blob: b07f4374c24efdf5e5bb920a595519974b974a3e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package typebits
import (
// NOTE: The bitmap for a specific type t could be cached in t after
// the first run and then simply copied into bv at the correct offset
// on future calls with the same type t.
func Set(t *types.Type, off int64, bv bitvec.BitVec) {
set(t, off, bv, false)
// SetNoCheck is like Set, but do not check for alignment.
func SetNoCheck(t *types.Type, off int64, bv bitvec.BitVec) {
set(t, off, bv, true)
func set(t *types.Type, off int64, bv bitvec.BitVec, skip bool) {
if !skip && uint8(t.Alignment()) > 0 && off&int64(uint8(t.Alignment())-1) != 0 {
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: invalid initial alignment: type %v has alignment %d, but offset is %v", t, uint8(t.Alignment()), off)
if !t.HasPointers() {
// Note: this case ensures that pointers to not-in-heap types
// are not considered pointers by garbage collection and stack copying.
switch t.Kind() {
case types.TPTR, types.TUNSAFEPTR, types.TFUNC, types.TCHAN, types.TMAP:
if off&int64(types.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: invalid alignment, %v", t)
bv.Set(int32(off / int64(types.PtrSize))) // pointer
case types.TSTRING:
// struct { byte *str; intgo len; }
if off&int64(types.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: invalid alignment, %v", t)
bv.Set(int32(off / int64(types.PtrSize))) //pointer in first slot
case types.TINTER:
// struct { Itab *tab; void *data; }
// or, when isnilinter(t)==true:
// struct { Type *type; void *data; }
if off&int64(types.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: invalid alignment, %v", t)
// The first word of an interface is a pointer, but we don't
// treat it as such.
// 1. If it is a non-empty interface, the pointer points to an itab
// which is always in persistentalloc space.
// 2. If it is an empty interface, the pointer points to a _type.
// a. If it is a compile-time-allocated type, it points into
// the read-only data section.
// b. If it is a reflect-allocated type, it points into the Go heap.
// Reflect is responsible for keeping a reference to
// the underlying type so it won't be GCd.
// If we ever have a moving GC, we need to change this for 2b (as
// well as scan itabs to update their itab._type fields).
bv.Set(int32(off/int64(types.PtrSize) + 1)) // pointer in second slot
case types.TSLICE:
// struct { byte *array; uintgo len; uintgo cap; }
if off&int64(types.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: invalid TARRAY alignment, %v", t)
bv.Set(int32(off / int64(types.PtrSize))) // pointer in first slot (BitsPointer)
case types.TARRAY:
elt := t.Elem()
if elt.Size() == 0 {
// Short-circuit for #20739.
for i := int64(0); i < t.NumElem(); i++ {
set(elt, off, bv, skip)
off += elt.Size()
case types.TSTRUCT:
for _, f := range t.Fields() {
set(f.Type, off+f.Offset, bv, skip)
base.Fatalf("typebits.Set: unexpected type, %v", t)