blob: 921ef5c6c5718ccdc3eb66b55494a146bbc324a5 [file] [log] [blame]
[short] skip 'links test binaries'
# Verify test -c can output multiple executables to a directory.
# This test also serves as a regression test for
# prior to the fix for that issue, it occasionally failed with ETXTBSY when
# run on Unix platforms.
go test -c -o $WORK/some/nonexisting/directory/ ./pkg/...
exists -exec $WORK/some/nonexisting/directory/pkg1.test$GOEXE
exists -exec $WORK/some/nonexisting/directory/pkg2.test$GOEXE
go test -c ./pkg/...
exists -exec pkg1.test$GOEXE
exists -exec pkg2.test$GOEXE
! go test -c -o $WORK/bin/test/bin.test.exe ./pkg/...
stderr '^with multiple packages, -o must refer to a directory or '$devnull
! go test -c ./...
stderr '^cannot write test binary pkg1.test for multiple packages:\nexample/anotherpkg/pkg1\nexample/pkg/pkg1'
! go test -c -o $WORK/bin/test/ ./...
stderr '^cannot write test binary pkg1.test for multiple packages:\nexample/anotherpkg/pkg1\nexample/pkg/pkg1'
! go test -o $WORK/bin/filename.exe ./pkg/...
stderr '^with multiple packages, -o must refer to a directory or '$devnull
! go test -o $WORK/bin/ ./...
stderr '^cannot write test binary pkg1.test for multiple packages:\nexample/anotherpkg/pkg1\nexample/pkg/pkg1'
go test -c -o $devnull ./...
rm pkg1.test$GOEXE
rm pkg2.test$GOEXE
go test -o . ./pkg/...
exists -exec pkg1.test$GOEXE
exists -exec pkg2.test$GOEXE
-- go.mod --
module example
-- pkg/pkg1/pkg1_test.go --
package pkg1
-- pkg/pkg2/pkg2_test.go --
package pkg2
-- anotherpkg/pkg1/pkg1_test.go --
package pkg1