blob: 91cb57fa49e8219c18fcf16ee290676a2966353e [file] [log] [blame]
[GOOS:windows] skip 'filesystem normalizes / to \'
[GOOS:plan9] skip 'filesystem disallows \n in paths'
# If the directory path containing a package to be built includes a newline,
# the go command should refuse to even try to build the package.
env DIR=$WORK${/}${newline}'package main'${newline}'func main() { panic("uh-oh")'${newline}'/*'
mkdir $DIR
cd $DIR
exec pwd
cp $WORK/go.mod ./go.mod
cp $WORK/main.go ./main.go
cp $WORK/main_nocgo.go ./main_nocgo.go
cp $WORK/main_test.go ./main_test.go
! go build -o $devnull .
stderr 'package example: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
[cgo] ! go build -o $devnull main.go
[!cgo] ! go build -o $devnull main_nocgo.go
stderr 'package command-line-arguments: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
! go run .
stderr 'package example: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
[cgo] ! go run main.go
[!cgo] ! go run main_nocgo.go
stderr 'package command-line-arguments: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
! go test .
stderr 'package example: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
[cgo] ! go test -v main.go main_test.go
[!cgo] ! go test -v main_nocgo.go main_test.go
stderr 'package command-line-arguments: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
go list -compiled -e -f '{{with .CompiledGoFiles}}{{.}}{{end}}' .
! stdout .
! stderr .
! exists obj_
# The cgo tool should only accept the source file if the working directory
# is not written in line directives in the resulting files.
[cgo] ! go tool cgo main.go
[cgo] stderr 'cgo: input path contains newline character: .*uh-oh'
[cgo] ! exists _obj
[cgo] go tool cgo -trimpath=$PWD main.go
[cgo] grep '//line main\.go:1:1' _obj/main.cgo1.go
[cgo] ! grep 'uh-oh' _obj/main.cgo1.go
[cgo] rm _obj
# Since we do preserve $PWD (or set it appropriately) for commands, and we do
# not resolve symlinks unnecessarily, referring to the contents of the unsafe
# directory via a safe symlink should be ok, and should not inject the data from
# the symlink target path.
[!symlink] stop 'remainder of test checks symlink behavior'
[short] stop 'links and runs binaries'
symlink $WORK${/}link -> $DIR
[cgo] go run $WORK${/}link${/}main.go
[!cgo] go run $WORK${/}link${/}main_nocgo.go
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stderr '^ok$'
[cgo] go test -v $WORK${/}link${/}main.go $WORK${/}link${/}main_test.go
[!cgo] go test -v $WORK${/}link${/}main_nocgo.go $WORK${/}link${/}main_test.go
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stdout '^ok$' # 'go test' combines the test's stdout into stderr
cd $WORK/link
[cgo] ! go run $DIR${/}main.go
[!cgo] ! go run $DIR${/}main_nocgo.go
stderr 'package command-line-arguments: invalid package directory .*uh-oh'
go run .
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stderr '^ok$'
[cgo] go run main.go
[!cgo] go run main_nocgo.go
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stderr '^ok$'
go test -v
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stdout '^ok$' # 'go test' combines the test's stdout into stderr
go test -v .
! stdout panic
! stderr panic
stdout '^ok$' # 'go test' combines the test's stdout into stderr
[cgo] go tool cgo main.go
[cgo] grep '//line .*'${/}'link'${/}'main\.go:1:1' _obj/main.cgo1.go
[cgo] ! grep 'uh-oh' _obj/main.cgo1.go
-- $WORK/go.mod --
module example
go 1.19
-- $WORK/main.go --
package main
import "C"
func main() {
/* nothing here */
-- $WORK/main_nocgo.go --
//go:build !cgo
package main
func main() {
/* nothing here */
-- $WORK/main_test.go --
package main
import "testing"
func TestMain(*testing.M) {