blob: 0cbf16a923b8b2c129a9a7149afc761755e1f207 [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=off
[short] skip # rebuilds std for mips
# Set up fresh GOCACHE.
env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
mkdir $GOCACHE
# Building for mipsle without setting GOMIPS will use floating point registers.
env GOARCH=mipsle
env GOOS=linux
go build -gcflags=-S f.go
stderr ADDD.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+
# Clean cache
go clean -cache
# Building with GOMIPS=softfloat will not use floating point registers
env GOMIPS=softfloat
go build -gcflags=-S f.go
! stderr ADDD.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+
# Clean cache
go clean -cache
# Build without setting GOMIPS
go build -gcflags=-S f.go
stderr ADDD.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+
# Building with GOMIPS should still not use floating point registers.
env GOMIPS=softfloat
go build -gcflags=-S f.go
! stderr ADDD.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+,.F[0-9]+
-- f.go --
package f
func F(x float64) float64 {
return x + x