blob: e947d99ebb872f16d495e7dc66f77bc88992e079 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dwarf_test
import (
. "debug/dwarf"
var (
file1C = &LineFile{Name: "/home/austin/"}
file1H = &LineFile{Name: "/home/austin/"}
file2C = &LineFile{Name: "/home/austin/"}
func TestLineELFGCC(t *testing.T) {
// Generated by:
// # gcc --version | head -n1
// gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2
// # gcc -g -o line-gcc.elf line*.c
// Line table based on readelf --debug-dump=rawline,decodedline
want := []LineEntry{
{Address: 0x40059d, File: file1H, Line: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005a5, File: file1H, Line: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005b4, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005bd, File: file1H, Line: 6, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 2},
{Address: 0x4005c7, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 2},
{Address: 0x4005cb, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: false, Discriminator: 1},
{Address: 0x4005d1, File: file1H, Line: 7, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005e7, File: file1C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005eb, File: file1C, Line: 7, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005f5, File: file1C, Line: 8, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005ff, File: file1C, Line: 9, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400601, EndSequence: true},
{Address: 0x400601, File: file2C, Line: 4, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400605, File: file2C, Line: 5, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40060f, File: file2C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400611, EndSequence: true},
files := [][]*LineFile{{nil, file1H, file1C}, {nil, file2C}}
testLineTable(t, want, files, elfData(t, "testdata/line-gcc.elf"))
func TestLineELFGCCZstd(t *testing.T) {
// Generated by:
// # gcc --version | head -n1
// gcc (Debian 12.2.0-10) 12.2.0
// # gcc -g -no-pie -Wl,--compress-debug-sections=zstd line*.c
zfile1H := &LineFile{Name: "/home/iant/go/src/debug/dwarf/testdata/line1.h"}
zfile1C := &LineFile{Name: "/home/iant/go/src/debug/dwarf/testdata/line1.c"}
zfile2C := &LineFile{Name: "/home/iant/go/src/debug/dwarf/testdata/line2.c"}
// Line table based on readelf --debug-dump=rawline,decodedline
want := []LineEntry{
{Address: 0x401126, File: zfile1H, Line: 2, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40112a, File: zfile1H, Line: 5, Column: 8, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401131, File: zfile1H, Line: 5, Column: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401133, File: zfile1H, Line: 6, Column: 10, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 3},
{Address: 0x40113d, File: zfile1H, Line: 5, Column: 22, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 3},
{Address: 0x401141, File: zfile1H, Line: 5, Column: 15, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 1},
{Address: 0x401147, File: zfile1H, Line: 7, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40114b, File: zfile1C, Line: 6, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40114f, File: zfile1C, Line: 7, Column: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401159, File: zfile1C, Line: 8, Column: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401168, File: zfile1C, Line: 9, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40116a, EndSequence: true},
{Address: 0x40116a, File: zfile2C, Line: 4, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40116e, File: zfile2C, Line: 5, Column: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40117d, File: zfile2C, Line: 6, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401180, EndSequence: true},
files := [][]*LineFile{
{zfile1C, zfile1H, zfile1C},
{zfile2C, zfile2C},
testLineTable(t, want, files, elfData(t, "testdata/line-gcc-zstd.elf"))
func TestLineGCCWindows(t *testing.T) {
// Generated by:
// > gcc --version
// gcc (tdm64-1) 4.9.2
// > gcc -g -o line-gcc-win.bin line1.c C:\workdir\go\src\debug\dwarf\testdata\line2.c
toWindows := func(lf *LineFile) *LineFile {
lf2 := *lf
lf2.Name = strings.Replace(lf2.Name, "/home/austin/", "C:\\workdir\\go\\", -1)
lf2.Name = strings.Replace(lf2.Name, "/", "\\", -1)
return &lf2
file1C := toWindows(file1C)
file1H := toWindows(file1H)
file2C := toWindows(file2C)
// Line table based on objdump --dwarf=rawline,decodedline
want := []LineEntry{
{Address: 0x401530, File: file1H, Line: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401538, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401541, File: file1H, Line: 6, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 3},
{Address: 0x40154b, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true, Discriminator: 3},
{Address: 0x40154f, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: false, Discriminator: 1},
{Address: 0x401555, File: file1H, Line: 7, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40155b, File: file1C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401563, File: file1C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401568, File: file1C, Line: 7, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40156d, File: file1C, Line: 8, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401572, File: file1C, Line: 9, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401578, EndSequence: true},
{Address: 0x401580, File: file2C, Line: 4, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401588, File: file2C, Line: 5, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401595, File: file2C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40159b, EndSequence: true},
files := [][]*LineFile{{nil, file1H, file1C}, {nil, file2C}}
testLineTable(t, want, files, peData(t, "testdata/line-gcc-win.bin"))
func TestLineELFClang(t *testing.T) {
// Generated by:
// # clang --version | head -n1
// Ubuntu clang version 3.4-1ubuntu3 (tags/RELEASE_34/final) (based on LLVM 3.4)
// # clang -g -o line-clang.elf line*.
want := []LineEntry{
{Address: 0x400530, File: file1C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400534, File: file1C, Line: 7, IsStmt: true, PrologueEnd: true},
{Address: 0x400539, File: file1C, Line: 8, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400545, File: file1C, Line: 9, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400550, File: file1H, Line: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400554, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true, PrologueEnd: true},
{Address: 0x400568, File: file1H, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400571, File: file1H, Line: 5, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400581, File: file1H, Line: 7, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x400583, EndSequence: true},
{Address: 0x400590, File: file2C, Line: 4, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005a0, File: file2C, Line: 5, IsStmt: true, PrologueEnd: true},
{Address: 0x4005a7, File: file2C, Line: 6, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x4005b0, EndSequence: true},
files := [][]*LineFile{{nil, file1C, file1H}, {nil, file2C}}
testLineTable(t, want, files, elfData(t, "testdata/line-clang.elf"))
func TestLineRnglists(t *testing.T) {
// Test a newer file, generated by clang.
file := &LineFile{Name: "/usr/local/google/home/iant/foo.c"}
want := []LineEntry{
{Address: 0x401020, File: file, Line: 12, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401020, File: file, Line: 13, Column: 12, IsStmt: true, PrologueEnd: true},
{Address: 0x401022, File: file, Line: 13, Column: 7},
{Address: 0x401024, File: file, Line: 17, Column: 1, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401027, File: file, Line: 16, Column: 10, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40102c, EndSequence: true},
{Address: 0x401000, File: file, Line: 2, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x401000, File: file, Line: 6, Column: 17, IsStmt: true, PrologueEnd: true},
{Address: 0x401002, File: file, Line: 6, Column: 3},
{Address: 0x401019, File: file, Line: 9, Column: 3, IsStmt: true},
{Address: 0x40101a, File: file, Line: 0, Column: 3},
{Address: 0x40101c, File: file, Line: 9, Column: 3},
{Address: 0x40101d, EndSequence: true},
files := [][]*LineFile{{file}}
testLineTable(t, want, files, elfData(t, "testdata/rnglistx.elf"))
func TestLineSeek(t *testing.T) {
d := elfData(t, "testdata/line-gcc.elf")
// Get the line table for the first CU.
cu, err := d.Reader().Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("d.Reader().Next:", err)
lr, err := d.LineReader(cu)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("d.LineReader:", err)
// Read entries forward.
var line LineEntry
var posTable []LineReaderPos
var table []LineEntry
for {
posTable = append(posTable, lr.Tell())
err := lr.Next(&line)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
t.Fatal("lr.Next:", err)
table = append(table, line)
// Test that Reset returns to the first line.
if err := lr.Next(&line); err != nil {
t.Fatal("lr.Next after Reset failed:", err)
} else if line != table[0] {
t.Fatal("lr.Next after Reset returned", line, "instead of", table[0])
// Check that entries match when seeking backward.
for i := len(posTable) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
err := lr.Next(&line)
if i == len(posTable)-1 {
if err != io.EOF {
t.Fatal("expected io.EOF after seek to end, got", err)
} else if err != nil {
t.Fatal("lr.Next after seek to", posTable[i], "failed:", err)
} else if line != table[i] {
t.Fatal("lr.Next after seek to", posTable[i], "returned", line, "instead of", table[i])
// Check that seeking to a PC returns the right line.
if err := lr.SeekPC(table[0].Address-1, &line); err != ErrUnknownPC {
t.Fatalf("lr.SeekPC to %#x returned %v instead of ErrUnknownPC", table[0].Address-1, err)
for i, testLine := range table {
if testLine.EndSequence {
if err := lr.SeekPC(testLine.Address, &line); err != ErrUnknownPC {
t.Fatalf("lr.SeekPC to %#x returned %v instead of ErrUnknownPC", testLine.Address, err)
nextPC := table[i+1].Address
for pc := testLine.Address; pc < nextPC; pc++ {
if err := lr.SeekPC(pc, &line); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("lr.SeekPC to %#x failed: %v", pc, err)
} else if line != testLine {
t.Fatalf("lr.SeekPC to %#x returned %v instead of %v", pc, line, testLine)
func testLineTable(t *testing.T, want []LineEntry, files [][]*LineFile, d *Data) {
// Get line table from d.
var got []LineEntry
dr := d.Reader()
for {
ent, err := dr.Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("dr.Next:", err)
} else if ent == nil {
if ent.Tag != TagCompileUnit {
// Ignore system compilation units (this happens in
// the Windows binary). We'll still decode the line
// table, but won't check it.
name := ent.Val(AttrName).(string)
ignore := strings.HasPrefix(name, "C:/crossdev/") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "../../")
// Decode CU's line table.
lr, err := d.LineReader(ent)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("d.LineReader:", err)
} else if lr == nil {
for {
var line LineEntry
err := lr.Next(&line)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
t.Fatal("lr.Next:", err)
// Ignore sources from the Windows build environment.
if ignore {
got = append(got, line)
// Check file table.
if !ignore {
if !compareFiles(files[0], lr.Files()) {
t.Log("File tables do not match. Got:")
dumpFiles(t, lr.Files())
dumpFiles(t, files[0])
files = files[1:]
// Compare line tables.
if !compareLines(t, got, want) {
t.Log("Line tables do not match. Got:")
dumpLines(t, got)
dumpLines(t, want)
func compareFiles(a, b []*LineFile) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i := range a {
if a[i] == nil && b[i] == nil {
if a[i] != nil && b[i] != nil && a[i].Name == b[i].Name {
return false
return true
func dumpFiles(t *testing.T, files []*LineFile) {
for i, f := range files {
name := "<nil>"
if f != nil {
name = f.Name
t.Logf(" %d %s", i, name)
func compareLines(t *testing.T, a, b []LineEntry) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
t.Errorf("len(a) == %d, len(b) == %d", len(a), len(b))
return false
for i := range a {
al, bl := a[i], b[i]
// If both are EndSequence, then the only other valid
// field is Address. Otherwise, test equality of all
// fields.
if al.EndSequence && bl.EndSequence && al.Address == bl.Address {
if al.File.Name != bl.File.Name {
t.Errorf("%d: name %v != name %v", i, al.File.Name, bl.File.Name)
return false
al.File = nil
bl.File = nil
if al != bl {
t.Errorf("%d: %#v != %#v", i, al, bl)
return false
return true
func dumpLines(t *testing.T, lines []LineEntry) {
for _, l := range lines {
t.Logf(" %+v File:%+v", l, l.File)
type joinTest struct {
dirname, filename string
path string
var joinTests = []joinTest{
{"a", "b", "a/b"},
{"a", "", "a"},
{"", "b", "b"},
{"/a", "b", "/a/b"},
{"/a/", "b", "/a/b"},
{`C:\Windows\`, `System32`, `C:\Windows\System32`},
{`C:\Windows\`, ``, `C:\Windows\`},
{`C:\`, `Windows`, `C:\Windows`},
{`C:\Windows\`, `C:System32`, `C:\Windows\System32`},
{`C:\Windows`, `a/b`, `C:\Windows\a/b`},
{`\\host\share\`, `foo`, `\\host\share\foo`},
{`\\host\share\`, `foo\bar`, `\\host\share\foo\bar`},
{`//host/share/`, `foo/bar`, `//host/share/foo/bar`},
// Note: the Go compiler currently emits DWARF line table paths
// with '/' instead of '\' (see issues #19784, #36495). These
// tests are to cover cases that might come up for Windows Go
// binaries.
{`c:/workdir/go/src/x`, `y.go`, `c:/workdir/go/src/x/y.go`},
{`d:/some/thing/`, `b.go`, `d:/some/thing/b.go`},
{`e:\blah\`, `foo.c`, `e:\blah\foo.c`},
// The following are "best effort". We shouldn't see relative
// base directories in DWARF, but these test that pathJoin
// doesn't fail miserably if it sees one.
{`C:`, `a`, `C:a`},
{`C:`, `a\b`, `C:a\b`},
{`C:.`, `a`, `C:.\a`},
{`C:a`, `b`, `C:a\b`},
func TestPathJoin(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range joinTests {
got := PathJoin(test.dirname, test.filename)
if test.path != got {
t.Errorf("pathJoin(%q, %q) = %q, want %q", test.dirname, test.filename, got, test.path)
func TestPathLineReaderMalformed(t *testing.T) {
// This test case drawn from issue #52354. What's happening
// here is that the stmtList attribute in the compilation
// unit is malformed (negative).
var aranges, frame, pubnames, ranges, str []byte
abbrev := []byte{0x10, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x21, 0x20, 0x10, 0x21, 0x61,
0x0, 0x0, 0xff, 0x20, 0xff, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20,
0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20}
info := []byte{0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9, 0x0, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0,
0x20, 0x10, 0x10}
line := []byte{0x20}
Data0, err := New(abbrev, aranges, frame, info, line, pubnames, ranges, str)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unexpected: %v", err)
Reader0 := Data0.Reader()
Entry0, err := Reader0.Next()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error unexpected: %v", err)
LineReader0, err := Data0.LineReader(Entry0)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected error")
if LineReader0 != nil {
t.Fatalf("expected nil line reader")