blob: 24500a33889d629f1671a41f0407596ff5dccb23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package dwarf
import (
const pvagenfile = "./putvarabbrevgen.go"
var pvaDoGenerate bool
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
flag.BoolVar(&pvaDoGenerate, "generate", false, "regenerates "+pvagenfile)
// TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator checks that putvarabbrevgen.go is kept in sync
// with the contents of functions putvar and putAbstractVar. If test flag -generate
// is specified the file is regenerated instead.
// The block of code in putvar and putAbstractVar that picks the correct
// abbrev is also generated automatically by this function by looking at all
// the possible paths in their CFG and the order in which putattr is called.
// There are some restrictions on how putattr can be used in putvar and
// putAbstractVar:
// 1. it shouldn't appear inside a for or switch statements
// 2. it can appear within any number of nested if/else statements but the
// conditionals must not change after putvarAbbrev/putAbstractVarAbbrev
// are called
// 3. the form argument of putattr must be a compile time constant
// 4. each putattr call must be followed by a comment containing the name of
// the attribute it is setting
// TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator will fail if (1) or (4) are not respected and
// the generated code will not compile if (3) is violated. Violating (2)
// will result in code silently wrong code (which will usually be detected
// by one of the tests that parse debug_info).
func TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator(t *testing.T) {
spvagenfile := pvagenerate(t)
if pvaDoGenerate {
err := os.WriteFile(pvagenfile, []byte(spvagenfile), 0660)
if err != nil {
slurp := func(name string) string {
out, err := os.ReadFile(name)
if err != nil {
return string(out)
if spvagenfile != slurp(pvagenfile) {
t.Error(pvagenfile + " is out of date")
func pvagenerate(t *testing.T) string {
var fset token.FileSet
f, err := parser.ParseFile(&fset, "./dwarf.go", nil, parser.ParseComments)
if err != nil {
cm := ast.NewCommentMap(&fset, f, f.Comments)
abbrevs := make(map[string]int)
funcs := map[string]ast.Stmt{}
for _, decl := range f.Decls {
decl, ok := decl.(*ast.FuncDecl)
if !ok || decl.Body == nil {
if decl.Name.Name == "putvar" || decl.Name.Name == "putAbstractVar" {
// construct the simplified CFG
pvagraph, _ := pvacfgbody(t, &fset, cm, decl.Body.List)
funcs[decl.Name.Name+"Abbrev"] = pvacfgvisit(pvagraph, abbrevs)
abbrevslice := make([]string, len(abbrevs))
for abbrev, n := range abbrevs {
abbrevslice[n] = abbrev
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprint(buf, `// Code generated by TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator. DO NOT EDIT.
// Regenerate using go test -run TestPutVarAbbrevGenerator -generate instead.
package dwarf
var putvarAbbrevs = []dwAbbrev{
for _, abbrev := range abbrevslice {
fmt.Fprint(buf, abbrev+",\n")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "\n}\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "func putAbstractVarAbbrev(v *Var) int {\n")
format.Node(buf, &token.FileSet{}, funcs["putAbstractVarAbbrev"])
fmt.Fprint(buf, "}\n\n")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "func putvarAbbrev(v *Var, concrete, withLoclist bool) int {\n")
format.Node(buf, &token.FileSet{}, funcs["putvarAbbrev"])
fmt.Fprint(buf, "}\n")
out, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return string(out)
type pvacfgnode struct {
attr, form string
cond ast.Expr
then, els *pvacfgnode
// pvacfgbody generates a simplified CFG for a slice of statements,
// containing only calls to putattr and the if statements affecting them.
func pvacfgbody(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, cm ast.CommentMap, body []ast.Stmt) (start, end *pvacfgnode) {
add := func(n *pvacfgnode) {
if start == nil || end == nil {
start = n
end = n
} else {
end.then = n
end = n
for _, stmt := range body {
switch stmt := stmt.(type) {
case *ast.ExprStmt:
if x, _ := stmt.X.(*ast.CallExpr); x != nil {
funstr := exprToString(x.Fun)
if funstr == "putattr" {
form, _ := x.Args[3].(*ast.Ident)
if form == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s invalid use of putattr", fset.Position(x.Pos()))
cmt := findLineComment(cm, stmt)
if cmt == nil {
t.Fatalf("%s invalid use of putattr (no comment containing the attribute name)", fset.Position(x.Pos()))
add(&pvacfgnode{attr: strings.TrimSpace(cmt.Text[2:]), form: form.Name})
case *ast.IfStmt:
ifStart, ifEnd := pvacfgif(t, fset, cm, stmt)
if ifStart != nil {
end = ifEnd
// check that nothing under this contains a putattr call
ast.Inspect(stmt, func(n ast.Node) bool {
if call, _ := n.(*ast.CallExpr); call != nil {
if exprToString(call.Fun) == "putattr" {
t.Fatalf("%s use of putattr in unsupported block", fset.Position(call.Pos()))
return true
return start, end
func pvacfgif(t *testing.T, fset *token.FileSet, cm ast.CommentMap, ifstmt *ast.IfStmt) (start, end *pvacfgnode) {
thenStart, thenEnd := pvacfgbody(t, fset, cm, ifstmt.Body.List)
var elseStart, elseEnd *pvacfgnode
if ifstmt.Else != nil {
switch els := ifstmt.Else.(type) {
case *ast.IfStmt:
elseStart, elseEnd = pvacfgif(t, fset, cm, els)
case *ast.BlockStmt:
elseStart, elseEnd = pvacfgbody(t, fset, cm, els.List)
t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected statement %T", fset.Position(els.Pos()), els)
if thenStart != nil && elseStart != nil && thenStart == thenEnd && elseStart == elseEnd && thenStart.form == elseStart.form && thenStart.attr == elseStart.attr {
return thenStart, thenEnd
if thenStart != nil || elseStart != nil {
start = &pvacfgnode{cond: ifstmt.Cond}
end = &pvacfgnode{}
if thenStart != nil {
start.then = thenStart
thenEnd.then = end
} else {
start.then = end
if elseStart != nil {
start.els = elseStart
elseEnd.then = end
} else {
start.els = end
return start, end
func exprToString(t ast.Expr) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
printer.Fprint(&buf, token.NewFileSet(), t)
return buf.String()
// findLineComment finds the line comment for statement stmt.
func findLineComment(cm ast.CommentMap, stmt *ast.ExprStmt) *ast.Comment {
var r *ast.Comment
for _, cmtg := range cm[stmt] {
for _, cmt := range cmtg.List {
if cmt.Slash > stmt.Pos() {
if r != nil {
return nil
r = cmt
return r
// pvacfgvisit visits the CFG depth first, populates abbrevs with all
// possible dwAbbrev definitions and returns a tree of if/else statements
// that picks the correct abbrev.
func pvacfgvisit(pvacfg *pvacfgnode, abbrevs map[string]int) ast.Stmt {
r := &ast.IfStmt{Cond: &ast.BinaryExpr{
Op: token.EQL,
X: &ast.SelectorExpr{X: &ast.Ident{Name: "v"}, Sel: &ast.Ident{Name: "Tag"}},
Y: &ast.Ident{Name: "DW_TAG_variable"}}}
r.Body = &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{
pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg, "DW_TAG_variable", []*pvacfgnode{}, abbrevs),
r.Else = &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{
pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg, "DW_TAG_formal_parameter", []*pvacfgnode{}, abbrevs),
return r
func pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg *pvacfgnode, tag string, path []*pvacfgnode, abbrevs map[string]int) ast.Stmt {
if pvacfg == nil {
abbrev := toabbrev(tag, path)
if _, ok := abbrevs[abbrev]; !ok {
abbrevs[abbrev] = len(abbrevs)
return &ast.ReturnStmt{
Results: []ast.Expr{&ast.BinaryExpr{
Op: token.ADD,
X: &ast.Ident{Name: "DW_ABRV_PUTVAR_START"},
Y: &ast.BasicLit{Kind: token.INT, Value: strconv.Itoa(abbrevs[abbrev])}}}}
if pvacfg.attr != "" {
return pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.then, tag, append(path, pvacfg), abbrevs)
} else if pvacfg.cond != nil {
if bx, _ := pvacfg.cond.(*ast.BinaryExpr); bx != nil && bx.Op == token.EQL && exprToString(bx.X) == "v.Tag" {
// this condition is "v.Tag == Xxx", check the value of 'tag'
y := exprToString(bx.Y)
if y == tag {
return pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.then, tag, path, abbrevs)
} else {
return pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.els, tag, path, abbrevs)
} else {
r := &ast.IfStmt{Cond: pvacfg.cond}
r.Body = &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.then, tag, path, abbrevs)}}
r.Else = &ast.BlockStmt{List: []ast.Stmt{pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.els, tag, path, abbrevs)}}
return r
} else {
return pvacfgvisitnode(pvacfg.then, tag, path, abbrevs)
func toabbrev(tag string, path []*pvacfgnode) string {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "{\n%s,\nDW_CHILDREN_no,\n[]dwAttrForm{\n", tag)
for _, node := range path {
if node.cond == nil {
fmt.Fprintf(buf, "{%s, %s},\n", node.attr, node.form)
fmt.Fprint(buf, "},\n}")
return buf.String()