diff --git a/src/c/const.c b/src/c/const.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff1f522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/const.c
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+#define	TUP(x,y)	(((x)<<16)|(y))
+convlit(Node *n, Node *t)
+	int et;
+	if(n->op != OLITERAL)
+		return;
+	if(t == N)
+		return;
+	n->type = t;
+	et = t->etype;
+	switch(whatis(n)) {
+	case Wlitint:
+		if(isptrto(t, TSTRING)) {
+			Rune rune;
+			int l;
+			String *s;
+			rune = n->val.vval;
+			l = runelen(rune);
+			s = mal(sizeof(*s)+l);
+			s->len = l;
+			runetochar((char*)(s->s), &rune);
+			n->val.sval = s;
+			n->val.ctype = CTSTR;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(isint[et]) {
+			if(n->val.vval < minintval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			if(n->val.vval > maxintval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(isfloat[et]) {
+			if(n->val.vval < minfloatval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			if(n->val.vval > maxfloatval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			n->val.dval = n->val.vval;
+			n->val.ctype = CTFLT;
+			break;
+		}
+		goto bad1;
+	case Wlitfloat:
+		if(isint[et]) {
+			if(n->val.dval < minintval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			if(n->val.dval > maxintval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			n->val.vval = n->val.dval;
+			n->val.ctype = CTINT;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(isfloat[et]) {
+			if(n->val.dval < minfloatval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			if(n->val.dval > maxfloatval[et])
+				goto bad2;
+			break;
+		}
+		goto bad1;
+	}
+	return;
+	yyerror("illegal conversion of constant to %T", t);
+	return;
+	yyerror("overflow converting constant to %T", t);
+	return;
+evconst(Node *n)
+	Node *t, *nl, *nr;
+	long len;
+	String *str;
+	int wl, wr;
+	nl = n->left;
+	if(nl == N)
+		return;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	case OCONV:
+		t = n->type;
+		*n = *nl;
+		n->type = t;
+		return;
+	}
+	wl = whatis(nl);
+	switch(wl) {
+	default:
+		return;
+	case Wlitint:
+	case Wlitfloat:
+	case Wlitbool:
+	case Wlitstr:
+		break;
+	}
+	nr = n->right;
+	if(nr == N)
+		goto unary;
+	wr = whatis(nr);
+	switch(wr) {
+	default:
+		return;
+	case Wlitint:
+	case Wlitfloat:
+	case Wlitbool:
+	case Wlitstr:
+		break;
+	}
+	if(wl != wr) {
+		yyerror("illegal combination of literals %d %d", nl->etype, nr->etype);
+		return;
+	}
+	switch(TUP(n->op, wl)) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("illegal combination of literals %O %d", n->op, wl);
+		return;
+	case TUP(OADD, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval += nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OSUB, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval -= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OMUL, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval *= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(ODIV, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval /= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OMOD, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval %= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OLSH, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval <<= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(ORSH, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval >>= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OOR, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval |= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OAND, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval &= nr->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OADD, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval += nr->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OSUB, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval -= nr->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OMUL, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval *= nr->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(ODIV, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval /= nr->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OEQ, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval == nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(ONE, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval != nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLT, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval < nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLE, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval <= nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGE, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval >= nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGT, Wlitint):
+		if(nl->val.vval > nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OEQ, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval == nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(ONE, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval != nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLT, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval < nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLE, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval <= nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGE, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval >= nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGT, Wlitfloat):
+		if(nl->val.dval > nr->val.dval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OEQ, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) == 0)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(ONE, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) != 0)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLT, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) < 0)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OLE, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) <= 0)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGE, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) >= 0l)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OGT, Wlitstr):
+		if(cmpslit(nl, nr) > 0)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OADD, Wlitstr):
+		len = nl->val.sval->len + nr->val.sval->len;
+		str = mal(sizeof(*str) + len);
+		str->len = len;
+		memcpy(str->s, nl->val.sval->s, nl->val.sval->len);
+		memcpy(str->s+nl->val.sval->len, nr->val.sval->s, nr->val.sval->len);
+		str->len = len;
+		nl->val.sval = str;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OOROR, Wlitbool):
+		if(nl->val.vval || nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	case TUP(OANDAND, Wlitbool):
+		if(nl->val.vval && nr->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	}
+	*n = *nl;
+	return;
+	*n = *booltrue;
+	return;
+	*n = *boolfalse;
+	return;
+	switch(TUP(n->op, wl)) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("illegal combination of literals %O %d", n->op, wl);
+		return;
+	case TUP(OPLUS, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval = +nl->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OMINUS, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval = -nl->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OCOM, Wlitint):
+		nl->val.vval = ~nl->val.vval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OPLUS, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval = +nl->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(OMINUS, Wlitfloat):
+		nl->val.dval = -nl->val.dval;
+		break;
+	case TUP(ONOT, Wlitbool):
+		if(nl->val.vval)
+			goto settrue;
+		goto setfalse;
+	}
+	*n = *nl;
+defaultlit(Node *n)
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	if(n->type != N)
+		return;
+	if(n->op != OLITERAL)
+		return;
+	switch(n->val.ctype) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("defaultlit: unknown literal: %N", n);
+		break;
+	case CTINT:
+	case CTSINT:
+	case CTUINT:
+		n->type = types[TINT32];
+		break;
+	case CTFLT:
+		n->type = types[TFLOAT64];
+		break;
+	case CTBOOL:
+		n->type = types[TBOOL];
+		break;
+	case CTSTR:
+		n->type = types[TSTRING];
+		break;
+	}
+cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r)
+	long l1, l2, i, m;
+	uchar *s1, *s2;
+	l1 = l->val.sval->len;
+	l2 = r->val.sval->len;
+	s1 = l->val.sval->s;
+	s2 = r->val.sval->s;
+	m = l1;
+	if(l2 < m)
+		m = l2;
+	for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
+		if(s1[i] == s2[i])
+			continue;
+		if(s1[i] > s2[i])
+			return +1;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(l1 == l2)
+		return 0;
+	if(l1 > l2)
+		return +1;
+	return -1;
diff --git a/src/c/dcl.c b/src/c/dcl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f593997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/dcl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+#include	""
+dodclvar(Node *n, Node *t)
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		dodclvar(n->left, t);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	addvar(n, t, dclcontext);
+dodcltype(Node *n, Node *t)
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		dodcltype(n->left, t);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	addtyp(n, t, dclcontext);
+dodclconst(Node *n, Node *e)
+	Sym *s;
+	Dcl *r, *d;
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		dodclconst(n->left, e);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	if(n->op != ONAME)
+		fatal("dodclconst: not a name");
+	if(e->op != OLITERAL) {
+		yyerror("expression must be a constant");
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	s = n->sym;
+	s->oconst = e;
+	s->lexical = LACONST;
+	r = autodcl;
+	if(dclcontext == PEXTERN)
+		r = externdcl;
+	d = dcl();
+	d->dsym = s;
+	d->dnode = e;
+	d->op = OCONST;
+	r->back->forw = d;
+	r->back = d;
+	if(debug['d'])
+		print("const-dcl %S %N\n", n->sym, n->sym->oconst);
+ * return nelem of list
+ */
+listcount(Node *n)
+	int v;
+	v = 0;
+	while(n != N) {
+		v++;
+		if(n->op != OLIST)
+			break;
+		n = n->right;
+	}
+	return v;
+ * turn a parsed function declaration
+ * into a type
+ */
+functype(Node *this, Node *in, Node *out)
+	Node *t;
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	t->etype = TFUNC;
+	t->type = dostruct(this, TSTRUCT);
+	t->type->down = dostruct(out, TSTRUCT);
+	t->type->down->down = dostruct(in, TSTRUCT);
+	t->thistuple = listcount(this);
+	t->outtuple = listcount(out);
+	t->intuple = listcount(in);
+	return t;
+funcnam(Node *t, char *nam)
+	Node *n;
+	Sym *s;
+	char buf[100];
+	if(nam == nil) {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_f%.3ld", vargen);
+		nam = buf;
+	}
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		fatal("funcnam: not func %T\n", t);
+	if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_t%.3ld", vargen);
+		s = lookup(namebuf);
+		addtyp(newtype(s), t->type, PEXTERN);
+		n = newname(s);
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		t->type->nname = n;
+	}
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_o%.3ld", vargen);
+		s = lookup(namebuf);
+		addtyp(newtype(s), t->type->down, PEXTERN);
+		n = newname(s);
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		t->type->down->nname = n;
+	}
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_i%.3ld", vargen);
+		s = lookup(namebuf);
+		addtyp(newtype(s), t->type->down->down, PEXTERN);
+		n = newname(s);
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		t->type->down->down->nname = n;
+	}
+methcmp(Node *t1, Node *t2)
+	if(t1->etype != TFUNC)
+		return 0;
+	if(t2->etype != TFUNC)
+		return 0;
+	t1 = t1->type->down;	// skip this arg
+	t2 = t2->type->down;	// skip this arg
+	for(;;) {
+		if(t1 == t2)
+			break;
+		if(t1 == N || t2 == N)
+			return 0;
+		if(t1->etype != TSTRUCT || t2->etype != TSTRUCT)
+			return 0;
+		if(!eqtype(t1->type, t2->type, 0))
+			return 0;
+		t1 = t1->down;
+		t2 = t2->down;
+	}
+	return 1;
+ * add a method, declared as a function,
+ * into the structure
+ */
+addmethod(Node *n, Node *pa, Node *t)
+	Node *p, *f, *d;
+	Sym *s;
+	if(n->op != ONAME)
+		goto bad;
+	s = n->sym;
+	if(s == S)
+		goto bad;
+	if(pa == N)
+		goto bad;
+	if(pa->etype != TPTR)
+		goto bad;
+	p = pa->type;
+	if(p == N)
+		goto bad;
+	if(p->etype != TSTRUCT)
+		goto bad;
+	if(p->sym == S)
+		goto bad;
+	if(p->type == N) {
+		n = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(s), N);
+		n->type = t;
+		stotype(n, &p->type, p);
+		return;
+	}
+	d = N;	// last found
+	for(f=p->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+		if(f->etype != TFIELD)
+			fatal("addmethod: not TFIELD: %N", f);
+		if(strcmp(s->name, f->sym->name) != 0) {
+			d = f;
+			continue;
+		}
+		// if a field matches a non-this function
+		// then delete it and let it be redeclared
+		if(methcmp(t, f->type)) {
+			if(d == N) {
+				p->type = f->down;
+				continue;
+			}
+			d->down = f->down;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(!eqtype(t, f->type, 0))
+			yyerror("field redeclared as method: %S", s);
+		return;
+	}
+	n = nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(s), N);
+	n->type = t;
+	if(d == N)
+		stotype(n, &p->type, p);
+	else
+		stotype(n, &d->down, p);
+	return;
+	yyerror("unknown method pointer: %T", pa);
+ * declare the function proper.
+ * and declare the arguments
+ * called in extern-declaration context
+ * returns in auto-declaration context.
+ */
+funchdr(Node *n)
+	Node *on;
+	Sym *s;
+	s = n->nname->sym;
+	on = s->oname;
+	// check for foreward declaration
+	if(on == N || !eqtype(n->type, on->type, 0)) {
+		// initial declaration or redeclaration
+		// declare fun name, argument types and argument names
+		funcnam(n->type, s->name);
+		n->nname->type = n->type;
+		if(n->type->thistuple == 0)
+			addvar(n->nname, n->type, PEXTERN);
+	} else {
+		// identical redeclaration
+		// steal previous names
+		n->nname = on;
+		n->type = on->type;
+		n->sym = s;
+		s->oname = n;
+		if(debug['d'])
+			print("forew  var-dcl %S %T\n", n->sym, n->type);
+	}
+	// change the declaration context from extern to auto
+	autodcl = dcl();
+	autodcl->back = autodcl;
+	if(dclcontext != PEXTERN)
+		fatal("funchdr: dclcontext");
+	dclcontext = PAUTO;
+	funcargs(n->type);
+	if(n->type->thistuple > 0) {
+		Node *n1;
+		n1 = *getthis(n->type);
+		addmethod(n->nname, n1->type->type, n->type);
+	}
+funcargs(Node *t)
+	Node *n1;
+	Iter save;
+	// declare the this argument
+	n1 = structfirst(&save, getthis(t));
+	if(n1 != N) {
+		if(n1->nname != N)
+			addvar(n1->nname, n1->type, PAUTO);
+	}
+	// declare the incoming arguments
+	n1 = structfirst(&save, getinarg(t));
+	while(n1 != N) {
+		if(n1->nname != N)
+			addvar(n1->nname, n1->type, PAUTO);
+		n1 = structnext(&save);
+	}
+	// declare the outgoing arguments
+//	n1 = structfirst(&save, getoutarg(t));
+//	while(n1 != N) {
+//		n1->left = newname(n1->sym);
+//		if(n1->nname != N)
+//			addvar(n1->nname, n1->type, PAUTO);
+//		n1 = structnext(&save);
+//	}
+ * compile the function.
+ * called in auto-declaration context.
+ * returns in extern-declaration context.
+ */
+funcbody(Node *n)
+	compile(n);
+	// change the declaration context from auto to extern
+	if(dclcontext != PAUTO)
+		fatal("funcbody: dclcontext");
+	dclcontext = PEXTERN;
+ * turn a parsed struct into a type
+ */
+stotype(Node *n, Node **t, Node *uber)
+	Node *f;
+	Iter save;
+	n = listfirst(&save, &n);
+	if(n == N) {
+		*t = N;
+		return t;
+	}
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		// recursive because it can be lists of lists
+		t = stotype(n, t, uber);
+		goto next;
+	}
+	if(n->op != ODCLFIELD || n->type == N)
+		fatal("stotype: oops %N\n", n);
+	if(n->type->etype == TDARRAY)
+		yyerror("type of a structure field cannot be an open array");
+	f = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	f->etype = TFIELD;
+	f->type = n->type;
+	f->uberstruct = uber;
+	if(n->left != N && n->left->op == ONAME) {
+		f->nname = n->left;
+	} else {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_e%.3ld", vargen);
+		f->nname = newname(lookup(namebuf));
+	}
+	f->sym = f->nname->sym;
+	f->nname->uberstruct = uber;	// can reach parent from element
+	*t = f;
+	t = &f->down;
+	n = listnext(&save);
+	goto loop;
+dostruct(Node *n, int et)
+	Node *t;
+	/*
+	 * convert a parsed id/type list into
+	 * a type for struct/interface/arglist
+	 */
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	stotype(n, &t->type, t);
+	t->etype = et;
+	return t;
+sortinter(Node *n)
+	return n;
+dcopy(Sym *a, Sym *b)
+	a->name = b->name;
+	a->oname = b->oname;
+	a->otype = b->otype;
+	a->oconst = b->oconst;
+	a->package = b->package;
+	a->opackage = b->opackage;
+	a->forwtype = b->forwtype;
+	a->lexical = b->lexical;
+	a->undef = b->undef;
+	a->vargen = b->vargen;
+	Sym *d;
+	d = mal(sizeof(*d));
+	d->link = dclstack;
+	dclstack = d;
+	return d;
+pushdcl(Sym *s)
+	Sym *d;
+	d = push();
+	dcopy(d, s);
+	return d;
+	Sym *d, *s;
+//	if(debug['d'])
+//		print("revert\n");
+	for(d=dclstack; d!=S; d=d->link) {
+		if(d->name == nil)
+			break;
+		s = pkglookup(d->name, d->package);
+		dcopy(s, d);
+		if(debug['d'])
+			print("\t%ld pop %S\n", curio.lineno, s);
+	}
+	if(d != S)
+		d = d->link;
+	dclstack = d;
+	Sym *d;
+	d = push();
+	d->name = nil;		// used as a mark in fifo
+//	if(debug['d'])
+//		print("markdcl\n");
+	Sym *d, *s;
+	markdcl();
+	// copy the entire pop of the stack
+	// all the way back to block0.
+	// after this the symbol table is at
+	// block0 and popdcl will restore it.
+	for(d=dclstack; d!=S; d=d->link) {
+		if(d == b0stack)
+			break;
+		if(d->name != nil) {
+			s = pkglookup(d->name, d->package);
+			pushdcl(s);
+			dcopy(s, d);
+		}
+	}
+addvar(Node *n, Node *t, int ctxt)
+	Dcl *r, *d;
+	Sym *s;
+	Node *on;
+	int gen;
+	if(n==N || n->sym == S || n->op != ONAME || t == N)
+		fatal("addvar: n=%N t=%N nil", n, t);
+	on = t;
+	if(on->etype == TPTR)
+		on = on->type;
+	if(on->etype == TSTRUCT && on->vargen == 0) {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_s%.3ld", vargen);
+		addtyp(newtype(lookup(namebuf)), on, PEXTERN);
+	}
+	s = n->sym;
+	vargen++;
+	gen = vargen;
+	r = autodcl;
+	if(ctxt == PEXTERN) {
+		on = s->oname;
+		if(on != N) {
+			if(eqtype(t, on->type, 0)) {
+				warn("%S redeclared", s);
+				return;
+			}
+			yyerror("%S redeclared (%T %T)", s,
+				on->type, t);
+		}
+		r = externdcl;
+		gen = 0;
+	}
+	pushdcl(s);
+	s->vargen = gen;
+	s->oname = n;
+	n->type = t;
+	n->vargen = gen;
+	d = dcl();
+	d->dsym = s;
+	d->dnode = n;
+	d->op = ONAME;
+	r->back->forw = d;
+	r->back = d;
+	if(debug['d']) {
+		if(ctxt == PEXTERN)
+			print("extern var-dcl %S G%ld %T\n", s, s->vargen, t);
+		else
+			print("auto   var-dcl %S G%ld %T\n", s, s->vargen, t);
+	}
+addtyp(Node *n, Node *t, int ctxt)
+	Dcl *r, *d;
+	Sym *s;
+	Node *f, *ot;
+	if(n==N || n->sym == S || n->op != OTYPE || t == N)
+		fatal("addtyp: n=%N t=%N nil", n, t);
+	s = n->sym;
+	r = autodcl;
+	if(ctxt == PEXTERN) {
+		ot = s->otype;
+		if(ot != N) {
+			// allow nil interface to be
+			// redeclared as an interface
+			if(ot->etype == TINTER && ot->type == N && t->etype == TINTER) {
+				if(debug['d'])
+					print("forew  typ-dcl %S G%ld %T\n", s, s->vargen, t);
+				s->otype = t;
+				return;
+			}
+			if(eqtype(t, ot, 0)) {
+				warn("%S redeclared", s);
+				return;
+			}
+			yyerror("%S redeclared (%T %T)", s,
+				ot, t);
+		}
+		r = externdcl;
+	}
+	pushdcl(s);
+	vargen++;
+	s->vargen = vargen;
+	s->otype = t;
+	s->lexical = LATYPE;
+	if(t->sym != S)
+		warn("addtyp: renaming %S to %S", t->sym, s);
+	t->sym = s;
+	t->vargen = vargen;
+	for(f=s->forwtype; f!=N; f=f->nforw) {
+		if(f->op != OTYPE && f->etype != TPTR)
+			fatal("addtyp: foreward");
+		f->type = t;
+	}
+	s->forwtype = N;
+	d = dcl();
+	d->dsym = s;
+	d->dnode = t;
+	d->op = OTYPE;
+	r->back->forw = d;
+	r->back = d;
+	if(debug['d']) {
+		if(ctxt == PEXTERN)
+			print("extern typ-dcl %S G%ld %T\n", s, s->vargen, t);
+		else
+			print("auto   typ-dcl %S G%ld %T\n", s, s->vargen, t);
+	}
+ * make a new variable
+ */
+tempname(Node *t)
+	Sym *s;
+	Node *n;
+	if(t == N) {
+		yyerror("tempname called with nil type");
+		t = types[TINT32];
+	}
+	s = lookup("!tmpname!");
+	n = newname(s);
+	dodclvar(n, t);
+	return n;
+ * this generates a new name that is
+ * pushed down on the declaration list.
+ * no diagnostics are produced as this
+ * name will soon be declared.
+ */
+newname(Sym *s)
+	Node *n;
+	n = nod(ONAME, N, N);
+	n->sym = s;
+	n->type = N;
+	n->addable = 1;
+	n->ullman = 0;
+	return n;
+ * this will return an old name
+ * that has already been pushed on the
+ * declaration list. a diagnostic is
+ * generated if no name has been defined.
+ */
+oldname(Sym *s)
+	Node *n;
+	n = s->oname;
+	if(n == N) {
+		yyerror("%S undefined", s);
+		n = newname(s);
+		dodclvar(n, types[TINT32]);
+	}
+	return n;
+ * same for types
+ */
+newtype(Sym *s)
+	Node *n;
+	n = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	n->etype = TFORW;
+	n->sym = s;
+	n->type = N;
+	return n;
+oldtype(Sym *s)
+	Node *n;
+	n = s->otype;
+	if(n == N)
+		fatal("%S not a type", s); // cant happen
+	return n;
+forwdcl(Sym *s)
+	Node *n;
+	// this type has no meaning and
+	// will cause an error if referenced.
+	// it will be patched when/if the
+	// type is ever assigned.
+	n = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	n->etype = TFORW;
+	n = ptrto(n);
+	n->nforw = s->forwtype;
+	s->forwtype = n;
+	return n;
diff --git a/src/c/export.c b/src/c/export.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de54f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/export.c
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+#include	""
+markexport(Node *n)
+	Sym *s;
+	Dcl *d, *r;
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		markexport(n->left);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	if(n->op != OEXPORT)
+		fatal("markexport: op no OEXPORT: %O", n->op);
+	s = n->sym;
+	if(n->psym != S)
+		s = pkglookup(n->sym->name, n->psym->name);
+	if(s->export != 0)
+		return;
+	s->export = 1;
+	d = mal(sizeof(*d));
+	d->dsym = s;
+	d->dnode = N;
+	d->lineno = curio.lineno;
+	r = exportlist;
+	d->back = r->back;
+	r->back->forw = d;
+	r->back = d;
+reexport(Node *t)
+	Sym *s;
+	if(t == N)
+		fatal("reexport: type nil\n");
+	s = t->sym;
+	if(s == S/* || s->name[0] == '_'*/) {
+		exportgen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_e%.3ld", exportgen);
+		s = lookup(namebuf);
+		s->lexical = LATYPE;
+		s->otype = t;
+		t->sym = s;
+	}
+	dumpexporttype(s);
+dumpexportconst(Sym *s)
+	Node *n, *t;
+	if(s->exported != 0)
+		return;
+	s->exported = 1;
+	n = s->oconst;
+	if(n == N || n->op != OLITERAL)
+		fatal("dumpexportconst: oconst nil: %S\n", s);
+	t = n->type;	// may or may not be specified
+	if(t != N)
+		reexport(t);
+	Bprint(bout, "\tconst ");
+	if(s->export != 0)
+		Bprint(bout, "!");
+	Bprint(bout, "%lS ", s);
+	if(t != N)
+		Bprint(bout, "%lS ", t->sym);
+	switch(n->val.ctype) {
+	default:
+		fatal("dumpexportconst: unknown ctype: %S\n", s);
+	case CTINT:
+	case CTSINT:
+	case CTUINT:
+	case CTBOOL:
+		Bprint(bout, "0x%llux\n", n->val.vval);
+		break;
+	case CTFLT:
+		Bprint(bout, "%.17e\n", n->val.dval);
+		break;
+	case CTSTR:
+		Bprint(bout, "\"%Z\"\n", n->val.sval);
+		break;
+	}
+dumpexportvar(Sym *s)
+	Node *n, *t;
+	if(s->exported != 0)
+		return;
+	s->exported = 1;
+	n = s->oname;
+	if(n == N || n->type == N)
+		fatal("dumpexportvar: oname nil: %S\n", s);
+	t = n->type;
+	reexport(t);
+	Bprint(bout, "\tvar ");
+	if(s->export != 0)
+		Bprint(bout, "!");
+	Bprint(bout, "%lS %lS\n", s, t->sym);
+dumpexporttype(Sym *s)
+	Node *t, *f;
+	Sym *ts;
+	int et;
+	if(s->exported != 0)
+		return;
+	s->exported = 1;
+	t = s->otype;
+	if(t == N || t->op != OTYPE)
+		fatal("dumpexporttype: otype nil: %S\n", s);
+	if(t->sym != s)
+		fatal("dumpexporttype: cross reference: %S\n", s);
+	et = t->etype;
+	switch(et) {
+	default:
+		if(et < 0 || et >= nelem(types) || types[et] == N)
+			fatal("dumpexporttype: basic type: %E\n", et);
+		/* type 5 */
+		Bprint(bout, "\ttype %lS %d\n", s, et);
+		break;
+	case TARRAY:
+		reexport(t->type);
+		/* type 2 */
+		Bprint(bout, "\ttype ");
+		if(s->export != 0)
+			Bprint(bout, "!");
+		Bprint(bout, "%lS [%lud] %lS\n", s, t->bound, t->type->sym);
+		break;
+	case TPTR:
+		reexport(t->type);
+		/* type 6 */
+		Bprint(bout, "\ttype ");
+		if(s->export != 0)
+			Bprint(bout, "!");
+		Bprint(bout, "%lS *%lS\n", s, t->type->sym);
+		break;
+	case TFUNC:
+		for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+			if(f->op != OTYPE || f->etype != TSTRUCT)
+				fatal("dumpexporttype: funct not field: %O/%E\n",
+					f->op, f->etype);
+			reexport(f);
+		}
+		/* type 3 */
+		Bprint(bout, "\ttype ");
+		if(s->export != 0)
+			Bprint(bout, "!");
+		Bprint(bout, "%lS (", s);
+		for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+			if(f != t->type)
+				Bprint(bout, " ");
+			Bprint(bout, "%lS", f->sym);
+		}
+		Bprint(bout, ")\n");
+		break;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+	case TINTER:
+		for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+			if(f->op != OTYPE || f->etype != TFIELD)
+				fatal("dumpexporttype: funct not field: %O/%E\n",
+					f->op, f->etype);
+			reexport(f->type);
+		}
+		/* type 4 */
+		Bprint(bout, "\ttype ");
+		if(s->export)
+			Bprint(bout, "!");
+		Bprint(bout, "%lS %c", s, (et==TSTRUCT)? '{': '<');
+		for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+			ts = f->type->sym;
+			if(f != t->type)
+				Bprint(bout, " ");
+			Bprint(bout, "%s %lS", f->sym->name, ts);
+		}
+		Bprint(bout, "%c\n", (et==TSTRUCT)? '}': '>');
+		break;
+	}
+dumpe(Sym *s)
+	switch(s->lexical) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("unknown export symbol: %S\n", s, s->lexical);
+		break;
+	case LPACK:
+		yyerror("package export symbol: %S\n", s);
+		break;
+	case LATYPE:
+		dumpexporttype(s);
+		break;
+	case LNAME:
+		dumpexportvar(s);
+		break;
+	case LACONST:
+		dumpexportconst(s);
+		break;
+	}
+	Dcl *d;
+	long lno;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	Bprint(bout, "   import\n");
+	Bprint(bout, "   ((\n");
+	// print it depth first
+	for(d=exportlist->forw; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+		dynlineno = d->lineno;
+		dumpe(d->dsym);
+	}
+	Bprint(bout, "   ))\n");
+	dynlineno = lno;
+ * ******* import *******
+ */
+importlooktype(Node *n)
+	Sym *s;
+	if(n->op != OIMPORT)
+		fatal("importlooktype: oops1 %N\n", n);
+	s = pkglookup(n->sym->name, n->psym->name);
+	if(s->otype == N)
+		fatal("importlooktype: oops2 %S\n", s);
+	return s->otype;
+importstotype(Node *n, Node **t, Node *uber)
+	Node *f;
+	Iter save;
+	n = listfirst(&save, &n);
+	if(n == N) {
+		*t = N;
+		return t;
+	}
+	f = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	f->etype = TFIELD;
+	f->type = importlooktype(n);
+	f->uberstruct = uber;
+	if(n->fsym != S) {
+		f->nname = newname(n->fsym);
+	} else {
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_m%.3ld", vargen);
+		f->nname = newname(lookup(namebuf));
+	}
+	f->sym = f->nname->sym;
+	f->nname->uberstruct = uber;
+	*t = f;
+	t = &f->down;
+	n = listnext(&save);
+	goto loop;
+importcount(Node *t)
+	int i;
+	Node *f;
+	if(t == N || t->op != OTYPE || t->etype != TSTRUCT)
+		fatal("importcount: not a struct: %N", t);
+	i = 0;
+	for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down)
+		i = i+1;
+	return i;
+importfuncnam(Node *t)
+	Node *n, *n1;
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		fatal("importfuncnam: not func %T\n", t);
+	if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+		n1 = t->type;
+		if(n1->sym == S)
+			fatal("importfuncnam: no this");
+		n = newname(n1->sym);
+		vargen++;
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		n1->nname = n;
+	}
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n1 = t->type->down;
+		if(n1->sym == S)
+			fatal("importfuncnam: no output");
+		n = newname(n1->sym);
+		vargen++;
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		n1->nname = n;
+	}
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n1 = t->type->down->down;
+		if(n1->sym == S)
+			fatal("importfuncnam: no input");
+		n = newname(n1->sym);
+		vargen++;
+		n->vargen = vargen;
+		n1->nname = n;
+	}
+getimportsym(Node *ss)
+	char *pkg;
+	Sym *s;
+	pkg = ss->psym->name;
+	if(ss->kaka) {
+		pkg = package;
+		if(pkgmyname != S)
+			pkg = pkgmyname->name;
+	}
+	s = pkglookup(ss->sym->name, pkg);
+	/* botch - need some diagnostic checking for the following assignment */
+	s->opackage = ss->osym->name;
+	return s;
+importaddtyp(Node *ss, Node *t)
+	Sym *s;
+	s = getimportsym(ss);
+	if(s->otype == N || !eqtype(t, s->otype, 0)) {
+		addtyp(newtype(s), t, PEXTERN);
+	}
+ * LCONST importsym LITERAL
+ * untyped constant
+ */
+doimportc1(Node *ss, Val *v)
+	Node *n;
+	Sym *s;
+	n = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+	n->val = *v;
+	s = getimportsym(ss);
+	if(s->oconst == N) {
+		// botch sould ask if already declared the same
+		dodclconst(newname(s), n);
+	}
+ * LCONST importsym importsym LITERAL
+ * typed constant
+ */
+doimportc2(Node *ss, Node *st, Val *v)
+	Node *n, *t;
+	Sym *s;
+	n = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+	n->val = *v;
+	t = importlooktype(st);
+	n->type = t;
+	s = getimportsym(ss);
+	if(s->oconst == N) {
+		// botch sould ask if already declared the same
+		dodclconst(newname(s), n);
+	}
+ * LVAR importsym importsym
+ * variable
+ */
+doimportv1(Node *ss, Node *st)
+	Node *t;
+	Sym *s;
+	t = importlooktype(st);
+	s = getimportsym(ss);
+	if(s->oname == N || !eqtype(t, s->oname->type, 0)) {
+		addvar(newname(s), t, dclcontext);
+	}
+ * LTYPE importsym [ importsym ] importsym
+ * array type
+ */
+doimport1(Node *ss, Node *ss1, Node *s)
+	fatal("doimport1");
+ * LTYPE importsym [ LLITERAL ] importsym
+ * array type
+ */
+doimport2(Node *ss, Val *b, Node *st)
+	Node *t;
+	Sym *s;
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	t->etype = TARRAY;
+	t->bound = b->vval;
+	s = pkglookup(st->sym->name, st->psym->name);
+	t->type = s->otype;
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
+ * LTYPE importsym '(' importsym_list ')'
+ * function/method type
+ */
+doimport3(Node *ss, Node *n)
+	Node *t;
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	t->etype = TFUNC;
+	t->type = importlooktype(n->left);
+	t->type->down = importlooktype(n->right->left);
+	t->type->down->down = importlooktype(n->right->right);
+	t->thistuple = importcount(t->type);
+	t->outtuple = importcount(t->type->down);
+	t->intuple = importcount(t->type->down->down);
+	importfuncnam(t);
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
+ * LTYPE importsym '{' importsym_list '}'
+ * structure type
+ */
+doimport4(Node *ss, Node *n)
+	Node *t;
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	t->etype = TSTRUCT;
+	importstotype(n, &t->type, t);
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
+ * LTYPE importsym LLITERAL
+ * basic type
+ */
+doimport5(Node *ss, Val *v)
+	int et;
+	Node *t;
+	et = v->vval;
+	if(et <= 0 || et >= nelem(types) || types[et] == N)
+		fatal("doimport5: bad type index: %E\n", et);
+	t = nod(OTYPE, 0, 0);
+	t->etype = et;
+	t->sym = S;
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
+ * LTYPE importsym * importsym
+ * pointer type
+ */
+doimport6(Node *ss, Node *st)
+	Node *t;
+	Sym *s;
+	s = pkglookup(st->sym->name, st->psym->name);
+	t = s->otype;
+	if(t == N)
+		t = forwdcl(s);
+	else
+		t = ptrto(t);
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
+ * LTYPE importsym '<' importsym '>'
+ * interface type
+ */
+doimport7(Node *ss, Node *n)
+	Node *t;
+	t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	t->etype = TINTER;
+	importstotype(n, &t->type, t);
+	importaddtyp(ss, t);
diff --git a/src/c/gen.c b/src/c/gen.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f473c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/gen.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1176 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "go.h"
+#undef	EXTERN
+#define	EXTERN
+#include "gen.h"
+static	Node*	curfn;
+compile(Node *fn)
+	Plist *pl;
+	if(fn->nbody == N)
+		return;
+	if(nerrors != 0) {
+		walk(fn);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(debug['w'])
+		dump("--- pre walk ---", fn->nbody);
+	walk(fn);
+	if(nerrors != 0)
+		return;
+	if(debug['w'])
+		dump("--- post walk ---", fn->nbody);
+	curfn = fn;
+	continpc = P;
+	breakpc = P;
+	pc = mal(sizeof(*pc));
+	firstpc = pc;
+	pc->op = PEND;
+	pc->addr.type = ANONE;
+	pc->loc = 1;
+	inarggen();
+	gen(curfn->nbody);
+	if(curfn->type->outtuple != 0)
+		gopcodet(PPANIC, N, N);
+	if(debug['p'])
+		proglist();
+	pl = mal(sizeof(*pl));
+	pl->name = curfn->nname;
+	pl->locals = autodcl;
+	pl->firstpc = firstpc;
+	if(plist == nil)
+		plist = pl;
+	else
+		plast->link = pl;
+	plast = pl;
+	if(debug['f'])
+		frame(0);
+ * compile statements
+ */
+gen(Node *n)
+	long lno;
+	Prog *scontin, *sbreak;
+	Prog *p1, *p2, *p3;
+	Sym *s;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(n == N)
+		goto ret;
+	dynlineno = n->lineno;	// for diagnostics
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		dump("gen: unknown op", n);
+		break;
+	case ODCLTYPE:
+		break;
+	case OLIST:
+		gen(n->left);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	case OPANIC:
+	case OPRINT:
+		genprint(n->left);
+		if(n->op == OPANIC)
+			gopcodet(PPANIC, N, N);
+		break;
+	case OCASE:
+	case OFALL:
+	case OXCASE:
+	case OXFALL:
+	case OEMPTY:
+		break;
+	case OLABEL:
+		// before declaration, s->label points at
+		// a link list of PXGOTO instructions.
+		// after declaration, s->label points
+		// at a PGOTO to .+1
+		s = n->left->sym;
+		p1 = (Prog*)s->label;
+		if(p1 != P) {
+			if(p1->op == PGOTO) {
+				yyerror("label redeclared: %S", s);
+				break;
+			}
+			while(p1 != P) {
+				if(p1->op != PGOTOX)
+					fatal("bad label pointer: %S", s);
+				p2 = p1->addr.branch;
+				p1->addr.branch = pc;
+				p1->op = PGOTO;
+				p1 = p2;
+			}
+		}
+		s->label = pc;
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		patch(p1, pc);
+		break;
+	case OGOTO:
+		s = n->left->sym;
+		p1 = (Prog*)s->label;
+		if(p1 != P && p1->op == PGOTO) {
+			// already declared
+			p2 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+			patch(p2, p1->addr.branch);
+			break;
+		}
+		// not declaraed yet
+		p2 = gbranch(PGOTOX, N);
+		p2->addr.node = n;	// info for diagnostic if never declared
+		patch(p2, p1);
+		s->label = p2;
+		break;
+	case OBREAK:
+		if(breakpc == P) {
+			yyerror("gen: break is not in a loop");
+			break;
+		}
+		patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), breakpc);
+		break;
+		if(continpc == P) {
+			yyerror("gen: continue is not in a loop");
+			break;
+		}
+		patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), continpc);
+		break;
+	case OFOR:
+		gen(n->ninit);				// 		init
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);			// 		goto test
+		sbreak = breakpc;
+		breakpc = gbranch(PGOTO, N);		// break:	goto done
+		scontin = continpc;
+		continpc = pc;
+		gen(n->nincr);				// contin:	incr
+		patch(p1, pc);				// test:
+		bgen(n->ntest, 0, breakpc);		//		if(!test) goto break
+		gen(n->nbody);				//		body
+		patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), continpc);	//		goto contin
+		patch(breakpc, pc);			// done:
+		continpc = scontin;
+		breakpc = sbreak;
+		break;
+	case OIF:
+		gen(n->ninit);				//		init
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);			//		goto test
+		p2 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);			// p2:		goto else
+		patch(p1, pc);				// test:
+		bgen(n->ntest, 0, p2);			// 		if(!test) goto p2
+		gen(n->nbody);				//		then
+		p3 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);			//		goto done
+		patch(p2, pc);				// else:
+		gen(n->nelse);				//		else
+		patch(p3, pc);				// done:
+		break;
+	case OSWITCH:
+		gen(n->ninit);				// 		init
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);			// 		goto test
+		sbreak = breakpc;
+		breakpc = gbranch(PGOTO, N);		// break:	goto done
+		patch(p1, pc);				// test:
+		swgen(n);				//		switch(test) body
+		patch(breakpc, pc);			// done:
+		breakpc = sbreak;
+		break;
+	case OASOP:
+		cgen_asop(n->left, n->right, n->kaka);
+		break;
+	case ODCLVAR:
+	case OCOLAS:
+	case OAS:
+		cgen_as(n->left, n->right, n->op, n->kaka);
+		break;
+	case OCALL:
+	case OCALLPTR:
+		cgen_call(n, 1);
+		break;
+	case ORETURN:
+		cgen_ret(n);
+		break;
+	}
+	dynlineno = lno;
+ * compile expression to (unnamed) reg
+ */
+cgen(Node *n)
+	long lno;
+	Node *nl, *nr, *r, *r1;
+	int a;
+	Prog *p1, *p2, *p3;
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(n->op != ONAME)
+		dynlineno = n->lineno;	// for diagnostics
+	nl = n->left;
+	nr = n->right;
+	if(nr != N && nr->ullman >= UINF && nl != N && nl->ullman >= UINF) {
+		cgen(nr);
+		r = tempname(n->type);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, n->type, r);
+		nr = r;
+	}
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("cgen: unknown op %O", n->op);
+		break;
+	case ONAME:
+	case OLITERAL:
+		gopcodet(PLOAD, n->type, n);
+		break;
+	case ONEW:
+		gopcodet(PNEW, n->type, n);
+		break;
+	// these call bgen to get a bool value
+	case OOROR:
+	case OANDAND:
+	case OEQ:
+	case ONE:
+	case OLT:
+	case OLE:
+	case OGE:
+	case OGT:
+	case ONOT:
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		p2 = gopcodet(PLOAD, n->type, booltrue);
+		p3 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		patch(p1, pc);
+		bgen(n, 1, p2);
+		p2 = gopcodet(PLOAD, n->type, boolfalse);
+		patch(p3, pc);
+		goto ret;
+	case OPLUS:
+		cgen(nl);
+		goto ret;
+	// unary
+	case OMINUS:
+	case OCOM:
+		a = optopop(n->op);
+		goto uop;
+	// symmetric binary
+	case OAND:
+	case OOR:
+	case OXOR:
+	case OADD:
+	case OMUL:
+		a = optopop(n->op);
+		goto sbop;
+	// asymmetric binary
+	case OMOD:
+	case OSUB:
+	case ODIV:
+	case OLSH:
+	case ORSH:
+	case OCAT:
+		a = optopop(n->op);
+		goto abop;
+	case OCONV:
+		if(isbytearray(nl->type)) {
+			if(nl->type->etype == TPTR)
+				cgen(nl);
+			else
+				agen(nl);
+			gopcode(PCONV, PTNIL, nod(OCONV, n->type, nl->type));
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nl);
+		gopcode(PCONV, PTNIL, nod(OCONV, n->type, nl->type));
+		break;
+		nl = n->left;
+		nr = n->right;
+		if(nl->addable) {
+			cgen(nr);
+			gopcodet(PINDEXZ, nr->type, nl);
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nl);
+		r = tempname(nl->type);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, nl->type, r);
+		cgen(nr);
+		gopcodet(PINDEXZ, nr->type, r);
+		break;
+	case OSLICE:
+		nl = n->left;
+		nr = n->right;
+		r = nr->left;
+		if(usesptr(nr->left)) {
+			cgen(nr->left);
+			r = tempname(nr->left->type);
+			gopcodet(PSTORE, nr->left->type, r);
+		}
+		r1 = nr->right;
+		if(!nr->right->addable) {
+			cgen(nr->right);
+			r1 = tempname(nr->right->type);
+			gopcodet(PSTORE, nr->right->type, r1);
+		}
+		// string into PTADDR
+		if(!nl->addable) {
+			cgen(nl);
+			gconv(PTADDR, nl->type->etype);
+		} else
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, nl);
+		// offset in int reg
+		cgen(nr->left);
+		// len addressed
+		gopcodet(PSLICE, nr->left->type, nr->right);
+		break;
+	case OINDEX:
+	case ODOT:
+	case ODOTPTR:
+	case OIND:
+		agen(n);
+		gopcodet(PLOADI, n->type, N);
+		break;
+	case OLEN:
+		cgen(nl);
+		gopcodet(PLEN, nl->type, nl);
+		break;
+	case ODOTMETH:
+		cgen(n->left);
+		break;
+	case OADDR:
+		agen(nl);
+		gconv(PTPTR, PTADDR);
+		break;
+	case OCALL:
+	case OCALLPTR:
+		cgen_call(n, 0);
+		cgen_callret(n, N);
+		break;
+	}
+	goto ret;
+sbop:	// symmetric
+	if(nl->ullman < nr->ullman) {
+		r = nl;
+		nl = nr;
+		nr = r;
+	}
+abop:	// asymmetric
+	if(nr->addable) {
+		cgen(nl);
+		gopcodet(a, n->type, nr);
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	cgen(nr);
+	r = tempname(n->type);
+	gopcodet(PSTORE, n->type, r);
+	cgen(nl);
+	gopcodet(a, n->type, r);
+	goto ret;
+uop:	// unary
+	cgen(nl);
+	gopcodet(a, n->type, N);
+	goto ret;
+	dynlineno = lno;
+ * compile the address of a value
+ */
+agen(Node *n)
+	Node *nl, *nr;
+	Node *t, *r;
+	if(n == N || n->type == N)
+		return;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		dump("agen: unknown op", n);
+		break;
+	case ONAME:
+		gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, n);
+		break;
+		nl = n->left;
+		nr = n->right;
+		if(nl->addable) {
+			cgen(nr);
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, nl);
+			genindex(n);
+			break;
+		}
+		if(nr->addable) {
+			cgen(nl);
+			gconv(PTADDR, nl->type->etype);
+			cgen(nr);
+			genindex(n);
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nr);
+		r = tempname(n->type);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, n->type, r);
+		cgen(nl);
+		gconv(PTADDR, nl->type->etype);
+		cgen(r);
+		genindex(n);
+		break;
+	case OINDEX:
+		nl = n->left;
+		nr = n->right;
+		if(nl->addable) {
+			cgen(nr);
+			agen(nl);
+			genindex(n);
+			break;
+		}
+		if(nr->addable) {
+			agen(nl);
+			cgen(nr);
+			genindex(n);
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nr);
+		r = tempname(n->type);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, n->type, r);
+		agen(nl);
+		cgen(r);
+		genindex(n);
+		break;
+	case OIND:
+		nl = n->left;
+		if(nl->addable) {
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, nl);
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nl);
+		gconv(PTADDR, nl->type->etype);
+		break;
+	case ODOT:
+	case ODOTPTR:
+		nl = n->left;
+		nr = n->right;
+		t = nl->type;
+		switch(t->etype) {
+		default:
+			badtype(n->op, n->left->type, n->right->type);
+			break;
+		case TPTR:
+			if(nl->op != ONAME) {
+				cgen(nl);
+				gconv(PTADDR, nl->type->etype);
+			} else
+				gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, nl);
+			gaddoffset(nr);
+			break;
+		case TSTRUCT:
+			agen(nl);
+			gaddoffset(nr);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+ * compile boolean expression
+ * true is branch-true or branch-false
+ * to is where to branch
+ */
+bgen(Node *n, int true, Prog *to)
+	long lno;
+	int et, a;
+	Node *nl, *nr, *r;
+	Prog *p1, *p2;
+	if(n == N)
+		n = booltrue;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(n->op != ONAME)
+		dynlineno = n->lineno;	// for diagnostics
+	if(n == N)
+		goto ret;
+	if(n->type == N) {
+		convlit(n, types[TBOOL]);
+		if(n->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+	}
+	et = n->type->etype;
+	if(et != TBOOL) {
+		yyerror("cgen: bad type %T for %O", n->type, n->op);
+		patch(gbranch(PERROR, N), to);
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	nl = N;
+	nr = N;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		cgen(n);
+		gopcodet(PTEST, n->type, N);
+		a = PBTRUE;
+		if(!true)
+			a = PBFALSE;
+		patch(gbranch(a, n->type), to);
+		goto ret;
+	case OLITERAL:
+		if(!true == !n->val.vval)
+			patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), to);
+		goto ret;
+	case ONAME:
+		gopcodet(PTEST, n->type, n);
+		a = PBTRUE;
+		if(!true)
+			a = PBFALSE;
+		patch(gbranch(a, n->type), to);
+		goto ret;
+	case OANDAND:
+		if(!true)
+			goto caseor;
+	caseand:
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		p2 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		patch(p1, pc);
+		bgen(n->left, !true, p2);
+		bgen(n->right, !true, p2);
+		p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+		patch(p1, to);
+		patch(p2, pc);
+		goto ret;
+	case OOROR:
+		if(!true)
+			goto caseand;
+	caseor:
+		bgen(n->left, true, to);
+		bgen(n->right, true, to);
+		goto ret;
+	case OEQ:
+	case ONE:
+	case OLT:
+	case OGT:
+	case OLE:
+	case OGE:
+		nr = n->right;
+		if(nr == N || nr->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+	case ONOT:	// unary
+		nl = n->left;
+		if(nl == N || nl->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+	}
+	switch(n->op) {
+	case ONOT:
+		bgen(nl, !true, to);
+		goto ret;
+	case OEQ: a = PBEQ; goto br;
+	case ONE: a = PBNE; goto br;
+	case OLT: a = PBLT; goto br;
+	case OGT: a = PBGT; goto br;
+	case OLE: a = PBLE; goto br;
+	case OGE: a = PBGE; goto br;
+	br:
+		if(!true)
+			a = brcom(a);
+		// make simplest on right
+		if(nl->ullman < nr->ullman) {
+			a = brrev(a);
+			r = nl;
+			nl = nr;
+			nr = r;
+		}
+		if(nr->addable) {
+			cgen(nl);
+			gopcodet(PCMP, nr->type, nr);
+			patch(gbranch(a, nr->type), to);
+			break;
+		}
+		cgen(nr);
+		r = tempname(nr->type);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, nr->type, r);
+		cgen(nl);
+		gopcodet(PCMP, nr->type, r);
+		patch(gbranch(a, nr->type), to);
+		break;
+	}
+	goto ret;
+	dynlineno = lno;
+swgen(Node *n)
+	Node *c1, *c2;
+	Case *s0, *se, *s;
+	Prog *p1, *dflt;
+	long lno;
+	int any;
+	Iter save1, save2;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	p1 = gbranch(PGOTO, N);
+	s0 = C;
+	se = C;
+	// walk thru the body placing breaks
+	// and labels into the case statements
+	any = 0;
+	dflt = P;
+	c1 = listfirst(&save1, &n->nbody);
+	while(c1 != N) {
+		dynlineno = c1->lineno;	// for diagnostics
+		if(c1->op != OCASE) {
+			if(s0 == C)
+				yyerror("unreachable statements in a switch");
+			gen(c1);
+			any = 1;
+			if(c1->op == OFALL)
+				any = 0;
+			c1 = listnext(&save1);
+			continue;
+		}
+		// put in the break between cases
+		if(any) {
+			patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), breakpc);
+			any = 0;
+		}
+		// over case expressions
+		c2 = listfirst(&save2, &c1->left);
+		if(c2 == N)
+			dflt = pc;
+		while(c2 != N) {
+			s = mal(sizeof(*s));
+			if(s0 == C)
+				s0 = s;
+			else
+				se->slink = s;
+			se = s;
+			s->scase = c2;		// case expression
+			s->sprog = pc;		// where to go
+			c2 = listnext(&save2);
+		}
+		c1 = listnext(&save1);
+	}
+	if(any)
+		patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), breakpc);
+	patch(p1, pc);
+	c1 = tempname(n->ntest->type);
+	cgen(n->ntest);
+	gopcodet(PSTORE, n->ntest->type, c1);
+	for(s=s0; s!=C; s=s->slink) {
+		cgen(s->scase);
+		gopcodet(PCMP, n->ntest->type, c1);
+		patch(gbranch(PBEQ, n->ntest->type), s->sprog);
+	}
+	if(dflt != P) {
+		patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), dflt);
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	patch(gbranch(PGOTO, N), breakpc);
+	dynlineno = lno;
+ * does this tree use
+ * the pointer register
+ */
+usesptr(Node *n)
+//	if(n->addable)
+//		return 0;
+	return 1;
+cgen_as(Node *nl, Node *nr, int op, int kaka)
+	Node *r;
+	switch(op) {
+	default:
+		fatal("cgen_as: unknown op %O", op);
+	case ODCLVAR:
+		if(nr == N && nl->op == OLIST) {
+			kaka = PAS_SINGLE;
+			cgen_as(nl->left, nr, op, kaka);
+			nl = nl->right;
+			goto loop;
+		}
+	case OCOLAS:
+	case OAS:
+		switch(kaka) {
+		default:
+			yyerror("cgen_as: unknown param %d %d", kaka, PAS_CALLM);
+			break;
+		case PAS_CALLM: // function returning multi values
+			cgen_call(nr, 0);
+			cgen_callret(nr, nl);
+			break;
+		case PAS_SINGLE: // single return val used in expr
+			if(nr == N) {
+				if(nl->addable) {
+					gopcodet(PSTOREZ, nl->type, nl);
+					break;
+				}
+				agen(nl);
+				gopcodet(PSTOREZIP, nl->type, N);
+				break;
+			}
+			if(nl->addable) {
+				cgen(nr);
+				genconv(nl->type, nr->type);
+				gopcodet(PSTORE, nl->type, nl);
+				break;
+			}
+			if(nr->addable && !needconvert(nl->type, nr->type)) {
+				agen(nl);
+				gopcodet(PSTOREI, nr->type, nr);
+				break;
+			}
+			if(!usesptr(nr)) {
+				cgen(nr);
+				genconv(nl->type, nr->type);
+				agen(nl);
+				gopcodet(PSTOREI, nr->type, N);
+				break;
+			}
+			agen(nl);
+			r = tempname(ptrto(nl->type));
+			gopcode(PSTORE, PTADDR, r);
+			cgen(nr);
+			genconv(nl->type, nr->type);
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, r);
+			gopcodet(PSTOREI, nl->type, N);
+			break;
+		case PAS_STRUCT: // structure assignment
+			r = ptrto(nr->type);
+			if(!usesptr(nr)) {
+				agen(nr);
+				agen(nl);
+				gopcodet(PLOAD, N, r);
+				gopcodet(PERROR, nr->type, N);
+				break;
+			}
+			r = tempname(r);
+			agen(nr);
+			gopcode(PSTORE, PTADDR, r);
+			agen(nl);
+			gopcodet(PERROR, nr->type, r);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+cgen_asop(Node *nl, Node *nr, int op)
+	Node *r;
+	int a;
+	a = optopop(op);
+	if(nr->addable) {
+		if(nl->addable) {
+			gopcodet(PLOAD, nl->type, nl);
+			gopcodet(a, nr->type, nr);
+			gopcodet(PSTORE, nl->type, nl);
+			return;
+		}
+		agen(nl);
+		gopcodet(PLOADI, nl->type, N);
+		gopcodet(a, nr->type, nr);
+		gopcodet(PSTOREI, nl->type, N);
+		return;
+	}
+	r = tempname(nr->type);
+	cgen(nr);
+	gopcodet(PSTORE, nr->type, r);
+	agen(nl);
+	gopcodet(PLOADI, nl->type, N);
+	gopcodet(a, nr->type, r);
+	gopcodet(PSTOREI, nl->type, N);
+	Iter save;
+	Node *arg, *t;
+	int i;
+	t = curfn->type;
+	arg = structfirst(&save, getthis(t));
+	if(arg != N) {
+		fnparam(t, 0, 0);
+		gopcodet(PSTORE, arg->type, arg->nname);
+	}
+	i = 0;
+	arg = structfirst(&save, getinarg(t));
+	while(arg != N) {
+		fnparam(t, 2, i);
+		gopcodet(PLOADI, arg->type, arg->nname);
+		arg = structnext(&save);
+		i++;
+	}
+cgen_ret(Node *n)
+	Node *arg, *a, *f;
+	Iter save;
+	arg = listfirst(&save, &n->left);	// expr list
+	a = getoutargx(curfn->type);
+	f = a->type;
+	for(;;) {
+		if(arg == N)
+			break;
+		if(f->etype != TFIELD)
+			fatal("cgen_ret: not field");
+		if(arg->addable && !needconvert(f->type, arg->type)) {
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, a->nname);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, f->nname);
+			gopcodet(PSTOREI, arg->type, arg);
+		} else {
+			cgen(arg);
+			genconv(f->type, arg->type);
+			gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, a->nname);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, f->nname);
+			gopcodet(PSTOREI, arg->type, N);
+		}
+		arg = listnext(&save);
+		f = f->down;
+	}
+	gopcodet(PRETURN, N, N);
+cgen_call(Node *n, int toss)
+	Node *t, *at, *ae, *sn;
+	Iter save;
+	int i;
+	/*
+	 * open a block
+	 */
+	gopcodet(PCALL1, N, n->left);
+	/*
+	 * prepare the input args
+	 */
+	t = n->left->type;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR)
+		t = t->type;
+	at = *getinarg(t);			// parameter struct
+	sn = at->nname;				// in arg structure name
+	at = at->type;				// parameter fields
+	ae = listfirst(&save, &n->right);	// expr list
+	for(i=0; i<t->intuple; i++) {
+		if(ae == N)
+			fatal("cgen_call: tupleness");
+		if(ae->addable && !needconvert(at->type, ae->type)) {
+			gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, sn);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, at->nname);
+			gopcodet(PSTOREI, at->type, ae);
+		} else {
+			cgen(ae);
+			genconv(at->type, ae->type);
+			gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, sn);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, at->nname);
+			gopcodet(PSTOREI, at->type, N);
+		}
+		ae = listnext(&save);
+		at = at->down;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * call the function
+	 */
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		fatal("cgen_call: %O", n->op);
+	case OCALL:
+		gopcodet(PCALL2, N, n->left);
+		break;
+	case OCALLPTR:
+		cgen(n->left);
+		gopcodet(PCALLI2, N, n->left);
+		break;
+		cgen(n->left);
+		gopcodet(PCALLM2, N, n->left);
+		break;
+		cgen(n->left);
+		gopcodet(PCALLF2, N, n->left);
+		break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * toss the output args
+	 */
+	if(toss) {
+		gopcodet(PCALL3, N, n->left);
+		return;
+	}
+cgen_callret(Node *n, Node *mas)
+	Node *t, *at, *ae, *sn;
+	Iter save;
+	int i;
+	t = n->left->type;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR)
+		t = t->type;
+	at = *getoutarg(t);			// parameter struct
+	sn = at->nname;				// out arg structure name
+	at = at->type;				// parameter fields
+	// call w single return val to a register
+	if(mas == N) {
+		gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, sn);
+		gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, at->nname);
+		gopcodet(PLOADI, at->type, N);
+		gopcodet(PCALL3, N, N);
+		return;
+	}
+	// call w multiple values to lval list
+	ae = listfirst(&save, &mas);	// expr list
+	for(i=0; i<t->outtuple; i++) {
+		if(ae == N)
+			fatal("cgen_callret: output arguments do not match");
+		if(ae->addable) {
+			gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, sn);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, at->nname);
+			gopcodet(PLOADI, at->type, ae);
+		} else {
+			agen(ae);
+			gopcode(PADDR, PTADDR, sn);
+			gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, at->nname);
+			gopcodet(PLOADI, at->type, N);
+		}
+		ae = listnext(&save);
+		at = at->down;
+	}
+	gopcodet(PCALL3, N, N);
+genprint(Node *n)
+	Node *arg;
+	Iter save;
+	arg = listfirst(&save, &n);
+	while(arg != N) {
+		cgen(arg);
+		gopcodet(PPRINT, arg->type, N);
+		arg = listnext(&save);
+	}
+needconvert(Node *tl, Node *tr)
+	if(isinter(tl))
+		if(isptrto(tr, TSTRUCT) || isinter(tr))
+			return 1;
+	if(isptrto(tl, TSTRUCT))
+		if(isinter(tr))
+			return 1;
+	return 0;
+genconv(Node *tl, Node *tr)
+	if(needconvert(tl, tr))
+		gopcode(PCONV, PTNIL, nod(OCONV, tl, tr));
+genindex(Node *n)
+	gopcode(PINDEX, n->right->type->etype, n);
+optopop(int op)
+	int a;
+	switch(op) {
+	default:
+		fatal("optopop: unknown op %O\n", op);
+	case OMINUS:	a = PMINUS;	break;
+	case OCOM:	a = PCOM;	break;
+	case OAND:	a = PAND;	break;
+	case OOR:	a = POR;	break;
+	case OXOR:	a = PXOR;	break;
+	case OADD:	a = PADD;	break;
+	case OMUL:	a = PMUL;	break;
+	case OMOD:	a = PMOD;	break;
+	case OSUB:	a = PSUB;	break;
+	case ODIV:	a = PDIV;	break;
+	case OLSH:	a = PLSH;	break;
+	case ORSH:	a = PRSH;	break;
+	case OCAT:	a = PCAT;	break;
+	}
+	return a;
diff --git a/src/c/gen.h b/src/c/gen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1338314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/gen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef	EXTERN
+#define EXTERN	extern
+typedef	struct	Prog	Prog;
+typedef	struct	Addr	Addr;
+struct	Addr
+	int	type;
+	Node*	node;
+	Prog*	branch;
+	AXXX		= 0,
+struct	Prog
+	int	op;			// opcode
+	int	pt;
+	int	pt1;
+	int	param;
+	long	lineno;			// source line
+	long	loc;			// program counter for print
+	int	mark;
+	Addr	addr;			// operand
+	Prog*	link;
+#define	P	((Prog*)0)
+typedef	struct	Plist	Plist;
+struct	Plist
+	Node*	name;
+	Dcl*	locals;
+	Prog*	firstpc;
+	int	recur;
+	Plist*	link;
+typedef	struct	Sig	Sig;
+struct Sig
+	char*	fun;
+	ulong	hash;
+	int	offset;
+	Sig*	link;
+	PTxxx,
+	PTINT8		= TINT8,
+	PTINT16		= TINT16,
+	PTINT32		= TINT32,
+	PTINT64		= TINT64,
+	PXXX		= 0,
+typedef	struct	Case Case;
+struct	Case
+	Prog*	sprog;
+	Node*	scase;
+	Case*	slink;
+#define	C	((Case*)0)
+EXTERN	Prog*	continpc;
+EXTERN	Prog*	breakpc;
+EXTERN	Prog*	pc;
+EXTERN	Prog*	firstpc;
+EXTERN	Plist*	plist;
+EXTERN	Plist*	plast;
+EXTERN	Biobuf*	bout;
+EXTERN	long	dynloc;
+ * gen.c
+ */
+void	compile(Node*);
+void	proglist(void);
+void	gen(Node*);
+void	cgen(Node*);
+void	agen(Node*);
+void	bgen(Node*, int, Prog*);
+void	swgen(Node*);
+Node*	lookdot(Node*, Node*, int);
+int	usesptr(Node*);
+void	inarggen(void);
+void	cgen_as(Node*, Node*, int, int);
+void	cgen_asop(Node*, Node*, int);
+void	cgen_ret(Node*);
+void	cgen_call(Node*, int);
+void	cgen_callret(Node*, Node*);
+void	genprint(Node*);
+int	needconvert(Node*, Node*);
+void	genconv(Node*, Node*);
+void	genindex(Node*);
+ * gsubr.c
+ */
+int	Aconv(Fmt*);
+int	Pconv(Fmt*);
+void	proglist(void);
+Prog*	gbranch(int, Node*);
+void	patch(Prog*, Prog*);
+Prog*	prog(int);
+Node*	tempname(Node*);
+Prog*	gopcode(int, int, Node*);
+Prog*	gopcodet(int, Node*, Node*);
+void	gaddoffset(Node*);
+void	gconv(int, int);
+int	conv2pt(Node*);
+void	belexinit(int);
+vlong	convvtox(vlong, int);
+int	brcom(int);
+int	brrev(int);
+void	fnparam(Node*, int, int);
+Sig*	lsort(Sig*, int(*)(Sig*, Sig*));
+ * obj.c
+ */
+void	dumpobj(void);
+void	litrl(Prog*);
+void	obj(Prog*);
+void	follow(Prog*);
+Prog*	gotochain(Prog*);
+int	Xconv(Fmt*);
+int	Rconv(Fmt*);
+int	Qconv(Fmt*);
+int	Dconv(Fmt*);
+int	Cconv(Fmt*);
+void	dumpexterns(void);
+void	dumpfunct(Plist*);
+void	dumpsignatures(void);
+void	doframe(Dcl*, char*);
+void	docall1(Prog*);
+void	docall2(Prog*);
+void	docalli2(Prog*);
+void	docallm2(Prog*);
+void	docallf2(Prog*);
+void	docall3(Prog*);
+void	doconv(Prog*);
+char*	getfmt(int);
+void	dumpmethods(void);
diff --git a/src/c/go.h b/src/c/go.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eaada80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/go.h
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+	1. dyn arrays
+	2. multi
+	3. block 0
+	1. alias name
+	2. argument in import
+#include	<u.h>
+#include	<libc.h>
+#include	<bio.h>
+#ifndef	EXTERN
+#define EXTERN	extern
+	NHUNK		= 50000,
+	BUFSIZ		= 8192,
+	NSYMB		= 500,
+	NHASH		= 1024,
+	STRINGSZ	= 200,
+	UINF		= 100,
+	PRIME1		= 3,
+	PRIME2		= 10007,
+	PRIME3		= 10009,
+	PRIME4		= 10037,
+	PRIME5		= 10039,
+	PRIME6		= 10061,
+	PRIME7		= 10067,
+	PRIME8		= 10079,
+	PRIME9		= 10091,
+/* note this is the representation
+ * of the compilers string literals,
+ * it happens to also be the runtime
+ * representation, but that may change */
+typedef	struct	String	String;
+struct	String
+	long	len;
+	uchar	s[3];	// variable
+typedef	struct	Val	Val;
+struct	Val
+	int	ctype;
+	double	dval;
+	vlong	vval;
+	String*	sval;
+typedef	struct	Sym	Sym;
+typedef	struct	Node	Node;
+struct	Node
+	int	op;
+	// most nodes
+	Node*	left;
+	Node*	right;
+	Node*	type;
+	// for-body
+	Node*	ninit;
+	Node*	ntest;
+	Node*	nincr;
+	Node*	nbody;
+	// if-body
+	Node*	nelse;
+	Node*	down;		// also used in TMAP
+	Node*	uberstruct;
+	// cases
+	Node*	ncase;
+	Node*	nforw;
+	Node*	this;
+	Node*	argout;
+	Node*	argin;
+	Node*	nname;
+	int	thistuple;
+	int	outtuple;
+	int	intuple;
+	long	bound;
+	Val	val;
+	Sym*	osym;		// import
+	Sym*	fsym;		// import
+	Sym*	psym;		// import
+	Sym*	sym;		// various
+	uchar	ullman;		// sethi/ullman number
+	uchar	addable;	// type of addressability - 0 is not addressable
+	uchar	recur;		// to detect loops
+	uchar	trecur;		// to detect loops
+	uchar	etype;		// is an op for OASOP, is etype for OTYPE
+	uchar	chan;
+	uchar	kaka;
+	uchar	multi;		// type of assignment or call
+	long	vargen;		// unique name for OTYPE/ONAME
+	long	lineno;
+#define	N	((Node*)0)
+struct	Sym
+	char*	opackage;	// original package name
+	char*	package;	// package name
+	char*	name;		// variable name
+	Node*	oname;		// ONAME node if a var
+	Node*	otype;		// OTYPE node if a type
+	Node*	oconst;		// OLITERAL node if a const
+	Node*	forwtype;	// OTYPE/TPTR iff foreward declared
+	void*	label;		// pointer to Prog* of label
+	long	lexical;
+	long	vargen;		// unique variable number
+	uchar	undef;		// a diagnostic has been generated
+	uchar	export;		// marked as export
+	uchar	exported;	// has been exported
+	Sym*	link;
+#define	S	((Sym*)0)
+typedef	struct	Dcl	Dcl;
+struct	Dcl
+	int	op;		// ONAME for var, OTYPE for type, Oxxx for const
+	Sym*	dsym;		// for printing only
+	Node*	dnode;		// otype or oname
+	long	lineno;
+	Dcl*	forw;
+	Dcl*	back;		// sentinel has pointer to last
+#define	D	((Dcl*)0)
+typedef	struct	Iter	Iter;
+struct	Iter
+	int	done;
+	Node**	an;
+	Node*	n;
+	Txxx,
+	TINT16,	TUINT16,
+	TINT32,	TUINT32,
+	TINT64,	TUINT64,
+	CTxxx,
+	/* indications for whatis() */
+	Wnil	= 0,
+	Wtnil,
+	Wtfloat,
+	Wtint,
+	Wtbool,
+	Wtstr,
+	Wlitfloat,
+	Wlitint,
+	Wlitbool,
+	Wlitstr,
+	Wtunkn,
+	/* types of channel */
+	Cxxx,
+	Cboth,
+	Crecv,
+	Csend,
+	Pxxx,
+	PEXTERN,	// declaration context
+	PCALL_NIL,	// no return value
+	PCALL_SINGLE,	// single return value
+	PCALL_MULTI,	// multiple return values
+	PAS_SINGLE,	// top level walk->gen hints for OAS
+	PAS_MULTI,	// multiple values
+	PAS_CALLM,	// multiple values from a call
+	PAS_STRUCT,	// structure assignment
+typedef	struct	Io	Io;
+struct	Io
+	char*	infile;
+	Biobuf*	bin;
+	long	lineno;
+	int	peekc;
+EXTERN	Io	curio;
+EXTERN	Io	pushedio;
+EXTERN	char*	outfile;
+EXTERN	char*	package;
+EXTERN	Biobuf*	bout;
+EXTERN	int	nerrors;
+EXTERN	char	namebuf[NSYMB];
+EXTERN	char	debug[256];
+EXTERN	long	dynlineno;
+EXTERN	Sym*	hash[NHASH];
+EXTERN	Sym*	dclstack;
+EXTERN	Sym*	b0stack;
+EXTERN	Sym*	pkgmyname;	// my name for package
+EXTERN	Node*	types[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	uchar	isint[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	uchar	isfloat[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	uchar	okforeq[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	uchar	okforadd[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	uchar	okforand[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	double	minfloatval[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	double	maxfloatval[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	vlong	minintval[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	vlong	maxintval[NTYPE];
+EXTERN	Dcl*	autodcl;
+EXTERN	Dcl*	externdcl;
+EXTERN	Dcl*	exportlist;
+EXTERN	int	dclcontext;	// PEXTERN/PAUTO
+EXTERN	int	importflag;
+EXTERN	Node*	booltrue;
+EXTERN	Node*	boolfalse;
+EXTERN	ulong	iota;
+EXTERN	long	vargen;
+EXTERN	long	exportgen;
+EXTERN	Node*	retnil;
+EXTERN	Node*	fskel;
+EXTERN	char*	context;
+EXTERN	int	thechar;
+EXTERN	char*	thestring;
+EXTERN	char*	hunk;
+EXTERN	long	nhunk;
+EXTERN	long	thunk;
+ *
+ */
+int	yyparse(void);
+ *	lex.c
+ */
+int	main(int, char*[]);
+void	importfile(Val*);
+void	unimportfile();
+long	yylex(void);
+void	lexinit(void);
+char*	lexname(int);
+long	getr(void);
+int	getnsc(void);
+long	escchar(long, int*);
+int	getc(void);
+void	ungetc(int);
+void	mkpackage(char*);
+ *	mpatof.c
+ */
+int	mpatof(char*, double*);
+int	mpatov(char*, vlong*);
+ *	subr.c
+ */
+void	myexit(int);
+void*	mal(long);
+void*	remal(void*, long, long);
+void	errorexit(void);
+ulong	stringhash(char*);
+Sym*	lookup(char*);
+Sym*	pkglookup(char*, char*);
+void	yyerror(char*, ...);
+void	warn(char*, ...);
+void	fatal(char*, ...);
+Node*	nod(int, Node*, Node*);
+Dcl*	dcl(void);
+Node*	rev(Node*);
+Node*	unrev(Node*);
+void	dodump(Node*, int);
+void	dump(char*, Node*);
+Node*	aindex(Node*, Node*);
+int	isptrto(Node*, int);
+int	isinter(Node*);
+int	isbytearray(Node*);
+int	eqtype(Node*, Node*, int);
+ulong	typehash(Node*, int);
+void	frame(int);
+Node*	literal(long);
+Node*	dobad(void);
+void	ullmancalc(Node*);
+void	badtype(int, Node*, Node*);
+Node*	ptrto(Node*);
+Node*	cleanidlist(Node*);
+Node**	getthis(Node*);
+Node**	getoutarg(Node*);
+Node**	getinarg(Node*);
+Node*	getthisx(Node*);
+Node*	getoutargx(Node*);
+Node*	getinargx(Node*);
+Node*	listfirst(Iter*, Node**);
+Node*	listnext(Iter*);
+Node*	structfirst(Iter*, Node**);
+Node*	structnext(Iter*);
+int	Econv(Fmt*);
+int	Jconv(Fmt*);
+int	Oconv(Fmt*);
+int	Sconv(Fmt*);
+int	Tconv(Fmt*);
+int	Nconv(Fmt*);
+int	Zconv(Fmt*);
+ *	dcl.c
+ */
+void	dodclvar(Node*, Node*);
+void	dodcltype(Node*, Node*);
+void	dodclconst(Node*, Node*);
+void	defaultlit(Node*);
+int	listcount(Node*);
+Node*	functype(Node*, Node*, Node*);
+char*	thistypenam(Node*);
+void	funcnam(Node*, char*);
+void	funchdr(Node*);
+void	funcargs(Node*);
+void	funcbody(Node*);
+Node*	dostruct(Node*, int);
+Node**	stotype(Node*, Node**, Node*);
+Node*	sortinter(Node*);
+void	markdcl(void);
+void	popdcl(void);
+void	markdclstack(void);
+Sym*	pushdcl(Sym*);
+void	addvar(Node*, Node*, int);
+void	addtyp(Node*, Node*, int);
+Node*	newname(Sym*);
+Node*	oldname(Sym*);
+Node*	newtype(Sym*);
+Node*	oldtype(Sym*);
+Node*	forwdcl(Sym*);
+ *	export.c
+ */
+void	markexport(Node*);
+void	dumpe(Sym*);
+void	dumpexport(void);
+void	dumpexporttype(Sym*);
+void	dumpexportvar(Sym*);
+void	dumpexportconst(Sym*);
+void	doimportv1(Node*, Node*);
+void	doimportc1(Node*, Val*);
+void	doimportc2(Node*, Node*, Val*);
+void	doimport1(Node*, Node*, Node*);
+void	doimport2(Node*, Val*, Node*);
+void	doimport3(Node*, Node*);
+void	doimport4(Node*, Node*);
+void	doimport5(Node*, Val*);
+void	doimport6(Node*, Node*);
+void	doimport7(Node*, Node*);
+ *	walk.c
+ */
+void	walk(Node*);
+void	walktype(Node*, int);
+Node*	walkswitch(Node*, Node*, Node*(*)(Node*, Node*));
+int	casebody(Node*);
+int	whatis(Node*);
+void	walkdot(Node*);
+void	walkslice(Node*);
+void	ascompatee(int, Node**, Node**);
+void	ascompatet(int, Node**, Node**);
+void	ascompatte(int, Node**, Node**);
+void	ascompattt(int, Node**, Node**);
+int	ascompat(Node*, Node*);
+void	prcompat(Node**);
+ *	const.c
+ */
+void	convlit(Node*, Node*);
+void	evconst(Node*);
+int	cmpslit(Node *l, Node *r);
+ *	gen.c/gsubr.c/obj.c
+ */
+void	belexinit(int);
+vlong	convvtox(vlong, int);
+void	compile(Node*);
+void	proglist(void);
+void	dumpobj(void);
+int	optopop(int);
diff --git a/src/c/go.y b/src/c/go.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c8fac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/go.y
@@ -0,0 +1,1302 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "go.h"
+%union	{
+	Node*		node;
+	Sym*		sym;
+	struct	Val	val;
+	int		lint;
+%token	<val>		LLITERAL LASOP
+%token			LNEW LLEN
+%type	<sym>		sym laconst lname latype
+%type	<lint>		chantype
+%type	<node>		xdcl xdcl_list_r oxdcl_list common_dcl
+%type	<node>		oarg_type_list arg_type_list_r arg_type
+%type	<node>		stmt empty_stmt else_stmt
+%type	<node>		complex_stmt compound_stmt stmt_list_r ostmt_list
+%type	<node>		for_stmt for_body for_header
+%type	<node>		if_stmt if_body if_header
+%type	<node>		range_header range_body range_stmt
+%type	<node>		simple_stmt osimple_stmt
+%type	<node>		expr uexpr pexpr expr_list oexpr oexpr_list expr_list_r
+%type	<node>		name name_name new_name new_name_list_r
+%type	<node>		type polytype
+%type	<node>		new_type
+%type	<node>		vardcl_list_r vardcl
+%type	<node>		constdcl_list_r constdcl
+%type	<node>		typedcl_list_r typedcl
+%type	<node>		interfacedcl_list_r interfacedcl
+%type	<node>		structdcl_list_r structdcl
+%type	<node>		export_list_r export
+%type	<node>		hidden_importsym_list_r ohidden_importsym_list hidden_importsym isym
+%type	<node>		hidden_importfield_list_r ohidden_importfield_list hidden_importfield
+%type	<node>		fntype fnbody fntypeh fnlitdcl intype
+%type	<node>		fnres fnliteral xfndcl fndcl
+%type	<node>		keyval_list_r keyval
+%left			LOROR
+%left			LANDAND
+%left			'+' '-' '|' '^'
+%left			'*' '/' '%' '&' LLSH LRSH
+	package imports oxdcl_list
+	{
+		if(debug['f'])
+			frame(1);
+	}
+	{
+		yyerror("package statement must be first");
+		mkpackage("main");
+	}
+	{
+		mkpackage($2->name);
+	}
+|	imports import
+	LIMPORT import_stmt
+|	LIMPORT '(' import_stmt_list_r osemi ')'
+	import_here import_there
+	{
+		// import with original name
+		pkgmyname = S;
+		importfile(&$1);
+	}
+	{
+		// import with given name
+		pkgmyname = $1;
+		pkgmyname->lexical = LPACK;
+		importfile(&$2);
+	}
+	{
+		// import with my name
+		pkgmyname = lookup(package);
+		importfile(&$2);
+	}
+	hidden_import_list_r ')' ')'
+	{
+		unimportfile();
+	}
+|	LIMPORT '(' '(' hidden_import_list_r ')' ')'
+ * declarations
+ */
+	common_dcl
+|	LEXPORT export_list_r
+	{
+		markexport(rev($2));
+	}
+|	LEXPORT '(' export_list_r ')'
+	{
+		markexport(rev($3));
+	}
+|	xfndcl
+|	';'
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+	LVAR vardcl
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	LVAR '(' vardcl_list_r osemi ')'
+	{
+		$$ = rev($3);
+	}
+|	LCONST constdcl
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+		iota = 0;
+	}
+|	LCONST '(' constdcl_list_r osemi ')'
+	{
+		$$ = rev($3);
+		iota = 0;
+	}
+|	LTYPE typedcl
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	LTYPE '(' typedcl_list_r osemi ')'
+	{
+		$$ = rev($3);
+	}
+	new_name_list_r type
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+		dodclvar($$, $2);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLVAR, $$, N);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+|	new_name_list_r type '=' oexpr_list
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+		dodclvar($$, $2);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLVAR, $$, $4);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+|	new_name '=' expr
+	{
+		walktype($3, 0);	// this is a little harry
+		defaultlit($3);
+		dodclvar($1, $3->type);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLVAR, $1, $3);
+		$$->type = $3->type;
+	}
+	new_name '=' expr
+	{
+		walktype($3, 0);
+		dodclconst($1, $3);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLCONST, $1, $3);
+		iota += 1;
+	}
+|	new_name type '=' expr
+	{
+		walktype($4, 0);
+		convlit($4, $2);
+		dodclconst($1, $4);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLCONST, $1, $4);
+		iota += 1;
+	}
+	new_type type
+	{
+		dodcltype($1, $2);
+		$$ = nod(ODCLTYPE, $1, N);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+ * statements
+ */
+	error ';'
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+		context = nil;
+	}
+|	common_dcl ';'
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+	}
+|	simple_stmt ';'
+|	complex_stmt
+|	compound_stmt
+|	empty_stmt
+	';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OEMPTY, N, N);
+	}
+	stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+		switch($$->op) {
+		case OLABEL:
+		case OXCASE:
+		case OXFALL:
+			yyerror("statement cannot be labeled");
+		}
+	}
+	expr
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+	}
+|	expr LINC
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OASOP, $1, literal(1));
+		$$->kaka = OADD;
+	}
+|	expr LDEC
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OASOP, $1, literal(1));
+		$$->kaka = OSUB;
+	}
+|	expr LASOP expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OASOP, $1, $3);
+		$$->kaka = $2.vval;	// rathole to pass opcode
+	}
+|	expr_list '=' expr_list
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OAS, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	new_name LCOLAS expr
+	{
+		walktype($3, 0);	// this is a little harry
+		defaultlit($3);
+		dodclvar($1, $3->type);
+		$$ = nod(OCOLAS, $1, $3);
+	}
+	LFOR for_stmt
+	{
+		/* FOR and WHILE are the same keyword */
+		popdcl();
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	LSWITCH if_stmt
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		if(!casebody($2->nbody))
+			yyerror("switch statement must have case labels");
+		$$ = $2;
+		$$->op = OSWITCH;
+	}
+|	LIF if_stmt
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	LIF if_stmt LELSE else_stmt
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		$$ = $2;
+		$$->nelse = $4;
+	}
+|	LRANGE range_stmt
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	LRETURN oexpr_list ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ORETURN, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LCASE expr_list ':'
+	{
+		// will be converted to OCASE
+		// right will point to next case
+		// done in casebody()
+		popdcl();
+		markdcl();
+		$$ = nod(OXCASE, $2, N);
+	}
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		markdcl();
+		$$ = nod(OXCASE, N, N);
+	}
+|	LFALL ';'
+	{
+		// will be converted to OFALL
+		$$ = nod(OXFALL, N, N);
+	}
+|	LBREAK oexpr ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OBREAK, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LCONTINUE oexpr ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OCONTINUE, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LGO pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')' ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OPROC, $2, $4);
+	}
+|	LPRINT expr_list ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OPRINT, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LPANIC oexpr_list ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OPANIC, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LGOTO new_name ';'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OGOTO, $2, N);
+	}
+|	new_name ':'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLABEL, $1, N);
+	}
+	'{'
+	{
+		markdcl();
+	} ostmt_list '}'
+	{
+		$$ = $3;
+		if($$ == N)
+			$$ = nod(OEMPTY, N, N);
+		popdcl();
+	}
+	osimple_stmt ';' osimple_stmt ';' osimple_stmt
+	{
+		// init ; test ; incr
+		$$ = nod(OFOR, N, N);
+		$$->ninit = $1;
+		$$->ntest = $3;
+		$$->nincr = $5;
+	}
+|	osimple_stmt
+	{
+		// test
+		$$ = nod(OFOR, N, N);
+		$$->ninit = N;
+		$$->ntest = $1;
+		$$->nincr = N;
+	}
+	for_header compound_stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+		$$->nbody = $2;
+	}
+	{ markdcl(); } for_body
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+	osimple_stmt
+	{
+		// test
+		$$ = nod(OIF, N, N);
+		$$->ninit = N;
+		$$->ntest = $1;
+	}
+|	osimple_stmt ';' osimple_stmt
+	{
+		// init ; test
+		$$ = nod(OIF, N, N);
+		$$->ninit = $1;
+		$$->ntest = $3;
+	}
+	if_header compound_stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+		$$->nbody = $2;
+	}
+	{ markdcl(); } if_body
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+	new_name LCOLAS expr
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	new_name ',' new_name LCOLAS expr
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	new_name ',' new_name '=' expr
+	{
+		yyerror("range statement only allows := assignment");
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+	range_header compound_stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+		$$->nbody = $2;
+	}
+	{ markdcl(); } range_body
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+ * expressions
+ */
+	uexpr
+|	expr LOROR expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OOROR, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LANDAND expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OANDAND, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LEQ expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OEQ, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LNE expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ONE, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LLT expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLT, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LLE expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLE, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LGE expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OGE, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LGT expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OGT, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '+' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OADD, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '-' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OSUB, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '|' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OOR, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '^' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OXOR, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '*' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OMUL, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '/' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODIV, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '%' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OMOD, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr '&' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OAND, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LLSH expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLSH, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	expr LRSH expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ORSH, $1, $3);
+	}
+	pexpr
+|	LCONVERT '(' type ',' expr ')'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OCONV, $5, N);
+		$$->type = $3;
+	}
+|	'*' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OIND, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'&' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OADDR, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'+' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OPLUS, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'-' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OMINUS, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'!' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ONOT, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'~' uexpr
+	{
+		yyerror("the OCOM operator is ^");
+		$$ = nod(OCOM, $2, N);
+	}
+|	'^' uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OCOM, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LLT uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ORECV, $2, N);
+	}
+|	LGT uexpr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OSEND, $2, N);
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+		$$->val = $1;
+	}
+|	laconst
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+		$$->val = $1->oconst->val;
+		$$->type = $1->oconst->type;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+		$$->val.ctype = CTNIL;
+		$$->val.vval = 0;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = booltrue;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = boolfalse;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = literal(iota);
+	}
+|	name
+|	'(' expr ')'
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+|	pexpr '.' sym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODOT, $1, newname($3));
+	}
+|	pexpr '[' expr ']'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OINDEX, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	pexpr '[' keyval ']'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OSLICE, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	pexpr '(' oexpr_list ')'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OCALL, $1, $3);
+	}
+|	LLEN '(' name ')'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLEN, $3, N);
+	}
+|	LNEW '(' type ')'
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ONEW, N, N);
+		$$->type = ptrto($3);
+	}
+|	fnliteral
+|	'[' expr_list ']'
+	{
+		// array literal
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	'[' keyval_list_r ']'
+	{
+		// map literal
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	latype '(' oexpr_list ')'
+	{
+		// struct literal and conversions
+		$$ = nod(OCONV, $3, N);
+		$$->type = $1->otype;
+	}
+ * lexical symbols that can be
+ * from other packages
+ */
+	{
+		context = $1->name;
+	}
+|	lpack '.' LACONST
+	{
+		$$ = $3;
+		context = nil;
+	}
+|	lpack '.' LNAME
+	{
+		$$ = $3;
+		context = nil;
+	}
+|	lpack '.' LATYPE
+	{
+		$$ = $3;
+		context = nil;
+	}
+ * names and types
+ *	newname is used before declared
+ *	oldname is used after declared
+ */
+	{
+		$$ = newname($1);
+	}
+	sym
+	{
+		$$ = newname($1);
+	}
+	sym
+	{
+		$$ = newtype($1);
+	}
+	lname
+	{
+		$$ = oldname($1);
+	}
+	latype
+	{
+		$$ = oldtype($1);
+	}
+|	'[' oexpr ']' type
+	{
+		$$ = aindex($2, $4);
+	}
+|	LCHAN chantype polytype
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+		$$->etype = TCHAN;
+		$$->type = $3;
+		$$->chan = $2;
+	}
+|	LMAP '[' type ']' polytype
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+		$$->etype = TMAP;
+		$$->down = $3;
+		$$->type = $5;
+	}
+|	LSTRUCT '{' structdcl_list_r osemi '}'
+	{
+		$$ = dostruct(rev($3), TSTRUCT);
+	}
+|	LSTRUCT '{' '}'
+	{
+		$$ = dostruct(N, TSTRUCT);
+	}
+|	LINTERFACE '{' interfacedcl_list_r osemi '}'
+	{
+		$$ = dostruct(rev($3), TINTER);
+		$$ = sortinter($$);
+	}
+|	LINTERFACE '{' '}'
+	{
+		$$ = dostruct(N, TINTER);
+	}
+|	fntypeh
+|	'*' type
+	{
+		$$ = ptrto($2);
+	}
+|	'*' lname
+	{
+		// dont know if this is an error or not
+		if(dclcontext != PEXTERN)
+			yyerror("foreward type in function body %s", $2->name);
+		$$ = forwdcl($2);
+	}
+	type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+		$$->etype = TPOLY;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = Cboth;
+	}
+|	LLT
+	{
+		$$ = Crecv;
+	}
+|	LGT
+	{
+		$$ = Csend;
+	}
+	expr ':' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+ * function stuff
+ * all in one place to show how crappy it all is
+ */
+	LFUNC fndcl fnbody
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+		$$->nbody = $3;
+		funcbody($$);
+	}
+	new_name '(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		b0stack = dclstack;	// mark base for fn literals
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFUNC, N, N);
+		$$->nname = $1;
+		$$->type = functype(N, $3, $5);
+		funchdr($$);
+	}
+|	'(' oarg_type_list ')' new_name '(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		b0stack = dclstack;	// mark base for fn literals
+		if($2 == N || $2->op == OLIST)
+			yyerror("syntax error in method receiver");
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFUNC, N, N);
+		$$->nname = $4;
+		$$->type = functype($2, $6, $8);
+		funchdr($$);
+	}
+	LFUNC '(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		$$ = functype(N, $3, $5);
+		funcnam($$, nil);
+	}
+/* i dont believe that this form is useful for nothing */
+|	LFUNC '(' oarg_type_list ')' '.' '(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		if($3 == N || $3->op == OLIST)
+			yyerror("syntax error in method receiver");
+		$$ = functype($3, $7, $9);
+		funcnam($$, nil);
+	}
+	fntypeh
+|	latype
+	{
+		$$ = oldtype($1);
+		if($$ == N || $$->etype != TFUNC)
+			yyerror("illegal type for function literal");
+	}
+	fntype
+	{
+		markdclstack();	// save dcl stack and revert to block0
+		$$ = $1;
+		funcargs($$);
+	}
+	fnlitdcl '{' ostmt_list '}'
+	{
+		popdcl();
+		vargen++;
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "_f%.3ld", vargen);
+		$$ = newname(lookup(namebuf));
+		addvar($$, $1, PEXTERN);
+		{
+			Node *n;
+			n = nod(ODCLFUNC, N, N);
+			n->nname = $$;
+			n->type = $1;
+			n->nbody = $3;
+			if(n->nbody == N)
+				n->nbody = nod(ORETURN, N, N);
+			compile(n);
+		}
+		$$ = nod(OADDR, $$, N);
+	}
+	compound_stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+		if($$->op == OEMPTY)
+			$$ = nod(ORETURN, N, N);
+	}
+|	';'
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N);
+		$$->type = $1;
+		$$ = cleanidlist($$);
+	}
+|	'(' oarg_type_list ')'
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+	}
+ * lists of things
+ * note that they are left recursive
+ * to conserve yacc stack. they need to
+ * be reversed to interpret correctly
+ */
+	xdcl
+|	xdcl_list_r xdcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $2);
+	}
+	vardcl
+|	vardcl_list_r ';' vardcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	constdcl
+|	constdcl_list_r ';' constdcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	typedcl
+|	typedcl_list_r ';' typedcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	structdcl
+	{
+		$$ = cleanidlist($1);
+	}
+|	structdcl_list_r ';' structdcl
+	{
+		$$ = cleanidlist($3);
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $$);
+	}
+	interfacedcl
+	{
+		$$ = cleanidlist($1);
+	}
+|	interfacedcl_list_r ';' interfacedcl
+	{
+		$$ = cleanidlist($3);
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $$);
+	}
+	new_name ',' structdcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $$, $3);
+	}
+|	new_name type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+	new_name ',' interfacedcl
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $$, $3);
+	}
+|	new_name intype
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+	'(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		// without func keyword
+		$$ = functype(N, $2, $4);
+		funcnam($$, nil);
+	}
+|	LFUNC '(' oarg_type_list ')' fnres
+	{
+		// with func keyword
+		$$ = functype(N, $3, $5);
+		funcnam($$, nil);
+	}
+|	latype
+	{
+		$$ = oldtype($1);
+		if($$ == N || $$->etype != TFUNC)
+			yyerror("illegal type for function literal");
+	}
+	name_name
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+	}
+|	type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N);
+		$$->type = $1;
+	}
+|	new_name type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(ODCLFIELD, $1, N);
+		$$->type = $2;
+	}
+	arg_type
+|	arg_type_list_r ',' arg_type
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	stmt
+	{
+		$$ = $1;
+	}
+|	stmt_list_r stmt
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $2);
+	}
+	expr
+|	expr_list_r ',' expr
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	new_name
+|	new_name_list_r ',' new_name
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	export
+|	export_list_r ocomma export
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+	sym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OEXPORT, N, N);
+		$$->sym = $1;
+	}
+|	sym '.' sym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OEXPORT, N, N);
+		$$->psym = $1;
+		$$->sym = $3;
+	}
+	import_stmt
+|	import_stmt_list_r osemi import_stmt
+	hidden_import
+|	hidden_import_list_r hidden_import
+	hidden_importsym
+|	hidden_importsym_list_r hidden_importsym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $2);
+	}
+	hidden_importfield
+|	hidden_importfield_list_r hidden_importfield
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $2);
+	}
+	keyval
+|	keyval_list_r ',' keyval
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OLIST, $1, $3);
+	}
+ * the one compromise of a
+ * non-reversed list
+ */
+	expr_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+	}
+ * optional things
+ */
+|	';'
+|	','
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	expr
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	expr_list
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	simple_stmt
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	stmt_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	xdcl_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	hidden_importsym_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	hidden_importfield_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = rev($1);
+	}
+	{
+		$$ = N;
+	}
+|	arg_type_list_r
+	{
+		$$ = cleanidlist(rev($1));
+	}
+ * import syntax from header of
+ * an output package
+ */
+	/* variables */
+	LVAR hidden_importsym hidden_importsym
+	{
+		// var
+		doimportv1($2, $3);
+	}
+	/* constants */
+|	LCONST hidden_importsym LLITERAL
+	{
+		doimportc1($2, &$3);
+	}
+|	LCONST hidden_importsym hidden_importsym LLITERAL
+	{
+		doimportc2($2, $3, &$4);
+	}
+	/* types */
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym '[' hidden_importsym ']' hidden_importsym
+	{
+		// type map
+		doimport1($2, $4, $6);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym '[' LLITERAL ']' hidden_importsym
+	{
+		// type array
+		doimport2($2, &$4, $6);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym '(' ohidden_importsym_list ')'
+	{
+		// type function
+		doimport3($2, $4);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym '{' ohidden_importfield_list '}'
+	{
+		// type structure
+		doimport4($2, $4);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym LLITERAL
+	{
+		// type basic
+		doimport5($2, &$3);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym '*' hidden_importsym
+	{
+		// type pointer
+		doimport6($2, $4);
+	}
+|	LTYPE hidden_importsym LLT ohidden_importfield_list LGT
+	{
+		// type interface
+		doimport7($2, $4);
+	}
+	sym '.' sym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OIMPORT, N, N);
+		$$->osym = $1;
+		$$->psym = $1;
+		$$->sym = $3;
+	}
+|	'(' sym ')' sym '.' sym
+	{
+		$$ = nod(OIMPORT, N, N);
+		$$->osym = $2;
+		$$->psym = $4;
+		$$->sym = $6;
+	}
+	isym
+|	'!' isym
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+		$$->kaka = 1;
+	}
+	sym isym
+	{
+		$$ = $2;
+		$$->fsym = $1;
+	}
diff --git a/src/c/gsubr.c b/src/c/gsubr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf6c31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/gsubr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "go.h"
+#include "gen.h"
+gbranch(int op, Node *t)
+	Prog *p;
+	p = prog(op);
+	p->addr.type = ABRANCH;
+	p->pt = conv2pt(t);
+	return p;
+gopcode(int op, int pt, Node *n)
+	Prog *p;
+	p = prog(op);
+	p->pt = pt;
+	p->addr.node = n;
+	if(n == N) {
+		p->addr.type = ANONE;
+		return p;
+	}
+	if(n->op == OTYPE) {
+		p->pt1 = conv2pt(n);
+		p->addr.type = ANONE;
+		return p;
+	}
+	p->addr.type = ANODE;
+//	p->param = n->param;
+	return p;
+gopcodet(int op, Node *t, Node *n)
+	return gopcode(op, conv2pt(t), n);
+gaddoffset(Node *n)
+	Prog *p;
+	if(n == N || n->op != ONAME || n->sym == S)
+		goto bad;
+	p = gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, n);
+	return;
+	fatal("gaddoffset: %N", n);
+gconv(int t1, int t2)
+	Prog *p;
+	p = gopcode(PCONV, t1, N);
+	p->pt1 = t2;
+conv2pt(Node *t)
+	if(t == N)
+		return PTxxx;
+	switch(t->etype) {
+	case TPTR:
+		t = t->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			return PTERROR;
+		switch(t->etype) {
+		case PTSTRING:
+		case PTCHAN:
+		case PTMAP:
+			return t->etype;
+		}
+		return TPTR;
+	}
+	return t->etype;
+patch(Prog *p, Prog *to)
+	if(p->addr.type != ABRANCH)
+		yyerror("patch: not a branch");
+	p->addr.branch = to;
+prog(int as)
+	Prog *p;
+	p = pc;
+	pc = mal(sizeof(*pc));
+	pc->op = PEND;
+	pc->addr.type = ANONE;
+	pc->loc = p->loc+1;
+	p->op = as;
+	p->lineno = dynlineno;
+	p->link = pc;
+	return p;
+	Prog *p;
+	print("--- prog list ---\n");
+	for(p=firstpc; p!=P; p=p->link)
+		print("%P\n", p);
+char*	ptnames[] =
+	[PTxxx]		= "",
+	[PTINT8]	= "I8",
+	[PTUINT8]	= "U8",
+	[PTINT16]	= "I16",
+	[PTUINT16]	= "U16",
+	[PTINT32]	= "I32",
+	[PTUINT32]	= "U32",
+	[PTINT64]	= "I64",
+	[PTUINT64]	= "U64",
+	[PTFLOAT32]	= "F32",
+	[PTFLOAT64]	= "F64",
+	[PTFLOAT80]	= "F80",
+	[PTBOOL]	= "B",
+	[PTPTR]		= "P",
+	[PTADDR]	= "A",
+	[PTINTER]	= "I",
+	[PTNIL]		= "N",
+	[PTSTRUCT]	= "S",
+	[PTSTRING]	= "Z",
+	[PTCHAN]	= "C",
+	[PTMAP]		= "M",
+	[PTERROR]	= "?",
+Xconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[100];
+	int pt;
+	pt = va_arg(fp->args, int);
+	if(pt < 0 || pt >= nelem(ptnames) || ptnames[pt] == nil) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "PT(%d)", pt);
+		return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, ptnames[pt]);
+Qconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[100];
+	int pt;
+	pt = va_arg(fp->args, int);
+	if(pt == PTADDR)
+		pt = PTPTR;
+	snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_T_%X", pt);
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Rconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[100];
+	int pt;
+	pt = va_arg(fp->args, int);
+	if(pt == PTADDR)
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_R_%X", pt);
+	else
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_U._R_%X", pt);
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+s%[ 	]*%%g
+s%^P(.+)%	[P\1]		= "\1",%g
+s%^	........*\]		=%&~%g
+s%	=~%=%g
+static char*
+pnames[] =
+	[PXXX]		= "XXX",
+	[PGOTO]		= "GOTO",
+	[PCMP]		= "CMP",
+	[PNEW]		= "NEW",
+	[PLEN]		= "LEN",
+	[PTEST]		= "TEST",
+	[PCALL1]	= "CALL1",
+	[PCALL2]	= "CALL2",
+	[PCALLI2]	= "CALLI2",
+	[PCALLM2]	= "CALLM2",
+	[PCALLF2]	= "CALLF2",
+	[PCALL3]	= "CALL3",
+	[PBEQ]		= "BEQ",
+	[PBNE]		= "BNE",
+	[PBLT]		= "BLT",
+	[PBLE]		= "BLE",
+	[PBGE]		= "BGE",
+	[PBGT]		= "BGT",
+	[PLOAD]		= "LOAD",
+	[PCONV]		= "CONV",
+	[PADDR]		= "ADDR",
+	[PADDO]		= "ADDO",
+	[PCAT]		= "CAT",
+	[PADD]		= "ADD",
+	[PSUB]		= "SUB",
+	[PMUL]		= "MUL",
+	[PDIV]		= "DIV",
+	[PLSH]		= "LSH",
+	[PRSH]		= "RSH",
+	[PMOD]		= "MOD",
+	[PCOM]		= "COM",
+	[PAND]		= "AND",
+	[POR]		= "OR",
+	[PXOR]		= "XOR",
+	[PEND]		= "END",
+Aconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[100], buf1[100];
+	Prog *p;
+	int o;
+	p = va_arg(fp->args, Prog*);
+	if(p == P) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<P>");
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	o = p->op;
+	if(o < 0 || o >= nelem(pnames) || pnames[o] == nil)
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "(A%d)", o);
+	else
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", pnames[o]);
+	o = p->pt;
+	if(o != PTxxx) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "-%X", o);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	o = p->pt1;
+	if(o != PTxxx) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "-%X", o);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Pconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500], buf1[500];
+	Prog *p;
+	p = va_arg(fp->args, Prog*);
+	snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%4ld %4ld %-9A", p->loc, p->lineno, p);
+	switch(p->addr.type) {
+	default:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "?%d", p->addr.type);
+		break;
+	case ANONE:
+		goto out;
+	case ANODE:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%N", p->addr.node);
+		break;
+	case ABRANCH:
+		if(p->addr.branch == P) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<nil>");
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ld", p->addr.branch->loc);
+		break;
+	}
+	strncat(buf1, " ", sizeof(buf1));
+	strncat(buf1, buf, sizeof(buf1));
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf1);
+static char*
+typedefs[] =
+	"int",		"int32",
+	"uint",		"uint32",
+	"rune",		"uint32",
+	"short",	"int16",
+	"ushort",	"uint16",
+	"long",		"int32",
+	"ulong",	"uint32",
+	"vlong",	"int64",
+	"uvlong",	"uint64",
+	"float",	"float32",
+	"double",	"float64",
+belexinit(int lextype)
+	int i;
+	Sym *s0, *s1;
+	for(i=0; i<nelem(typedefs); i+=2) {
+		s1 = lookup(typedefs[i+1]);
+		if(s1->lexical != lextype)
+			yyerror("need %s to define %s",
+				typedefs[i+1], typedefs[i+0]);
+		s0 = lookup(typedefs[i+0]);
+		s0->lexical = s1->lexical;
+		s0->otype = s1->otype;
+	}
+	fmtinstall('A', Aconv);		// asm opcodes
+	fmtinstall('P', Pconv);		// asm instruction
+	fmtinstall('R', Rconv);		// interpreted register
+	fmtinstall('Q', Qconv);		// interpreted etype
+	fmtinstall('X', Xconv);		// interpreted etype
+	fmtinstall('D', Dconv);		// addressed operand
+	fmtinstall('C', Cconv);		// C type
+convvtox(vlong v, int et)
+	/* botch - do truncation conversion when energetic */
+	return v;
+ * return !(op)
+ * eg == <=> !=
+ */
+brcom(int a)
+	switch(a) {
+	case PBEQ:	return PBNE;
+	case PBNE:	return PBEQ;
+	case PBLT:	return PBGE;
+	case PBGT:	return PBLE;
+	case PBLE:	return PBGT;
+	case PBGE:	return PBLT;
+	case PBTRUE:	return PBFALSE;
+	case PBFALSE:	return PBTRUE;
+	}
+	fatal("brcom: no com for %A\n", a);
+	return PERROR;
+ * return reverse(op)
+ * eg a op b <=> b r(op) a
+ */
+brrev(int a)
+	switch(a) {
+	case PBEQ:	return PBEQ;
+	case PBNE:	return PBNE;
+	case PBLT:	return PBGT;
+	case PBGT:	return PBLT;
+	case PBLE:	return PBGE;
+	case PBGE:	return PBLE;
+	}
+	fatal("brcom: no rev for %A\n", a);
+	return PERROR;
+ * codegen the address of the ith
+ * element in the jth argument.
+ */
+fnparam(Node *t, int j, int i)
+	Node *a, *f;
+	switch(j) {
+	default:
+		fatal("fnparam: bad j");
+	case 0:
+		a = getthisx(t);
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		a = getoutargx(t);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		a = getinargx(t);
+		break;
+	}
+	f = a->type;
+	while(i > 0) {
+		f = f->down;
+		i--;
+	}
+	if(f->etype != TFIELD)
+		fatal("fnparam: not field");
+	gopcode(PLOAD, PTADDR, a->nname);
+	gopcode(PADDO, PTADDR, f->nname);
+lsort(Sig *l, int(*f)(Sig*, Sig*))
+	Sig *l1, *l2, *le;
+	if(l == 0 || l->link == 0)
+		return l;
+	l1 = l;
+	l2 = l;
+	for(;;) {
+		l2 = l2->link;
+		if(l2 == 0)
+			break;
+		l2 = l2->link;
+		if(l2 == 0)
+			break;
+		l1 = l1->link;
+	}
+	l2 = l1->link;
+	l1->link = 0;
+	l1 = lsort(l, f);
+	l2 = lsort(l2, f);
+	/* set up lead element */
+	if((*f)(l1, l2) < 0) {
+		l = l1;
+		l1 = l1->link;
+	} else {
+		l = l2;
+		l2 = l2->link;
+	}
+	le = l;
+	for(;;) {
+		if(l1 == 0) {
+			while(l2) {
+				le->link = l2;
+				le = l2;
+				l2 = l2->link;
+			}
+			le->link = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(l2 == 0) {
+			while(l1) {
+				le->link = l1;
+				le = l1;
+				l1 = l1->link;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if((*f)(l1, l2) < 0) {
+			le->link = l1;
+			le = l1;
+			l1 = l1->link;
+		} else {
+			le->link = l2;
+			le = l2;
+			l2 = l2->link;
+		}
+	}
+	le->link = 0;
+	return l;
diff --git a/src/c/lex.c b/src/c/lex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d11933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/lex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#define		EXTERN
+#include	"go.h"
+#include	""
+#define	DBG	if(!debug['x']);else print
+	EOF		= -1,
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	int c;
+	outfile = nil;
+	package = "____";
+	default:
+		c = ARGC();
+		if(c >= 0 && c < sizeof(debug))
+			debug[c]++;
+		break;
+	case 'o':
+		outfile = ARGF();
+		break;
+	case 'k':
+		package = ARGF();
+		break;
+	if(argc != 1)
+		goto usage;
+	fmtinstall('O', Oconv);		// node opcodes
+	fmtinstall('E', Econv);		// etype opcodes
+	fmtinstall('J', Jconv);		// all the node flags
+	fmtinstall('S', Sconv);		// sym pointer
+	fmtinstall('T', Tconv);		// type pointer
+	fmtinstall('N', Nconv);		// node pointer
+	fmtinstall('Z', Zconv);		// escaped string
+	lexinit();
+	curio.infile = argv[0];
+	curio.bin = Bopen(curio.infile, OREAD);
+	if(curio.bin == nil)
+		fatal("cant open: %s", curio.infile);
+	externdcl = mal(sizeof(*externdcl));
+	externdcl->back = externdcl;
+	dclcontext = PEXTERN;
+	exportlist = mal(sizeof(*exportlist));
+	exportlist->back = exportlist;
+	// function field skeleton
+	fskel = nod(OLIST, N, nod(OLIST, N, N));
+	fskel->left = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N);
+	fskel->right->left = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N);
+	fskel->right->right = nod(ODCLFIELD, N, N);
+	curio.peekc = 0;
+	curio.lineno = 1;
+	nerrors = 0;
+	yyparse();
+	if(nerrors == 0) {
+		dumpobj();
+	}
+	Bterm(curio.bin);
+	if(bout != nil)
+		Bterm(bout);
+	if(nerrors)
+		errorexit();
+	myexit(0);
+	return 0;
+	print("flags:\n");
+	print("  -d print declarations\n");
+	print("  -f print stack frame structure\n");
+	print("  -k name specify package name\n");
+	print("  -o file specify output file\n");
+	print("  -p print the assembly language\n");
+	print("  -w print the parse tree after typing\n");
+	print("  -x print lex tokens\n");
+	print("  -h panic on an error\n");
+	myexit(0);
+	return 0;
+importfile(Val *f)
+	Biobuf *imp;
+	long c;
+	if(f->ctype != CTSTR) {
+		yyerror("import statement not a string");
+		return;
+	}
+	snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%Z.go.c", f->sval);
+	imp = Bopen(namebuf, OREAD);
+	if(imp == nil) {
+		yyerror("cant open import: %s", namebuf);
+		return;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * position the input right
+	 * after (( and return
+	 */
+	pushedio = curio;
+	curio.bin = imp;
+	curio.lineno = 1;
+	curio.peekc = 0;
+	curio.infile = strdup(namebuf);
+	for(;;) {
+		c = getc();
+		if(c == EOF)
+			break;
+		if(c != '(')
+			continue;
+		c = getc();
+		if(c == EOF)
+			break;
+		if(c != '(')
+			continue;
+		return;
+	}
+	yyerror("no import in: %Z", f->sval);
+	unimportfile();
+	if(curio.bin != nil && pushedio.bin != nil) {
+		Bterm(curio.bin);
+		curio = pushedio;
+		pushedio.bin = nil;
+	}
+	long c, c1;
+	char *cp;
+	Rune rune;
+	int escflag;
+	Sym *s;
+	c = getc();
+	if(isspace(c))
+		goto l0;
+	if(c >= Runeself) {
+		/* all multibyte runes are alpha */
+		cp = namebuf;
+		goto talph;
+	}
+	if(isalpha(c)) {
+		cp = namebuf;
+		goto talph;
+	}
+	if(isdigit(c))
+		goto tnum;
+	switch(c) {
+	case EOF:
+		ungetc(EOF);
+		return -1;
+	case '_':
+		cp = namebuf;
+		goto talph;
+	case '.':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(isdigit(c1)) {
+			cp = namebuf;
+			*cp++ = c;
+			c = c1;
+			c1 = 0;
+			goto casedot;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '"':
+		/* "..." */
+		strcpy(namebuf, "\"<string>\"");
+		cp = mal(sizeof(long));
+		c1 = 4;
+	caseq:
+		for(;;) {
+			c = escchar('"', &escflag);
+			if(c == EOF)
+				break;
+			if(escflag) {
+				cp = remal(cp, c1, 1);
+				cp[c1++] = c;
+			} else {
+				rune = c;
+				c = runelen(rune);
+				cp = remal(cp, c1, c);
+				runetochar(cp+c1, &rune);
+				c1 += c;
+			}
+		}
+		goto catem;
+	case '`':
+		/* `...` */
+		strcpy(namebuf, "`<string>`");
+		cp = mal(sizeof(long));
+		c1 = 4;
+	casebq:
+		for(;;) {
+			c = getc();
+			if(c == EOF || c == '`')
+				break;
+			cp = remal(cp, c1, 1);
+			cp[c1++] = c;
+		}
+	catem:
+		for(;;) {
+			/* it takes 2 peekc's to skip comments */
+			c = getc();
+			if(isspace(c))
+				continue;
+			if(c == '"')
+				goto caseq;
+			if(c == '`')
+				goto casebq;
+			ungetc(c);
+			break;
+		}
+		*(long*)cp = c1-4;	// length
+		do {
+			cp = remal(cp, c1, 1);
+			cp[c1++] = 0;
+		} while(c1 & MAXALIGN);
+		yylval.val.sval = (String*)cp;
+		yylval.val.ctype = CTSTR;
+		DBG("lex: string literal\n");
+		return LLITERAL;
+	case '\'':
+		/* '.' */
+		c = escchar('\'', &escflag);
+		if(c == EOF)
+			c = '\'';
+		c1 = escchar('\'', &escflag);
+		if(c1 != EOF) {
+			yyerror("missing '");
+			ungetc(c1);
+		}
+		yylval.val.vval = c;
+		yylval.val.ctype = CTINT;
+		DBG("lex: codepoint literal\n");
+		return LLITERAL;
+	case '/':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '*') {
+			for(;;) {
+				c = getr();
+				while(c == '*') {
+					c = getr();
+					if(c == '/')
+						goto l0;
+				}
+				if(c == EOF) {
+					yyerror("eof in comment");
+					errorexit();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(c1 == '/') {
+			for(;;) {
+				c = getr();
+				if(c == '\n')
+					goto l0;
+				if(c == EOF) {
+					yyerror("eof in comment");
+					errorexit();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = ODIV;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case ':':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = LCOLAS;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '*':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OMUL;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '%':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OMOD;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '+':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '+') {
+			c = LINC;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OADD;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '-':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '-') {
+			c = LDEC;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OSUB;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '>':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '>') {
+			c = LRSH;
+			c1 = getc();
+			if(c1 == '=') {
+				c = ORSH;
+				goto asop;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = LGE;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		c = LGT;
+		break;
+	case '<':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '<') {
+			c = LLSH;
+			c1 = getc();
+			if(c1 == '=') {
+				c = OLSH;
+				goto asop;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = LLE;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		c = LLT;
+		break;
+	case '=':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = LEQ;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '!':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = LNE;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '&':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '&') {
+			c = LANDAND;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OAND;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '|':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '|') {
+			c = LOROR;
+			goto lx;
+		}
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OOR;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	case '^':
+		c1 = getc();
+		if(c1 == '=') {
+			c = OXOR;
+			goto asop;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		goto lx;
+	}
+	ungetc(c1);
+	if(c > 0xff)
+		DBG("lex: TOKEN %s\n", lexname(c));
+	else
+		DBG("lex: TOKEN '%c'\n", c);
+	return c;
+	yylval.val.vval = c;	// rathole to hold which asop
+	DBG("lex: TOKEN ASOP %c\n", c);
+	return LASOP;
+	/*
+	 * cp is set to namebuf and some
+	 * prefix has been stored
+	 */
+	for(;;) {
+		if(c >= Runeself) {
+			for(c1=0;;) {
+				cp[c1++] = c;
+				if(fullrune(cp, c1))
+					break;
+				c = getc();
+			}
+			cp += c1;
+			c = getc();
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(!isalnum(c) && c != '_')
+			break;
+		*cp++ = c;
+		c = getc();
+	}
+	*cp = 0;
+	ungetc(c);
+	s = lookup(namebuf);
+	if(s->lexical == LIGNORE)
+		goto l0;
+	if(context != nil) {
+		s = pkglookup(s->name, context);
+		if(s->lexical == LIGNORE)
+			goto l0;
+	}
+	DBG("lex: %S %s\n", s, lexname(s->lexical));
+	yylval.sym = s;
+	if(s->lexical == LBASETYPE)
+		return LATYPE;
+	return s->lexical;
+	c1 = 0;
+	cp = namebuf;
+	if(c != '0') {
+		for(;;) {
+			*cp++ = c;
+			c = getc();
+			if(isdigit(c))
+				continue;
+			goto dc;
+		}
+	}
+	*cp++ = c;
+	c = getc();
+	if(c == 'x' || c == 'X')
+		for(;;) {
+			*cp++ = c;
+			c = getc();
+			if(isdigit(c))
+				continue;
+			if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+				continue;
+			if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+				continue;
+			if(cp == namebuf+2)
+				yyerror("malformed hex constant");
+			goto ncu;
+		}
+	if(c < '0' || c > '7')
+		goto dc;
+	for(;;) {
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') {
+			*cp++ = c;
+			c = getc();
+			continue;
+		}
+		goto ncu;
+	}
+	if(c == '.')
+		goto casedot;
+	if(c == 'e' || c == 'E')
+		goto casee;
+	*cp = 0;
+	ungetc(c);
+	if(mpatov(namebuf, &yylval.val.vval)) {
+		yyerror("overflow in constant");
+		yylval.val.vval = 0;
+	}
+	yylval.val.ctype = CTINT;
+	DBG("lex: integer literal\n");
+	return LLITERAL;
+	for(;;) {
+		*cp++ = c;
+		c = getc();
+		if(!isdigit(c))
+			break;
+	}
+	if(c != 'e' && c != 'E')
+		goto caseout;
+	*cp++ = 'e';
+	c = getc();
+	if(c == '+' || c == '-') {
+		*cp++ = c;
+		c = getc();
+	}
+	if(!isdigit(c))
+		yyerror("malformed fp constant exponent");
+	while(isdigit(c)) {
+		*cp++ = c;
+		c = getc();
+	}
+	*cp = 0;
+	ungetc(c);
+	if(mpatof(namebuf, &yylval.val.dval)) {
+		yyerror("overflow in float constant");
+		yylval.val.dval = 0;
+	}
+	yylval.val.ctype = CTFLT;
+	DBG("lex: floating literal\n");
+	return LLITERAL;
+	int c;
+	c = curio.peekc;
+	if(c != 0) {
+		curio.peekc = 0;
+		if(c == '\n')
+			curio.lineno++;
+		return c;
+	}
+	c = Bgetc(curio.bin);
+	switch(c) {
+	case 0:
+	case EOF:
+		return EOF;
+	case '\n':
+		curio.lineno++;
+		break;
+	}
+	return c;
+ungetc(int c)
+	curio.peekc = c;
+	if(c == '\n')
+		curio.lineno--;
+	int c, i;
+	char str[UTFmax+1];
+	Rune rune;
+	c = getc();
+	if(c < Runeself)
+		return c;
+	i = 0;
+	str[i++] = c;
+	c = getc();
+	str[i++] = c;
+	if(!fullrune(str, i))
+		goto loop;
+	c = chartorune(&rune, str);
+	if(rune == Runeerror && c == 1) {
+		yyerror("illegal rune in string");
+		for(c=0; c<i; c++)
+			print(" %.2x", *(uchar*)(str+c));
+		print("\n");
+	}
+	return rune;
+	int c;
+	c = getc();
+	for(;;) {
+		if(!isspace(c))
+			return c;
+		if(c == '\n') {
+			curio.lineno++;
+			return c;
+		}
+		c = getc();
+	}
+	return 0;
+escchar(long e, int *escflg)
+	long c, l;
+	int i;
+	*escflg = 0;
+	c = getr();
+	if(c == '\n') {
+		yyerror("newline in string");
+		return EOF;
+	}
+	if(c != '\\') {
+		if(c == e)
+			c = EOF;
+		return c;
+	}
+	c = getr();
+	switch(c) {
+	case '\n':
+		goto loop;
+	case 'x':
+		i = 2;
+		goto hex;
+	case 'u':
+		i = 4;
+		goto hex;
+	case 'U':
+		i = 8;
+		goto hex;
+	case '0':
+	case '1':
+	case '2':
+	case '3':
+	case '4':
+	case '5':
+	case '6':
+	case '7':
+		goto oct;
+	case 'a': return '\a';
+	case 'b': return '\b';
+	case 'f': return '\f';
+	case 'n': return '\n';
+	case 'r': return '\r';
+	case 't': return '\t';
+	case 'v': return '\v';
+	default:
+		warn("unknown escape sequence: %c", c);
+	}
+	return c;
+	l = 0;
+	for(; i>0; i--) {
+		c = getc();
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+			l = l*16 + c-'0';
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
+			l = l*16 + c-'a' + 10;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
+			l = l*16 + c-'A' + 10;
+			continue;
+		}
+		warn("non-hex character in escape sequence: %c", c);
+		ungetc(c);
+		break;
+	}
+	*escflg = 1;
+	return l;
+	l = c - '0';
+	for(i=2; i>0; i--) {
+		c = getc();
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '7') {
+			l = l*8 + c-'0';
+			continue;
+		}
+		warn("non-oct character in escape sequence: %c", c);
+		ungetc(c);
+	}
+	if(l > 255)
+		warn("oct escape value > 255: %d", l);
+	*escflg = 1;
+	return l;
+static	struct
+	char*	name;
+	int	lexical;
+	int	etype;
+} syms[] =
+/*	name		lexical		etype
+ */
+/* basic types */
+	"int8",		LBASETYPE,	TINT8,
+	"int16",	LBASETYPE,	TINT16,
+	"int32",	LBASETYPE,	TINT32,
+	"int64",	LBASETYPE,	TINT64,
+	"uint8",	LBASETYPE,	TUINT8,
+	"uint16",	LBASETYPE,	TUINT16,
+	"uint32",	LBASETYPE,	TUINT32,
+	"uint64",	LBASETYPE,	TUINT64,
+	"float32",	LBASETYPE,	TFLOAT32,
+	"float64",	LBASETYPE,	TFLOAT64,
+	"float80",	LBASETYPE,	TFLOAT80,
+	"bool",		LBASETYPE,	TBOOL,
+	"byte",		LBASETYPE,	TUINT8,
+	"char",		LBASETYPE,	TUINT8,		// temp??
+/* keywords */
+	"any",		LANY,		Txxx,
+	"break",	LBREAK,		Txxx,
+	"case",		LCASE,		Txxx,
+	"chan",		LCHAN,		Txxx,
+	"const",	LCONST,		Txxx,
+	"continue",	LCONTINUE,	Txxx,
+	"convert",	LCONVERT,	Txxx,
+	"default",	LDEFAULT,	Txxx,
+	"else",		LELSE,		Txxx,
+	"export",	LEXPORT,	Txxx,
+	"fallthrough",	LFALL,		Txxx,
+	"false",	LFALSE,		Txxx,
+	"for",		LFOR,		Txxx,
+	"func",		LFUNC,		Txxx,
+	"go",		LGO,		Txxx,
+	"goto",		LGOTO,		Txxx,
+	"if",		LIF,		Txxx,
+	"import",	LIMPORT,	Txxx,
+	"interface",	LINTERFACE,	Txxx,
+	"iota",		LIOTA,		Txxx,
+	"map",		LMAP,		Txxx,
+	"new",		LNEW,		Txxx,
+	"len",		LLEN,		Txxx,
+	"nil",		LNIL,		Txxx,
+	"package",	LPACKAGE,	Txxx,
+	"panic",	LPANIC,		Txxx,
+	"print",	LPRINT,		Txxx,
+	"range",	LRANGE,		Txxx,
+	"return",	LRETURN,	Txxx,
+	"struct",	LSTRUCT,	Txxx,
+	"switch",	LSWITCH,	Txxx,
+	"true",		LTRUE,		Txxx,
+	"type",		LTYPE,		Txxx,
+	"var",		LVAR,		Txxx,
+	"notwithstanding",		LIGNORE,	Txxx,
+	"thetruthofthematter",		LIGNORE,	Txxx,
+	"despiteallobjections",		LIGNORE,	Txxx,
+	"whereas",			LIGNORE,	Txxx,
+	"insofaras",			LIGNORE,	Txxx,
+	int i, etype, lex;
+	Sym *s;
+	Node *t;
+	for(i=TINT8; i<=TUINT64; i++)
+		isint[i] = 1;
+	for(i=TFLOAT32; i<=TFLOAT80; i++)
+		isfloat[i] = 1;
+	/*
+	 * initialize okfor
+	 */
+	for(i=0; i<NTYPE; i++) {
+		if(isint[i]) {
+			okforeq[i] = 1;
+			okforadd[i] = 1;
+			okforand[i] = 1;
+		}
+		if(isfloat[i]) {
+			okforeq[i] = 1;
+			okforadd[i] = 1;
+		}
+		switch(i) {
+		case TBOOL:
+			okforeq[i] = 1;
+			break;
+		case TPTR:
+			okforeq[i] = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+		minfloatval[i] = 0.0;
+		maxfloatval[i] = 0.0;
+		minintval[i] = 0;
+		maxintval[i] = 0;
+	}
+// this stuff smells - really need to do constants
+// in multi precision arithmetic
+	maxintval[TINT8] = 0x7f;
+	minintval[TINT8] = -maxintval[TINT8]-1;
+	maxintval[TINT16] = 0x7fff;
+	minintval[TINT16] = -maxintval[TINT16]-1;
+	maxintval[TINT32] = 0x7fffffffL;
+	minintval[TINT32] = -maxintval[TINT32]-1;
+	maxintval[TINT64] = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
+	minintval[TINT64] = -maxintval[TINT64]-1;
+	maxintval[TUINT8] = 0xff;
+	maxintval[TUINT16] = 0xffff;
+	maxintval[TUINT32] = 0xffffffffL;
+	maxintval[TUINT64] = 0xffffffffffffffffLL;
+	maxfloatval[TFLOAT32] = 3.40282347e+38;
+	minfloatval[TFLOAT32] = -maxfloatval[TFLOAT32];
+	maxfloatval[TFLOAT64] = 1.7976931348623157e+308;
+	minfloatval[TFLOAT64] = -maxfloatval[TFLOAT64]-1;
+	/*
+	 * initialize basic types array
+	 * initialize known symbols
+	 */
+	for(i=0; i<nelem(syms); i++) {
+		lex = syms[i].lexical;
+		s = lookup(syms[i].name);
+		s->lexical = lex;
+		if(lex != LBASETYPE)
+			continue;
+		etype = syms[i].etype;
+		if(etype < 0 || etype >= nelem(types))
+			fatal("lexinit: %s bad etype", s->name);
+		t = types[etype];
+		if(t != N) {
+			s->otype = t;
+			continue;
+		}
+		t = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+		t->etype = etype;
+		switch(etype) {
+		case TSTRING:
+		case TCHAN:
+		case TMAP:
+			t = ptrto(t);
+		}
+		t->sym = s;
+		t->recur = 1;	// supresses printing beyond name
+		types[etype] = t;
+		s->otype = t;
+	}
+	/* pick up the backend typedefs */
+	belexinit(LBASETYPE);
+	booltrue = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+	booltrue->val.ctype = CTBOOL;
+	booltrue->val.vval = 1;
+	booltrue->type = types[TBOOL];
+	boolfalse = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+	boolfalse->val.ctype = CTBOOL;
+	boolfalse->val.vval = 0;
+	booltrue->type = types[TBOOL];
+	int	lex;
+	char*	name;
+} lexn[] =
+	LDEC,		"DEC",
+	LEQ,		"EQ",
+	LGE,		"GE",
+	LGO,		"GO",
+	LGT,		"GT",
+	LIF,		"IF",
+	LINC,		"INC",
+	LLE,		"LE",
+	LLSH,		"LSH",
+	LLT,		"LT",
+	LMAP,		"MAP",
+	LNE,		"NE",
+	LRSH,		"RSH",
+	LVAR,		"VAR",
+	LFOR,		"FOR",
+	LNEW,		"NEW",
+	LLEN,		"LEN",
+lexname(int lex)
+	int i;
+	static char buf[100];
+	for(i=0; i<nelem(lexn); i++)
+		if(lexn[i].lex == lex)
+			return lexn[i].name;
+	snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "LEX-%d", lex);
+	return buf;
+mkpackage(char* pkg)
+	Sym *s;
+	long h;
+	if(bout != nil) {
+		yyerror("mkpackage: called again %s %s", pkg, package);
+		return;
+	}
+	// defefine all names to be this package
+	package = pkg;
+	for(h=0; h<NHASH; h++)
+		for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link) {
+			s->package = package;
+			s->opackage = package;
+		}
+	if(outfile == nil) {
+		snprint(namebuf, sizeof(namebuf), "%s.go.c", package);
+		outfile = strdup(namebuf);
+	}
+	bout = Bopen(outfile, OWRITE);
+	if(bout == nil)
+		fatal("cant open %s", outfile);
diff --git a/src/c/mpatof.c b/src/c/mpatof.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07bcf4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/mpatof.c
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	<u.h>
+#include	<libc.h>
+int	mpatof(char*, double*);
+int	mpatov(char *s, vlong *v);
+	Mpscale	= 29,		/* safely smaller than bits in a long */
+	Mpprec	= 36,		/* Mpscale*Mpprec sb > largest fp exp */
+	Mpbase	= 1L<<Mpscale,
+	long	a[Mpprec];
+	char	ovf;
+} Mp;
+static	void	mpint(Mp*, int);
+static	void	mppow(Mp*, int, int);
+static	void	mpmul(Mp*, int);
+static	void	mpadd(Mp*, Mp*);
+static	int	mptof(Mp*, double*);
+ * convert a string, s, to floating in *d
+ * return conversion overflow.
+ * required syntax is [+-]d*[.]d*[e[+-]d*]
+ */
+mpatof(char *s, double *d)
+	Mp a, b;
+	int dp, c, f, ef, ex, zer;
+	double d1, d2;
+	dp = 0;		/* digits after decimal point */
+	f = 0;		/* sign */
+	ex = 0;		/* exponent */
+	zer = 1;	/* zero */
+	memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a));
+	for(;;) {
+		switch(c = *s++) {
+		default:
+			goto bad;
+		case '-':
+			f = 1;
+		case ' ':
+		case  '\t':
+		case  '+':
+			continue;
+		case '.':
+			dp = 1;
+			continue;
+		case '1':
+		case '2':
+		case '3':
+		case '4':
+		case '5':
+		case '6':
+		case '7':
+		case '8':
+		case '9':
+			zer = 0;
+		case '0':
+			mpint(&b, c-'0');
+			mpmul(&a, 10);
+			mpadd(&a, &b);
+			if(dp)
+				dp++;
+			continue;
+		case 'E':
+		case 'e':
+			ex = 0;
+			ef = 0;
+			for(;;) {
+				c = *s++;
+				if(c == '+' || c == ' ' || c == '\t')
+					continue;
+				if(c == '-') {
+					ef = 1;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+					ex = ex*10 + (c-'0');
+					continue;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			if(ef)
+				ex = -ex;
+		case 0:
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	if(a.ovf)
+		goto bad;
+	if(zer) {
+		*d = 0;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if(dp)
+		dp--;
+	dp -= ex;
+	if(dp > 0) {
+		/*
+		 * must divide by 10**dp
+		 */
+		if(mptof(&a, &d1))
+			goto bad;
+		/*
+		 * trial exponent of 8**dp
+		 * 8 (being between 5 and 10)
+		 * should pick up all underflows
+		 * in the division of 5**dp.
+		 */
+		d2 = frexp(d1, &ex);
+		d2 = ldexp(d2, ex-3*dp);
+		if(d2 == 0)
+			goto bad;
+		/*
+		 * decompose each 10 into 5*2.
+		 * create 5**dp in fixed point
+		 * and then play with the exponent
+		 * for the remaining 2**dp.
+		 * note that 5**dp will overflow
+		 * with as few as 134 input digits.
+		 */
+		mpint(&a, 1);
+		mppow(&a, 5, dp);
+		if(mptof(&a, &d2))
+			goto bad;
+		d1 = frexp(d1/d2, &ex);
+		d1 = ldexp(d1, ex-dp);
+		if(d1 == 0)
+			goto bad;
+	} else {
+		/*
+		 * must multiply by 10**|dp| --
+		 * just do it in fixed point.
+		 */
+		mppow(&a, 10, -dp);
+		if(mptof(&a, &d1))
+			goto bad;
+	}
+	if(f)
+		d1 = -d1;
+	*d = d1;
+	return 0;
+	return 1;
+ * convert a to floating in *d
+ * return conversion overflow
+ */
+static int
+mptof(Mp *a, double *d)
+	double f, g;
+	long x, *a1;
+	int i;
+	if(a->ovf)
+		return 1;
+	a1 = a->a;
+	f = ldexp(*a1++, 0);
+	for(i=Mpscale; i<Mpprec*Mpscale; i+=Mpscale)
+		if(x = *a1++) {
+			g = ldexp(x, i);
+			/*
+			 * NOTE: the test (g==0) is plan9
+			 * specific. ansi compliant overflow
+			 * is signaled by HUGE and errno==ERANGE.
+			 * change this for your particular ldexp.
+			 */
+			if(g == 0)
+				return 1;
+			f += g;		/* this could bomb! */
+		}
+	*d = f;
+	return 0;
+ * return a += b
+ */
+static void
+mpadd(Mp *a, Mp *b)
+	int i, c;
+	long x, *a1, *b1;
+	if(b->ovf)
+		a->ovf = 1;
+	if(a->ovf)
+		return;
+	c = 0;
+	a1 = a->a;
+	b1 = b->a;
+	for(i=0; i<Mpprec; i++) {
+		x = *a1 + *b1++ + c;
+		c = 0;
+		if(x >= Mpbase) {
+			x -= Mpbase;
+			c = 1;
+		}
+		*a1++ = x;
+	}
+	a->ovf = c;
+ * return a = c
+ */
+static void
+mpint(Mp *a, int c)
+	memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
+	a->a[0] = c;
+ * return a *= c
+ */
+static void
+mpmul(Mp *a, int c)
+	Mp p;
+	int b;
+	memmove(&p, a, sizeof(p));
+	if(!(c & 1))
+		memset(a, 0, sizeof(*a));
+	c &= ~1;
+	for(b=2; c; b<<=1) {
+		mpadd(&p, &p);
+		if(c & b) {
+			mpadd(a, &p);
+			c &= ~b;
+		}
+	}
+ * return a *= b**e
+ */
+static void
+mppow(Mp *a, int b, int e)
+	int b1;
+	b1 = b*b;
+	b1 = b1*b1;
+	while(e >= 4) {
+		mpmul(a, b1);
+		e -= 4;
+		if(a->ovf)
+			return;
+	}
+	while(e > 0) {
+		mpmul(a, b);
+		e--;
+	}
+ * convert a string, s, to vlong in *v
+ * return conversion overflow.
+ * required syntax is [0[x]]d*
+ */
+mpatov(char *s, vlong *v)
+	vlong n, nn;
+	int c;
+	n = 0;
+	c = *s;
+	if(c == '0')
+		goto oct;
+	while(c = *s++) {
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+			nn = n*10 + c-'0';
+		else
+			goto bad;
+		if(n < 0 && nn >= 0)
+			goto bad;
+		n = nn;
+	}
+	goto out;
+	s++;
+	c = *s;
+	if(c == 'x' || c == 'X')
+		goto hex;
+	while(c = *s++) {
+		if(c >= '0' || c <= '7')
+			nn = n*8 + c-'0';
+		else
+			goto bad;
+		if(n < 0 && nn >= 0)
+			goto bad;
+		n = nn;
+	}
+	goto out;
+	s++;
+	while(c = *s++) {
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+			c += 0-'0';
+		else
+		if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+			c += 10-'a';
+		else
+		if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+			c += 10-'A';
+		else
+			goto bad;
+		nn = n*16 + c;
+		if(n < 0 && nn >= 0)
+			goto bad;
+		n = nn;
+	}
+	*v = n;
+	return 0;
+	*v = ~0;
+	return 1;
diff --git a/src/c/obj.c b/src/c/obj.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c22022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/obj.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1535 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+#include	"gen.h"
+static	Prog*	firstp;
+static	Prog*	lastp;
+static	int	typeexpand;
+	Plist *pl;
+	Prog *p;
+	long lno;
+	Bprint(bout, "\n\n/*\n");
+	Bprint(bout, " * automatic code generated from\n");
+	Bprint(bout, " * %s in package \"%s\"\n", curio.infile, package);
+	dumpexport();
+	Bprint(bout, " */\n", curio.infile, package);
+	Bprint(bout, "#include \"gort.h\"\n");
+	// put out external variables and types
+	doframe(externdcl, "external");
+	dumpmethods();
+	// put out signatures
+	dumpsignatures();
+	// put out functions
+	for(pl=plist; pl!=nil; pl=pl->link) {
+		/* print out the function header */
+		dumpfunct(pl);
+		/* clear the marks */
+		for(p=pl->firstpc; p!=nil; p=p->link)
+			p->mark = 0;
+		/* relinearize the object code */
+		firstp = mal(sizeof(*firstp));
+		lastp = firstp;
+		follow(pl->firstpc);
+		lastp->link = P;
+		pl->firstpc = firstp->link;
+		/* clear the marks - relabel the locations */
+		for(p=pl->firstpc; p!=nil; p=p->link)
+			p->mark = 0;
+		/* mark the labels */
+		for(p=pl->firstpc; p!=nil; p=p->link) {
+			if(p->addr.branch != P)
+				p->addr.branch->mark = 1;
+		}
+		/* interpret the instructions */
+		lno = dynlineno;
+		for(p=pl->firstpc; p!=nil; p=p->link) {
+			dynlineno = p->lineno;
+			dynloc = p->loc;
+			obj(p);
+		}
+		dynlineno = lno;
+		Bprint(bout, "}\n");
+	}
+obj1(Prog *p)
+	Node *n;
+	static long uloc, olino;
+	Bprint(bout, "\n\t// %P\n", p);
+	if(p->mark)
+		Bprint(bout, "_L%ld:\n", p->loc);
+	uloc++;
+	if(p->lineno != 0)
+		olino = p->lineno;
+	Bprint(bout, "\tgotrace(%ld, %ld);\n", uloc, olino);
+	switch(p->op) {
+	default:
+		warn("obj: unknown opcode %A", p);
+		Bprint(bout, "\tprintf(\"unknown line %ld-%ld: %A\\n\");\n",
+			dynloc, dynlineno, p);
+	case PPANIC:
+		Bprint(bout, "\tprintf(\"panic line %ld\\n\");\n", dynlineno);
+		Bprint(bout, "\tgoexit(1);\n");
+		break;
+	case PPRINT:
+		Bprint(bout, "\tprint%s(%R);\n", getfmt(p->pt), p->pt);
+		break;
+	case PGOTO:
+		Bprint(bout, "\tgoto %D;\n", p);
+		break;
+	case PGOTOX:
+		yyerror("label not declared: %S", p->addr.node->left->sym);
+		break;
+	case PCMP:
+		if(p->pt == PTSTRING)
+			goto pcmpz;
+		switch(p->link->op) {
+		case PBEQ:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R == %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		case PBNE:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R != %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		case PBLT:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R < %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		case PBLE:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R <= %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		case PBGE:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R >= %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		case PBGT:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%R > %D) {\n", p->pt, p);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	pcmpz:
+		Bprint(bout, "\tif(cmpZ(%D) ", p);
+		switch(p->link->op) {
+		case PBEQ:
+			Bprint(bout, "== 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		case PBNE:
+			Bprint(bout, "!= 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		case PBLT:
+			Bprint(bout, "< 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		case PBLE:
+			Bprint(bout, "<= 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		case PBGE:
+			Bprint(bout, ">= 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		case PBGT:
+			Bprint(bout, "> 0) {\n");
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case PTEST:
+		switch(p->link->op) {
+		case PBTRUE:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%D != 0) {\n", p);
+			break;
+		case PBFALSE:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tif(%D == 0) {\n", p);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case PBEQ:
+	case PBNE:
+	case PBLT:
+	case PBLE:
+	case PBGE:
+	case PBGT:
+	case PBTRUE:
+	case PBFALSE:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t\tgoto %D; }\n", p);
+		break;
+	case PLEN:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %D->len;\n", PTINT32, p);
+		break;
+	case PNEW:
+		if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+			goto bad;
+		n = p->addr.node;
+		n = n->type;
+		n = n->type;
+		if(n == N || n->op != OTYPE)
+			goto bad;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = gomal(sizeof(%C%lC));\n", p->pt, n, n);
+		break;
+	case PLOAD:
+		if(p->pt == PTPTR || p->pt == PTADDR) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%R = (%Q)%D;\n", p->pt, PTPTR, p);
+			break;
+		}
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PLOADI:	// R/D = *(A)
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%D = *(%Q*)%R;\n", p, p->pt, PTADDR);
+		break;
+	case PSTORE:
+		if(p->pt == PTPTR || p->pt == PTADDR) {
+			if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+				goto bad;
+			n = p->addr.node;
+			if(n == N || n->type == N)
+				goto bad;
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%D = (%C)%R;\n", p, n->type, p->pt);
+			break;
+		}
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%D = %R;\n", p, p->pt);
+		break;
+	case PSTOREI:	// *(A) = R/D
+		Bprint(bout, "\t*(%Q*)%R = %D;\n", p->pt, PTADDR, p);
+		break;
+	case PSTOREZ:
+		switch(p->pt) {
+		default:
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%D = 0;\n", p);
+			break;
+		case PTARRAY:
+		case PTSTRUCT:
+			Bprint(bout, "\tmemset(&%D, 0, sizeof(%D));\n", p, p);
+			break;
+		case PTINTER:
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%D.s = 0; %D.m = 0;\n", p, p);
+			break;
+		case PTSTRING:
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%D = &nilstring;\n", p);
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	case PCONV:
+		doconv(p);
+		break;
+	case PADDR:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = (%Q)&%D;\n", p->pt, p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PADDO:
+		if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+			goto bad;
+		n = p->addr.node;
+		if(n == N || n->op != ONAME || n->sym == S)
+			goto bad;
+		if(n->uberstruct == N || n->uberstruct->etype != TSTRUCT)
+			goto bad;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = (%Q)((char*)%R + offsetof(_T_%ld, %s));\n",
+			p->pt, PTADDR, p->pt,
+//			n->uberstruct->nname->sym->package,
+			n->uberstruct->vargen, n->sym->name);
+		break;
+	case PINDEXZ:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %D->string[%R];\n",
+			PTUINT8, p, p->pt);
+		break;
+	case PINDEX:
+		if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+			goto bad;
+		n = p->addr.node;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R += (%R)*sizeof(%C);\n",
+			PTADDR, p->pt, n->type);
+		break;
+	case PSLICE:
+		if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+			goto bad;
+		n = p->addr.node;
+		Bprint(bout, "\tsliceZ(%R, %D);\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PCAT:
+		Bprint(bout, "\tcatZ(%D);\n", p);
+		break;
+	case PADD:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R += %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PSUB:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R -= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PMUL:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R *= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PDIV:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R /= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PLSH:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R <<= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PRSH:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R >>= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PMOD:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R %%= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PAND:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R &= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case POR:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R |= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PXOR:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R ^= %D;\n", p->pt, p);
+		break;
+	case PMINUS:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = -%R;\n", p->pt, p->pt);
+		break;
+	case PCOM:
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = ~%R;\n", p->pt, p->pt);
+		break;
+	case PRETURN:
+		Bprint(bout, "\treturn;\n");
+		break;
+	case PCALL1:	// process the arguments
+		docall1(p);
+		break;
+	case PCALL2:	// call the normal function
+		docall2(p);
+		break;
+	case PCALLI2:	// call the indirect function
+		docalli2(p);
+		break;
+	case PCALLM2:	// call the method function
+		docallm2(p);
+		break;
+	case PCALLF2:	// call the interface method function
+		docallf2(p);
+		break;
+	case PCALL3:	// process the return
+		docall3(p);
+		break;
+	case PEND:
+		Bprint(bout, "\treturn;\n");
+		break;
+	}
+	return;
+	print("bad code generation on\n\t// %P\n", p);
+follow(Prog *p)
+	Prog *q;
+	int i, op;
+	if(p == P)
+		return;
+	if(p->op == PGOTO) {
+		q = p->addr.branch;
+		if(q != P) {
+			p->mark = 1;
+			p = q;
+			if(p->mark == 0)
+				goto loop;
+		}
+	}
+	if(p->mark) {
+		/* copy up to 4 instructions to avoid branch */
+		for(i=0, q=p; i<4; i++, q=q->link) {
+			if(q == P)
+				break;
+			if(q == lastp)
+				break;
+			if(q->op == PGOTO)
+				break;
+			if(q->addr.branch == P)
+				continue;
+			if(q->addr.branch->mark)
+				continue;
+			if(q->op == PCALL1)
+				continue;
+			// we found an invertable now copy
+//			for(;;) {
+//				q = copyp(p);
+//				p = p->link;
+//				q->mark = 1;
+//				lastp->link = q;
+//				lastp = q;
+//				if(q->op != a || q->addr.branch == P || q->addr.branch->mark)
+//					continue;
+//				q->op = relinv(q->op);
+//				p = q->addr.branch;
+//				q->addr.branch = q->link;
+//				q->link = p;
+//				follow(q->link);
+//				p = q->link;
+//				if(p->mark)
+//					return;
+//				goto loop;
+//			}
+		}
+		q = mal(sizeof(*q));
+		q->op = PGOTO;
+		q->lineno = p->lineno;
+		q->addr.type = ABRANCH;
+		q->addr.branch = gotochain(p);
+		p = q;
+	}
+	p->mark = 1;
+	p->loc = lastp->loc+1;
+	lastp->link = p;
+	lastp = p;
+	op = p->op;
+	if(op == PGOTO || op == PRETURN || op == OEND)
+		return;
+	if(op == PCALL1 || p->addr.branch == P) {
+		p = p->link;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	q = gotochain(p->link);
+	if(q != P && q->mark) {
+		p->op = brcom(op);
+		p->link = p->addr.branch;
+		p->addr.branch = q;
+	}
+	follow(p->link);
+	q = gotochain(p->addr.branch);
+	p->addr.branch = q;
+	if(q != P && q->mark)
+		return;
+	p = q;
+	goto loop;
+obj(Prog *p)
+	Node *n;
+	String *s;
+	long i;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto out;
+	n = p->addr.node;
+	if(n == N || n->op != OLITERAL)
+		goto out;
+	if(p->pt != PTSTRING)
+		goto out;
+	s = n->val.sval;
+	Bprint(bout, "\t{ static struct {_T_U32	l;_T_U8	s[%d]; } slit = { %d", s->len, s->len);
+	for(i=0; i<s->len; i++) {
+		if(i%16 == 0)
+			Bprint(bout, "\n\t\t");
+		Bprint(bout, ",%d", s->s[i]);
+	}
+	Bprint(bout, " };\n");
+	obj1(p);
+	Bprint(bout, "\t}\n");
+	return;
+	obj1(p);
+gotochain(Prog *p)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0; i<20; i++) {
+		if(p == P || p->op != PGOTO)
+			return p;
+		p = p->addr.branch;
+	}
+	return P;
+ * print a C type
+ */
+Cconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[1000], buf1[100];
+	Node *t, *f, *n;
+	Iter it;
+	int pt;
+	long v1, v2;
+	t = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+	if(t == N)
+		return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<C>");
+	t->recur++;
+	if(t->op != OTYPE) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "C-%O", t->op);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if(t->recur > 5) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "C-%E ...", t->etype);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	// post-name format
+	if(fp->flags & FmtLong) {
+		strcpy(buf, "");
+		switch(t->etype) {
+		default:
+			break;
+		case TARRAY:
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%ld]", t->bound);
+			break;
+		case TFUNC:
+			if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+				f = *getthis(t);
+				v1 = 9999;
+				v2 = 9999;
+				if(f != N) {
+					v1 = f->vargen;
+					if(f->nname != N)
+						v2 = f->nname->vargen;
+				}
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "(_T_%ld* _V_%ld",
+					v1, v2);
+				strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+			} else
+				strncat(buf, "(void* _dummythis", sizeof(buf));
+			if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+				f = *getoutarg(t);
+				v1 = 9999;
+				v2 = 9999;
+				if(f != N) {
+					v1 = f->vargen;
+					if(f->nname != N)
+						v2 = f->nname->vargen;
+				}
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ", _T_%ld* _V_%ld",
+					v1, v2);
+				strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+			} else
+				strncat(buf, ", void* _dummyout", sizeof(buf));
+			if(t->intuple > 0) {
+				f = *getinarg(t);
+				v1 = 9999;
+				v2 = 9999;
+				if(f != N) {
+					v1 = f->vargen;
+					if(f->nname != N)
+						v2 = f->nname->vargen;
+				}
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), ", _T_%ld* _V_%ld)",
+					v1, v2);
+				strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+			} else
+				strncat(buf, ", void* _dummyin)", sizeof(buf));
+			break;
+		}
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if(t->vargen != 0 && !typeexpand) {
+		if(t->etype == TFUNC) {
+			strcpy(buf, "void");
+			goto out;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_T_%ld", t->vargen);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	switch(t->etype) {
+	default:
+		pt = conv2pt(t);
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%Q", pt);
+		break;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+		if(fp->flags & FmtShort) {
+			strcpy(buf, "{");
+		} else {
+			if(t->vargen != 0) {
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_T_%ld", t->vargen);
+				goto out;
+			}
+			strcpy(buf, "struct{");
+		}
+		f = structfirst(&it, &t);
+		while(f != N) {
+			n = f->type;
+			if(n->etype == TFUNC)
+				goto next;
+			if(f->sym == S)
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%C;", n);
+			else
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%C %s;", n, f->sym->name);
+			strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		next:
+			f = structnext(&it);
+		}
+		strncat(buf, "}", sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TPTR:
+		if(isptrto(t, TSTRING)) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%C", t->type);
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%C*", t->type);
+		break;
+	case TARRAY:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%C", t->type);
+		break;
+	case TFUNC:
+		strcpy(buf, "void");
+		break;
+	}
+	t->recur--;
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+ * print Prog operand
+ */
+Dconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500];
+	Prog *p;
+	Node *n;
+	if(fp->flags & FmtLong) {
+		p = nil;
+		n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+		goto prnode;
+	}
+	p = va_arg(fp->args, Prog*);
+	switch(p->addr.type) {
+	default:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "addr.type=%d", p->addr.type);
+		break;
+	case ANONE:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%R", p->pt);
+		break;
+	case ANODE:
+		n = p->addr.node;
+		goto prnode;
+	case ABRANCH:
+		p = p->addr.branch;
+		if(p == P) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "addr.branch=nil");
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_L%ld", p->loc);
+		break;
+	}
+	goto out;
+	if(n == N) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "addr.node=nil");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%N", p->addr.node);
+		break;
+	case ONAME:
+		if(n->vargen != 0) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "_V_%ld", n->vargen);
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%s", n->sym->opackage, n->sym->name);
+		break;
+	case OLITERAL:
+		switch(p->pt) {
+		badlit:
+		default:
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "BADLIT-%d pt-%d", p->pt, n->val.ctype);
+			break;
+		case PTINT8:
+		case PTINT16:
+		case PTINT32:
+		case PTUINT8:
+		case PTUINT16:
+		case PTUINT32:
+			switch(n->val.ctype) {
+			default:
+				goto badlit;
+			case CTINT:
+			case CTSINT:
+			case CTUINT:
+				if(n->val.vval < 0)
+					snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-0x%llux", -n->val.vval);
+				else
+					snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%llux", n->val.vval);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case PTINT64:
+		case PTUINT64:
+			switch(n->val.ctype) {
+			default:
+				goto badlit;
+			case CTINT:
+			case CTSINT:
+			case CTUINT:
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%lluxll", n->val.vval);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case PTFLOAT32:
+		case PTFLOAT64:
+		case PTFLOAT80:
+			switch(n->val.ctype) {
+			default:
+				goto badlit;
+			case CTFLT:
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.17e", n->val.dval);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case PTBOOL:
+			switch(n->val.ctype) {
+			default:
+				goto badlit;
+			case CTBOOL:
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", n->val.vval);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case PTPTR:
+			switch(n->val.ctype) {
+			default:
+				goto badlit;
+			case CTSTR:
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "\"%Z\"", n->val.sval);
+				break;
+			case CTNIL:
+				snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "(void*)0", n->val.sval);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case PTSTRING:
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "(_T_Z)&slit");
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+thistypenam(Node *t)
+	char *typ;
+	Node *n;
+	typ = "???";
+	if(t == N)
+		return typ;
+	n = getthisx(t);	// struct{field a *T}
+	if(n != N)
+		n = n->type;	// field a *T
+	if(n != N)
+		n = n->type;	// *T
+	if(n != N)
+		n = n->type;	// T
+	if(n != N && n->sym != S)
+		typ = n->sym->name;
+	return typ;
+dumpfunct(Plist *pl)
+	Node *t;
+	char *pkg, *typ, *fun;
+	t = pl->name->type;
+	pkg = pl->name->sym->opackage;
+	fun = pl->name->sym->name;
+	if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+		typ = thistypenam(t);	// struct{field a *T}
+		Bprint(bout, "\n%C %s_%s_%s%lC", t, pkg, typ, fun, t);
+	} else {
+		Bprint(bout, "\n%C %s_%s%lC", t, pkg, fun, t);
+	}
+	Bprint(bout, "\n{\n");
+	doframe(pl->locals, "local");
+	Node *t;
+	char *pkg, *typ, *fun;
+	Plist *pl;
+	for(pl=plist; pl!=nil; pl=pl->link) {
+		t = pl->name->type;
+		if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+			pkg = pl->name->sym->opackage;
+			fun = pl->name->sym->name;
+			typ = thistypenam(t);
+			Bprint(bout, "\n%C %s_%s_%s%lC;\n", t, pkg, typ, fun, t);
+		}
+	}
+static int
+sigcmp(Sig *a, Sig *b)
+	return strcmp(a->fun, b->fun);
+	Dcl *d;
+	Node *t, *f;
+	Sym *s1, *s;
+	char *pkg, *typ, *fun;
+	int et, o, any;
+	Sig *a, *b;
+	/* put all the names into a linked
+	 * list so that it may be generated in sorted order.
+	 * the runtime will be linear rather than quadradic
+	 */
+	any = 1;
+	for(d=externdcl; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+		if(d->op != OTYPE)
+			continue;
+		t = d->dnode;
+		et = t->etype;
+		if(et != TSTRUCT && et != TINTER)
+			continue;
+		s = d->dsym;
+		if(s == S)
+			continue;
+		typ = s->name;
+		if(typ[0] == '_')
+			continue;
+		pkg = s->opackage;
+		if(pkg != package) {
+			if(et == TINTER)
+				Bprint(bout, "extern	_Sigi sig_%s_%s[];\n", pkg, typ);
+			else
+				Bprint(bout, "extern	_Sigs sig_%s_%s[];\n", pkg, typ);
+			continue;
+		}
+		a = nil;
+		o = 0;
+		for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+			if(f->type->etype != TFUNC)
+				continue;
+			if(f->etype != TFIELD)
+				fatal("dumpsignatures: not field");
+			s1 = f->sym;
+			if(s1 == nil)
+				continue;
+			fun = s1->name;
+			if(fun[0] == '_')
+				continue;
+			b = mal(sizeof(*b));
+			b->link = a;
+			a = b;
+			a->fun = fun;
+			a->hash = PRIME8*stringhash(fun) + PRIME9*typehash(f->type, 0);
+			a->offset = o;
+			o++;
+		}
+		if(1 || et == TINTER || a != nil) {
+			if(any) {
+				Bprint(bout, "\n");
+				any = 0;
+			}
+			a = lsort(a, sigcmp);
+			if(et == TINTER) {
+				o = 0;
+				for(b=a; b!=nil; b=b->link)
+					o++;
+				Bprint(bout, "_Sigi sig_%s_%s[] =\n", pkg, typ);
+				Bprint(bout, "{\n");
+				Bprint(bout, "\t{ \"\", 0, %d}, // count\n", o);
+				for(b=a; b!=nil; b=b->link) {
+					Bprint(bout, "\t{ \"%s\", 0x%.8lux, %d},\n",
+						b->fun, b->hash, b->offset);
+				}
+			} else {
+				Bprint(bout, "_Sigs sig_%s_%s[] =\n", pkg, typ);
+				Bprint(bout, "{\n");
+				for(b=a; b!=nil; b=b->link) {
+					Bprint(bout, "\t{ \"%s\", 0x%.8lux, &%s_%s_%s },\n",
+						b->fun, b->hash, pkg, typ, b->fun);
+				}
+			}
+			Bprint(bout, "\t{ 0,0,0 }\n");
+			Bprint(bout, "};\n");
+		}
+	}
+istypstr(Node *t)
+	if(t == N)
+		fatal("istypstr: t nil");
+	if(t->etype == TSTRUCT)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static int XXX = 0;
+static int YYY = 0;
+alldefined(Node *t, int first)
+	Node *t1;
+	if(t == N)
+		return 1;
+	if(t->op != OTYPE)
+		fatal("alldefined: not OTYPE: %O", t->op);
+	if(t->recur)
+		return 1;
+	if(!first && t->sym!=S && t->sym->undef != 0)
+		return 1;
+	t->recur++;
+	switch(t->etype) {
+	default:
+		// should be basic types
+		return 1;
+	case TPTR:
+	case TARRAY:
+	case TFIELD:
+		if(!alldefined(t->type, 0))
+			goto no;
+		break;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+	case TFUNC:
+		for(t1=t->type; t1!=N; t1=t1->down) {
+			if(!alldefined(t1, 0))
+				goto no;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	t->recur--;
+	return 1;
+	t->recur--;
+	return 0;
+doframe(Dcl *r, char *msg)
+	Sym *s;
+	Dcl *d;
+	Node *n, *t;
+	int flag, pass, any;
+	char *tab, *nam, *pkg, *typ;
+	tab = "\t";
+	if(msg[0] != 'l')
+		tab = "";
+	// put out types
+	flag = 1;
+	typeexpand = 1;
+	for(pass=0;; pass++) {
+if(XXX)print("\npass %d\n\n", pass);
+		any = 0;
+		for(d=r; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+			if(d->op != OTYPE)
+				continue;
+			if(flag) {
+				Bprint(bout, "\n%s// %s types\n", tab, msg);
+				flag = 0;
+			}
+			n = d->dnode;
+			nam = "???";
+			s = d->dsym;
+			if(s != S)
+				nam = s->name;
+			if(pass == 0) {
+				if(s != S)
+					s->undef = 0;
+				if(istypstr(n)) {
+					Bprint(bout, "%stypedef struct _T_%ld _T_%ld; // %s\n",
+						tab, n->vargen, n->vargen, nam);
+if(XXX)print("\t1 pass-%d ", pass);
+if(XXX)print("typedef struct _T_%ld _T_%ld; // %s\n", n->vargen, n->vargen, nam);
+				}
+				any = 1;
+				continue;
+			}
+if(XXX)if(s != S) print("looking at %s undef=%d: %lT\n", s->name, s->undef, n);
+			if(s != S && s->undef == 0 && alldefined(n, 1)) {
+if(XXX)print("\t2 pass-%d ", pass);
+				if(istypstr(n)) {
+					Bprint(bout, "%sstruct _T_%ld %hC; // %s\n",
+						tab, n->vargen, n, nam);
+if(XXX)print("struct _T_%ld %hC; // %s\n", n->vargen, n, nam);
+				} else {
+					if(n->etype != TFUNC)
+					Bprint(bout, "%stypedef %C _T_%ld%lC; // %s\n",
+						tab, n, n->vargen, n, nam);
+if(XXX)print("typedef %C _T_%ld%lC; // %s\n", n, n->vargen, n, nam);
+				}
+				s->undef = 1;
+				any = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		if(any)
+			continue;
+		for(d=r; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+			if(d->op != OTYPE)
+				continue;
+			n = d->dnode;
+			s = d->dsym;
+			if(s != S) {
+				if(s->undef == 0)
+					fatal("doframe: couldnt resolve type %s %lT\n",
+						s->name, n);
+				continue;
+			}
+if(XXX)print("\t-3 pass-%d ", pass);
+			if(istypstr(n)) {
+				Bprint(bout, "%sstruct _T_%ld %hC;\n",
+					tab, n->vargen, n);
+if(XXX)print("struct _T_%ld %hC;\n", n->vargen, n);
+			} else {
+				Bprint(bout, "%stypedef %C _T_%ld%lC;\n",
+					tab, n, n->vargen, n);
+if(XXX)print("typedef %C _T_%ld%lC;\n", n, n->vargen, n);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	typeexpand = 0;
+	flag = 1;
+	for(d=r; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+		if(d->op != ONAME)
+			continue;
+		if(flag) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\n%s// %s variables\n", tab, msg);
+			flag = 0;
+		}
+		nam = "???";
+		pkg = nam;
+		s = d->dsym;
+		if(s != S) {
+			nam = s->name;
+			pkg = s->opackage;
+		}
+		n = d->dnode;
+		t = n->type;
+		if(n->vargen != 0) {
+if(YYY) print("nam-1 %s\n", nam);
+			Bprint(bout, "%s%C _V_%ld%lC; // %s\n",
+				tab, t, n->vargen, t, nam);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(t->etype == TFUNC && t->thistuple > 0) {
+if(YYY) print("nam-2 %s\n", nam);
+			typ = thistypenam(t);
+			Bprint(bout, "%s%C %s_%s_%s%lC;\n",
+				tab, t, pkg, typ, nam, t);
+			continue;
+		}
+if(YYY) print("nam-3 %E %s %lT\n", t->etype, nam, t);
+		Bprint(bout, "%s%C %s_%s%lC;\n",
+			tab, t, pkg, nam, t);
+	}
+ * open the frame
+ * declare dummy this/in/out args
+ */
+docall1(Prog *p)
+	Node *f, *t, *n;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto bad;
+	f = p->addr.node;
+	if(f == N)
+		goto bad;
+	t = f->type;
+	if(t == N)
+		goto bad;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR)
+		t = t->type;
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		goto bad;
+	Bprint(bout, "\t{\n");		// open a block - closed in CALL2/CALL3
+	if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+		n = *getthis(t);
+		if(n->nname == N)
+			goto bad;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t\t_T_%ld _V_%ld; // %S\n", n->vargen, n->nname->vargen, n->sym);
+	}
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		if(n->nname == N)
+			goto bad;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t\t_T_%ld _V_%ld; // %S\n", n->vargen, n->nname->vargen, n->sym);
+	}
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n = *getinarg(t);
+		if(n->nname == N)
+			goto bad;
+		Bprint(bout, "\t\t_T_%ld _V_%ld; // %S\n", n->vargen, n->nname->vargen, n->sym);
+	}
+	return;
+	fatal("docall1: bad %P", p);
+ * call the function
+ */
+docall2(Prog *p)
+	Node *f, *t, *n;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto bad;
+	f = p->addr.node;
+	if(f == N)
+		goto bad;
+	t = f->type;
+	if(t == N || t->etype != TFUNC)
+		goto bad;
+	Bprint(bout, "\t%D(", p);
+	if(t->thistuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getthis(t);
+		Bprint(bout, "&_V_%ld", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, "0");
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", &_V_%ld", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0");
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getinarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", &_V_%ld);\n", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0);\n");
+	return;
+	fatal("docall2: bad");
+ * call the function indirect
+ */
+docalli2(Prog *p)
+	Node *f, *t, *n;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto bad;
+	f = p->addr.node;
+	if(f == N)
+		goto bad;
+	t = f->type;
+	if(t == N || t->etype != TPTR)
+		goto bad;
+	t = t->type;
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		goto bad;
+	// pass one -- declare the prototype
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, "\t(*(void(*)(void*, _T_%ld*", n->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, "\t(*(void(*)(void*, void*");
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getinarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", _T_%ld*)", n->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", void*)");
+	// pass two -- pass the arguments
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ")%R)(0, &_V_%ld", PTPTR, n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ")%R)(0, 0", PTPTR);
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getinarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", &_V_%ld);\n", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0);\n");
+	return;
+	fatal("docalli2: bad");
+ * call the method
+ */
+docallm2(Prog *p)
+	Node *f, *t, *n;
+	char *pkg, *typ, *nam;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto bad;
+	f = p->addr.node;
+	if(f == N || f->op != ODOTMETH)
+		goto bad;
+	t = f->type;
+	if(t == N || t->etype != TFUNC)
+		goto bad;
+	nam = "???";
+	pkg = nam;
+	typ = nam;
+	// get the structure name
+	n = f->left;
+	if(n != N)
+		n = n->type;
+	if(n->op == OTYPE && n->etype == TPTR)
+		n = n->type;
+	if(n->sym != S) {
+		typ = n->sym->name;
+		pkg = n->sym->opackage;
+	}
+	// get the function name
+	n = f->right;
+	if(n != N && n->op == ONAME && n->sym != S)
+		nam = n->sym->name;
+	Bprint(bout, "\t%s_%s_%s(%R", pkg, typ, nam, PTPTR);
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", (void*)&_V_%ld", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0");
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getinarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", (void*)&_V_%ld);\n", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0);\n");
+	return;
+	fatal("docallm2: bad");
+ * call the interface method
+ */
+docallf2(Prog *p)
+	Node *f, *t, *n;
+	int offset;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE)
+		goto bad;
+	f = p->addr.node;
+	if(f == N || f->op != ODOTINTER)
+		goto bad;
+	t = f->type;
+	if(t == N || t->etype != TFUNC)
+		goto bad;
+	offset = 0;
+	Bprint(bout, "\t(_U._R_I.m->fun[%d])(_U._R_I.s", f->kaka);
+	if(t->outtuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getoutarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", (void*)&_V_%ld", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0");
+	if(t->intuple > 0) {
+		n  = *getinarg(t);
+		Bprint(bout, ", (void*)&_V_%ld);\n", n->nname->vargen);
+	} else
+		Bprint(bout, ", 0);\n");
+	return;
+	fatal("docallf2: bad");
+ * close the frame
+ */
+docall3(Prog *p)
+	Bprint(bout, "\t}\n");
+signame(Node *t)
+// this code sb merged with thistypename
+	static char name[100];
+	char *typ, *pkg;
+	typ = "???";
+	pkg = typ;
+	if(t == N || t->op != OTYPE)
+		goto out;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR) {
+		t = t->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	if(t->sym == S)
+		goto out;
+	typ = t->sym->name;
+	pkg = t->sym->opackage;	// this may not be correct
+	snprint(name, sizeof(name), "sig_%s_%s", pkg, typ);
+	return name;
+doconv(Prog *p)
+	Node *n, *tl, *tr;
+	int l, pt;
+	if(p->pt != PTNIL) {
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %R;\n", p->pt, p->pt1);
+		return;
+	}
+	n = p->addr.node;
+	if(p->addr.type != ANODE || n == N || n->op != OCONV)
+		fatal("doconv: PCONV-N not OCONV");
+	tl = n->left;
+	tr = n->right;
+	if(isinter(tl)) {
+		if(isptrto(tr, TSTRUCT)) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\tconvertStoI(%s, ", signame(tl));
+			Bprint(bout, "%s); // _U._R_I = _U._R_P\n",
+				signame(tr));
+			return;
+		}
+		if(isinter(tr)) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\tconvertItoI(%s); // _U._R_I = _U._R_I\n",
+				signame(tl));
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if(isptrto(tl, TSTRUCT) && isinter(tr)) {
+		Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %R.s;\n", TPTR, PTINTER);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(isint[tl->etype] || isfloat[tl->etype]) {
+		if(isint[tr->etype] || isfloat[tr->etype]) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\t%R = %R;\n", conv2pt(tl), conv2pt(tr));
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	if(isptrto(tl, TSTRING)) {
+		if(isint[tr->etype]) {
+			Bprint(bout, "\tconvertItoZ(%R);\n", conv2pt(tr));
+			return;
+		}
+		l = isbytearray(tr);
+		if(l > 0) {
+			pt = PTADDR;
+			if(tr->etype == TPTR)
+				pt = TPTR;
+			Bprint(bout, "\tconvertBtoZ(%R, %d);\n", pt, l-1);
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	fatal("doconv: %T = %T", tl, tr);
+getfmt(int pt)
+	switch(pt) {
+	default:
+		return "D";
+	case PTUINT8:
+	case PTUINT16:
+	case PTUINT32:
+	case PTUINT64:
+		return "UD";
+	case PTFLOAT32:
+	case PTFLOAT64:
+	case PTFLOAT80:
+		return "F";
+	case PTSTRING:
+		return "Z";
+	}
diff --git a/src/c/subr.c b/src/c/subr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052179c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/subr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+#include	""
+	if(outfile)
+		remove(outfile);
+	myexit(1);
+myexit(int x)
+	if(x)
+		exits("error");
+	exits(nil);
+yyerror(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list arg;
+	long lno;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(lno == 0)
+		lno = curio.lineno;
+	print("%s:%ld: ", curio.infile, lno);
+	va_start(arg, fmt);
+	vfprint(1, fmt, arg);
+	va_end(arg);
+	print("\n");
+	if(debug['h'])
+		*(int*)0 = 0;
+	nerrors++;
+	if(nerrors >= 10)
+		fatal("too many errors");
+warn(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list arg;
+	long lno;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(lno == 0)
+		lno = curio.lineno;
+	print("%s:%ld: ", curio.infile, lno);
+	va_start(arg, fmt);
+	vfprint(1, fmt, arg);
+	va_end(arg);
+	print("\n");
+	if(debug['h'])
+		*(int*)0 = 0;
+fatal(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list arg;
+	long lno;
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(lno == 0)
+		lno = curio.lineno;
+	print("%s:%ld: fatal error: ", curio.infile, lno);
+	va_start(arg, fmt);
+	vfprint(1, fmt, arg);
+	va_end(arg);
+	print("\n");
+	if(debug['h'])
+		*(int*)0 = 0;
+	myexit(1);
+stringhash(char *p)
+	long h;
+	int c;
+	h = 0;
+	for(;;) {
+		c = *p++;
+		if(c == 0)
+			break;
+		h = h*PRIME1 + c;
+	}
+	if(h < 0) {
+		h = -h;
+		if(h < 0)
+			h = 0;
+	}
+	return h;
+lookup(char *p)
+	Sym *s;
+	ulong h;
+	int c;
+	h = stringhash(p) % NHASH;
+	c = p[0];
+	for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link) {
+		if(s->name[0] != c)
+			continue;
+		if(strcmp(s->name, p) == 0)
+			if(strcmp(s->package, package) == 0)
+				return s;
+	}
+	s = mal(sizeof(*s));
+	s->lexical = LNAME;
+	s->name = mal(strlen(p)+1);
+	s->opackage = package;
+	s->package = package;
+	strcpy(s->name, p);
+	s->link = hash[h];
+	hash[h] = s;
+	return s;
+pkglookup(char *p, char *k)
+	Sym *s;
+	ulong h;
+	int c;
+	h = stringhash(p) % NHASH;
+	c = p[0];
+	for(s = hash[h]; s != S; s = s->link) {
+		if(s->name[0] != c)
+			continue;
+		if(strcmp(s->name, p) == 0)
+			if(strcmp(s->package, k) == 0)
+				return s;
+	}
+	s = mal(sizeof(*s));
+	s->lexical = LNAME;
+	s->name = mal(strlen(p)+1);
+	strcpy(s->name, p);
+	s->package = mal(strlen(k)+1);
+	s->opackage = s->package;
+	strcpy(s->package, k);
+	s->link = hash[h];
+	hash[h] = s;
+	return s;
+	char *h;
+	long nh;
+	nh = NHUNK;
+	if(thunk >= 10L*NHUNK)
+		nh = 10L*NHUNK;
+	h = (char*)malloc(nh);
+	if(h == (char*)-1) {
+		yyerror("out of memory");
+		errorexit();
+	}
+	hunk = h;
+	nhunk = nh;
+	thunk += nh;
+mal(long n)
+	void *p;
+	while((ulong)hunk & MAXALIGN) {
+		hunk++;
+		nhunk--;
+	}
+	while(nhunk < n)
+		gethunk();
+	p = hunk;
+	nhunk -= n;
+	hunk += n;
+	memset(p, 0, n);
+	return p;
+remal(void *p, long on, long n)
+	void *q;
+	q = (uchar*)p + on;
+	if(q != hunk || nhunk < n) {
+		while(nhunk < on+n)
+			gethunk();
+		memmove(hunk, p, on);
+		p = hunk;
+		hunk += on;
+		nhunk -= on;
+	}
+	hunk += n;
+	nhunk -= n;
+	return p;
+	Dcl *d;
+	d = mal(sizeof(*d));
+	d->lineno = dynlineno;
+	return d;
+nod(int op, Node *nleft, Node *nright)
+	Node *n;
+	n = mal(sizeof(*n));
+	n->op = op;
+	n->left = nleft;
+	n->right = nright;
+	n->lineno = dynlineno;
+	if(dynlineno == 0)
+		n->lineno = curio.lineno;
+	return n;
+	return nod(OBAD, N, N);
+rev(Node *na)
+	Node *i, *n;
+	/*
+	 * since yacc wants to build lists
+	 * stacked down on the left -
+	 * this routine converts them to
+	 * stack down on the right -
+	 * in memory without recursion
+	 */
+	if(na == N || na->op != OLIST)
+		return na;
+	i = na;
+	for(n = na->left; n != N; n = n->left) {
+		if(n->op != OLIST)
+			break;
+		i->left = n->right;
+		n->right = i;
+		i = n;
+	}
+	i->left = n;
+	return i;
+unrev(Node *na)
+	Node *i, *n;
+	/*
+	 * this restores a reverse list
+	 */
+	if(na == N || na->op != OLIST)
+		return na;
+	i = na;
+	for(n = na->right; n != N; n = n->right) {
+		if(n->op != OLIST)
+			break;
+		i->right = n->left;
+		n->left = i;
+		i = n;
+	}
+	i->right = n;
+	return i;
+aindex(Node *b, Node *t)
+	Node *r;
+	r = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	r->type = t;
+	r->etype = TARRAY;
+	if(t->etype == TDARRAY)
+		yyerror("dynamic array type cannot be a dynamic array");
+	walktype(b, 0);
+	switch(whatis(b)) {
+	default:
+		yyerror("array bound must be a constant integer expression");
+		break;
+	case Wnil:	// default zero lb
+		r->bound = 0;
+		break;
+	case Wlitint:	// fixed lb
+		r->bound = b->val.vval;
+		break;
+	}
+	return r;
+indent(int dep)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0; i<dep; i++)
+		print(".   ");
+dodump(Node *n, int dep)
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	case OLIST:
+		if(n->left != N && n->left->op == OLIST)
+			dodump(n->left, dep+1);
+		else
+			dodump(n->left, dep);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	case ODCLFUNC:
+		dodump(n->nname, dep);
+		if(n->this) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-this\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->this, dep+1);
+		}
+		if(n->argout) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-outarg\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->argout, dep+1);
+		}
+		if(n->argin) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-inarg\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->argin, dep+1);
+		}
+		n = n->nbody;
+		goto loop;
+	case OIF:
+	case OSWITCH:
+	case OFOR:
+		dodump(n->ninit, dep);
+		break;
+	}
+	indent(dep);
+	if(dep > 10) {
+		print("...\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		print("%N\n", n);
+		break;
+	case OTYPE:
+		print("%O-%E %lT\n", n->op, n->etype, n);
+		break;
+	case OIF:
+		print("%O%J\n", n->op, n);
+		dodump(n->ntest, dep+1);
+		if(n->nbody != N) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-then\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->nbody, dep+1);
+		}
+		if(n->nelse != N) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-else\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->nelse, dep+1);
+		}
+		return;
+	case OSWITCH:
+	case OFOR:
+		print("%O%J\n", n->op, n);
+		dodump(n->ntest, dep+1);
+		if(n->nbody != N) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-body\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->nbody, dep+1);
+		}
+		if(n->nincr != N) {
+			indent(dep);
+			print("%O-incr\n", n->op);
+			dodump(n->nincr, dep+1);
+		}
+		return;
+	case OCASE:
+		// the right side points to the next case
+		print("%O%J\n", n->op, n);
+		dodump(n->left, dep+1);
+		return;
+	}
+	dodump(n->left, dep+1);
+	n = n->right;
+	dep++;
+	goto loop;
+dump(char *s, Node *n)
+	print("%s\n", s);
+	dodump(n, 1);
+whatis(Node *n)
+	Node *t;
+	if(n == N)
+		return Wnil;
+	if(n->op == OLITERAL) {
+		switch(n->val.ctype) {
+		default:
+			break;
+		case CTINT:
+		case CTSINT:
+		case CTUINT:
+			return Wlitint;
+		case CTFLT:
+			return Wlitfloat;
+		case CTBOOL:
+			return Wlitbool;
+		case CTSTR:
+			return Wlitstr;
+		}
+		return Wtunkn;
+	}
+	t = n->type;
+	if(t == N)
+		return Wtnil;
+	switch(t->etype) {
+	case TINT8:
+	case TINT16:
+	case TINT32:
+	case TINT64:
+	case TUINT8:
+	case TUINT16:
+	case TUINT32:
+	case TUINT64:
+		return Wtint;
+	case TFLOAT32:
+	case TFLOAT64:
+	case TFLOAT80:
+		return Wtfloat;
+	case TBOOL:
+		return Wtbool;
+	case TPTR:
+		if(isptrto(t, TSTRING))
+			return Wtstr;
+		break;
+	}
+	return Wtunkn;
+s%^[ 	]*O%%g
+s%.+%	[O&]		= "&",%g
+s%^	........*\]%&~%g
+s%~	%%g
+static char*
+opnames[] =
+	[OADDR]		= "ADDR",
+	[OADD]		= "ADD",
+	[OAND]		= "AND",
+	[OASOP]		= "ASOP",
+	[OAS]		= "AS",
+	[OBAD]		= "BAD",
+	[OCALL]		= "CALL",
+	[OCAT]		= "CAT",
+	[OCASE]		= "CASE",
+	[OFALL]		= "FALL",
+	[OCONV]		= "CONV",
+	[OCOM]		= "COM",
+	[ODIV]		= "DIV",
+	[ODOT]		= "DOT",
+	[OEND]		= "END",
+	[OEQ]		= "EQ",
+	[OFOR]		= "FOR",
+	[OFUNC]		= "FUNC",
+	[OGE]		= "GE",
+	[OPROC]		= "PROC",
+	[OGOTO]		= "GOTO",
+	[OGT]		= "GT",
+	[OIF]		= "IF",
+	[OIND]		= "IND",
+	[OLE]		= "LE",
+	[OLEN]		= "LEN",
+	[OLIST]		= "LIST",
+	[OLSH]		= "LSH",
+	[OLT]		= "LT",
+	[OMOD]		= "MOD",
+	[OMUL]		= "MUL",
+	[ONAME]		= "NAME",
+	[ONE]		= "NE",
+	[ONOT]		= "NOT",
+	[OOROR]		= "OROR",
+	[OOR]		= "OR",
+	[OPLUS]		= "PLUS",
+	[ODEC]		= "DEC",
+	[OINC]		= "INC",
+	[OSEND]		= "SEND",
+	[ORECV]		= "RECV",
+	[OPTR]		= "PTR",
+	[ORSH]		= "RSH",
+	[OSUB]		= "SUB",
+	[OTYPE]		= "TYPE",
+	[OVAR]		= "VAR",
+	[OXOR]		= "XOR",
+	[ONEW]		= "NEW",
+	[OFALL]		= "FALL",
+	[OXXX]		= "XXX",
+Oconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500];
+	int o;
+	o = va_arg(fp->args, int);
+	if(o < 0 || o >= nelem(opnames) || opnames[o] == nil) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "O-%d", o);
+		return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, opnames[o]);
+s%^[ 	]*T%%g
+s%.+%	[T&]		= "&",%g
+s%^	........*\]%&~%g
+s%~	%%g
+static char*
+etnames[] =
+	[TINT8]		= "INT8",
+	[TUINT8]	= "UINT8",
+	[TINT16]	= "INT16",
+	[TUINT16]	= "UINT16",
+	[TINT32]	= "INT32",
+	[TUINT32]	= "UINT32",
+	[TINT64]	= "INT64",
+	[TUINT64]	= "UINT64",
+	[TFLOAT32]	= "FLOAT32",
+	[TFLOAT64]	= "FLOAT64",
+	[TFLOAT80]	= "FLOAT80",
+	[TBOOL]		= "BOOL",
+	[TPTR]		= "PTR",
+	[TFUNC]		= "FUNC",
+	[TCHAN]		= "CHAN",
+	[TMAP]		= "MAP",
+	[TFORW]		= "FORW",
+	[TCHAN]		= "CHAN",
+Econv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500];
+	int et;
+	et = va_arg(fp->args, int);
+	if(et < 0 || et >= nelem(etnames) || etnames[et] == nil) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "E-%d", et);
+		return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, etnames[et]);
+Jconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500], buf1[100];
+	Node *n;
+	n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+	strcpy(buf, "");
+	if(n->ullman != 0) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " u(%d)", n->ullman);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	if(n->addable != 0) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " a(%d)", n->addable);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	if(n->vargen != 0) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " g(%ld)", n->vargen);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	if(n->lineno != 0) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " l(%ld)", n->lineno);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Gconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[100];
+	Node *t;
+	t = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+	if(t->etype == TFUNC) {
+		if(t->vargen != 0) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d%d%d g(%ld)",
+				t->thistuple, t->outtuple, t->intuple, t->vargen);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%d%d%d",
+			t->thistuple, t->outtuple, t->intuple);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if(t->vargen != 0) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), " g(%ld)", t->vargen);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	strcpy(buf, "");
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Sconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500];
+	Sym *s;
+	char *opk, *pkg, *nam;
+	s = va_arg(fp->args, Sym*);
+	if(s == S) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<S>");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	pkg = "<nil>";
+	nam = pkg;
+	opk = pkg;
+	if(s->opackage != nil)
+		opk = s->opackage;
+	if(s->package != nil)
+		pkg = s->package;
+	if(s->name != nil)
+		nam = s->name;
+	if(strcmp(pkg, package) || strcmp(opk, package) || (fp->flags & FmtLong)) {
+		if(strcmp(opk, pkg) == 0) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s.%s", pkg, nam);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%s)%s.%s", opk, pkg, nam);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", nam);
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Tconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500], buf1[500];
+	Node *t, *t1;
+	int et;
+	t = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+	if(t == N)
+		return fmtstrcpy(fp, "<T>");
+	t->trecur++;
+	if(t->op != OTYPE) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "T-%O", t->op);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	et = t->etype;
+	strcpy(buf, "");
+	if(t->sym != S) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<%S>", t->sym);
+	}
+	if(t->trecur > 5) {
+		strncat(buf, "...", sizeof(buf));
+		goto out;
+	}
+	switch(et) {
+	default:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%E", et);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		if(t->type != N) {
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " %T", t->type);
+			strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		}
+		break;
+	case TFIELD:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%T", t->type);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TFUNC:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%d%d%d(%lT,%lT,%lT)",
+			t->thistuple, t->outtuple, t->intuple,
+			t->type, t->type->down, t->type->down->down);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TINTER:
+		strncat(buf, "I{", sizeof(buf));
+		if(fp->flags & FmtLong) {
+			for(t1=t->type; t1!=N; t1=t1->down) {
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%T;", t1);
+				strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+			}
+		}
+		strncat(buf, "}", sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+		strncat(buf, "{", sizeof(buf));
+		if(fp->flags & FmtLong) {
+			for(t1=t->type; t1!=N; t1=t1->down) {
+				snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "%T;", t1);
+				strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+			}
+		}
+		strncat(buf, "}", sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TMAP:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%T]%T", t->down, t->type);
+		break;
+	case TARRAY:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "[%ld]%T", t->bound, t->type);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TDARRAY:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "[]%T", t->type);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	case TPTR:
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "*%T", t->type);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+		break;
+	}
+	t->trecur--;
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Nconv(Fmt *fp)
+	char buf[500], buf1[500];
+	Node *n;
+	n = va_arg(fp->args, Node*);
+	if(n == N) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<N>");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%O%J", n->op, n);
+		break;
+	case ONAME:
+		if(n->sym == S) {
+			snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%O%J", n->op, n);
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%O-%S G%ld%J", n->op,
+			n->sym, n->sym->vargen, n);
+		goto ptyp;
+	case OLITERAL:
+		switch(n->val.ctype) {
+		default:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "LITERAL-%d", n->val.ctype);
+			break;
+		case CTINT:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "I%lld", n->val.vval);
+			break;
+		case CTSINT:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "S%lld", n->val.vval);
+			break;
+		case CTUINT:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "U%lld", n->val.vval);
+			break;
+		case CTFLT:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "F%g", n->val.dval);
+			break;
+		case CTSTR:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "S\"%Z\"", n->val.sval);
+			break;
+		case CTBOOL:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "B%lld", n->val.vval);
+			break;
+		case CTNIL:
+			snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), "N");
+			break;
+		}
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf1), "%O-%s%J", n->op, buf1, n);
+		break;
+	case OASOP:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%O-%O%J", n->op, n->kaka, n);
+		break;
+	case OTYPE:
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%O-%E%J", n->op, n->etype, n);
+		break;
+	}
+	if(n->sym != S) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " %S G%ld", n->sym, n->sym->vargen);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	if(n->type != N) {
+		snprint(buf1, sizeof(buf1), " %T", n->type);
+		strncat(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf));
+	}
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+Zconv(Fmt *fp)
+	uchar *s, *se;
+	char *p;
+	char buf[500];
+	int c;
+	String *sp;
+	sp = va_arg(fp->args, String*);
+	if(sp == nil) {
+		snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "<nil>");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	s = sp->s;
+	se = s + sp->len;
+	p = buf;
+	c = *s++;
+	if(s > se)
+		c = 0;
+	switch(c) {
+	default:
+		*p++ = c;
+		break;
+	case 0:
+		*p = 0;
+		goto out;
+	case '\t':
+		*p++ = '\\';
+		*p++ = 't';
+		break;
+	case '\n':
+		*p++ = '\\';
+		*p++ = 'n';
+		break;
+	}
+	goto loop;	
+	return fmtstrcpy(fp, buf);
+isptrto(Node *t, int et)
+	if(t == N)
+		return 0;
+	if(t->etype != TPTR)
+		return 0;
+	t = t->type;
+	if(t == N)
+		return 0;
+	if(t->etype != et)
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
+isinter(Node *t)
+	if(t != N && t->etype == TINTER)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+isbytearray(Node *t)
+	if(t == N)
+		return 0;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR) {
+		t = t->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			return 0;
+	}
+	if(t->etype != TARRAY)
+		return 0;
+	return t->bound+1;
+eqtype(Node *t1, Node *t2, int d)
+	if(d >= 10)
+		return 1;
+	if(t1 == t2)
+		return 1;
+	if(t1 == N || t2 == N)
+		return 0;
+	if(t1->op != OTYPE || t2->op != OTYPE)
+		fatal("eqtype: oops %O %O", t1->op, t2->op);
+	if(t1->etype != t2->etype)
+		return 0;
+	switch(t1->etype) {
+	case TINTER:
+	case TSTRUCT:
+		t1 = t1->type;
+		t2 = t2->type;
+		for(;;) {
+			if(!eqtype(t1, t2, 0))
+				return 0;
+			if(t1 == N)
+				return 1;
+			if(t1->nname != N && t1->nname->sym != S) {
+				if(t2->nname == N || t2->nname->sym == S)
+					return 0;
+				if(strcmp(t1->nname->sym->name, t2->nname->sym->name) != 0)
+					return 0;
+			}
+			t1 = t1->down;
+			t2 = t2->down;
+		}
+		return 1;
+	case TFUNC:
+		t1 = t1->type;
+		t2 = t2->type;
+		for(;;) {
+			if(t1 == t2)
+				break;
+			if(t1 == N || t2 == N)
+				return 0;
+			if(t1->etype != TSTRUCT || t2->etype != TSTRUCT)
+				return 0;
+			if(!eqtype(t1->type, t2->type, 0))
+				return 0;
+			t1 = t1->down;
+			t2 = t2->down;
+		}
+		return 1;
+	}
+	return eqtype(t1->type, t2->type, d+1);
+typehash(Node *at, int d)
+	ulong h;
+	Node *t;
+	if(at == N)
+		return PRIME2;
+	if(d >= 5)
+		return PRIME3;
+	if(at->op != OTYPE)
+		fatal("typehash: oops %O", at->op);
+	if(at->recur)
+		return 0;
+	at->recur = 1;
+	h = at->etype*PRIME4;
+	switch(at->etype) {
+	default:
+		h += PRIME5 * typehash(at->type, d+1);
+		break;
+	case TINTER:
+		// botch -- should be sorted?
+		for(t=at->type; t!=N; t=t->down)
+			h += PRIME6 * typehash(t, d+1);
+		break;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+		for(t=at->type; t!=N; t=t->down)
+			h += PRIME7 * typehash(t, d+1);
+		break;
+	case TFUNC:
+		t = at->type;
+		// skip this argument
+		if(t != N)
+			t = t->down;
+		for(; t!=N; t=t->down)
+			h += PRIME7 * typehash(t, d+1);
+		break;
+	}
+	at->recur = 0;
+	return h;
+ptrto(Node *t)
+	Node *p;
+	p = nod(OTYPE, N, N);
+	p->etype = TPTR;
+	p->type = t;
+	return p;
+literal(long v)
+	Node *n;
+	n = nod(OLITERAL, N, N);
+	n->val.ctype = CTINT;
+	n->val.vval = v;
+	return n;
+frame(int context)
+	char *p;
+	Dcl *d;
+	int flag;
+	p = "stack";
+	d = autodcl;
+	if(context) {
+		p = "external";
+		d = externdcl;
+	}
+	flag = 1;
+	for(; d!=D; d=d->forw) {
+		switch(d->op) {
+		case ONAME:
+			if(flag)
+				print("--- %s frame ---\n", p);
+			print("%O %S G%ld T\n", d->op, d->dsym, d->dnode->vargen, d->dnode->type);
+			flag = 0;
+			break;
+		case OTYPE:
+			if(flag)
+				print("--- %s frame ---\n", p);
+			print("%O %lT\n", d->op, d->dnode);
+			flag = 0;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+ * calculate sethi/ullman number
+ * roughly how many registers needed to
+ * compile a node. used to compile the
+ * hardest side first to minimize registers.
+ */
+ullmancalc(Node *n)
+	int ul, ur;
+	if(n == N)
+		return;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	case OLITERAL:
+	case ONAME:
+		ul = 0;
+		goto out;
+	case OCALL:
+		ul = UINF;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ul = 0;
+	if(n->left != N)
+		ul = n->left->ullman;
+	ur = 0;
+	if(n->right != N)
+		ur = n->right->ullman;
+	if(ul == ur)
+		ul += 1;
+	if(ur > ul)
+		ul = ur;
+	n->ullman = ul;
+badtype(int o, Node *tl, Node *tr)
+	yyerror("illegal types for operand");
+	if(tl != N)
+		print("	(%T)", tl);
+	print(" %O ", o);
+	if(tr != N)
+		print("(%T)", tr);
+	print("\n");
+ * this routine gets the parsing of
+ * a parameter list that can have
+ * name, type and name-type.
+ * it must distribute lone names
+ * with trailing types to give every
+ * name a type. (a,b,c int) comes out
+ * (a int, b int, c int).
+ */
+cleanidlist(Node *r)
+	Node *t, *l, *n, *nn;
+	t = N;		// untyped name
+	nn = r;		// next node to take
+	n = nn;
+	if(n == N) {
+		if(t != N) {
+			yyerror("syntax error in parameter list");
+			l = types[TINT32];
+			goto distrib;
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+	l = n;
+	nn = N;
+	if(l->op == OLIST) {
+		nn = l->right;
+		l = l->left;
+	}
+	if(l->op != ODCLFIELD)
+		fatal("cleanformal: %O", n->op);
+	if(l->type == N) {
+		if(t == N)
+			t = n;
+		goto loop;
+	}
+	if(t == N)
+		goto loop;
+	l = l->type;	// type to be distributed
+	while(t != n) {
+		if(t->op != OLIST) {
+			if(t->type == N)
+				t->type = l;
+			break;
+		}
+		if(t->left->type == N)
+			t->left->type = l;
+		t = t->right;
+	}
+	t = N;
+	goto loop;
+ * iterator to walk a structure declaration
+ */
+structfirst(Iter *s, Node **nn)
+	Node *r, *n;
+	n = *nn;
+	if(n == N || n->op != OTYPE)
+		goto bad;
+	switch(n->etype) {
+	default:
+		goto bad;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+	case TINTER:
+	case TFUNC:
+		break;
+	}
+	r = n->type;
+	if(r == N)
+		goto rnil;
+	if(r->op != OTYPE || r->etype != TFIELD)
+		fatal("structfirst: not field %N", r);
+	s->n = r;
+	return r;
+	fatal("structfirst: not struct %N", n);
+	return N;
+structnext(Iter *s)
+	Node *n, *r;
+	n = s->n;
+	r = n->down;
+	if(r == N)
+		goto rnil;
+	if(r->op != OTYPE || r->etype != TFIELD)
+		goto bad;
+	s->n = r;
+	return r;
+	fatal("structnext: not struct %N", n);
+	return N;
+ * iterator to walk a list
+ */
+listfirst(Iter *s, Node **nn)
+	Node *n;
+	n = *nn;
+	if(n == N) {
+		s->done = 1;
+		s->an = &s->n;
+		s->n = N;
+		return N;
+	}
+	if(n->op == OLIST) {
+		s->done = 0;
+		s->n = n;
+		s->an = &n->left;
+		return n->left;
+	}
+	s->done = 1;
+	s->an = nn;
+	return n;
+listnext(Iter *s)
+	Node *n, *r;
+	if(s->done) {
+		s->an = &s->n;
+		s->n = N;
+		return N;
+	}
+	n = s->n;
+	r = n->right;
+	if(r->op == OLIST) {
+		s->n = r;
+		s->an = &r->left;
+		return r->left;
+	}
+	s->done = 1;
+	s->an = &n->right;
+	return n->right;
+getthis(Node *t)
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		fatal("getthis: not a func %N", t);
+	return &t->type;
+getoutarg(Node *t)
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		fatal("getoutarg: not a func %N", t);
+	return &t->type->down;
+getinarg(Node *t)
+	if(t->etype != TFUNC)
+		fatal("getinarg: not a func %N", t);
+	return &t->type->down->down;
+getthisx(Node *t)
+	return *getthis(t);
+getoutargx(Node *t)
+	return *getoutarg(t);
+getinargx(Node *t)
+	return *getinarg(t);
diff --git a/src/c/test.c b/src/c/test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ab4a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * automatic code generated from
+ * test.go in package "test"
+ */
+// basic types
+typedef	unsigned char      _T_U8;
+typedef	signed char        _T_I8;
+typedef	unsigned short     _T_U16;
+typedef	signed short       _T_I16;
+typedef	unsigned long      _T_U32;
+typedef	signed long        _T_I32;
+typedef	unsigned long long _T_U64;
+typedef	signed long long   _T_I64;
+typedef	float              _T_F32;
+typedef	double             _T_F64;
+typedef	double             _T_F80;
+typedef	int                _T_B;
+typedef unsigned char*     _T_P;
+#define	offsetof(s, m)     (_T_U32)(&(((s*)0)->m))
+typedef	struct{_T_U32 I1; _T_U32 I2; _T_U32 I3;} _T_I;
+typedef	struct{_T_U32 O1; _T_U32 O2;} _T_O;
+void	test_main(void);
+_T_O	test_simple(_T_I);
+int	printf(char*, ...);
+// external variables
+	// registers
+	register union
+	{
+		_T_U8  _R_U8;
+		_T_I8  _R_I8;
+		_T_U16 _R_U16;
+		_T_I16 _R_I16;
+		_T_U32 _R_U32;
+		_T_I32 _R_I32;
+		_T_U64 _R_U64;
+		_T_I64 _R_I64;
+		_T_F32 _R_F32;
+		_T_F64 _R_F64;
+		_T_F80 _R_F80;
+		_T_B   _R_B;
+		_T_P   _R_P;
+	} _U;
+	// local variables
+	_T_I32 _V_3; // x
+	_T_I32 _V_4; // y
+	{
+		_T_I I;
+		_T_O O;
+		I.I1 = 10;
+		I.I2 = 20;
+		I.I3 = 30;
+		O = test_simple(I);
+		_V_3 = O.O1;
+		_V_4 = O.O2;
+	}
+	//    1    7 LOAD_I32  NAME a(1) p(3) l(7) x G0 INT32
+	_U._R_I32 = _V_3;
+	//    2   10 CMP_I32   I15 LITERAL  a(1) l(10) INT32
+	if(_U._R_I32 == 15)
+	//    3   10 BEQ_I32   4
+		goto _L4;
+	printf("no 1 %d\n", _V_3);
+	//    4    7 LOAD_I32  NAME a(1) p(4) l(7) y G0 INT32
+	_U._R_I32 = _V_4;
+	//    5   11 CMP_I32   I50 LITERAL  a(1) l(11) INT32
+	if(_U._R_I32 == 50)
+	//    6   11 BEQ_I32   7
+		goto _L7;
+	printf("no 2 %d\n", _V_4);
+	//    7    0 END      
+	;
+test_simple(_T_I I)
+	// registers
+	register union
+	{
+		_T_U8  _R_U8;
+		_T_I8  _R_I8;
+		_T_U16 _R_U16;
+		_T_I16 _R_I16;
+		_T_U32 _R_U32;
+		_T_I32 _R_I32;
+		_T_U64 _R_U64;
+		_T_I64 _R_I64;
+		_T_F32 _R_F32;
+		_T_F64 _R_F64;
+		_T_F80 _R_F80;
+		_T_B   _R_B;
+		_T_P   _R_P;
+	} _U;
+	_T_O O;
+	int ia, ib, ic;
+	ia = I.I1;
+	ib = I.I2;
+	ic = I.I3;
+	O.O1 = ia+5;
+	O.O2 = ib+ic;
+	return O;
+	test_main();
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/c/walk.c b/src/c/walk.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c660295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/c/walk.c
@@ -0,0 +1,967 @@
+// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+#include	"go.h"
+static	Node*	sw1(Node*, Node*);
+static	Node*	sw2(Node*, Node*);
+static	Node*	sw3(Node*, Node*);
+static	Node*	curfn;
+walk(Node *fn)
+	curfn = fn;
+	walktype(fn->nbody, 1);
+walktype(Node *n, int top)
+	Node *t, *r;
+	Sym *s;
+	long lno;
+	int et;
+	/*
+	 * walk the whole tree of the body of a function.
+	 * the types expressions are calculated.
+	 * compile-time constants are evaluated.
+	 */
+	lno = dynlineno;
+	if(n == N)
+		goto ret;
+	if(n->op != ONAME)
+		dynlineno = n->lineno;	// for diagnostics
+	t = N;
+	et = Txxx;
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		fatal("walktype: switch 1 unknown op %N", n);
+		goto ret;
+	case ODCLTYPE:
+		goto ret;
+	case OPANIC:
+	case OPRINT:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		prcompat(&n->left);
+		goto ret;
+	case OLITERAL:
+		n->addable = 1;
+		ullmancalc(n);
+		goto ret;
+	case ONAME:
+		n->addable = 1;
+		ullmancalc(n);
+		if(n->type == N) {
+			s = n->sym;
+			if(s->undef == 0) {
+				yyerror("walktype: %N undeclared", n);
+				s->undef = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		goto ret;
+	case OLIST:
+		walktype(n->left, top);
+		n = n->right;
+		goto loop;
+	case OFOR:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+		walktype(n->ninit, 1);
+		walktype(n->ntest, 1);
+		walktype(n->nincr, 1);
+		n = n->nbody;
+		goto loop;
+	case OSWITCH:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+		if(n->ntest == N)
+			n->ntest = booltrue;
+		walktype(n->ninit, 1);
+		walktype(n->ntest, 1);
+		walktype(n->nbody, 1);
+		// find common type
+		if(n->ntest->type == N)
+			n->ntest->type = walkswitch(n->ntest, n->nbody, sw1);
+		// if that fails pick a type
+		if(n->ntest->type == N)
+			n->ntest->type = walkswitch(n->ntest, n->nbody, sw2);
+		// set the type on all literals
+		if(n->ntest->type != N)
+			walkswitch(n->ntest, n->nbody, sw3);
+		n = n->nincr;
+		goto loop;
+	case OEMPTY:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+		goto ret;
+	case OIF:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+		walktype(n->ninit, 1);
+		walktype(n->ntest, 1);
+		walktype(n->nelse, 1);
+		n = n->nbody;
+		goto loop;
+	case OCALL:
+	case OCALLPTR:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N)
+			goto ret;
+		t = n->left->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto ret;
+		if(n->left->op == ODOTMETH)
+			n->op = OCALLMETH;
+		if(n->left->op == ODOTINTER)
+			n->op = OCALLINTER;
+		if(t->etype == TPTR) {
+			t = t->type;
+			n->op = OCALLPTR;
+		}
+		if(t->etype != TFUNC) {
+			yyerror("call of a non-function %T", t);
+			goto ret;
+		}
+		n->type = *getoutarg(t);
+		switch(t->outtuple) {
+		default:
+			n->kaka = PCALL_MULTI;
+			if(!top)
+				yyerror("function call must be single valued (%d)", et);
+			break;
+		case 0:
+			n->kaka = PCALL_NIL;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			n->kaka = PCALL_SINGLE;
+			n->type = n->type->type->type;
+			break;
+		}
+		r = n->right;
+		walktype(r, 0);
+		ascompatte(n->op, getinarg(t), &n->right);
+		goto ret;
+	case OCOLAS:
+	case ODCLVAR:
+	case OAS:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+		n->kaka = PAS_SINGLE;
+		r = n->left;
+		if(r != N && r->op == OLIST)
+			n->kaka = PAS_MULTI;
+		walktype(r, 0);
+		r = n->right;
+		if(r == N)
+			goto ret;
+		if(r->op == OCALL && n->kaka == PAS_MULTI) {
+			walktype(r, 1);
+			if(r->kaka == PCALL_MULTI) {
+				ascompatet(n->op, &n->left, &r->type);
+				n->kaka = PAS_CALLM;
+				goto ret;
+			}
+		}
+		walktype(n->right, 0);
+		ascompatee(n->op, &n->left, &n->right);
+		if(n->kaka == PAS_SINGLE) {
+			t = n->right->type;
+			if(t != N && t->etype == TSTRUCT)
+				n->kaka = PAS_STRUCT;
+		}
+		goto ret;
+	case OBREAK:
+	case OGOTO:
+	case OLABEL:
+		goto ret;
+	case OXCASE:
+		yyerror("case statement out of place");
+		n->op = OCASE;
+	case OCASE:
+		n = n->left;
+		goto loop;
+	case OXFALL:
+		yyerror("fallthrough statement out of place");
+		n->op = OFALL;
+	case OFALL:
+		goto ret;
+	case OCONV:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N)
+			goto ret;
+		convlit(n->left, n->type);
+		if(eqtype(n->type, n->left->type, 0))
+			*n = *n->left;
+		goto ret;
+	case ORETURN:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		ascompatte(n->op, getoutarg(curfn->type), &n->left);
+		goto ret;
+	case ONOT:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N || n->left->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		break;
+	case OASOP:
+		if(!top)
+			goto nottop;
+	case OLSH:
+	case ORSH:
+	case OMOD:
+	case OAND:
+	case OOR:
+	case OXOR:
+	case OANDAND:
+	case OOROR:
+	case OEQ:
+	case ONE:
+	case OLT:
+	case OLE:
+	case OGE:
+	case OGT:
+	case OADD:
+	case OSUB:
+	case OMUL:
+	case ODIV:
+	case OCAT:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		walktype(n->right, 0);
+		if(n->left == N || n->right == N)
+			goto ret;
+		convlit(n->left, n->right->type);
+		convlit(n->right, n->left->type);
+		evconst(n);
+		if(n->op == OLITERAL)
+			goto ret;
+		if(n->left->type == N || n->right->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+		if(!ascompat(n->left->type, n->right->type))
+			goto badt;
+		break;
+	case OPLUS:
+	case OMINUS:
+	case OCOM:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N)
+			goto ret;
+		evconst(n);
+		ullmancalc(n);
+		if(n->op == OLITERAL)
+			goto ret;
+		break;
+	case OLEN:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		evconst(n);
+		ullmancalc(n);
+		t = n->left->type;
+		if(t != N && t->etype == TPTR)
+			t = t->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto ret;
+		switch(t->etype) {
+		default:
+			goto badt;
+		case TSTRING:
+			break;
+		}
+		n->type = types[TINT32];
+		goto ret;
+	case OINDEX:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		walktype(n->right, 0);
+		ullmancalc(n);
+		if(n->left == N || n->right == N)
+			goto ret;
+		t = n->left->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto ret;
+		// map - left and right sides must match
+		if(t->etype == TMAP || isptrto(t, TMAP)) {
+			n->ullman = UINF;
+			n->op = OINDEXMAP;
+			if(isptrto(t, TMAP)) {
+				n->op = OINDEXPTRMAP;
+				t = t->type;
+				if(t == N)
+					goto ret;
+			}
+			convlit(n->right, t->down);
+			if(!ascompat(t->down, n->right->type))
+				goto badt;
+			n->type = t->type;
+			goto ret;
+		}
+		// right side must be an int
+		if(n->right->type == N)
+			convlit(n->right, types[TINT32]);
+		if(n->left->type == N || n->right->type == N)
+			goto ret;
+		if(!isint[n->right->type->etype])
+			goto badt;
+		// left side is string
+		if(isptrto(t, TSTRING)) {
+			n->op = OINDEXSTR;
+			n->type = types[TUINT8];
+			goto ret;
+		}
+		// left side is array
+		if(t->etype == TPTR) {
+			t = t->type;
+			n->op = OINDEXPTR;
+		}
+		if(t->etype != TARRAY && t->etype != TDARRAY)
+			goto badt;
+		n->type = t->type;
+		goto ret;
+	case OSLICE:
+		walkslice(n);
+		goto ret;
+	case ODOT:
+	case ODOTPTR:
+	case ODOTMETH:
+		walkdot(n);
+		goto ret;
+	case OADDR:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N)
+			goto ret;
+		t = n->left->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto ret;
+		n->type = ptrto(t);
+		goto ret;
+	case OIND:
+		walktype(n->left, 0);
+		if(n->left == N)
+			goto ret;
+		t = n->left->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			goto ret;
+		if(t->etype != TPTR)
+			goto badt;
+		n->type = t->type;
+		goto ret;
+	case ONEW:
+		if(n->left != N)
+			yyerror("dont know what new(,e) means");
+		goto ret;
+	}
+ * ======== second switch ========
+ */
+	switch(n->op) {
+	default:
+		fatal("walktype: switch 2 unknown op %N", n);
+		goto ret;
+	case OASOP:
+		break;
+	case ONOT:
+	case OANDAND:
+	case OOROR:
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		if(et != TBOOL)
+			goto badt;
+		t = types[TBOOL];
+		break;
+	case OEQ:
+	case ONE:
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		if(!okforeq[et])
+			goto badt;
+		t = types[TBOOL];
+		break;
+	case OLT:
+	case OLE:
+	case OGE:
+	case OGT:
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		if(!okforadd[et])
+			if(!isptrto(n->left->type, TSTRING))
+				goto badt;
+		t = types[TBOOL];
+		break;
+	case OCAT:
+	case OADD:
+		if(isptrto(n->left->type, TSTRING)) {
+			n->op = OCAT;
+			break;
+		}
+	case OSUB:
+	case OMUL:
+	case ODIV:
+	case OPLUS:
+	case OMINUS:
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		if(!okforadd[et])
+			goto badt;
+		break;
+	case OLSH:
+	case ORSH:
+	case OAND:
+	case OOR:
+	case OXOR:
+	case OMOD:
+	case OCOM:
+		et = n->left->type->etype;
+		if(!okforand[et])
+			goto badt;
+		break;
+	}
+	if(t == N)
+		t = n->left->type;
+	n->type = t;
+	ullmancalc(n);
+	goto ret;
+	fatal("walktype: not top %O", n->op);
+	if(n->right == N) {
+		if(n->left == N) {
+			badtype(n->op, N, N);
+			goto ret;
+		}
+		badtype(n->op, n->left->type, N);
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	badtype(n->op, n->left->type, n->right->type);
+	goto ret;
+	dynlineno = lno;
+ * return the first type
+ */
+sw1(Node *c, Node *place)
+	if(place == N)
+		return c->type;
+	return place;
+ * return a suitable type
+ */
+sw2(Node *c, Node *place)
+	return types[TINT32];	// botch
+ * check that selected type
+ * is compat with all the cases
+ */
+sw3(Node *c, Node *place)
+	if(place == N)
+		return c->type;
+	if(c->type == N)
+		c->type = place;
+	convlit(c, place);
+	if(!ascompat(place, c->type))
+		badtype(OSWITCH, place, c->type);
+	return place;
+walkswitch(Node *test, Node *body, Node*(*call)(Node*, Node*))
+	Node *n, *c;
+	Node *place;
+	place = call(test, N);
+	n = body;
+	if(n->op == OLIST)
+		n = n->left;
+	for(; n!=N; n=n->right) {
+		if(n->op != OCASE)
+			fatal("walkswitch: not case %O\n", n->op);
+		for(c=n->left; c!=N; c=c->right) {
+			if(c->op != OLIST) {
+				place = call(c, place);
+				break;
+			}
+			place = call(c->left, place);
+		}
+	}
+	return place;
+casebody(Node *n)
+	Node *oc, *ot, *t;
+	Iter save;
+	/*
+	 * look to see if statements at top level have
+	 * case labels attached to them. convert the illegal
+	 * ops XFALL and XCASE into legal ops FALL and CASE.
+	 * all unconverted ops will thus be caught as illegal
+	 */
+	oc = N;		// last case statement
+	ot = N;		// last statement (look for XFALL)
+	t = listfirst(&save, &n);
+	if(t->op != OXCASE)
+		return 0;
+	if(t == N) {
+		if(oc == N)
+			return 0;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	if(t->op == OXCASE) {
+		/* rewrite and link top level cases */
+		t->op = OCASE;
+		if(oc != N)
+			oc->right = t;
+		oc = t;
+		/* rewrite top fall that preceed case */
+		if(ot != N && ot->op == OXFALL)
+			ot->op = OFALL;
+	}
+	/* if first statement is not case then return 0 */
+	if(oc == N)
+		return 0;
+	ot = t;
+	t = listnext(&save);
+	goto loop;
+ * allowable type combinations for
+ * normal binary operations.
+ */
+lookdot(Node *n, Node *t, int d)
+	Node *r, *f, *c;
+	Sym *s;
+	int o;
+	r = N;
+	s = n->sym;
+	if(d > 0)
+		goto deep;
+	o = 0;
+	for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+		f->kaka = o;
+		o++;
+		if(f->sym == S)
+			continue;
+		if(f->sym != s)
+			continue;
+		if(r != N) {
+			yyerror("ambiguous DOT reference %s", s->name);
+			break;
+		}
+		r = f;
+	}
+	return r;
+	/* deeper look after shallow failed */
+	for(f=t->type; f!=N; f=f->down) {
+		// only look at unnamed sub-structures
+		// BOTCH no such thing -- all are assigned temp names
+		if(f->sym != S)
+			continue;
+		c = f->type;
+		if(c->etype != TSTRUCT)
+			continue;
+		c = lookdot(n, c, d-1);
+		if(c == N)
+			continue;
+		if(r != N) {
+			yyerror("ambiguous unnamed DOT reference %s", s->name);
+			break;
+		}
+		r = c;
+	}
+	return r;
+walkdot(Node *n)
+	Node *t, *f;
+	int i;
+	if(n->left == N || n->right == N)
+		return;
+	walktype(n->left, 0);
+	if(n->right->op != ONAME) {
+		yyerror("rhs of . must be a name");
+		return;
+	}
+	t = n->left->type;
+	if(t == N)
+		return;
+	if(t->etype == TPTR) {
+		t = t->type;
+		if(t == N)
+			return;
+		n->op = ODOTPTR;
+	}
+	if(n->right->op != ONAME)
+		fatal("walkdot: not name %O", n->right->op);
+	switch(t->etype) {
+	default:
+		badtype(ODOT, t, N);
+		return;
+	case TSTRUCT:
+	case TINTER:
+		for(i=0; i<5; i++) {
+			f = lookdot(n->right, t, i);
+			if(f != N)
+				break;
+		}
+		if(f == N) {
+			yyerror("undefined DOT reference %N", n->right);
+			break;
+		}
+		n->right = f->nname;		// substitute real name
+		n->type = f->type;
+		if(n->type->etype == TFUNC) {
+			n->op = ODOTMETH;
+			if(t->etype == TINTER) {
+				n->op = ODOTINTER;
+				n->kaka = f->kaka;
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+walkslice(Node *n)
+	Node *l, *r;
+	if(n->left == N || n->right == N)
+		return;
+	walktype(n->left, 0);
+	if(!isptrto(n->left->type, TSTRING)) {
+		badtype(OSLICE, n->left->type, N);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(n->right->op != OLIST)
+		fatal("slice not a list");
+	// check for type errors
+	walktype(n->right, 0);
+	l = n->right->left;
+	r = n->right->right;
+	convlit(l, types[TINT32]);
+	convlit(r, types[TINT32]);
+	if(l == N || r == N ||
+	   l->type == N || r->type == N)
+		return;
+	if(!isint[l->type->etype] || !isint[l->type->etype]) {
+		badtype(OSLICE, l->type, r->type);
+		return;
+	}
+	// now convert to int32
+	n->right->left = nod(OCONV, n->right->left, N);
+	n->right->left->type = types[TINT32];
+	n->right->right = nod(OCONV, n->right->right, N);
+	n->right->right->type = types[TINT32];
+	walktype(n->right, 0);
+	n->type = n->left->type;
+ * test tuple type list against each other
+ * called in four contexts
+ *	1. a,b = c,d
+ *	2. a,b = fn()
+ *	3. call(fn())
+ *	4. call(a,b)		...te
+ */
+ascompatee(int op, Node **nl, Node **nr)
+	Node *l, *r;
+	Iter savel, saver;
+	int sa, na;
+	l = listfirst(&savel, nl);
+	r = listfirst(&saver, nr);
+	na = 0;	// number of assignments - looking for multi
+	sa = 0;	// one of the assignments is a structure assignment
+	if(l == N || r == N) {
+		if(l != r)
+			yyerror("error in shape across assignment");
+		if(sa != 0 && na > 1)
+			yyerror("cant do multi-struct assignments");
+		return;
+	}
+	convlit(r, l->type);
+	if(!ascompat(l->type, r->type)) {
+		badtype(op, l->type, r->type);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(l->type != N && l->type->etype == TSTRUCT)
+		sa = 1;
+	l = listnext(&savel);
+	r = listnext(&saver);
+	na++;
+	goto loop;
+ascompatet(int op, Node **nl, Node **nr)
+	Node *l, *r;
+	Iter savel, saver;
+	l = listfirst(&savel, nl);
+	r = structfirst(&saver, nr);
+	if(l == N || r == N) {
+		if(l != r)
+			yyerror("error in shape across assignment");
+		return;
+	}
+	if(!ascompat(l->type, r->type)) {
+		badtype(op, l->type, r->type);
+		return;
+	}
+	l = listnext(&savel);
+	r = structnext(&saver);
+	goto loop;
+ascompatte(int op, Node **nl, Node **nr)
+	Node *l, *r;
+	Iter savel, saver;
+	l = structfirst(&savel, nl);
+	r = listfirst(&saver, nr);
+	if(l == N || r == N) {
+		if(l != r)
+			yyerror("error in shape across assignment");
+		return;
+	}
+	convlit(r, l->type);
+	if(!ascompat(l->type, r->type)) {
+		badtype(op, l->type, r->type);
+		return;
+	}
+	l = structnext(&savel);
+	r = listnext(&saver);
+	goto loop;
+ascompattt(int op, Node **nl, Node **nr)
+	Node *l, *r;
+	Iter savel, saver;
+	l = structfirst(&savel, nl);
+	r = structfirst(&saver, nr);
+	if(l == N || r == N) {
+		if(l != r)
+			yyerror("error in shape across assignment");
+		return;
+	}
+	if(!ascompat(l->type, r->type)) {
+		badtype(op, l->type, r->type);
+		return;
+	}
+	l = structnext(&savel);
+	r = structnext(&saver);
+	goto loop;
+ * can we assign var of type t2 to var of type t1
+ */
+ascompat(Node *t1, Node *t2)
+	if(eqtype(t1, t2, 0))
+		return 1;
+//	if(eqtype(t1, nilptr, 0))
+//		return 1;
+//	if(eqtype(t2, nilptr, 0))
+//		return 1;
+	if(isinter(t1))
+		if(isptrto(t2, TSTRUCT) || isinter(t2))
+			return 1;
+	if(isinter(t2))
+		if(isptrto(t1, TSTRUCT))
+			return 1;
+	return 0;
+prcompat(Node **n)
+	Node *l, *t;
+	Iter save;
+	int w;
+	l = listfirst(&save, n);
+	if(l == N)
+		return;
+	t = N;
+	w = whatis(l);
+	switch(w) {
+	default:
+		badtype((*n)->op, l->type, N);
+		break;
+	case Wtint:
+	case Wtfloat:
+	case Wtbool:
+	case Wtstr:
+		break;
+	case Wlitint:
+		t = types[TINT32];
+		break;
+	case Wlitfloat:
+		t = types[TFLOAT64];
+		break;
+	case Wlitbool:
+		t = types[TBOOL];
+		break;
+	case Wlitstr:
+		t = types[TSTRING];
+		break;
+	}
+	if(t != N)
+		convlit(l, t);
+	l = listnext(&save);
+	goto loop;