blob: f26ee828fa6efac95af610a480d60285e703c4f0 [file] [log] [blame]
[short] skip
# Packages in std do not have an install target.
go list -f '{{.Target}}' fmt
! stdout .
go list -export -f '{{.Export}}' fmt
stdout $GOCACHE
# With GODEBUG=installgoroot=all, fmt has a target.
# (Though we can't try installing it without modifying goroot).
env GODEBUG=installgoroot=all
go list -f '{{.Target}}' fmt
stdout fmt\.a
# However, the fake packages "builtin" and "unsafe" do not.
go list -f '{{.Target}}' builtin unsafe
! stdout .
go install builtin unsafe # Should succeed as no-ops.
# With CGO_ENABLED=0, packages that would have
# an install target with cgo on no longer do.
go list -f '{{.Target}}' runtime/cgo
! stdout .
go list -export -f '{{.Export}}' runtime/cgo
stdout $GOCACHE