blob: 847861d822fdfef497f48d9e0c5bb8d3ce44b062 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Parsing of Go intermediate object files and archives.
package objfile
import (
type goobjFile struct {
goobj *goobj.Package
f *os.File // the underlying .o or .a file
func openGoobj(r *os.File) (rawFile, error) {
f, err := goobj.Parse(r, `""`)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &goobjFile{goobj: f, f: r}, nil
func goobjName(id goobj.SymID) string {
if id.Version == 0 {
return id.Name
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%d>", id.Name, id.Version)
func (f *goobjFile) symbols() ([]Sym, error) {
seen := make(map[goobj.SymID]bool)
var syms []Sym
for _, s := range f.goobj.Syms {
seen[s.SymID] = true
sym := Sym{Addr: uint64(s.Data.Offset), Name: goobjName(s.SymID), Size: int64(s.Size), Type: s.Type.Name, Code: '?'}
switch s.Kind {
case objabi.STEXT, objabi.SELFRXSECT:
sym.Code = 'T'
case objabi.STYPE, objabi.SSTRING, objabi.SGOSTRING, objabi.SGOFUNC, objabi.SRODATA, objabi.SFUNCTAB, objabi.STYPELINK, objabi.SITABLINK, objabi.SSYMTAB, objabi.SPCLNTAB, objabi.SELFROSECT:
sym.Code = 'R'
case objabi.SMACHOPLT, objabi.SELFSECT, objabi.SMACHO, objabi.SMACHOGOT, objabi.SNOPTRDATA, objabi.SINITARR, objabi.SDATA, objabi.SWINDOWS:
sym.Code = 'D'
case objabi.SBSS, objabi.SNOPTRBSS, objabi.STLSBSS:
sym.Code = 'B'
sym.Code = 'X' // should not see
if s.Version != 0 {
sym.Code += 'a' - 'A'
for i, r := range s.Reloc {
sym.Relocs = append(sym.Relocs, Reloc{Addr: uint64(s.Data.Offset) + uint64(r.Offset), Size: uint64(r.Size), Stringer: &s.Reloc[i]})
syms = append(syms, sym)
for _, s := range f.goobj.Syms {
for _, r := range s.Reloc {
if !seen[r.Sym] {
seen[r.Sym] = true
sym := Sym{Name: goobjName(r.Sym), Code: 'U'}
if s.Version != 0 {
// should not happen but handle anyway
sym.Code = 'u'
syms = append(syms, sym)
return syms, nil
func (f *goobjFile) pcln() (textStart uint64, symtab, pclntab []byte, err error) {
// Should never be called. We implement Liner below, callers
// should use that instead.
return 0, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("pcln not available in go object file")
// Find returns the file name, line, and function data for the given pc.
// Returns "",0,nil if unknown.
// This function implements the Liner interface in preference to pcln() above.
func (f *goobjFile) PCToLine(pc uint64) (string, int, *gosym.Func) {
// TODO: this is really inefficient. Binary search? Memoize last result?
var arch *sys.Arch
for _, a := range sys.Archs {
if a.Name == f.goobj.Arch {
arch = a
if arch == nil {
return "", 0, nil
for _, s := range f.goobj.Syms {
if pc < uint64(s.Data.Offset) || pc >= uint64(s.Data.Offset+s.Data.Size) {
if s.Func == nil {
return "", 0, nil
pcfile := make([]byte, s.Func.PCFile.Size)
_, err := f.f.ReadAt(pcfile, s.Func.PCFile.Offset)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, nil
fileID := int(pcValue(pcfile, pc-uint64(s.Data.Offset), arch))
fileName := s.Func.File[fileID]
pcline := make([]byte, s.Func.PCLine.Size)
_, err = f.f.ReadAt(pcline, s.Func.PCLine.Offset)
if err != nil {
return "", 0, nil
line := int(pcValue(pcline, pc-uint64(s.Data.Offset), arch))
// Note: we provide only the name in the Func structure.
// We could provide more if needed.
return fileName, line, &gosym.Func{Sym: &gosym.Sym{Name: s.Name}}
return "", 0, nil
// pcValue looks up the given PC in a pc value table. target is the
// offset of the pc from the entry point.
func pcValue(tab []byte, target uint64, arch *sys.Arch) int32 {
val := int32(-1)
var pc uint64
for step(&tab, &pc, &val, pc == 0, arch) {
if target < pc {
return val
return -1
// step advances to the next pc, value pair in the encoded table.
func step(p *[]byte, pc *uint64, val *int32, first bool, arch *sys.Arch) bool {
uvdelta := readvarint(p)
if uvdelta == 0 && !first {
return false
if uvdelta&1 != 0 {
uvdelta = ^(uvdelta >> 1)
} else {
uvdelta >>= 1
vdelta := int32(uvdelta)
pcdelta := readvarint(p) * uint32(arch.MinLC)
*pc += uint64(pcdelta)
*val += vdelta
return true
// readvarint reads, removes, and returns a varint from *p.
func readvarint(p *[]byte) uint32 {
var v, shift uint32
s := *p
for shift = 0; ; shift += 7 {
b := s[0]
s = s[1:]
v |= (uint32(b) & 0x7F) << shift
if b&0x80 == 0 {
*p = s
return v
// We treat the whole object file as the text section.
func (f *goobjFile) text() (textStart uint64, text []byte, err error) {
var info os.FileInfo
info, err = f.f.Stat()
if err != nil {
text = make([]byte, info.Size())
_, err = f.f.ReadAt(text, 0)
func (f *goobjFile) goarch() string {
return f.goobj.Arch
func (f *goobjFile) loadAddress() (uint64, error) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown load address")
func (f *goobjFile) dwarf() (*dwarf.Data, error) {
return nil, errors.New("no DWARF data in go object file")