<<31) - 1, Testpkg.MaxInt32);
assertEquals("const MinInt64", -1L<<63, Testpkg.MinInt64);
assertEquals("const MaxInt64", (1L<<63) - 1, Testpkg.MaxInt64);
assertEquals("const SmallestNonzeroFloat64", 4.940656458412465441765687928682213723651e-324, Testpkg.SmallestNonzeroFloat64, 1e-323);
assertEquals("const MaxFloat64", 1.797693134862315708145274237317043567981e+308, Testpkg.MaxFloat64, 0.0001);
assertEquals("const SmallestNonzeroFloat32", 1.401298464324817070923729583289916131280e-45, Testpkg.SmallestNonzeroFloat32, 1e-44);
assertEquals("const MaxFloat32", 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925440e+38, Testpkg.MaxFloat32, 0.0001);
assertEquals("const Log2E", 1/0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009, Testpkg.Log2E, 0.0001);
public void testRefMap() {
// Ensure that the count is kept in sync
// even a particular reference number is removed and
// added again
Seq.RefMap m = new Seq.RefMap();
Seq.Ref r = new Seq.Ref(1, null);
m.put(r.refnum, r);
m.put(r.refnum, r);
// Force the RefMap to grow, to activate the sanity
// checking of the live count in RefMap.grow.
for (int i = 2; i < 24; i++) {
m.put(i, new Seq.Ref(i, null));
public void testVar() {
assertEquals("var StringVar", "a string var", Testpkg.getStringVar());
String newStringVar = "a new string var";
assertEquals("var StringVar", newStringVar, Testpkg.getStringVar());
assertEquals("var IntVar", 77, Testpkg.getIntVar());
long newIntVar = 777;
assertEquals("var IntVar", newIntVar, Testpkg.getIntVar());
Testpkg.S s0 = Testpkg.getStructVar();
assertEquals("var StructVar", "a struct var", s0.String());
Testpkg.S s1 = Testpkg.New();
assertEquals("var StructVar", s1.String(), Testpkg.getStructVar().String());
AnI obj = new AnI(); = "this is an I";
assertEquals("var InterfaceVar", obj.String(), Testpkg.getInterfaceVar().String());
public void testAssets() {
// Make sure that a valid context is set before reading assets
String want = "Hello, Assets.\n";
String got = Testpkg.ReadAsset();
assertEquals("Asset read", want, got);
public void testAdd() {
long res = Testpkg.Add(3, 4);
assertEquals("Unexpected arithmetic failure", 7, res);
public void testBool() {
public void testShortString() {
String want = "a short string";
String got = Testpkg.StrDup(want);
assertEquals("Strings should match", want, got);
want = "";
got = Testpkg.StrDup(want);
assertEquals("Strings should match (empty string)", want, got);
got = Testpkg.StrDup(null);
assertEquals("Strings should match (null string)", want, got);
public void testLongString() {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 128*1024; i++) {
String want = b.toString();
String got = Testpkg.StrDup(want);
assertEquals("Strings should match", want, got);
public void testUnicode() {
String[] tests = new String[]{
"Hello, 世界",
// From Go std lib tests in unicode/utf16/utf16_test.go
String[] wants = new String[]{
"Hello, 世界",
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
String got = Testpkg.StrDup(tests[i]);
String want = wants[i];
assertEquals("Strings should match", want, got);
public void testNilErr() throws Exception {
Testpkg.Err(null); // returns nil, no exception
public void testErr() {
String msg = "Go errors are dropped into the confusing space of exceptions";
try {
fail("expected non-nil error to be turned into an exception");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals("messages should match", msg, e.getMessage());
public void testByteArray() {
for (int i = 0; i < 2048; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
byte[] got = Testpkg.BytesAppend(null, null);
assertEquals("Bytes(null+null) should match", (byte[])null, got);
got = Testpkg.BytesAppend(new byte[0], new byte[0]);
assertEquals("Bytes(empty+empty) should match", (byte[])null, got);
byte[] want = new byte[i];
new Random().nextBytes(want);
byte[] s1 = null;
byte[] s2 = null;
if (i > 0) {
s1 = Arrays.copyOfRange(want, 0, 1);
if (i > 1) {
s2 = Arrays.copyOfRange(want, 1, i);
byte[] got = Testpkg.BytesAppend(s1, s2);
MoreAsserts.assertEquals("Bytes(len="+i+") should match", want, got);
// Test for
public void testByteArrayAfterString() {
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
for (int i=0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
bytes[i] = 8;
String stuff = "stuff";
byte[] got = Testpkg.AppendToString(stuff, bytes);
try {
byte[] s = stuff.getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] want = new byte[s.length + bytes.length];
System.arraycopy(s, 0, want, 0, s.length);
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, want, s.length, bytes.length);
MoreAsserts.assertEquals("Bytes should match", want, got);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Cannot perform the test: " + e.toString());
public void testGoRefGC() {
Testpkg.S s = Testpkg.New();
long collected = Testpkg.NumSCollected();
assertEquals("Only S should be pinned", 0, collected);
s = null;
collected = Testpkg.NumSCollected();
assertEquals("S should be collected", 1, collected);
private class AnI implements Testpkg.I {
public void E() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("my exception from E");
boolean calledF;
public void F() {
calledF = true;
public Testpkg.I I() {
return this;
public Testpkg.S S() {
return Testpkg.New();
public String StoString(Testpkg.S s) {
return s.String();
public long V() {
return 1234;
public long VE() throws Exception {
throw new Exception("my exception from VE");
public String name;
public String String() {
return name;
// TODO(hyangah): add tests for methods that take parameters.
public void testInterfaceMethodReturnsError() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
try {
fail("Expecting exception but none was thrown.");
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals("Error messages should match", "my exception from E", e.getMessage());
public void testInterfaceMethodVoid() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
assertTrue("Want AnI.F to be called", obj.calledF);
public void testInterfaceMethodReturnsInterface() {
AnI obj = new AnI(); = "testing AnI.I";
Testpkg.I i = Testpkg.CallI(obj);
assertEquals("Want AnI.I to return itself", i.String(), obj.String());
i = Testpkg.CallI(obj);
assertEquals("Want AnI.I to return itself", i.String(), obj.String());
public void testInterfaceMethodReturnsStructPointer() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Testpkg.S s = Testpkg.CallS(obj);
public void testInterfaceMethodTakesStructPointer() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
Testpkg.S s = Testpkg.CallS(obj);
String got = obj.StoString(s);
String want = s.String();
assertEquals("Want AnI.StoString(s) to call s's String", want, got);
public void testInterfaceMethodReturnsInt() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
assertEquals("Values must match", 1234, Testpkg.CallV(obj));
public void testInterfaceMethodReturnsIntOrError() {
final AnI obj = new AnI();
try {
long v = Testpkg.CallVE(obj);
fail("Expecting exception but none was thrown and got value " + v);
} catch (Exception e) {
assertEquals("Error messages should match", "my exception from VE", e.getMessage());
boolean finalizedAnI;
private class AnI_Traced extends AnI {
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
finalizedAnI = true;
public void testJavaRefGC() {
finalizedAnI = false;
AnI obj = new AnI_Traced();
assertTrue("want F to be called", obj.calledF);
obj = null;
assertTrue("want obj to be collected", finalizedAnI);
public void testJavaRefKeep() {
finalizedAnI = false;
AnI obj = new AnI_Traced();
obj = null;
assertTrue("want obj not to be kept by Go", finalizedAnI);
finalizedAnI = false;
obj = new AnI_Traced();
obj = null;
assertFalse("want obj to be kept live by Go", finalizedAnI);
private int countI = 0;
private class CountI implements Testpkg.I {
public void F() { countI++; }
public void E() throws Exception {}
public Testpkg.I I() { return null; }
public Testpkg.S S() { return null; }
public String StoString(Testpkg.S s) { return ""; }
public long V() { return 0; }
public long VE() throws Exception { return 0; }
public String String() { return ""; }
public void testGoRefMapGrow() {
CountI obj = new CountI();
// Push active references beyond base map size.
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
CountI o = new CountI();
if (i%3==0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
Testpkg.CallF(new CountI());
Testpkg.CallF(obj); // original object needs to work.
assertEquals(countI, 1+24+128);
private void runGC() {
public void testUnnamedParams() {
final String msg = "1234567";
assertEquals("want the length of \"1234567\" passed after unnamed params",
7, Testpkg.UnnamedParams(10, 20, msg));
public void testPointerToStructAsField() {
Testpkg.Node a = Testpkg.NewNode("A");
Testpkg.Node b = Testpkg.NewNode("B");
String got = a.String();
assertEquals("want Node A points to Node B", "A:B:<end>", got);
public void testImplementsInterface() {
Testpkg.Interface intf = Testpkg.NewConcrete();
public void testErrorField() {
final String want = "an error message";
Testpkg.Node n = Testpkg.NewNode("ErrTest");
String got = n.getErr();
assertEquals("want back the error message we set", want, got);
//test if we have JNI local reference table overflow error
public void testLocalReferenceOverflow() {
Testpkg.CallWithCallback(new Testpkg.GoCallback() {
public void VarUpdate() {
//do nothing
public void testNullReferences() {
assertTrue(Testpkg.CallWithNull(null, new Testpkg.NullTest() {
public Testpkg.NullTest Null() {
return null;
assertEquals("Go nil interface is null", null, Testpkg.NewNullInterface());
assertEquals("Go nil struct pointer is null", null, Testpkg.NewNullStruct());
public void testPassByteArray() {
Testpkg.PassByteArray(new Testpkg.B() {
@Override public void B(byte[] b) {
byte[] want = new byte[]{1, 2, 3, 4};
MoreAsserts.assertEquals("bytes should match", want, b);
public void testReader() {
byte[] b = new byte[8];
try {
long n = Testpkg.ReadIntoByteArray(b);
assertEquals("wrote to the entire byte array", b.length, n);
byte[] want = new byte[b.length];
for (int i = 0; i < want.length; i++)
want[i] = (byte)i;
MoreAsserts.assertEquals("bytes should match", want, b);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Failed to write: " + e.toString());
public void testGoroutineCallback() {
Testpkg.GoroutineCallback(new Testpkg.Receiver() {
@Override public void Hello(String msg) {
public void testImportedPkg() {
Testpkg.CallImportedI(new Secondpkg.I() {
@Override public long F(long i) {
return i;
assertEquals("imported string should match", Secondpkg.HelloString, Secondpkg.Hello());
Secondpkg.I i = Testpkg.NewImportedI();
Secondpkg.S s = Testpkg.NewImportedS();
i = Testpkg.getImportedVarI();
s = Testpkg.getImportedVarS();
assertEquals("numbers should match", 8, i.F(8));
assertEquals("numbers should match", 8, s.F(8));
Testpkg.ImportedFields fields = Testpkg.NewImportedFields();
i = fields.getI();
s = fields.getS();
Secondpkg.IF f = new AnI();
f = Testpkg.New();
Secondpkg.Ser ser = Testpkg.NewSer();
public void testRoundtripEquality() {
Testpkg.I want = new AnI();
assertTrue("java object passed through Go should not be wrapped", want == Testpkg.IDup(want));
Testpkg.InterfaceDupper idup = new Testpkg.InterfaceDupper(){
@Override public Testpkg.Interface IDup(Testpkg.Interface i) {
return i;
assertTrue("Go interface passed through Java should not be wrapped", Testpkg.CallIDupper(idup));
Testpkg.ConcreteDupper cdup = new Testpkg.ConcreteDupper(){
@Override public Testpkg.Concrete CDup(Testpkg.Concrete c) {
return c;
assertTrue("Go struct passed through Java should not be wrapped", Testpkg.CallCDupper(cdup));