blob: 116921995a97d5e92bf61d1f411ce21c078a9a0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package obj
import "cmd/internal/src"
// InlTree s a collection of inlined calls. The Parent field of an
// InlinedCall is the index of another InlinedCall in InlTree.
// The compiler maintains a global inlining tree and adds a node to it
// every time a function is inlined. For example, suppose f() calls g()
// and g has two calls to h(), and that f, g, and h are inlineable:
// 1 func main() {
// 2 f()
// 3 }
// 4 func f() {
// 5 g()
// 6 }
// 7 func g() {
// 8 h()
// 9 h()
// 10 }
// Assuming the global tree starts empty, inlining will produce the
// following tree:
// []InlinedCall{
// {Parent: -1, Func: "f", Pos: <line 2>},
// {Parent: 0, Func: "g", Pos: <line 5>},
// {Parent: 1, Func: "h", Pos: <line 8>},
// {Parent: 1, Func: "h", Pos: <line 9>},
// }
// The nodes of h inlined into main will have inlining indexes 2 and 3.
// Eventually, the compiler extracts a per-function inlining tree from
// the global inlining tree (see pcln.go).
type InlTree struct {
nodes []InlinedCall
// InlinedCall is a node in an InlTree.
type InlinedCall struct {
Parent int // index of the parent in the InlTree or < 0 if outermost call
Pos src.XPos // position of the inlined call
Func *LSym // function that was inlined
// Add adds a new call to the tree, returning its index.
func (tree *InlTree) Add(parent int, pos src.XPos, func_ *LSym) int {
r := len(tree.nodes)
call := InlinedCall{
Parent: parent,
Pos: pos,
Func: func_,
tree.nodes = append(tree.nodes, call)
return r
// OutermostPos returns the outermost position corresponding to xpos,
// which is where xpos was ultimately inlined to. In the example for
// InlTree, main() contains inlined AST nodes from h(), but the
// outermost position for those nodes is line 2.
func (ctxt *Link) OutermostPos(xpos src.XPos) src.Pos {
pos := ctxt.PosTable.Pos(xpos)
outerxpos := xpos
for ix := pos.Base().InliningIndex(); ix >= 0; {
call := ctxt.InlTree.nodes[ix]
ix = call.Parent
outerxpos = call.Pos
return ctxt.PosTable.Pos(outerxpos)
func dumpInlTree(ctxt *Link, tree InlTree) {
for i, call := range tree.nodes {
pos := ctxt.PosTable.Pos(call.Pos)
ctxt.Logf("%0d | %0d | %s (%s)\n", i, call.Parent, call.Func, pos)