blob: 0fc1d4417f3716358d4f7fb034ec69d1f5e400e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocore
import (
// read DWARF types from core dump.
func (p *Process) readDWARFTypes() {
d, _ := p.proc.DWARF()
// Make one of our own Types for each dwarf type.
r := d.Reader()
var types []*Type
for e, err := r.Next(); e != nil && err == nil; e, err = r.Next() {
if isNonGoCU(e) {
switch e.Tag {
case dwarf.TagArrayType, dwarf.TagPointerType, dwarf.TagStructType, dwarf.TagBaseType, dwarf.TagSubroutineType, dwarf.TagTypedef:
dt, err := d.Type(e.Offset)
if err != nil {
t := &Type{Name: gocoreName(dt), Size: dwarfSize(dt, p.proc.PtrSize())}
p.dwarfMap[dt] = t
types = append(types, t)
p.runtimeNameMap = map[string][]*Type{}
// Fill in fields of types. Postponed until now so we're sure
// we have all the Types allocated and available.
for dt, t := range p.dwarfMap {
switch x := dt.(type) {
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
t.Kind = KindArray
t.Elem = p.dwarfMap[x.Type]
t.Count = x.Count
case *dwarf.PtrType:
t.Kind = KindPtr
// unsafe.Pointer has a void base type.
if _, ok := x.Type.(*dwarf.VoidType); !ok {
t.Elem = p.dwarfMap[x.Type]
case *dwarf.StructType:
t.Kind = KindStruct
for _, f := range x.Field {
fType := p.dwarfMap[f.Type]
if fType == nil {
// Weird case: arrays of size 0 in structs, like
// Sysinfo_t.X_f. Synthesize a type so things later don't
// get sad.
if arr, ok := f.Type.(*dwarf.ArrayType); ok && arr.Count == 0 {
fType = &Type{
Name: f.Type.String(),
Kind: KindArray,
Count: arr.Count,
Elem: p.dwarfMap[arr.Type],
} else {
"found a nil ftype for field %s.%s, type %s (%s) on ",
x.StructName, f.Name, f.Type, reflect.TypeOf(f.Type)))
// Work around issue 21094. There's no guarantee that the
// pointer type is in the DWARF, so just invent a Type.
if strings.HasPrefix(t.Name, "sudog<") && f.Name == "elem" &&
strings.Count(t.Name, "*")+1 != strings.Count(gocoreName(f.Type), "*") {
ptrName := "*" + gocoreName(f.Type)
fType = &Type{Name: ptrName, Kind: KindPtr, Size: p.proc.PtrSize(), Elem: fType}
p.runtimeNameMap[ptrName] = []*Type{fType}
t.Fields = append(t.Fields, Field{Name: f.Name, Type: fType, Off: f.ByteOffset})
case *dwarf.BoolType:
t.Kind = KindBool
case *dwarf.IntType:
t.Kind = KindInt
case *dwarf.UintType:
t.Kind = KindUint
case *dwarf.FloatType:
t.Kind = KindFloat
case *dwarf.ComplexType:
t.Kind = KindComplex
case *dwarf.FuncType:
t.Kind = KindFunc
case *dwarf.TypedefType:
// handle these types in the loop below
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %s %T", dt, dt))
// Detect strings & slices
for _, t := range types {
if t.Kind != KindStruct {
if t.Name == "string" { // TODO: also "struct runtime.stringStructDWARF" ?
t.Kind = KindString
t.Elem = t.Fields[0].Type.Elem // TODO: check that it is always uint8.
t.Fields = nil
if len(t.Name) >= 9 && t.Name[:9] == "struct []" ||
len(t.Name) >= 2 && t.Name[:2] == "[]" {
t.Kind = KindSlice
t.Elem = t.Fields[0].Type.Elem
t.Fields = nil
// Copy info from base types into typedefs.
for dt, t := range p.dwarfMap {
tt, ok := dt.(*dwarf.TypedefType)
if !ok {
base := tt.Type
// Walk typedef chain until we reach a non-typedef type.
for {
if x, ok := base.(*dwarf.TypedefType); ok {
base = x.Type
bt := p.dwarfMap[base]
// Copy type info from base. Everything except the name.
name := t.Name
*t = *bt
t.Name = name
// Detect some special types. If the base is some particular type,
// then the alias gets marked as special.
// We have aliases like:
// interface {} -> struct runtime.eface
// error -> struct runtime.iface
// Note: the base itself does not get marked as special.
// (Unlike strings and slices, where they do.)
if bt.Name == "runtime.eface" {
t.Kind = KindEface
t.Fields = nil
if bt.Name == "runtime.iface" {
t.Kind = KindIface
t.Fields = nil
// Make a runtime name -> Type map for existing DWARF types.
for dt, t := range p.dwarfMap {
name := runtimeName(dt)
p.runtimeNameMap[name] = append(p.runtimeNameMap[name], t)
// Construct the runtime.specialfinalizer type. It won't be found
// in DWARF before 1.10 because it does not appear in the type of any variable.
// type specialfinalizer struct {
// special special
// fn *funcval
// nret uintptr
// fint *_type
// ot *ptrtype
// }
if p.runtimeNameMap["runtime.specialfinalizer"] == nil {
special := p.findType("runtime.special")
p.runtimeNameMap["runtime.specialfinalizer"] = []*Type{
Name: "runtime.specialfinalizer",
Size: special.Size + 4*p.proc.PtrSize(),
Kind: KindStruct,
Fields: []Field{
Name: "special",
Off: 0,
Type: special,
Name: "fn",
Off: special.Size,
Type: p.findType("*runtime.funcval"),
Name: "nret",
Off: special.Size + p.proc.PtrSize(),
Type: p.findType("uintptr"),
Name: "fint",
Off: special.Size + 2*p.proc.PtrSize(),
Type: p.findType("*runtime._type"),
Name: "fn",
Off: special.Size + 3*p.proc.PtrSize(),
Type: p.findType("*runtime.ptrtype"),
func isNonGoCU(e *dwarf.Entry) bool {
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagCompileUnit {
return false
prod, ok := e.Val(dwarf.AttrProducer).(string)
if !ok {
return true
return !strings.Contains(prod, "Go cmd/compile")
// dwarfSize is used to compute the size of a DWARF type.
// dt.Size() is wrong when it returns a negative number.
// This function implements just enough to correct the bad behavior.
func dwarfSize(dt dwarf.Type, ptrSize int64) int64 {
s := dt.Size()
if s >= 0 {
return s
switch x := dt.(type) {
case *dwarf.FuncType:
return ptrSize // Fix for issue 21097.
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
return x.Count * dwarfSize(x.Type, ptrSize)
case *dwarf.TypedefType:
return dwarfSize(x.Type, ptrSize)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unhandled: %s, %T", x, x))
// gocoreName generates the name this package uses to refer to a dwarf type.
// This name differs from the dwarf name in that it stays closer to the Go name for the type.
// For instance (dwarf name -> gocoreName)
// struct runtime.siginfo -> runtime.siginfo
// *void -> unsafe.Pointer
// struct struct { runtime.signalLock uint32; runtime.hz int32 } -> struct { signalLock uint32; hz int32 }
func gocoreName(dt dwarf.Type) string {
switch x := dt.(type) {
case *dwarf.PtrType:
if _, ok := x.Type.(*dwarf.VoidType); ok {
return "unsafe.Pointer"
return "*" + gocoreName(x.Type)
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", x.Count, gocoreName(x.Type))
case *dwarf.StructType:
if !strings.HasPrefix(x.StructName, "struct {") {
// This is a named type, return that name.
return x.StructName
// Build gocore name from the DWARF fields.
s := "struct {"
first := true
for _, f := range x.Field {
if !first {
s += ";"
name := f.Name
if i := strings.Index(name, "."); i >= 0 {
// Remove pkg path from field names.
name = name[i+1:]
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", name, gocoreName(f.Type))
first = false
s += " }"
return s
return dt.String()
// Generate the name the runtime uses for a dwarf type. The DWARF generator
// and the runtime use slightly different names for the same underlying type.
func runtimeName(dt dwarf.Type) string {
switch x := dt.(type) {
case *dwarf.PtrType:
if _, ok := x.Type.(*dwarf.VoidType); ok {
return "unsafe.Pointer"
return "*" + runtimeName(x.Type)
case *dwarf.ArrayType:
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]%s", x.Count, runtimeName(x.Type))
case *dwarf.StructType:
if !strings.HasPrefix(x.StructName, "struct {") {
// This is a named type, return that name.
return stripPackagePath(x.StructName)
// Figure out which fields have anonymous names.
var anon []bool
for _, f := range strings.Split(x.StructName[8:len(x.StructName)-1], ";") {
f = strings.TrimSpace(f)
anon = append(anon, !strings.Contains(f, " "))
// TODO: this isn't perfect. If the field type has a space in it,
// then this logic doesn't work. Need to search for keyword for
// field type, like "interface", "struct", ...
// Make sure anon is long enough. This probably never triggers.
for len(anon) < len(x.Field) {
anon = append(anon, false)
// Build runtime name from the DWARF fields.
s := "struct {"
first := true
for _, f := range x.Field {
if !first {
s += ";"
name := f.Name
if i := strings.Index(name, "."); i >= 0 {
name = name[i+1:]
if anon[0] {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", runtimeName(f.Type))
} else {
s += fmt.Sprintf(" %s %s", name, runtimeName(f.Type))
first = false
anon = anon[1:]
s += " }"
return s
return stripPackagePath(dt.String())
var pathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`([\w.]+/)+\w+`)
func stripPackagePath(name string) string {
// The runtime uses just package names. DWARF uses whole package paths.
// To convert from the latter to the former, get rid of the package paths.
// Examples:
// text/template.Template -> template.Template
// map[string]compress/gzip.Writer -> map[string]gzip.Writer
return pathRegexp.ReplaceAllStringFunc(name, func(path string) string {
return path[strings.LastIndex(path, "/")+1:]
// readRuntimeConstants populates the p.rtConstants map.
func (p *Process) readRuntimeConstants() {
p.rtConstants = map[string]int64{}
// Hardcoded values for Go 1.9.
// (Go did not have constants in DWARF before 1.10.)
m := p.rtConstants
m["_MSpanDead"] = 0
m["_MSpanInUse"] = 1
m["_MSpanManual"] = 2
m["_MSpanFree"] = 3
m["_Gidle"] = 0
m["_Grunnable"] = 1
m["_Grunning"] = 2
m["_Gsyscall"] = 3
m["_Gwaiting"] = 4
m["_Gdead"] = 6
m["_Gscan"] = 0x1000
m["_PCDATA_StackMapIndex"] = 0
m["_FUNCDATA_LocalsPointerMaps"] = 1
m["_FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps"] = 0
m["tflagExtraStar"] = 1 << 1
m["kindGCProg"] = 1 << 6
m["kindDirectIface"] = 1 << 5
m["_PageSize"] = 1 << 13
m["_KindSpecialFinalizer"] = 1
// From 1.10, these constants are recorded in DWARF records.
d, _ := p.proc.DWARF()
r := d.Reader()
for e, err := r.Next(); e != nil && err == nil; e, err = r.Next() {
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagConstant {
f := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrName)
if f == nil {
name := f.Val.(string)
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "runtime.") {
name = name[8:]
c := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrConstValue)
if c == nil {
p.rtConstants[name] = c.Val.(int64)
const (
_DW_OP_addr = 0x03
_DW_OP_call_frame_cfa = 0x9c
_DW_OP_plus = 0x22
_DW_OP_consts = 0x11
func (p *Process) readGlobals() {
d, _ := p.proc.DWARF()
r := d.Reader()
for e, err := r.Next(); e != nil && err == nil; e, err = r.Next() {
if isNonGoCU(e) {
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagVariable {
f := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrLocation)
if f == nil {
if f.Class != dwarf.ClassExprLoc {
// Globals are all encoded with this class.
loc := f.Val.([]byte)
if len(loc) == 0 || loc[0] != _DW_OP_addr {
var a core.Address
if p.proc.PtrSize() == 8 {
a = core.Address(p.proc.ByteOrder().Uint64(loc[1:]))
} else {
a = core.Address(p.proc.ByteOrder().Uint32(loc[1:]))
if !p.proc.Writeable(a) {
// Read-only globals can't have heap pointers.
// TODO: keep roots around anyway?
f = e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrType)
if f == nil {
dt, err := d.Type(f.Val.(dwarf.Offset))
if err != nil {
if _, ok := dt.(*dwarf.UnspecifiedType); ok {
continue // Ignore markers like data/edata.
nf := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrName)
if nf == nil {
p.globals = append(p.globals, &Root{
Name: nf.Val.(string),
Addr: a,
Type: p.dwarfMap[dt],
Frame: nil,
func (p *Process) readStackVars() {
type Var struct {
name string
off int64
typ *Type
vars := map[*Func][]Var{}
var curfn *Func
d, _ := p.proc.DWARF()
r := d.Reader()
for e, err := r.Next(); e != nil && err == nil; e, err = r.Next() {
if isNonGoCU(e) {
if e.Tag == dwarf.TagSubprogram {
lowpc := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrLowpc)
highpc := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrHighpc)
if lowpc == nil || highpc == nil {
min := core.Address(lowpc.Val.(uint64))
max := core.Address(highpc.Val.(uint64))
f := p.funcTab.find(min)
if f == nil {
// some func Go doesn't know about. C?
curfn = nil
} else {
if f.entry != min {
panic("dwarf and runtime don't agree about start of " +
if p.funcTab.find(max-1) != f {
panic("function ranges don't match for " +
curfn = f
if e.Tag != dwarf.TagVariable && e.Tag != dwarf.TagFormalParameter {
aloc := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrLocation)
if aloc == nil {
if aloc.Class != dwarf.ClassExprLoc {
// TODO: handle ClassLocListPtr here.
// As of go 1.11, locals are encoded this way.
// Until we fix this TODO, viewcore will not be able to
// show local variables.
// Interpret locations of the form
// DW_OP_call_frame_cfa
// DW_OP_consts <off>
// DW_OP_plus
// (with possibly missing DW_OP_consts & DW_OP_plus for the zero offset.)
// TODO: handle other possible locations (e.g. register locations).
loc := aloc.Val.([]byte)
if len(loc) == 0 || loc[0] != _DW_OP_call_frame_cfa {
loc = loc[1:]
var off int64
if len(loc) != 0 && loc[0] == _DW_OP_consts {
loc = loc[1:]
var s uint
for len(loc) > 0 {
b := loc[0]
loc = loc[1:]
off += int64(b&0x7f) << s
s += 7
if b&0x80 == 0 {
off = off << (64 - s) >> (64 - s)
if len(loc) == 0 || loc[0] != _DW_OP_plus {
loc = loc[1:]
if len(loc) != 0 {
continue // more stuff we don't recognize
f := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrType)
if f == nil {
dt, err := d.Type(f.Val.(dwarf.Offset))
if err != nil {
nf := e.AttrField(dwarf.AttrName)
if nf == nil {
name := nf.Val.(string)
vars[curfn] = append(vars[curfn], Var{name: name, off: off, typ: p.dwarfMap[dt]})
// Get roots from goroutine stacks.
for _, g := range p.goroutines {
for _, f := range g.frames {
// Start with all pointer slots as unnamed.
unnamed := map[core.Address]bool{}
for a := range f.Live {
unnamed[a] = true
// Emit roots for DWARF entries.
for _, v := range vars[f.f] {
r := &Root{
Addr: f.max.Add(,
Type: v.typ,
Frame: f,
f.roots = append(f.roots, r)
// Remove this variable from the set of unnamed pointers.
for a := r.Addr; a < r.Addr.Add(r.Type.Size); a = a.Add(p.proc.PtrSize()) {
delete(unnamed, a)
// Emit roots for unnamed pointer slots in the frame.
// Make deterministic by sorting first.
s := make([]core.Address, 0, len(unnamed))
for a := range unnamed {
s = append(s, a)
sort.Slice(s, func(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] })
for _, a := range s {
r := &Root{
Name: "unk",
Addr: a,
Type: p.findType("unsafe.Pointer"),
Frame: f,
f.roots = append(f.roots, r)
/* Dwarf encoding notes
type XXX sss
translates to a dwarf type pkg.XXX of the type of sss (uint, float, ...)
exception: if sss is a struct or array, then we get two types, the "unnamed" and "named" type.
The unnamed type is a dwarf struct type with name "struct pkg.XXX" or a dwarf array type with
name [N]elem.
Then there is a typedef with pkg.XXX pointing to "struct pkg.XXX" or [N]elem.
For structures, lowercase field names are prepended with the package name (pkg path?).
type XXX interface{}
pkg.XXX is a typedef to "struct runtime.eface"
type XXX interface{f()}
pkg.XXX is a typedef to "struct runtime.iface"
Sometimes there is even a chain of identically-named typedefs. I have no idea why.
main.XXX -> main.XXX -> struct runtime.iface