blob: 1274fb7fd3f5ccf55113fae7905c5f8d8a36ed3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build amd64 || arm64
package nistec
import "errors"
// Montgomery multiplication modulo org(G). Sets res = in1 * in2 * R⁻¹.
func p256OrdMul(res, in1, in2 *p256OrdElement)
// Montgomery square modulo org(G), repeated n times (n >= 1).
func p256OrdSqr(res, in *p256OrdElement, n int)
func P256OrdInverse(k []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if len(k) != 32 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid scalar length")
x := new(p256OrdElement)
p256OrdBigToLittle(x, (*[32]byte)(k))
// Inversion is implemented as exponentiation by n - 2, per Fermat's little theorem.
// The sequence of 38 multiplications and 254 squarings is derived from
_1 := new(p256OrdElement)
_11 := new(p256OrdElement)
_101 := new(p256OrdElement)
_111 := new(p256OrdElement)
_1111 := new(p256OrdElement)
_10101 := new(p256OrdElement)
_101111 := new(p256OrdElement)
t := new(p256OrdElement)
// This code operates in the Montgomery domain where R = 2²⁵⁶ mod n and n is
// the order of the scalar field. Elements in the Montgomery domain take the
// form a×R and p256OrdMul calculates (a × b × R⁻¹) mod n. RR is R in the
// domain, or R×R mod n, thus p256OrdMul(x, RR) gives x×R, i.e. converts x
// into the Montgomery domain.
RR := &p256OrdElement{0x83244c95be79eea2, 0x4699799c49bd6fa6,
0x2845b2392b6bec59, 0x66e12d94f3d95620}
p256OrdMul(_1, x, RR) // _1
p256OrdSqr(x, _1, 1) // _10
p256OrdMul(_11, x, _1) // _11
p256OrdMul(_101, x, _11) // _101
p256OrdMul(_111, x, _101) // _111
p256OrdSqr(x, _101, 1) // _1010
p256OrdMul(_1111, _101, x) // _1111
p256OrdSqr(t, x, 1) // _10100
p256OrdMul(_10101, t, _1) // _10101
p256OrdSqr(x, _10101, 1) // _101010
p256OrdMul(_101111, _101, x) // _101111
p256OrdMul(x, _10101, x) // _111111 = x6
p256OrdSqr(t, x, 2) // _11111100
p256OrdMul(t, t, _11) // _11111111 = x8
p256OrdSqr(x, t, 8) // _ff00
p256OrdMul(x, x, t) // _ffff = x16
p256OrdSqr(t, x, 16) // _ffff0000
p256OrdMul(t, t, x) // _ffffffff = x32
p256OrdSqr(x, t, 64)
p256OrdMul(x, x, t)
p256OrdSqr(x, x, 32)
p256OrdMul(x, x, t)
sqrs := []int{
6, 5, 4, 5, 5,
4, 3, 3, 5, 9,
6, 2, 5, 6, 5,
4, 5, 5, 3, 10,
2, 5, 5, 3, 7, 6}
muls := []*p256OrdElement{
_101111, _111, _11, _1111, _10101,
_101, _101, _101, _111, _101111,
_1111, _1, _1, _1111, _111,
_111, _111, _101, _11, _101111,
_11, _11, _11, _1, _10101, _1111}
for i, s := range sqrs {
p256OrdSqr(x, x, s)
p256OrdMul(x, x, muls[i])
// Montgomery multiplication by R⁻¹, or 1 outside the domain as R⁻¹×R = 1,
// converts a Montgomery value out of the domain.
one := &p256OrdElement{1}
p256OrdMul(x, x, one)
var xOut [32]byte
p256OrdLittleToBig(&xOut, x)
return xOut[:], nil