blob: c834ce851e04d616b7fb9a42e178db65f7a1cdbb [file] [log] [blame]
env GO111MODULE=on
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories.
cd x
# all packages
go list all
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
# path pattern
go list m/...
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
# directory pattern
go list ./...
stdout ^m$
stdout ^m/vendor$
! stdout vendor/
stdout ^m/y$
! stdout ^m/y/z
# non-existent directory should not prompt lookups
! go build -mod=readonly
stderr 'import lookup disabled'
! go build -mod=readonly ./nonexist
! stderr 'import lookup disabled'
stderr '^stat '$GOPATH'[/\\]src[/\\]x[/\\]nonexist: directory not found'
! go build -mod=readonly ./go.mod
! stderr 'import lookup disabled'
stderr 'main module \(m\) does not contain package m/go.mod'
# File system paths and patterns should allow the '@' character.
cd ../@at
go list $PWD
stdout '^at$'
go list $PWD/...
stdout '^at$'
# The '@' character is not allowed in directory paths that are part of
# a package path.
cd ../badat/bad@
! go list .
stderr 'current directory outside main module or its selected dependencies'
! go list $PWD
stderr 'current directory outside main module or its selected dependencies'
! go list $PWD/...
stderr 'current directory outside main module or its selected dependencies'
-- x/go.mod --
module m
-- x/x.go --
package x
-- x/vendor/v/v.go --
package v
import _ ""
-- x/vendor/v.go --
package main
-- x/y/y.go --
package y
-- x/y/z/go.mod --
syntax error!
-- x/y/z/z.go --
package z
-- x/y/z/w/w.go --
package w
-- @at/go.mod --
module at
go 1.14
-- @at/at.go --
package at
-- badat/go.mod --
module badat
go 1.14
-- badat/bad@/bad.go --
package bad