blob: d2d391439a665293f1d6986c867d776d3da71ae0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The objc package takes the result of an AST traversal by the
// importers package and uses the clang command to dump the type
// information for the referenced ObjC classes and protocols.
// It is the of go/types for ObjC types and is used by the bind
// package to generate Go wrappers for ObjC API on iOS.
package objc
import (
type parser struct {
sdkPath string
sc *bufio.Scanner
decl string
indent int
last string
// Current module as parsed from the AST tree.
module string
type TypeKind int
// Named represents ObjC classes and protocols.
type Named struct {
Name string
GoName string
Module string
Funcs []*Func
Methods []*Func
AllMethods []*Func
Supers []Super
// For deduplication of function or method
// declarations.
funcMap map[string]struct{}
Protocol bool
// Generated is true if the type is wrapper of a
// generated Go struct.
Generated bool
// Super denotes a super class or protocol.
type Super struct {
Name string
Protocol bool
// Func is a ObjC method, static functions as well as
// instance methods.
type Func struct {
Sig string
GoName string
Params []*Param
Ret *Type
Static bool
// Method whose name start with "init"
Constructor bool
type Param struct {
Name string
Type *Type
type Type struct {
Kind TypeKind
// For Interface and Protocol types.
Name string
// For 'id' types.
instanceType bool
// The declared type raw from the AST.
Decl string
// Set if the type is a pointer to its kind. For classes
// Indirect is true if the type is a double pointer, e.g.
// NSObject **.
Indirect bool
const (
Unknown TypeKind = iota
// Import returns descriptors for a list of references to
// ObjC protocols and classes.
// The type information is parsed from the output of clang -cc1
// -ast-dump.
func Import(refs *importers.References) ([]*Named, error) {
var modules []string
modMap := make(map[string]struct{})
typeNames := make(map[string][]string)
typeSet := make(map[string]struct{})
genMods := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, emb := range refs.Embedders {
genMods[initialUpper(emb.Pkg)] = struct{}{}
for _, ref := range refs.Refs {
var module, name string
if idx := strings.Index(ref.Pkg, "/"); idx != -1 {
// ref is a static method reference.
module = ref.Pkg[:idx]
name = ref.Pkg[idx+1:]
} else {
// ref is a type name.
module = ref.Pkg
name = ref.Name
if _, exists := typeSet[name]; !exists {
typeNames[module] = append(typeNames[module], name)
typeSet[name] = struct{}{}
if _, exists := modMap[module]; !exists {
// Include the module only if it is generated.
if _, exists := genMods[module]; !exists {
modMap[module] = struct{}{}
modules = append(modules, module)
sdkPathOut, err := exec.Command("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "--show-sdk-path").CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sdkPath := strings.TrimSpace(string(sdkPathOut))
var allTypes []*Named
typeMap := make(map[string]*Named)
for _, module := range modules {
types, err := importModule(string(sdkPath), module, typeNames[module], typeMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", module, err)
allTypes = append(allTypes, types...)
// Embedders refer to every exported Go struct that will have its class
// generated. Allow Go code to reverse bind to those classes by synthesizing
// their descriptors.
for _, emb := range refs.Embedders {
module := initialUpper(emb.Pkg)
named := &Named{
Name: module + emb.Name,
GoName: emb.Name,
Module: module,
Generated: true,
for _, ref := range emb.Refs {
t, exists := typeMap[ref.Name]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type not found: %q", ref.Name)
named.Supers = append(named.Supers, Super{
Name: t.Name,
Protocol: t.Protocol,
typeMap[emb.Name] = named
allTypes = append(allTypes, named)
initTypes(allTypes, refs, typeMap)
// Include implicit types that are used in parameter or return values.
newTypes := allTypes
for len(newTypes) > 0 {
var impTypes []*Named
for _, t := range newTypes {
for _, funcs := range [][]*Func{t.Funcs, t.AllMethods} {
for _, f := range funcs {
types := implicitFuncTypes(f)
for _, name := range types {
if _, exists := typeSet[name]; exists {
typeSet[name] = struct{}{}
t, exists := typeMap[name]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("implicit type %q not found", name)
impTypes = append(impTypes, t)
initTypes(impTypes, refs, typeMap)
allTypes = append(allTypes, impTypes...)
newTypes = impTypes
return allTypes, nil
func implicitFuncTypes(f *Func) []string {
var types []string
if rt := f.Ret; rt != nil && !rt.instanceType && (rt.Kind == Class || rt.Kind == Protocol) {
types = append(types, rt.Name)
for _, p := range f.Params {
if t := p.Type; !t.instanceType && (t.Kind == Class || t.Kind == Protocol) {
types = append(types, t.Name)
return types
func initTypes(types []*Named, refs *importers.References, typeMap map[string]*Named) {
for _, t := range types {
fillAllMethods(t, typeMap)
// Move constructors to functions. They are represented in Go
// as functions.
for _, t := range types {
var methods []*Func
for _, f := range t.AllMethods {
if f.Constructor {
f.Static = true
t.Funcs = append(t.Funcs, f)
} else {
methods = append(methods, f)
t.AllMethods = methods
for _, t := range types {
filterReferences(types, refs, typeMap)
for _, t := range types {
resolveInstanceTypes(t, t.Funcs)
resolveInstanceTypes(t, t.AllMethods)
func filterReferences(types []*Named, refs *importers.References, typeMap map[string]*Named) {
refFuncs := make(map[[2]string]struct{})
for _, ref := range refs.Refs {
if sep := strings.Index(ref.Pkg, "/"); sep != -1 {
pkgName := ref.Pkg[sep+1:]
n := typeMap[pkgName]
if n == nil {
refFuncs[[...]string{pkgName, ref.Name}] = struct{}{}
for _, t := range types {
var filtered []*Func
for _, f := range t.Funcs {
if _, exists := refFuncs[[...]string{t.GoName, f.GoName}]; exists {
filtered = append(filtered, f)
t.Funcs = filtered
filtered = nil
for _, m := range t.Methods {
if _, exists := refs.Names[m.GoName]; exists {
filtered = append(filtered, m)
t.Methods = filtered
filtered = nil
for _, m := range t.AllMethods {
if _, exists := refs.Names[m.GoName]; exists {
filtered = append(filtered, m)
t.AllMethods = filtered
// mangleMethodsNames assigns unique Go names to ObjC methods. If a method name is unique
// within the same method list, its name is used with its first letter in upper case.
// Multiple methods with the same name have their full signature appended, with : removed.
func mangleMethodNames(allFuncs []*Func) {
goName := func(n string, constructor bool) string {
if constructor {
n = "new" + n[len("init"):]
return initialUpper(n)
overloads := make(map[string][]*Func)
for i, f := range allFuncs {
// Copy function so each class can have its own
// name mangling.
f := *f
allFuncs[i] = &f
f.GoName = goName(f.Sig, f.Constructor)
if colon := strings.Index(f.GoName, ":"); colon != -1 {
f.GoName = f.GoName[:colon]
overloads[f.GoName] = append(overloads[f.GoName], &f)
fallbacks := make(map[string][]*Func)
for _, funcs := range overloads {
if len(funcs) == 1 {
for _, f := range funcs {
sig := f.Sig
if strings.HasSuffix(sig, ":") {
sig = sig[:len(sig)-1]
sigElems := strings.Split(f.Sig, ":")
for i := 0; i < len(sigElems); i++ {
sigElems[i] = initialUpper(sigElems[i])
name := strings.Join(sigElems, "")
f.GoName = goName(name, f.Constructor)
fallbacks[f.GoName] = append(fallbacks[f.GoName], f)
for _, funcs := range fallbacks {
if len(funcs) == 1 {
for _, f := range funcs {
name := strings.Replace(f.Sig, ":", "_", -1)
f.GoName = goName(name, f.Constructor)
func resolveInstanceType(n *Named, t *Type) *Type {
if !t.instanceType || t.Kind != Protocol {
return t
// Copy and update the type name for instancetype types
ct := *t
ct.instanceType = false
ct.Decl = n.Name + " *"
if n.Name == "NSString" {
ct.Kind = String
ct.Name = ""
} else {
ct.Kind = Class
ct.Name = n.Name
return &ct
func resolveInstanceTypes(n *Named, funcs []*Func) {
for _, f := range funcs {
for _, p := range f.Params {
p.Type = resolveInstanceType(n, p.Type)
if f.Ret != nil {
f.Ret = resolveInstanceType(n, f.Ret)
func fillAllMethods(n *Named, typeMap map[string]*Named) {
if len(n.AllMethods) > 0 {
if len(n.Supers) == 0 {
n.AllMethods = n.Methods
for _, sup := range n.Supers {
super := lookup(sup.Name, sup.Protocol, typeMap)
fillAllMethods(super, typeMap)
methods := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, sup := range n.Supers {
super := lookup(sup.Name, sup.Protocol, typeMap)
for _, f := range super.AllMethods {
if _, exists := methods[f.Sig]; !exists {
methods[f.Sig] = struct{}{}
n.AllMethods = append(n.AllMethods, f)
for _, f := range n.Methods {
if _, exists := methods[f.Sig]; !exists {
n.AllMethods = append(n.AllMethods, f)
const (
frameworksPath = "/System/Library/Frameworks/"
// importModule parses ObjC type information with clang -cc1 -ast-dump.
// TODO: Use files to precisely model the @import Module.Identifier
// directive. For now, importModules assumes the single umbrella header
// file Module.framework/Headers/Module.h contains every declaration.
func importModule(sdkPath, module string, identifiers []string, typeMap map[string]*Named) ([]*Named, error) {
hFile := fmt.Sprintf(sdkPath+frameworksPath+"%s.framework/Headers/%[1]s.h", module)
clang := exec.Command("xcrun", "--sdk", "iphonesimulator", "clang", "-cc1", "-isysroot", sdkPath, "-ast-dump", "-fblocks", "-fobjc-arc", "-x", "objective-c", hFile)
out, err := clang.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("clang failed to parse module: %v", err)
p := &parser{
sdkPath: sdkPath,
sc: bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewBuffer(out)),
if err := p.parseModule(module, typeMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
var types []*Named
for _, ident := range identifiers {
named, exists := typeMap[ident]
if !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no such type: %s", ident)
types = append(types, named)
return types, nil
func (p *parser) scanLine() bool {
for {
l := p.last
if l == "" {
if ! {
return false
l =
} else {
p.last = ""
indent := (strings.Index(l, "-") + 1) / 2
switch {
case indent > p.indent:
// Skip
case indent < p.indent:
p.last = l
return false
case indent == p.indent:
p.decl = l[p.indent*2:]
return true
func (p *parser) parseModule(module string, typeMap map[string]*Named) (err error) {
defer func() {
if rerr := recover(); rerr != nil {
err = rerr.(error)
if !p.scanLine() {
return nil
// A header file AST starts with
// TranslationUnitDecl 0x103833ad0 <<invalid sloc>> <invalid sloc>
if w := p.scanWord(); w != "TranslationUnitDecl" {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected AST root: %q", w)
for {
if !p.scanLine() {
switch w := p.scanWord(); w {
case "ObjCCategoryDecl":
// ObjCCategoryDecl 0x103d9bdb8 <line:48:1, line:63:2> line:48:12 NSDateCreation
// |-ObjCInterface 0x103d9a788 'NSDate'
// Skip the node address, the source code range, position.
catName := p.scanWord()
if !p.scanLine() {
return fmt.Errorf("no interface for category %s", catName)
if w := p.scanWord(); w != "ObjCInterface" {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected declaaration %s for category %s", w, catName)
clsName := p.scanWord()
clsName = clsName[1 : len(clsName)-1]
named := lookup(clsName, false, typeMap)
if named == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("category %s references unknown class %s", catName, clsName)
case "ObjCInterfaceDecl", "ObjCProtocolDecl":
// ObjCProtocolDecl 0x104116450 <line:15:1, line:47:2> line:15:11 NSObject
// or
// ObjCInterfaceDecl 0x1041ca480 <line:17:29, line:64:2> line:17:40 UIResponder
prot := w == "ObjCProtocolDecl"
// Skip the node address, the source code range, position.
if strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, "prev ") {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, "implicit ") {
name := p.decl
named := p.lookupOrCreate(name, prot, typeMap)
return nil
func lookup(name string, prot bool, typeMap map[string]*Named) *Named {
var mangled string
if prot {
mangled = name + "P"
} else {
mangled = name + "C"
if n := typeMap[mangled]; n != nil {
return n
return typeMap[name]
// lookupOrCreate looks up the type name in the type map. If it doesn't exist, it creates
// and returns a new type. If it does exist, it returns the existing type. If there are both
// a class and a protocol with the same name, their type names are mangled by prefixing
// 'C' or 'P' and then re-inserted into the type map.
func (p *parser) lookupOrCreate(name string, prot bool, typeMap map[string]*Named) *Named {
mangled := name + "C"
otherMangled := name + "P"
if prot {
mangled, otherMangled = otherMangled, mangled
named, exists := typeMap[mangled]
if exists {
return named
named, exists = typeMap[name]
if exists {
if named.Protocol == prot {
return named
// Both a class and a protocol exists with the same name.
delete(typeMap, name)
named.GoName = otherMangled
typeMap[otherMangled] = named
named = &Named{
GoName: mangled,
} else {
named = &Named{
GoName: name,
named.Name = name
named.Protocol = prot
named.funcMap = make(map[string]struct{})
named.Module = p.module
typeMap[named.GoName] = named
return named
func (p *parser) parseInterface(n *Named) {
for {
more := p.scanLine()
if !more {
switch w := p.scanWord(); w {
case "super":
if w := p.scanWord(); w != "ObjCInterface" {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown super type: %s", w))
// Skip node address.
super := p.scanWord()
// Remove single quotes
super = super[1 : len(super)-1]
n.Supers = append(n.Supers, Super{super, false})
case "ObjCProtocol":
super := p.scanWord()
super = super[1 : len(super)-1]
n.Supers = append(n.Supers, Super{super, true})
case "ObjCMethodDecl":
f := p.parseMethod()
if f == nil {
var key string
if f.Static {
key = "+" + f.Sig
} else {
key = "-" + f.Sig
if _, exists := n.funcMap[key]; !exists {
n.funcMap[key] = struct{}{}
if f.Static {
n.Funcs = append(n.Funcs, f)
} else {
n.Methods = append(n.Methods, f)
func (p *parser) parseMethod() *Func {
// ObjCMethodDecl 0x103bdfb80 <line:17:1, col:27> col:1 - isEqual: 'BOOL':'_Bool'
// Skip the address, range, position.
if strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, "implicit") {
f := new(Func)
switch w := p.scanWord(); w {
case "+":
f.Static = true
case "-":
f.Static = false
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown method type for %q", w))
f.Sig = p.scanWord()
if f.Sig == "dealloc" {
// ARC forbids dealloc
return nil
if strings.HasPrefix(f.Sig, "init") {
f.Constructor = true
f.Ret = p.parseType()
for {
more := p.scanLine()
if !more {
switch p.scanWord() {
case "UnavailableAttr":
return nil
case "ParmVarDecl":
f.Params = append(f.Params, p.parseParameter())
return f
func (p *parser) parseParameter() *Param {
// ParmVarDecl 0x1041caca8 <col:70, col:80> col:80 event 'UIEvent * _Nullable':'UIEvent *'
// Skip address, source range, position.
return &Param{Name: p.scanWord(), Type: p.parseType()}
func (p *parser) parseType() *Type {
// NSUInteger':'unsigned long'
s := strings.SplitN(p.decl, ":", 2)
decl := s[0]
var canon string
if len(s) == 2 {
canon = s[1]
} else {
canon = decl
// unquote the type
canon = canon[1 : len(canon)-1]
if canon == "void" {
return nil
decl = decl[1 : len(decl)-1]
instancetype := strings.HasPrefix(decl, "instancetype")
// Strip modifiers
mods := []string{"__strong", "__unsafe_unretained", "const", "__strong", "_Nonnull", "_Nullable", "__autoreleasing"}
for _, mod := range mods {
if idx := strings.Index(canon, mod); idx != -1 {
canon = canon[:idx] + canon[idx+len(mod):]
if idx := strings.Index(decl, mod); idx != -1 {
decl = decl[:idx] + decl[idx+len(mod):]
canon = strings.TrimSpace(canon)
decl = strings.TrimSpace(decl)
t := &Type{
Decl: decl,
instanceType: instancetype,
switch canon {
case "int", "long", "long long":
t.Kind = Int
case "unsigned int", "unsigned long", "unsigned long long":
t.Kind = Uint
case "short":
t.Kind = Short
case "unsigned short":
t.Kind = Ushort
case "char":
t.Kind = Char
case "unsigned char":
t.Kind = Uchar
case "float":
t.Kind = Float
case "double":
t.Kind = Double
case "_Bool":
t.Kind = Bool
case "NSString *":
t.Kind = String
case "NSData *":
t.Kind = Data
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(canon, "enum"):
t.Kind = Int
case strings.HasPrefix(canon, "id"):
_, gen := p.splitGeneric(canon)
t.Kind = Protocol
t.Name = gen
if ind := strings.Count(canon, "*"); 1 <= ind && ind <= 2 {
space := strings.Index(canon, " ")
name := canon[:space]
name, _ = p.splitGeneric(name)
t.Kind = Class
t.Name = name
t.Indirect = ind > 1
return t
func (p *parser) splitGeneric(decl string) (string, string) {
// NSArray<KeyType>
if br := strings.Index(decl, "<"); br != -1 {
return decl[:br], decl[br+1 : len(decl)-1]
} else {
return decl, ""
func (p *parser) parseSrcPos() {
const invPref = "<invalid sloc>"
if strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, invPref) {
p.decl = p.decl[len(invPref):]
// line:17:2, col:18 or, a file location:
// /.../UIKit.framework/Headers/UISelectionFeedbackGenerator.h:16:1
loc := p.scanWord()
locs := strings.SplitN(loc, ":", 2)
if len(locs) != 2 && len(locs) != 3 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid source position: %q", loc))
switch loc := locs[0]; loc {
case "line", "col":
if !strings.HasPrefix(loc, p.sdkPath) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid source position: %q", loc))
loc = loc[len(p.sdkPath):]
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(loc, "/usr/include/objc/"):
p.module = "Foundation"
case strings.HasPrefix(loc, frameworksPath):
loc = loc[len(frameworksPath):]
i := strings.Index(loc, ".framework")
if i == -1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid source position: %q", loc))
p.module = loc[:i]
// Some types are declared in CoreFoundation.framework
// even though they belong in Foundation in Objective-C.
if p.module == "CoreFoundation" {
p.module = "Foundation"
func (p *parser) parseLocation() {
// Source ranges are on the form: <line:17:29, line:64:2>.
if !strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, "<") {
panic(fmt.Errorf("1no source range first in %s", p.decl))
p.decl = p.decl[1:]
if strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, ", ") {
p.decl = p.decl[2:]
if !strings.HasPrefix(p.decl, "> ") {
panic(fmt.Errorf("no source range first in %s", p.decl))
p.decl = p.decl[2:]
func (p *parser) scanWord() string {
i := 0
for ; i < len(p.decl); i++ {
switch p.decl[i] {
case ' ', '>', ',':
break loop
w := p.decl[:i]
p.decl = p.decl[i:]
for len(p.decl) > 0 && p.decl[0] == ' ' {
p.decl = p.decl[1:]
return w
func initialUpper(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return ""
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
return string(unicode.ToUpper(r)) + s[n:]
func (t *Named) ObjcType() string {
if t.Protocol {
return fmt.Sprintf("id<%s>", t.Name)
} else {
return t.Name + " *"