blob: b5e39721e0e2f30ae69596896c46f919a73dd2cb [file] [log] [blame]
coordinator: builders.go coordinator.go dash.go debug.go gce.go remote.go reverse.go status.go watcher.go
GOOS=linux go build --ldflags="-X main.Version $$USER-$$(TZ=UTC date +%FT%T)Z" -o coordinator .
# After "make upload", either reboot the machine, or ssh to it and:
# sudo systemctl restart gobuild.service
# And watch its logs with:
# sudo journalctl -f -u gobuild.service
upload: coordinator
cat coordinator | (cd ../upload && go run upload.go --public --cacheable=false go-builder-data/coordinator)
dev-upload: coordinator
cat coordinator | (cd ../upload && go run upload.go --public --cacheable=false dev-go-builder-data/coordinator)