blob: 6212cd64eb18b7320d66b8a59e75a4a1258f944c [file] [log] [blame]
# Check that go lines are always >= go lines of dependencies.
# Using too old a release cannot even complete module load.
env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.21.1
cp go.mod go.mod.orig
# If the offending module is not imported, it's not detected.
go list
cmp go.mod go.mod.orig
# Adding the import produces the error.
# Maybe this should auto-switch, but it requires more plumbing to get this error through,
# and it's a misconfigured system that should not arise in practice, so not switching is fine.
! go list -deps -tags usem1
cmp go.mod go.mod.orig
stderr '^go: module ./m1 requires go >= 1.21.2 \(running go 1.21.1\)$'
# go get go@1.21.2 fixes the error.
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go get go@1.21.2
go list -deps -tags usem1
# go get -tags usem1 fixes the error.
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go get -tags usem1
go list -deps -tags usem1
# go get fixes the error.
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go get
go list -deps -tags usem1
# Using a new enough release reports the error after module load and suggests 'go mod tidy'
env TESTGO_VERSION=go1.21.2
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
! go list -deps -tags usem1
stderr 'updates to go.mod needed'
stderr 'go mod tidy'
go mod tidy
go list -deps -tags usem1
# go get also works
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
! go list -deps -tags usem1
stderr 'updates to go.mod needed'
stderr 'go mod tidy'
go get go@1.21.2
go list -deps -tags usem1
-- go.mod --
module m
go 1.21.1
require m1 v0.0.1
replace m1 => ./m1
-- m1/go.mod --
go 1.21.2
-- p.go --
//go:build usem1
package p
import _ "m1"
-- p1.go --
package p
-- m1/p.go --
package p