blob: 4ccf2d98c7ee0760c2613b0a447a386111b1f159 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Time-related runtime and pieces of package time.
package runtime
import (
// A timer is a potentially repeating trigger for calling t.f(t.arg, t.seq).
// Timers are allocated by client code, often as part of other data structures.
// Each P has a heap of pointers to timers that it manages.
// A timer is expected to be used by only one client goroutine at a time,
// but there will be concurrent access by the P managing that timer.
// The fundamental state about the timer is managed in the atomic state field,
// including a lock bit to manage access to the other fields.
// The lock bit supports a manual cas-based spin lock that handles
// contention by yielding the OS thread. The expectation is that critical
// sections are very short and contention on the lock bit is low.
// Package time knows the layout of this structure.
// If this struct changes, adjust ../time/sleep.go:/runtimeTimer.
type timer struct {
// If this timer is on a heap, which P's heap it is on.
// puintptr rather than *p to match uintptr in the versions
// of this struct defined in other packages.
pp puintptr
// Timer wakes up at when, and then at when+period, ... (period > 0 only)
// each time calling f(arg, now) in the timer goroutine, so f must be
// a well-behaved function and not block.
// when must be positive on an active timer.
// Timers in heaps are ordered by when.
when int64
period int64
f func(any, uintptr)
arg any
seq uintptr
// nextWhen is the next value for when,
// set if state&timerNextWhen is true.
// In that case, the actual update of when = nextWhen
// must be delayed until the heap can be fixed at the same time.
nextWhen int64
// The state field holds state bits, defined below.
state atomic.Uint32
// Timer state field.
// Note that state 0 must be "unlocked, not in heap" and usable,
// at least for time.Timer.Stop. See
const (
// timerLocked is set when the timer is locked,
// meaning other goroutines cannot read or write mutable fields.
// Goroutines can still read the state word atomically to see
// what the state was before it was locked.
// The lock is implemented as a cas on the state field with osyield on contention;
// the expectation is very short critical sections with little to no contention.
timerLocked = 1 << iota
// timerHeaped is set when the timer is stored in some P's heap.
// timerNextWhen is set when a pending change to the timer's when
// field has been stored in t.nextwhen. The change to t.when waits
// until the heap in which the timer appears can also be updated.
// Only set when timerHeaped is also set.
// lock locks the timer, allowing reading or writing any of the timer fields.
// It returns the current m and the status prior to the lock.
// The caller must call unlock with the same m and an updated status.
func (t *timer) lock() (state uint32, mp *m) {
for {
state := t.state.Load()
if state&timerLocked != 0 {
// Prevent preemption while the timer is locked.
// This could lead to a self-deadlock. See #38070.
mp := acquirem()
if t.state.CompareAndSwap(state, state|timerLocked) {
return state, mp
// unlock unlocks the timer.
// If mp == nil, the caller is responsible for calling
// releasem(mp) with the mp returned by t.lock.
func (t *timer) unlock(state uint32, mp *m) {
if t.state.Load()&timerLocked == 0 {
if state&timerLocked != 0 {
if mp != nil {
// updateWhen updates t.when as directed by state, returning the new state
// and a bool indicating whether the state (and t.when) changed.
// If pp != nil, then the caller must have locked pp.timers,
// t must be pp.timers[0], and updateWhen takes care of
// moving t within the pp.timers heap when t.when is changed.
func (t *timer) updateWhen(state uint32, pp *p) (newState uint32, updated bool) {
if state&timerNextWhen == 0 {
return state, false
state &^= timerNextWhen
if t.nextWhen == 0 {
if pp != nil {
if t != pp.timers[0] {
state &^= timerHeaped
} else {
// Now we can change the when field.
t.when = t.nextWhen
// Move t to the right position.
if pp != nil {
if t != pp.timers[0] {
siftdownTimer(pp.timers, 0)
return state, true
// maxWhen is the maximum value for timer's when field.
const maxWhen = 1<<63 - 1
// verifyTimers can be set to true to add debugging checks that the
// timer heaps are valid.
const verifyTimers = false
// Package time APIs.
// Godoc uses the comments in package time, not these.
// is implemented in assembly.
// timeSleep puts the current goroutine to sleep for at least ns nanoseconds.
//go:linkname timeSleep time.Sleep
func timeSleep(ns int64) {
if ns <= 0 {
gp := getg()
t := gp.timer
if t == nil {
t = new(timer)
gp.timer = t
t.f = goroutineReady
t.arg = gp
t.nextWhen = nanotime() + ns
if t.nextWhen < 0 { // check for overflow.
t.nextWhen = maxWhen
gopark(resetForSleep, unsafe.Pointer(t), waitReasonSleep, traceBlockSleep, 1)
// resetForSleep is called after the goroutine is parked for timeSleep.
// We can't call resettimer in timeSleep itself because if this is a short
// sleep and there are many goroutines then the P can wind up running the
// timer function, goroutineReady, before the goroutine has been parked.
func resetForSleep(gp *g, ut unsafe.Pointer) bool {
t := (*timer)(ut)
return true
// startTimer adds t to the timer heap.
//go:linkname startTimer time.startTimer
func startTimer(t *timer) {
if raceenabled {
if t.state.Load() != 0 {
throw("startTimer called with initialized timer")
// stopTimer stops a timer.
// It reports whether t was stopped before being run.
//go:linkname stopTimer time.stopTimer
func stopTimer(t *timer) bool {
return t.stop()
// resetTimer resets an inactive timer, adding it to the heap.
// Reports whether the timer was modified before it was run.
//go:linkname resetTimer time.resetTimer
func resetTimer(t *timer, when int64) bool {
if raceenabled {
return t.reset(when)
// modTimer modifies an existing timer.
//go:linkname modTimer time.modTimer
func modTimer(t *timer, when, period int64) {
t.modify(when, period, t.f, t.arg, t.seq)
// Go runtime.
// Ready the goroutine arg.
func goroutineReady(arg any, seq uintptr) {
goready(arg.(*g), 0)
// doaddtimer adds t to the current P's heap.
// The caller must have set t.pp = pp, unlocked t,
// and then locked the timers for pp.
func doaddtimer(pp *p, t *timer) {
// Timers rely on the network poller, so make sure the poller
// has started.
if netpollInited.Load() == 0 {
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("doaddtimer: P not set in timer")
i := len(pp.timers)
pp.timers = append(pp.timers, t)
siftupTimer(pp.timers, i)
if t == pp.timers[0] {
// stop deletes the timer t. It may be on some other P, so we can't
// actually remove it from the timers heap. We can only mark it as stopped.
// It will be removed in due course by the P whose heap it is on.
// Reports whether the timer was stopped before it was run.
func (t *timer) stop() bool {
state, mp := t.lock()
if state&timerHeaped != 0 && (state&timerNextWhen == 0 || t.nextWhen != 0) {
// Timer pending: stop it.
t.nextWhen = 0
state |= timerNextWhen
t.unlock(state, mp)
return true
// Timer already run or deleted.
t.unlock(state, mp)
return false
// dodeltimer0 removes timer 0 from the current P's heap.
// We are locked on the P when this is called.
// It reports whether it saw no problems due to races.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func dodeltimer0(pp *p) {
if t := pp.timers[0]; t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("dodeltimer0: wrong P")
} else {
t.pp = 0
last := len(pp.timers) - 1
if last > 0 {
pp.timers[0] = pp.timers[last]
pp.timers[last] = nil
pp.timers = pp.timers[:last]
if last > 0 {
siftdownTimer(pp.timers, 0)
n := pp.numTimers.Add(-1)
if n == 0 {
// If there are no timers, then clearly none are modified.
// modify modifies an existing timer.
// This is called by the netpoll code or time.Ticker.Reset or time.Timer.Reset.
// Reports whether the timer was modified before it was run.
func (t *timer) modify(when, period int64, f func(any, uintptr), arg any, seq uintptr) bool {
if when <= 0 {
throw("timer when must be positive")
if period < 0 {
throw("timer period must be non-negative")
state, mp := t.lock()
t.period = period
t.f = f
t.arg = arg
t.seq = seq
if state&timerHeaped == 0 {
// Set up t for insertion but unlock first,
// to avoid lock inversion with timers lock.
// Since t is not in a heap yet, nothing will
// find and modify it until after the doaddtimer.
state |= timerHeaped
t.when = when
pp := getg().m.p.ptr()
// pass mp=nil to t.unlock to avoid preemption
// between t.unlock and lock of timersLock.
// releasem done manually below
t.unlock(state, nil)
doaddtimer(pp, t)
return false
pending := state&timerNextWhen == 0 || t.nextWhen != 0 // timerHeaped is set (checked above)
if !pending {
// The timer is in some other P's heap, so we can't change
// the when field. If we did, the other P's heap would
// be out of order. So we put the new when value in the
// nextwhen field, and let the other P set the when field
// when it is prepared to resort the heap.
t.nextWhen = when
state |= timerNextWhen
earlier := when < t.when
if earlier {
updateTimerModifiedEarliest(t.pp.ptr(), when)
t.unlock(state, mp)
// If the new status is earlier, wake up the poller.
if earlier {
return pending
// reset resets the time when a timer should fire.
// If used for an inactive timer, the timer will become active.
// Reports whether the timer was active and was stopped.
func (t *timer) reset(when int64) bool {
return t.modify(when, t.period, t.f, t.arg, t.seq)
// cleantimers cleans up the head of the timer queue. This speeds up
// programs that create and delete timers; leaving them in the heap
// slows down heap operations.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func cleantimers(pp *p) {
gp := getg()
for {
if len(pp.timers) == 0 {
// This loop can theoretically run for a while, and because
// it is holding timersLock it cannot be preempted.
// If someone is trying to preempt us, just return.
// We can clean the timers later.
if gp.preemptStop {
t := pp.timers[0]
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("cleantimers: bad p")
if t.state.Load()&timerNextWhen == 0 {
// Fast path: head of timers does not need adjustment.
state, mp := t.lock()
state, updated := t.updateWhen(state, pp)
t.unlock(state, mp)
if !updated {
// Head of timers does not need adjustment.
t.unlock(state, mp)
// adoptTimers adopts any timers from pp into the local P,
// because pp is being destroyed.
func adoptTimers(pp *p) {
if len(pp.timers) > 0 {
plocal := getg().m.p.ptr()
// The world is stopped, but we acquire timersLock to
// protect against sysmon calling timeSleepUntil.
// This is the only case where we hold the timersLock of
// more than one P, so there are no deadlock concerns.
moveTimers(plocal, pp.timers)
pp.timers = nil
// moveTimers moves a slice of timers to pp. The slice has been taken
// from a different P.
// This is currently called when the world is stopped, but the caller
// is expected to have locked the timers for pp.
func moveTimers(pp *p, timers []*timer) {
for _, t := range timers {
state, mp := t.lock()
t.pp = 0
state, _ = t.updateWhen(state, nil)
// Unlock before add, to avoid append (allocation)
// while holding lock. This would be correct even if the world wasn't
// stopped (but it is), and it makes staticlockranking happy.
if state&timerHeaped != 0 {
t.unlock(state, mp)
if state&timerHeaped != 0 {
doaddtimer(pp, t)
// adjusttimers looks through the timers in the current P's heap for
// any timers that have been modified to run earlier, and puts them in
// the correct place in the heap. While looking for those timers,
// it also moves timers that have been modified to run later,
// and removes deleted timers. The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func adjusttimers(pp *p, now int64, force bool) {
// If we haven't yet reached the time of the earliest timerModified
// timer, don't do anything. This speeds up programs that adjust
// a lot of timers back and forth if the timers rarely expire.
// We'll postpone looking through all the adjusted timers until
// one would actually expire.
if !force {
first := pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
if first == 0 || first > now {
if verifyTimers {
// We are going to clear all timerModified timers.
changed := false
for i := 0; i < len(pp.timers); i++ {
t := pp.timers[i]
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("adjusttimers: bad p")
state, mp := t.lock()
if state&timerHeaped == 0 {
state, updated := t.updateWhen(state, nil)
if updated {
changed = true
if state&timerHeaped == 0 {
n := len(pp.timers)
pp.timers[i] = pp.timers[n-1]
pp.timers[n-1] = nil
pp.timers = pp.timers[:n-1]
t.pp = 0
t.unlock(state, mp)
if changed {
if verifyTimers {
// nobarrierWakeTime looks at P's timers and returns the time when we
// should wake up the netpoller. It returns 0 if there are no timers.
// This function is invoked when dropping a P, and must run without
// any write barriers.
func nobarrierWakeTime(pp *p) int64 {
next := pp.timer0When.Load()
nextAdj := pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
if next == 0 || (nextAdj != 0 && nextAdj < next) {
next = nextAdj
return next
// checkTimers runs any timers for the P that are ready.
// If now is not 0 it is the current time.
// It returns the passed time or the current time if now was passed as 0.
// and the time when the next timer should run or 0 if there is no next timer,
// and reports whether it ran any timers.
// If the time when the next timer should run is not 0,
// it is always larger than the returned time.
// We pass now in and out to avoid extra calls of nanotime.
func checkTimers(pp *p, now int64) (rnow, pollUntil int64, ran bool) {
// If it's not yet time for the first timer, or the first adjusted
// timer, then there is nothing to do.
next := pp.timer0When.Load()
nextAdj := pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
if next == 0 || (nextAdj != 0 && nextAdj < next) {
next = nextAdj
if next == 0 {
// No timers to run or adjust.
return now, 0, false
if now == 0 {
now = nanotime()
if now < next {
// Next timer is not ready to run, but keep going
// if we would clear deleted timers.
// This corresponds to the condition below where
// we decide whether to call clearDeletedTimers.
if pp != getg().m.p.ptr() || int(pp.deletedTimers.Load()) <= int(pp.numTimers.Load()/4) {
return now, next, false
if len(pp.timers) > 0 {
// If this is the local P, and there are a lot of deleted timers,
// clear them out. We only do this for the local P to reduce
// lock contention on timersLock.
force := pp == getg().m.p.ptr() && int(pp.deletedTimers.Load()) > len(pp.timers)/4
adjusttimers(pp, now, force)
for len(pp.timers) > 0 {
// Note that runtimer may temporarily unlock
// pp.timersLock.
if tw := runtimer(pp, now); tw != 0 {
if tw > 0 {
pollUntil = tw
ran = true
return now, pollUntil, ran
// runtimer examines the first timer in timers. If it is ready based on now,
// it runs the timer and removes or updates it.
// Returns 0 if it ran a timer, -1 if there are no more timers, or the time
// when the first timer should run.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
// If a timer is run, this will temporarily unlock the timers.
func runtimer(pp *p, now int64) int64 {
if len(pp.timers) == 0 {
return -1
t := pp.timers[0]
if t.pp.ptr() != pp {
throw("runtimer: bad p")
if t.state.Load()&timerNextWhen == 0 && t.when > now {
// Fast path: not ready to run.
// The access of t.when is protected by the caller holding
// pp.timersLock, even though t itself is unlocked.
return t.when
state, mp := t.lock()
state, updated := t.updateWhen(state, pp)
if updated {
t.unlock(state, mp)
goto Redo
if state&timerHeaped == 0 {
if t.when > now {
// Not ready to run.
t.unlock(state, mp)
return t.when
unlockAndRunTimer(pp, t, now, state, mp)
return 0
// unlockAndRunTimer unlocks and runs a single timer.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
// This will temporarily unlock the timers while running the timer function.
func unlockAndRunTimer(pp *p, t *timer, now int64, state uint32, mp *m) {
if raceenabled {
ppcur := getg().m.p.ptr()
if ppcur.timerRaceCtx == 0 {
ppcur.timerRaceCtx = racegostart(abi.FuncPCABIInternal(runtimer) + sys.PCQuantum)
raceacquirectx(ppcur.timerRaceCtx, unsafe.Pointer(t))
f := t.f
arg := t.arg
seq := t.seq
if t.period > 0 {
// Leave in heap but adjust next time to fire.
delta := t.when - now
t.nextWhen = t.when + t.period*(1+-delta/t.period)
if t.nextWhen < 0 { // check for overflow.
t.nextWhen = maxWhen
} else {
t.nextWhen = 0
state, _ = t.updateWhen(state|timerNextWhen, pp)
t.unlock(state, mp)
if raceenabled {
// Temporarily use the current P's racectx for g0.
gp := getg()
if gp.racectx != 0 {
throw("runOneTimer: unexpected racectx")
gp.racectx = gp.m.p.ptr().timerRaceCtx
f(arg, seq)
if raceenabled {
gp := getg()
gp.racectx = 0
// updateTimerPMask clears pp's timer mask if it has no timers on its heap.
// Ideally, the timer mask would be kept immediately consistent on any timer
// operations. Unfortunately, updating a shared global data structure in the
// timer hot path adds too much overhead in applications frequently switching
// between no timers and some timers.
// As a compromise, the timer mask is updated only on pidleget / pidleput. A
// running P (returned by pidleget) may add a timer at any time, so its mask
// must be set. An idle P (passed to pidleput) cannot add new timers while
// idle, so if it has no timers at that time, its mask may be cleared.
// Thus, we get the following effects on timer-stealing in findrunnable:
// - Idle Ps with no timers when they go idle are never checked in findrunnable
// (for work- or timer-stealing; this is the ideal case).
// - Running Ps must always be checked.
// - Idle Ps whose timers are stolen must continue to be checked until they run
// again, even after timer expiration.
// When the P starts running again, the mask should be set, as a timer may be
// added at any time.
// TODO(prattmic): Additional targeted updates may improve the above cases.
// e.g., updating the mask when stealing a timer.
func updateTimerPMask(pp *p) {
if pp.numTimers.Load() > 0 {
// Looks like there are no timers, however another P may transiently
// decrement numTimers when handling a timerModified timer in
// checkTimers. We must take timersLock to serialize with these changes.
if pp.numTimers.Load() == 0 {
// verifyTimerHeap verifies that the timer heap is in a valid state.
// This is only for debugging, and is only called if verifyTimers is true.
// The caller must have locked the timers.
func verifyTimerHeap(pp *p) {
for i, t := range pp.timers {
if i == 0 {
// First timer has no parent.
// The heap is 4-ary. See siftupTimer and siftdownTimer.
p := (i - 1) / 4
if t.when < pp.timers[p].when {
print("bad timer heap at ", i, ": ", p, ": ", pp.timers[p].when, ", ", i, ": ", t.when, "\n")
throw("bad timer heap")
if numTimers := int(pp.numTimers.Load()); len(pp.timers) != numTimers {
println("timer heap len", len(pp.timers), "!= numTimers", numTimers)
throw("bad timer heap len")
// updateTimer0When sets the P's timer0When field.
// The caller must have locked the timers for pp.
func updateTimer0When(pp *p) {
if len(pp.timers) == 0 {
} else {
// updateTimerModifiedEarliest updates the recorded nextwhen field of the
// earlier timerModifiedEarier value.
// The timers for pp will not be locked.
func updateTimerModifiedEarliest(pp *p, nextwhen int64) {
for {
old := pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
if old != 0 && old < nextwhen {
if pp.timerModifiedEarliest.CompareAndSwap(old, nextwhen) {
// timeSleepUntil returns the time when the next timer should fire. Returns
// maxWhen if there are no timers.
// This is only called by sysmon and checkdead.
func timeSleepUntil() int64 {
next := int64(maxWhen)
// Prevent allp slice changes. This is like retake.
for _, pp := range allp {
if pp == nil {
// This can happen if procresize has grown
// allp but not yet created new Ps.
w := pp.timer0When.Load()
if w != 0 && w < next {
next = w
w = pp.timerModifiedEarliest.Load()
if w != 0 && w < next {
next = w
return next
// Heap maintenance algorithms.
// These algorithms check for slice index errors manually.
// Slice index error can happen if the program is using racy
// access to timers. We don't want to panic here, because
// it will cause the program to crash with a mysterious
// "panic holding locks" message. Instead, we panic while not
// holding a lock.
// siftupTimer puts the timer at position i in the right place
// in the heap by moving it up toward the top of the heap.
// It returns the smallest changed index.
func siftupTimer(t []*timer, i int) int {
if i >= len(t) {
when := t[i].when
if when <= 0 {
tmp := t[i]
for i > 0 {
p := (i - 1) / 4 // parent
if when >= t[p].when {
t[i] = t[p]
i = p
if tmp != t[i] {
t[i] = tmp
return i
// siftdownTimer puts the timer at position i in the right place
// in the heap by moving it down toward the bottom of the heap.
func siftdownTimer(t []*timer, i int) {
n := len(t)
if i >= n {
when := t[i].when
if when <= 0 {
tmp := t[i]
for {
c := i*4 + 1 // left child
c3 := c + 2 // mid child
if c >= n {
w := t[c].when
if c+1 < n && t[c+1].when < w {
w = t[c+1].when
if c3 < n {
w3 := t[c3].when
if c3+1 < n && t[c3+1].when < w3 {
w3 = t[c3+1].when
if w3 < w {
w = w3
c = c3
if w >= when {
t[i] = t[c]
i = c
if tmp != t[i] {
t[i] = tmp
// initTimerHeap reestablishes the heap order in the slice t.
// It takes O(n) time for n=len(t), not the O(n log n) of n repeated add operations.
func initTimerHeap(t []*timer) {
// Last possible element that needs sifting down is parent of last element;
// last element is len(t)-1; parent of last element is (len(t)-1-1)/4.
if len(t) <= 1 {
for i := (len(t) - 1 - 1) / 4; i >= 0; i-- {
siftdownTimer(t, i)
// badTimer is called if the timer data structures have been corrupted,
// presumably due to racy use by the program. We panic here rather than
// panicking due to invalid slice access while holding locks.
// See issue #25686.
func badTimer() {
throw("timer data corruption")