blob: f811ccd8c83a14ebeb98d88f58391b4b37b1574c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package slog
// concat returns a new slice with the elements of s1 followed
// by those of s2. The slice has no additional capacity.
func concat[T any](s1, s2 []T) []T {
s := make([]T, len(s1)+len(s2))
copy(s, s1)
copy(s[len(s1):], s2)
return s
// Cheap integer to fixed-width decimal ASCII. Give a negative width to avoid zero-padding.
// Copied from log/log.go.
func itoa(buf *[]byte, i int, wid int) {
// Assemble decimal in reverse order.
var b [20]byte
bp := len(b) - 1
for i >= 10 || wid > 1 {
q := i / 10
b[bp] = byte('0' + i - q*10)
i = q
// i < 10
b[bp] = byte('0' + i)
*buf = append(*buf, b[bp:]...)