blob: ab6d9800bc9de519e537605ed5ee9262511bf74c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocore
import (
// loadTest loads a simple core file which resulted from running the
// following program on linux/amd64 with go 1.9.0 (the earliest supported runtime):
// package main
// func main() {
// _ = *(*int)(nil)
// }
func loadExample(t *testing.T) *Process {
c, err := core.Core("testdata/core", "testdata")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't load test core file: %s", err)
p, err := Core(c, FlagTypes|FlagReverse)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't parse Go core: %s", err)
return p
func TestObjects(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
n := 0
p.ForEachObject(func(x Object) bool {
return true
if n != 104 {
t.Errorf("#objects = %d, want 104", n)
func TestRoots(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
n := 0
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
return true
if n != 257 {
t.Errorf("#roots = %d, want 257", n)
// TestConfig checks the configuration accessors.
func TestConfig(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
if v := p.BuildVersion(); v != "go1.9" {
t.Errorf("version=%s, wanted go1.9", v)
if n := p.Stats().Size; n != 2732032 {
t.Errorf("all stats=%d, want 2732032", n)
func TestFindFunc(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
a := core.Address(0x404000)
f := p.FindFunc(a)
if f == nil {
t.Errorf("can't find function at %x", a)
if n := f.Name(); n != "runtime.recvDirect" {
t.Errorf("funcname(%x)=%s, want runtime.recvDirect", a, n)
func TestTypes(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
// Check the type of a few objects.
for _, s := range [...]struct {
addr core.Address
size int64
kind Kind
name string
repeat int64
{0xc420000480, 384, KindStruct, "runtime.g", 1},
{0xc42000a020, 32, KindPtr, "*runtime.g", 4},
{0xc420082000, 96, KindStruct, "hchan<bool>", 1},
{0xc420062000, 64, KindStruct, "runtime._defer", 1},
} {
x, i := p.FindObject(s.addr)
if x == 0 {
t.Errorf("can't find object at %x", s.addr)
if i != 0 {
t.Errorf("offset(%x)=%d, want 0", s.addr, i)
if p.Size(x) != s.size {
t.Errorf("size(%x)=%d, want %d", s.addr, p.Size(x), s.size)
typ, repeat := p.Type(x)
if typ.Kind != s.kind {
t.Errorf("kind(%x)=%s, want %s", s.addr, typ.Kind, s.kind)
if typ.Name != {
t.Errorf("name(%x)=%s, want %s", s.addr, typ.Name,
if repeat != s.repeat {
t.Errorf("repeat(%x)=%d, want %d", s.addr, repeat, s.repeat)
y, i := p.FindObject(s.addr + 1)
if y != x {
t.Errorf("can't find object at %x", s.addr+1)
if i != 1 {
t.Errorf("offset(%x)=%d, want i", s.addr, i)
func TestReverse(t *testing.T) {
p := loadExample(t)
// Build the pointer map.
// m[x]=y means address x has a pointer to address y.
m1 := map[core.Address]core.Address{}
p.ForEachObject(func(x Object) bool {
p.ForEachPtr(x, func(i int64, y Object, j int64) bool {
m1[p.Addr(x).Add(i)] = p.Addr(y).Add(j)
return true
return true
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
p.ForEachRootPtr(r, func(i int64, y Object, j int64) bool {
m1[r.Addr.Add(i)] = p.Addr(y).Add(j)
return true
return true
// Build the same, with reverse entries.
m2 := map[core.Address]core.Address{}
p.ForEachObject(func(y Object) bool {
p.ForEachReversePtr(y, func(x Object, r *Root, i, j int64) bool {
if r != nil {
m2[r.Addr.Add(i)] = p.Addr(y).Add(j)
} else {
m2[p.Addr(x).Add(i)] = p.Addr(y).Add(j)
return true
return true
if !reflect.DeepEqual(m1, m2) {
t.Errorf("forward and reverse edges don't match")