blob: 21cea176b411c1041894d29607743eb0fb46e848 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gocore
import (
func (p *Process) reverseEdges() {
// First, count the number of edges into each object.
// This allows for efficient packing of the reverse edge storage.
cnt := make([]int64, p.nObj+1)
p.ForEachObject(func(x Object) bool {
p.ForEachPtr(x, func(_ int64, y Object, _ int64) bool {
idx, _ := p.findObjectIndex(p.Addr(y))
return true
return true
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
p.ForEachRootPtr(r, func(_ int64, y Object, _ int64) bool {
idx, _ := p.findObjectIndex(p.Addr(y))
return true
return true
// Compute cumulative count of all incoming edges up to and including each object.
var n int64
for idx, c := range cnt {
n += c
cnt[idx] = n
// Allocate all the storage for the reverse edges.
p.redge = make([]core.Address, n)
// Add edges to the lists.
p.ForEachObject(func(x Object) bool {
p.ForEachPtr(x, func(i int64, y Object, _ int64) bool {
idx, _ := p.findObjectIndex(p.Addr(y))
e := cnt[idx]
cnt[idx] = e
p.redge[e] = p.Addr(x).Add(i)
return true
return true
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
p.ForEachRootPtr(r, func(i int64, y Object, _ int64) bool {
idx, _ := p.findObjectIndex(p.Addr(y))
e := cnt[idx]
cnt[idx] = e
p.redge[e] = r.Addr.Add(i)
return true
return true
// At this point, cnt contains the cumulative count of all edges up to
// but *not* including each object.
p.ridx = cnt
// Make root index.
p.ForEachRoot(func(r *Root) bool {
p.rootIdx = append(p.rootIdx, r)
return true
sort.Slice(p.rootIdx, func(i, j int) bool { return p.rootIdx[i].Addr < p.rootIdx[j].Addr })
// ForEachReversePtr calls fn for all pointers it finds pointing to y.
// It calls fn with:
// the object or root which points to y (exactly one will be non-nil)
// the offset i in that object or root where the pointer appears.
// the offset j in y where the pointer points.
// If fn returns false, ForEachReversePtr returns immediately.
// FlagReverse must have been passed to Core when p was constructed.
func (p *Process) ForEachReversePtr(y Object, fn func(x Object, r *Root, i, j int64) bool) {
idx, _ := p.findObjectIndex(p.Addr(y))
for _, a := range p.redge[p.ridx[idx]:p.ridx[idx+1]] {
// Read pointer, compute offset in y.
ptr := p.proc.ReadPtr(a)
j := ptr.Sub(p.Addr(y))
// Find source of pointer.
x, i := p.FindObject(a)
if x != 0 {
// Source is an object.
if !fn(x, nil, i, j) {
// Source is a root.
k := sort.Search(len(p.rootIdx), func(k int) bool {
r := p.rootIdx[k]
return a < r.Addr.Add(r.Type.Size)
r := p.rootIdx[k]
if !fn(0, r, a.Sub(r.Addr), j) {
func (p *Process) findRootIndex(r *Root) int {
return sort.Search(len(p.rootIdx), func(k int) bool {
return p.rootIdx[k].Addr >= r.Addr