all: remote buildlets

This creates a mechanism for clients (such as cmd/release and
cmd/gomote) to obtain buildlets via the coordinator. Previously
cmd/release and cmd/gomote could only create GCE VMs themselves, and
required the GCE project's credentials. In addition to the awkwardness
of needing to hand out the GCE credentials, it also meant ARM and
Darwin buildlets (which use the reverse buildlet pool) weren't usable.

Instead, this creates a new auth mechanism where the coordinator is
contacted over TLS with key pinning (the CA system isn't used) in the
same way that the reverse builders already dialed into the
coordinator, and then a "user build type" and hash are sent as the
username and password. The same master key is used to sign user
builder keys, and they always start with "user-". (which isn't a GOOS).

Then the coordinator provides an API to create and list buildlets.
They auto-expire after a duration and are auto-renewed upon use.

The buildlet library (as used by cmd/release etc) then proxies HTTP
requests via the coordinator to the backend buildlet.

See doc/remote-buildlet.txt for protocol details.

Change-Id: I12e27eae788fdd91927cb182b950893dc759f8e9
Reviewed-by: Andrew Gerrand <>
18 files changed