blob: 2e6c5d7a9c7f3d901470f673f4aeb0092496949d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
The gomote command is a client for the Go builder infrastructure.
It's a remote control for remote Go builder machines.
gomote [global-flags] cmd [cmd-flags]
For example,
$ gomote create openbsd-amd64-gce56
$ gomote push
$ gomote run openbsd-amd64-gce56 src/make.bash
TODO: document more, and figure out the CLI interface more.
package main
import (
var (
user = flag.String("user", username(), "gomote server username; if set to the empty string, only GCE VMs can be created, without using the coordinator.")
proj = flag.String("project", "symbolic-datum-552", "GCE project owning builders")
zone = flag.String("zone", "us-central1-a", "GCE zone")
// Mostly dev options:
dev = flag.Bool("dev", false, "if true, the default project becomes the default staging project")
buildletBucket = flag.String("buildletbucket", "", "Optional alternate GCS bucket for the buildlet binaries.")
type command struct {
name string
des string
run func([]string) error
var commands = map[string]command{}
func sortedCommands() []string {
s := make([]string, 0, len(commands))
for name := range commands {
s = append(s, name)
return s
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, `Usage of gomote: gomote [global-flags] <cmd> [cmd-flags]
Global flags:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Commands:\n\n")
for _, name := range sortedCommands() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " %-10s %s\n", name, commands[name].des)
func registerCommand(name, des string, run func([]string) error) {
if _, dup := commands[name]; dup {
panic("duplicate registration of " + name)
commands[name] = command{
name: name,
des: des,
run: run,
func coordinatorClient() *buildlet.CoordinatorClient {
inst := build.ProdCoordinator
if *dev {
inst = build.StagingCoordinator
return &buildlet.CoordinatorClient{
Auth: buildlet.UserPass{
Username: "user-" + *user,
Password: userToken(),
Instance: inst,
func registerCommands() {
registerCommand("create", "create a buildlet", create)
registerCommand("destroy", "destroy a buildlet", destroy)
registerCommand("gettar", "extract a tar.gz from a buildlet", getTar)
registerCommand("ls", "list the contents of a directory on a buildlet", ls)
registerCommand("list", "list buildlets", list)
registerCommand("ping", "test whether a buildlet is alive and reachable ", ping)
registerCommand("push", "sync the repo of your pwd to the buildlet", push)
registerCommand("put", "put files on a buildlet", put)
registerCommand("put14", "put Go 1.4 in place", put14)
registerCommand("puttar", "extract a tar.gz to a buildlet", putTar)
registerCommand("rm", "delete files or directories", rm)
registerCommand("run", "run a command on a buildlet", run)
func main() {
flag.Usage = usage
if *dev {
*proj = "go-dashboard-dev"
dashboard.BuildletBucket = "dev-go-builder-data"
if v := *buildletBucket; v != "" {
dashboard.BuildletBucket = v
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
cmdName := args[0]
cmd, ok := commands[cmdName]
if !ok {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unknown command %q\n", cmdName)
err :=[1:])
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error running %s: %v\n", cmdName, err)