blob: be1ec5d5f7e10095146a4d317fbd153acf5525b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements error reporting.
package types
import (
. "internal/types/errors"
func assert(p bool) {
if !p {
msg := "assertion failed"
// Include information about the assertion location. Due to panic recovery,
// this location is otherwise buried in the middle of the panicking stack.
if _, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(1); ok {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d: %s", file, line, msg)
// An errorDesc describes part of a type-checking error.
type errorDesc struct {
posn positioner
msg string
// An error_ represents a type-checking error.
// A new error_ is created with Checker.newError.
// To report an error_, call
type error_ struct {
check *Checker
desc []errorDesc
code Code
soft bool // TODO(gri) eventually determine this from an error code
// newError returns a new error_ with the given error code.
func (check *Checker) newError(code Code) *error_ {
if code == 0 {
panic("error code must not be 0")
return &error_{check: check, code: code}
// addf adds formatted error information to err.
// It may be called multiple times to provide additional information.
// The position of the first call to addf determines the position of the reported Error.
// Subsequent calls to addf provide additional information in the form of additional lines
// in the error message (types2) or continuation errors identified by a tab-indented error
// message (go/types).
func (err *error_) addf(at positioner, format string, args ...interface{}) {
err.desc = append(err.desc, errorDesc{at, err.check.sprintf(format, args...)})
// addAltDecl is a specialized form of addf reporting another declaration of obj.
func (err *error_) addAltDecl(obj Object) {
if pos := obj.Pos(); pos.IsValid() {
// We use "other" rather than "previous" here because
// the first declaration seen may not be textually
// earlier in the source.
err.addf(obj, "other declaration of %s", obj.Name())
func (err *error_) empty() bool {
return err.desc == nil
func (err *error_) posn() positioner {
if err.empty() {
return noposn
return err.desc[0].posn
// msg returns the formatted error message without the primary error position pos().
func (err *error_) msg() string {
if err.empty() {
return "no error"
var buf strings.Builder
for i := range err.desc {
p := &err.desc[i]
if i > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\n\t")
if p.posn.Pos().IsValid() {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%s: ", err.check.fset.Position(p.posn.Pos()))
return buf.String()
// report reports the error err, setting check.firstError if necessary.
func (err *error_) report() {
if err.empty() {
panic("no error")
// Cheap trick: Don't report errors with messages containing
// "invalid operand" or "invalid type" as those tend to be
// follow-on errors which don't add useful information. Only
// exclude them if these strings are not at the beginning,
// and only if we have at least one error already reported.
check := err.check
if check.firstErr != nil {
// It is sufficient to look at the first sub-error only.
msg := err.desc[0].msg
if strings.Index(msg, "invalid operand") > 0 || strings.Index(msg, "invalid type") > 0 {
if check.conf._Trace {
check.trace(err.posn().Pos(), "ERROR: %s (code = %d)", err.desc[0].msg, err.code)
// In go/types, if there is a sub-error with a valid position,
// call the typechecker error handler for each sub-error.
// Otherwise, call it once, with a single combined message.
multiError := false
if !isTypes2 {
for i := 1; i < len(err.desc); i++ {
if err.desc[i].posn.Pos().IsValid() {
multiError = true
if multiError {
for i := range err.desc {
p := &err.desc[i]
check.handleError(i, p.posn, err.code, p.msg, err.soft)
} else {
check.handleError(0, err.posn(), err.code, err.msg(), err.soft)
// make sure the error is not reported twice
err.desc = nil
// handleError should only be called by
func (check *Checker) handleError(index int, posn positioner, code Code, msg string, soft bool) {
assert(code != 0)
if index == 0 {
// If we are encountering an error while evaluating an inherited
// constant initialization expression, pos is the position of
// the original expression, and not of the currently declared
// constant identifier. Use the provided errpos instead.
// TODO(gri) We may also want to augment the error message and
// refer to the position (pos) in the original expression.
if check.errpos != nil && check.errpos.Pos().IsValid() {
assert(check.iota != nil)
posn = check.errpos
// Report invalid syntax trees explicitly.
if code == InvalidSyntaxTree {
msg = "invalid syntax tree: " + msg
// If we have a URL for error codes, add a link to the first line.
if check.conf._ErrorURL != "" {
url := fmt.Sprintf(check.conf._ErrorURL, code)
if i := strings.Index(msg, "\n"); i >= 0 {
msg = msg[:i] + url + msg[i:]
} else {
msg += url
} else {
// Indent sub-error.
// Position information is passed explicitly to Error, below.
msg = "\t" + msg
span := spanOf(posn)
e := Error{
Fset: check.fset,
Pos: span.pos,
Msg: stripAnnotations(msg),
Soft: soft,
go116code: code,
go116start: span.start,
go116end: span.end,
if check.errpos != nil {
// If we have an internal error and the errpos override is set, use it to
// augment our error positioning.
// TODO(rFindley) we may also want to augment the error message and refer
// to the position (pos) in the original expression.
span := spanOf(check.errpos)
e.Pos = span.pos
e.go116start = span.start
e.go116end = span.end
if check.firstErr == nil {
check.firstErr = e
f := check.conf.Error
if f == nil {
panic(bailout{}) // record first error and exit
const (
invalidArg = "invalid argument: "
invalidOp = "invalid operation: "
// The positioner interface is used to extract the position of type-checker errors.
type positioner interface {
Pos() token.Pos
func (check *Checker) error(at positioner, code Code, msg string) {
err := check.newError(code)
err.addf(at, "%s", msg)
func (check *Checker) errorf(at positioner, code Code, format string, args ...any) {
err := check.newError(code)
err.addf(at, format, args...)
func (check *Checker) softErrorf(at positioner, code Code, format string, args ...any) {
err := check.newError(code)
err.addf(at, format, args...)
err.soft = true
func (check *Checker) versionErrorf(at positioner, v goVersion, format string, args ...any) {
msg := check.sprintf(format, args...)
err := check.newError(UnsupportedFeature)
err.addf(at, "%s requires %s or later", msg, v)
// atPos wraps a token.Pos to implement the positioner interface.
type atPos token.Pos
func (s atPos) Pos() token.Pos {
return token.Pos(s)
// posSpan holds a position range along with a highlighted position within that
// range. This is used for positioning errors, with pos by convention being the
// first position in the source where the error is known to exist, and start
// and end defining the full span of syntax being considered when the error was
// detected. Invariant: start <= pos < end || start == pos == end.
type posSpan struct {
start, pos, end token.Pos
func (e posSpan) Pos() token.Pos {
return e.pos
// inNode creates a posSpan for the given node.
// Invariant: node.Pos() <= pos < node.End() (node.End() is the position of the
// first byte after node within the source).
func inNode(node ast.Node, pos token.Pos) posSpan {
start, end := node.Pos(), node.End()
if debug {
assert(start <= pos && pos < end)
return posSpan{start, pos, end}
// spanOf extracts an error span from the given positioner. By default this is
// the trivial span starting and ending at pos, but this span is expanded when
// the argument naturally corresponds to a span of source code.
func spanOf(at positioner) posSpan {
switch x := at.(type) {
case nil:
panic("nil positioner")
case posSpan:
return x
case ast.Node:
pos := x.Pos()
return posSpan{pos, pos, x.End()}
case *operand:
if x.expr != nil {
pos := x.Pos()
return posSpan{pos, pos, x.expr.End()}
return posSpan{nopos, nopos, nopos}
pos := at.Pos()
return posSpan{pos, pos, pos}