blob: 355efb2cac9f3b5d9beb59eb3f30718b127c1ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// End-to-end serving tests
package http_test
import (
. "net/http"
type dummyAddr string
type oneConnListener struct {
conn net.Conn
func (l *oneConnListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) {
c = l.conn
if c == nil {
err = io.EOF
err = nil
l.conn = nil
func (l *oneConnListener) Close() error {
return nil
func (l *oneConnListener) Addr() net.Addr {
return dummyAddr("test-address")
func (a dummyAddr) Network() string {
return string(a)
func (a dummyAddr) String() string {
return string(a)
type testConn struct {
readBuf bytes.Buffer
writeBuf bytes.Buffer
func (c *testConn) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
return c.readBuf.Read(b)
func (c *testConn) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return c.writeBuf.Write(b)
func (c *testConn) Close() error {
return nil
func (c *testConn) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return dummyAddr("local-addr")
func (c *testConn) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return dummyAddr("remote-addr")
func (c *testConn) SetDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *testConn) SetReadDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *testConn) SetWriteDeadline(t time.Time) error {
return nil
func TestConsumingBodyOnNextConn(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(testConn)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
"POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: test\r\n" +
"Content-Length: 11\r\n" +
"\r\n" +
reqNum := 0
ch := make(chan *Request)
servech := make(chan error)
listener := &oneConnListener{conn}
handler := func(res ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
ch <- req
go func() {
servech <- Serve(listener, HandlerFunc(handler))
var req *Request
req = <-ch
if req == nil {
t.Fatal("Got nil first request.")
if req.Method != "POST" {
t.Errorf("For request #1's method, got %q; expected %q",
req.Method, "POST")
req = <-ch
if req == nil {
t.Fatal("Got nil first request.")
if req.Method != "POST" {
t.Errorf("For request #2's method, got %q; expected %q",
req.Method, "POST")
if serveerr := <-servech; serveerr != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("Serve returned %q; expected EOF", serveerr)
type stringHandler string
func (s stringHandler) ServeHTTP(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header().Set("Result", string(s))
var handlers = []struct {
pattern string
msg string
{"/", "Default"},
{"/someDir/", "someDir"},
{"", ""},
var vtests = []struct {
url string
expected string
{"http://localhost/someDir/apage", "someDir"},
{"http://localhost/otherDir/apage", "Default"},
{"", ""},
{"", "someDir"},
{"", "Default"},
// redirections for trees
{"http://localhost/someDir", "/someDir/"},
{"", "/someDir/"},
func TestHostHandlers(t *testing.T) {
for _, h := range handlers {
Handle(h.pattern, stringHandler(h.msg))
ts := httptest.NewServer(nil)
defer ts.Close()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
cc := httputil.NewClientConn(conn, nil)
for _, vt := range vtests {
var r *Response
var req Request
if req.URL, err = url.Parse(vt.url); err != nil {
t.Errorf("cannot parse url: %v", err)
if err := cc.Write(&req); err != nil {
t.Errorf("writing request: %v", err)
r, err := cc.Read(&req)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("reading response: %v", err)
switch r.StatusCode {
case StatusOK:
s := r.Header.Get("Result")
if s != vt.expected {
t.Errorf("Get(%q) = %q, want %q", vt.url, s, vt.expected)
case StatusMovedPermanently:
s := r.Header.Get("Location")
if s != vt.expected {
t.Errorf("Get(%q) = %q, want %q", vt.url, s, vt.expected)
t.Errorf("Get(%q) unhandled status code %d", vt.url, r.StatusCode)
// Tests for
func TestMuxRedirectLeadingSlashes(t *testing.T) {
paths := []string{"//foo.txt", "///foo.txt", "/../../foo.txt"}
for _, path := range paths {
req, err := ReadRequest(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewBufferString("GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: test\r\n\r\n")))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("%s", err)
mux := NewServeMux()
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
mux.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
if loc, expected := resp.Header().Get("Location"), "/foo.txt"; loc != expected {
t.Errorf("Expected Location header set to %q; got %q", expected, loc)
if code, expected := resp.Code, StatusMovedPermanently; code != expected {
t.Errorf("Expected response code of StatusMovedPermanently; got %d", code)
func TestServerTimeouts(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(bradfitz): convert this to use httptest.Server
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("listen error: %v", err)
addr, _ := l.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
reqNum := 0
handler := HandlerFunc(func(res ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(res, "req=%d", reqNum)
server := &Server{Handler: handler, ReadTimeout: 250 * time.Millisecond, WriteTimeout: 250 * time.Millisecond}
go server.Serve(l)
url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", addr)
// Hit the HTTP server successfully.
tr := &Transport{DisableKeepAlives: true} // they interfere with this test
c := &Client{Transport: tr}
r, err := c.Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("http Get #1: %v", err)
got, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
expected := "req=1"
if string(got) != expected {
t.Errorf("Unexpected response for request #1; got %q; expected %q",
string(got), expected)
// Slow client that should timeout.
t1 := time.Now()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr.String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
buf := make([]byte, 1)
n, err := conn.Read(buf)
latency := time.Now().Sub(t1)
if n != 0 || err != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("Read = %v, %v, wanted %v, %v", n, err, 0, io.EOF)
if latency < 200*time.Millisecond /* fudge from 250 ms above */ {
t.Errorf("got EOF after %s, want >= %s", latency, 200*time.Millisecond)
// Hit the HTTP server successfully again, verifying that the
// previous slow connection didn't run our handler. (that we
// get "req=2", not "req=3")
r, err = Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("http Get #2: %v", err)
got, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
expected = "req=2"
if string(got) != expected {
t.Errorf("Get #2 got %q, want %q", string(got), expected)
// TestIdentityResponse verifies that a handler can unset
func TestIdentityResponse(t *testing.T) {
handler := HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
rw.Header().Set("Content-Length", "3")
rw.Header().Set("Transfer-Encoding", req.FormValue("te"))
switch {
case req.FormValue("overwrite") == "1":
_, err := rw.Write([]byte("foo TOO LONG"))
if err != ErrContentLength {
t.Errorf("expected ErrContentLength; got %v", err)
case req.FormValue("underwrite") == "1":
rw.Header().Set("Content-Length", "500")
rw.Write([]byte("too short"))
ts := httptest.NewServer(handler)
defer ts.Close()
// Note: this relies on the assumption (which is true) that
// Get sends HTTP/1.1 or greater requests. Otherwise the
// server wouldn't have the choice to send back chunked
// responses.
for _, te := range []string{"", "identity"} {
url := ts.URL + "/?te=" + te
res, err := Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error with Get of %s: %v", url, err)
if cl, expected := res.ContentLength, int64(3); cl != expected {
t.Errorf("for %s expected res.ContentLength of %d; got %d", url, expected, cl)
if cl, expected := res.Header.Get("Content-Length"), "3"; cl != expected {
t.Errorf("for %s expected Content-Length header of %q; got %q", url, expected, cl)
if tl, expected := len(res.TransferEncoding), 0; tl != expected {
t.Errorf("for %s expected len(res.TransferEncoding) of %d; got %d (%v)",
url, expected, tl, res.TransferEncoding)
// Verify that ErrContentLength is returned
url := ts.URL + "/?overwrite=1"
_, err := Get(url)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error with Get of %s: %v", url, err)
// Verify that the connection is closed when the declared Content-Length
// is larger than what the handler wrote.
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error dialing: %v", err)
_, err = conn.Write([]byte("GET /?underwrite=1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: foo\r\n\r\n"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing: %v", err)
// The ReadAll will hang for a failing test, so use a Timer to
// fail explicitly.
goTimeout(t, 2*time.Second, func() {
got, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
expectedSuffix := "\r\n\r\ntoo short"
if !strings.HasSuffix(string(got), expectedSuffix) {
t.Errorf("Expected output to end with %q; got response body %q",
expectedSuffix, string(got))
func testTCPConnectionCloses(t *testing.T, req string, h Handler) {
s := httptest.NewServer(h)
defer s.Close()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", s.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("dial error:", err)
defer conn.Close()
_, err = fmt.Fprint(conn, req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("print error:", err)
r := bufio.NewReader(conn)
res, err := ReadResponse(r, &Request{Method: "GET"})
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("ReadResponse error:", err)
didReadAll := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Error("body not closed after 5s")
case <-didReadAll:
_, err = ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("read error:", err)
didReadAll <- true
if !res.Close {
t.Errorf("Response.Close = false; want true")
// TestServeHTTP10Close verifies that HTTP/1.0 requests won't be kept alive.
func TestServeHTTP10Close(t *testing.T) {
testTCPConnectionCloses(t, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
ServeFile(w, r, "testdata/file")
// TestClientCanClose verifies that clients can also force a connection to close.
func TestClientCanClose(t *testing.T) {
testTCPConnectionCloses(t, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
// Nothing.
// TestHandlersCanSetConnectionClose verifies that handlers can force a connection to close,
// even for HTTP/1.1 requests.
func TestHandlersCanSetConnectionClose11(t *testing.T) {
testTCPConnectionCloses(t, "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n", HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
func TestHandlersCanSetConnectionClose10(t *testing.T) {
testTCPConnectionCloses(t, "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\n\r\n", HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header().Set("Connection", "close")
func TestSetsRemoteAddr(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", r.RemoteAddr)
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Get error: %v", err)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadAll error: %v", err)
ip := string(body)
if !strings.HasPrefix(ip, "") && !strings.HasPrefix(ip, "[::1]:") {
t.Fatalf("Expected local addr; got %q", ip)
func TestChunkedResponseHeaders(t *testing.T) {
log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // is noisy otherwise
defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header().Set("Content-Length", "intentional gibberish") // we check that this is deleted
fmt.Fprintf(w, "I am a chunked response.")
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Get error: %v", err)
if g, e := res.ContentLength, int64(-1); g != e {
t.Errorf("expected ContentLength of %d; got %d", e, g)
if g, e := res.TransferEncoding, []string{"chunked"}; !reflect.DeepEqual(g, e) {
t.Errorf("expected TransferEncoding of %v; got %v", e, g)
if _, haveCL := res.Header["Content-Length"]; haveCL {
t.Errorf("Unexpected Content-Length")
// Test304Responses verifies that 304s don't declare that they're
// chunking in their response headers and aren't allowed to produce
// output.
func Test304Responses(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
_, err := w.Write([]byte("illegal body"))
if err != ErrBodyNotAllowed {
t.Errorf("on Write, expected ErrBodyNotAllowed, got %v", err)
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
if len(res.TransferEncoding) > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected no TransferEncoding; got %v", res.TransferEncoding)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
if len(body) > 0 {
t.Errorf("got unexpected body %q", string(body))
// TestHeadResponses verifies that responses to HEAD requests don't
// declare that they're chunking in their response headers, aren't
// allowed to produce output, and don't set a Content-Type since
// the real type of the body data cannot be inferred.
func TestHeadResponses(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
_, err := w.Write([]byte("Ignored body"))
if err != ErrBodyNotAllowed {
t.Errorf("on Write, expected ErrBodyNotAllowed, got %v", err)
// Also exercise the ReaderFrom path
_, err = io.Copy(w, strings.NewReader("Ignored body"))
if err != ErrBodyNotAllowed {
t.Errorf("on Copy, expected ErrBodyNotAllowed, got %v", err)
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Head(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
if len(res.TransferEncoding) > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected no TransferEncoding; got %v", res.TransferEncoding)
ct := res.Header.Get("Content-Type")
if ct != "" {
t.Errorf("expected no Content-Type; got %s", ct)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
if len(body) > 0 {
t.Errorf("got unexpected body %q", string(body))
func TestTLSHandshakeTimeout(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewUnstartedServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {}))
ts.Config.ReadTimeout = 250 * time.Millisecond
defer ts.Close()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
goTimeout(t, 10*time.Second, func() {
var buf [1]byte
n, err := conn.Read(buf[:])
if err == nil || n != 0 {
t.Errorf("Read = %d, %v; want an error and no bytes", n, err)
func TestTLSServer(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewTLSServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
if r.TLS != nil {
w.Header().Set("X-TLS-Set", "true")
if r.TLS.HandshakeComplete {
w.Header().Set("X-TLS-HandshakeComplete", "true")
defer ts.Close()
// Connect an idle TCP connection to this server before we run
// our real tests. This idle connection used to block forever
// in the TLS handshake, preventing future connections from
// being accepted. It may prevent future accidental blocking
// in newConn.
idleConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
defer idleConn.Close()
goTimeout(t, 10*time.Second, func() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(ts.URL, "https://") {
t.Errorf("expected test TLS server to start with https://, got %q", ts.URL)
noVerifyTransport := &Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
client := &Client{Transport: noVerifyTransport}
res, err := client.Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
if res == nil {
t.Errorf("got nil Response")
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.Header.Get("X-TLS-Set") != "true" {
t.Errorf("expected X-TLS-Set response header")
if res.Header.Get("X-TLS-HandshakeComplete") != "true" {
t.Errorf("expected X-TLS-HandshakeComplete header")
type serverExpectTest struct {
contentLength int // of request body
expectation string // e.g. "100-continue"
readBody bool // whether handler should read the body (if false, sends StatusUnauthorized)
expectedResponse string // expected substring in first line of http response
var serverExpectTests = []serverExpectTest{
// Normal 100-continues, case-insensitive.
{100, "100-continue", true, "100 Continue"},
{100, "100-cOntInUE", true, "100 Continue"},
// No 100-continue.
{100, "", true, "200 OK"},
// 100-continue but requesting client to deny us,
// so it never reads the body.
{100, "100-continue", false, "401 Unauthorized"},
// Likewise without 100-continue:
{100, "", false, "401 Unauthorized"},
// Non-standard expectations are failures
{0, "a-pony", false, "417 Expectation Failed"},
// Expect-100 requested but no body
{0, "100-continue", true, "400 Bad Request"},
// Tests that the server responds to the "Expect" request header
// correctly.
func TestServerExpect(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
// Note using r.FormValue("readbody") because for POST
// requests that would read from r.Body, which we only
// conditionally want to do.
if strings.Contains(r.URL.RawQuery, "readbody=true") {
} else {
defer ts.Close()
runTest := func(test serverExpectTest) {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
// Only send the body immediately if we're acting like an HTTP client
// that doesn't send 100-continue expectations.
writeBody := test.contentLength > 0 && strings.ToLower(test.expectation) != "100-continue"
go func() {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(conn, "POST /?readbody=%v HTTP/1.1\r\n"+
"Connection: close\r\n"+
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"+
"Expect: %s\r\nHost: foo\r\n\r\n",
test.readBody, test.contentLength, test.expectation)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("On test %#v, error writing request headers: %v", test, err)
if writeBody {
body := strings.Repeat("A", test.contentLength)
_, err = fmt.Fprint(conn, body)
if err != nil {
if !test.readBody {
// Server likely already hung up on us.
// See larger comment below.
t.Logf("On test %#v, acceptable error writing request body: %v", test, err)
t.Errorf("On test %#v, error writing request body: %v", test, err)
bufr := bufio.NewReader(conn)
line, err := bufr.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
if writeBody && !test.readBody {
// This is an acceptable failure due to a possible TCP race:
// We were still writing data and the server hung up on us. A TCP
// implementation may send a RST if our request body data was known
// to be lost, which may trigger our reads to fail.
// See RFC 1122 page 88.
t.Logf("On test %#v, acceptable error from ReadString: %v", test, err)
t.Fatalf("On test %#v, ReadString: %v", test, err)
if !strings.Contains(line, test.expectedResponse) {
t.Errorf("On test %#v, got first line = %q; want %q", test, line, test.expectedResponse)
for _, test := range serverExpectTests {
// Under a ~256KB (maxPostHandlerReadBytes) threshold, the server
// should consume client request bodies that a handler didn't read.
func TestServerUnreadRequestBodyLittle(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(testConn)
body := strings.Repeat("x", 100<<10)
"POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n"+
"Host: test\r\n"+
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"+
"\r\n", len(body))))
done := make(chan bool)
ls := &oneConnListener{conn}
go Serve(ls, HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
defer close(done)
if conn.readBuf.Len() < len(body)/2 {
t.Errorf("on request, read buffer length is %d; expected about 100 KB", conn.readBuf.Len())
if g, e := conn.readBuf.Len(), 0; g != e {
t.Errorf("after WriteHeader, read buffer length is %d; want %d", g, e)
if c := rw.Header().Get("Connection"); c != "" {
t.Errorf(`Connection header = %q; want ""`, c)
// Over a ~256KB (maxPostHandlerReadBytes) threshold, the server
// should ignore client request bodies that a handler didn't read
// and close the connection.
func TestServerUnreadRequestBodyLarge(t *testing.T) {
conn := new(testConn)
body := strings.Repeat("x", 1<<20)
"POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n"+
"Host: test\r\n"+
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"+
"\r\n", len(body))))
done := make(chan bool)
ls := &oneConnListener{conn}
go Serve(ls, HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
defer close(done)
if conn.readBuf.Len() < len(body)/2 {
t.Errorf("on request, read buffer length is %d; expected about 1MB", conn.readBuf.Len())
if conn.readBuf.Len() < len(body)/2 {
t.Errorf("post-WriteHeader, read buffer length is %d; expected about 1MB", conn.readBuf.Len())
if c := rw.Header().Get("Connection"); c != "close" {
t.Errorf(`Connection header = %q; want "close"`, c)
func TestTimeoutHandler(t *testing.T) {
sendHi := make(chan bool, 1)
writeErrors := make(chan error, 1)
sayHi := HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
_, werr := w.Write([]byte("hi"))
writeErrors <- werr
timeout := make(chan time.Time, 1) // write to this to force timeouts
ts := httptest.NewServer(NewTestTimeoutHandler(sayHi, timeout))
defer ts.Close()
// Succeed without timing out:
sendHi <- true
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
if g, e := res.StatusCode, StatusOK; g != e {
t.Errorf("got res.StatusCode %d; expected %d", g, e)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if g, e := string(body), "hi"; g != e {
t.Errorf("got body %q; expected %q", g, e)
if g := <-writeErrors; g != nil {
t.Errorf("got unexpected Write error on first request: %v", g)
// Times out:
timeout <- time.Time{}
res, err = Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
if g, e := res.StatusCode, StatusServiceUnavailable; g != e {
t.Errorf("got res.StatusCode %d; expected %d", g, e)
body, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if !strings.Contains(string(body), "<title>Timeout</title>") {
t.Errorf("expected timeout body; got %q", string(body))
// Now make the previously-timed out handler speak again,
// which verifies the panic is handled:
sendHi <- true
if g, e := <-writeErrors, ErrHandlerTimeout; g != e {
t.Errorf("expected Write error of %v; got %v", e, g)
// Verifies we don't path.Clean() on the wrong parts in redirects.
func TestRedirectMunging(t *testing.T) {
req, _ := NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
Redirect(resp, req, "/foo?next=", 302)
if g, e := resp.Header().Get("Location"), "/foo?next="; g != e {
t.Errorf("Location header was %q; want %q", g, e)
resp = httptest.NewRecorder()
Redirect(resp, req, "http://localhost:8080/_ah/login?continue=http://localhost:8080/", 302)
if g, e := resp.Header().Get("Location"), "http://localhost:8080/_ah/login?continue=http://localhost:8080/"; g != e {
t.Errorf("Location header was %q; want %q", g, e)
// TestZeroLengthPostAndResponse exercises an optimization done by the Transport:
// when there is no body (either because the method doesn't permit a body, or an
// explicit Content-Length of zero is present), then the transport can re-use the
// connection immediately. But when it re-uses the connection, it typically closes
// the previous request's body, which is not optimal for zero-lengthed bodies,
// as the client would then see http.ErrBodyReadAfterClose and not 0, io.EOF.
func TestZeroLengthPostAndResponse(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("handler ReadAll: %v", err)
if len(all) != 0 {
t.Errorf("handler got %d bytes; expected 0", len(all))
rw.Header().Set("Content-Length", "0")
defer ts.Close()
req, err := NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, strings.NewReader(""))
if err != nil {
req.ContentLength = 0
var resp [5]*Response
for i := range resp {
resp[i], err = DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("client post #%d: %v", i, err)
for i := range resp {
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp[i].Body)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("req #%d: client ReadAll: %v", i, err)
if len(all) != 0 {
t.Errorf("req #%d: client got %d bytes; expected 0", i, len(all))
func TestHandlerPanic(t *testing.T) {
testHandlerPanic(t, false)
func TestHandlerPanicWithHijack(t *testing.T) {
testHandlerPanic(t, true)
func testHandlerPanic(t *testing.T, withHijack bool) {
// Unlike the other tests that set the log output to ioutil.Discard
// to quiet the output, this test uses a pipe. The pipe serves three
// purposes:
// 1) The log.Print from the http server (generated by the caught
// panic) will go to the pipe instead of stderr, making the
// output quiet.
// 2) We read from the pipe to verify that the handler
// actually caught the panic and logged something.
// 3) The blocking Read call prevents this TestHandlerPanic
// function from exiting before the HTTP server handler
// finishes crashing. If this text function exited too
// early (and its defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr) ran),
// then the crash output could spill into the next test.
pr, pw := io.Pipe()
defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
if withHijack {
rwc, _, err := w.(Hijacker).Hijack()
if err != nil {
t.Logf("unexpected error: %v", err)
defer rwc.Close()
panic("intentional death for testing")
defer ts.Close()
// Do a blocking read on the log output pipe so its logging
// doesn't bleed into the next test. But wait only 5 seconds
// for it.
done := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
buf := make([]byte, 4<<10)
_, err := pr.Read(buf)
if err != nil {
done <- true
_, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err == nil {
t.Logf("expected an error")
select {
case <-done:
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
t.Fatal("expected server handler to log an error")
func TestNoDate(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header()["Date"] = nil
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
_, present := res.Header["Date"]
if present {
t.Fatalf("Expected no Date header; got %v", res.Header["Date"])
func TestStripPrefix(t *testing.T) {
h := HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
w.Header().Set("X-Path", r.URL.Path)
ts := httptest.NewServer(StripPrefix("/foo", h))
defer ts.Close()
res, err := Get(ts.URL + "/foo/bar")
if err != nil {
if g, e := res.Header.Get("X-Path"), "/bar"; g != e {
t.Errorf("test 1: got %s, want %s", g, e)
res, err = Get(ts.URL + "/bar")
if err != nil {
if g, e := res.StatusCode, 404; g != e {
t.Errorf("test 2: got status %v, want %v", g, e)
func TestRequestLimit(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
t.Fatalf("didn't expect to get request in Handler")
defer ts.Close()
req, _ := NewRequest("GET", ts.URL, nil)
var bytesPerHeader = len("header12345: val12345\r\n")
for i := 0; i < ((DefaultMaxHeaderBytes+4096)/bytesPerHeader)+1; i++ {
req.Header.Set(fmt.Sprintf("header%05d", i), fmt.Sprintf("val%05d", i))
res, err := DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// Some HTTP clients may fail on this undefined behavior (server replying and
// closing the connection while the request is still being written), but
// we do support it (at least currently), so we expect a response below.
t.Fatalf("Do: %v", err)
if res.StatusCode != 413 {
t.Fatalf("expected 413 response status; got: %d %s", res.StatusCode, res.Status)
type neverEnding byte
func (b neverEnding) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
for i := range p {
p[i] = byte(b)
return len(p), nil
type countReader struct {
r io.Reader
n *int64
func (cr countReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = cr.r.Read(p)
atomic.AddInt64(cr.n, int64(n))
func TestRequestBodyLimit(t *testing.T) {
const limit = 1 << 20
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
r.Body = MaxBytesReader(w, r.Body, limit)
n, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, r.Body)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error from io.Copy")
if n != limit {
t.Errorf("io.Copy = %d, want %d", n, limit)
defer ts.Close()
nWritten := new(int64)
req, _ := NewRequest("POST", ts.URL, io.LimitReader(countReader{neverEnding('a'), nWritten}, limit*200))
// Send the POST, but don't care it succeeds or not. The
// remote side is going to reply and then close the TCP
// connection, and HTTP doesn't really define if that's
// allowed or not. Some HTTP clients will get the response
// and some (like ours, currently) will complain that the
// request write failed, without reading the response.
// But that's okay, since what we're really testing is that
// the remote side hung up on us before we wrote too much.
_, _ = DefaultClient.Do(req)
if atomic.LoadInt64(nWritten) > limit*100 {
t.Errorf("handler restricted the request body to %d bytes, but client managed to write %d",
limit, nWritten)
// TestClientWriteShutdown tests that if the client shuts down the write
// side of their TCP connection, the server doesn't send a 400 Bad Request.
func TestClientWriteShutdown(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {}))
defer ts.Close()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
err = conn.(*net.TCPConn).CloseWrite()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Dial: %v", err)
donec := make(chan bool)
go func() {
defer close(donec)
bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(conn)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadAll: %v", err)
got := string(bs)
if got != "" {
t.Errorf("read %q from server; want nothing", got)
select {
case <-donec:
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
// Tests that chunked server responses that write 1 byte at a time are
// buffered before chunk headers are added, not after chunk headers.
func TestServerBufferedChunking(t *testing.T) {
if true {
t.Logf("Skipping known broken test; see Issue 2357")
conn := new(testConn)
conn.readBuf.Write([]byte("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"))
done := make(chan bool)
ls := &oneConnListener{conn}
go Serve(ls, HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {
defer close(done)
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/plain") // prevent sniffing, which buffers
if !bytes.HasSuffix(conn.writeBuf.Bytes(), []byte("\r\n\r\n3\r\nxyz\r\n0\r\n\r\n")) {
t.Errorf("response didn't end with a single 3 byte 'xyz' chunk; got:\n%q",
// Tests that the server flushes its response headers out when it's
// ignoring the response body and waits a bit before forcefully
// closing the TCP connection, causing the client to get a RST.
// See
func TestServerGracefulClose(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
Error(w, "bye", StatusUnauthorized)
defer ts.Close()
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
const bodySize = 5 << 20
req := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", bodySize))
for i := 0; i < bodySize; i++ {
req = append(req, 'x')
writeErr := make(chan error)
go func() {
_, err := conn.Write(req)
writeErr <- err
br := bufio.NewReader(conn)
lineNum := 0
for {
line, err := br.ReadString('\n')
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("ReadLine: %v", err)
if lineNum == 1 && !strings.Contains(line, "401 Unauthorized") {
t.Errorf("Response line = %q; want a 401", line)
// Wait for write to finish. This is a broken pipe on both
// Darwin and Linux, but checking this isn't the point of
// the test.
func TestCaseSensitiveMethod(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(w ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
if r.Method != "get" {
t.Errorf(`Got method %q; want "get"`, r.Method)
defer ts.Close()
req, _ := NewRequest("get", ts.URL, nil)
res, err := DefaultClient.Do(req)
if err != nil {
// TestContentLengthZero tests that for both an HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1
// request (both keep-alive), when a Handler never writes any
// response, the net/http package adds a "Content-Length: 0" response
// header.
func TestContentLengthZero(t *testing.T) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, req *Request) {}))
defer ts.Close()
for _, version := range []string{"HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1"} {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ts.Listener.Addr().String())
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error dialing: %v", err)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(conn, "GET / %v\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nHost: foo\r\n\r\n", version)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error writing: %v", err)
req, _ := NewRequest("GET", "/", nil)
res, err := ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(conn), req)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading response: %v", err)
if te := res.TransferEncoding; len(te) > 0 {
t.Errorf("For version %q, Transfer-Encoding = %q; want none", version, te)
if cl := res.ContentLength; cl != 0 {
t.Errorf("For version %q, Content-Length = %v; want 0", version, cl)
// goTimeout runs f, failing t if f takes more than ns to complete.
func goTimeout(t *testing.T, d time.Duration, f func()) {
ch := make(chan bool, 2)
timer := time.AfterFunc(d, func() {
t.Errorf("Timeout expired after %v", d)
ch <- true
defer timer.Stop()
go func() {
defer func() { ch <- true }()
type errorListener struct {
errs []error
func (l *errorListener) Accept() (c net.Conn, err error) {
if len(l.errs) == 0 {
return nil, io.EOF
err = l.errs[0]
l.errs = l.errs[1:]
func (l *errorListener) Close() error {
return nil
func (l *errorListener) Addr() net.Addr {
return dummyAddr("test-address")
func TestAcceptMaxFds(t *testing.T) {
log.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // is noisy otherwise
defer log.SetOutput(os.Stderr)
ln := &errorListener{[]error{
Op: "accept",
Err: syscall.EMFILE,
err := Serve(ln, HandlerFunc(HandlerFunc(func(ResponseWriter, *Request) {})))
if err != io.EOF {
t.Errorf("got error %v, want EOF", err)
func BenchmarkClientServer(b *testing.B) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "Hello world.\n")
defer ts.Close()
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
b.Fatal("Get:", err)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
b.Fatal("ReadAll:", err)
body := string(all)
if body != "Hello world.\n" {
b.Fatal("Got body:", body)
func BenchmarkClientServerParallel4(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkClientServerParallel(b, 4)
func BenchmarkClientServerParallel64(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkClientServerParallel(b, 64)
func benchmarkClientServerParallel(b *testing.B, conc int) {
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "Hello world.\n")
defer ts.Close()
numProcs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1) * conc
var wg sync.WaitGroup
n := int32(b.N)
for p := 0; p < numProcs; p++ {
go func() {
for atomic.AddInt32(&n, -1) >= 0 {
res, err := Get(ts.URL)
if err != nil {
b.Logf("Get: %v", err)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
b.Logf("ReadAll: %v", err)
body := string(all)
if body != "Hello world.\n" {
panic("Got body: " + body)
// A benchmark for profiling the server without the HTTP client code.
// The client code runs in a subprocess.
// For use like:
// $ go test -c
// $ ./http.test -test.bench=BenchmarkServer -test.benchtime=15s
// $ go tool pprof http.test
// (pprof) web
func BenchmarkServer(b *testing.B) {
// Child process mode;
if url := os.Getenv("TEST_BENCH_SERVER_URL"); url != "" {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("TEST_BENCH_CLIENT_N"))
if err != nil {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
res, err := Get(url)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Get: %v", err)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("ReadAll: %v", err)
body := string(all)
if body != "Hello world.\n" {
log.Panicf("Got body: %q", body)
var res = []byte("Hello world.\n")
ts := httptest.NewServer(HandlerFunc(func(rw ResponseWriter, r *Request) {
rw.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
defer ts.Close()
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], "", "-test.bench=BenchmarkServer")
cmd.Env = append([]string{
fmt.Sprintf("TEST_BENCH_CLIENT_N=%d", b.N),
fmt.Sprintf("TEST_BENCH_SERVER_URL=%s", ts.URL),
}, os.Environ()...)
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
b.Errorf("Test failure: %v, with output: %s", err, out)